Real-Time Public Reporting

OMB 3038-0070

OMB 3038-0070

Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) added to the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) new section 2(a)(13), which establishes standards and requirements related to real-time reporting and the public availability of swap transaction and pricing data. Section 2(a)(13) and part 43 of the Commission’s Regulations require reporting parties to publish real-time swap transactions and pricing data to the general public. Without the frequency of reporting set forth in part 43, the Commission would not be able to adequately assess the swap markets and, more importantly, would fail to achieve the frequency of reporting and promotion of increased price discovery in the swaps market which are mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act. (See next paragraph.) The regulations in Part 43 impose certain recordkeeping and public reporting requirements on swaps execution facilities. The final rule amends part 43 of the Commission’s regulations by establishing criteria for determining what constitutes a large notional off-facility swap or block trade for particular markets and contracts pursuant to CEA section 2(a)(13)(E)(ii). The final rule establishes additional measures to protect the identities of swap counterparties and their business transactions and market positions as required under CEA sections 2(a)(13)(E)(i) and 2(a)(13)(C)(iii).

The latest form for Real-Time Public Reporting expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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