Thank you for looking at this opportunity! The Social Security Administration (SSA) and Ipsos invite you to participate in an interview at a research facility in [IF ‘State’ = ‘Illinois’ INSERT ‘Chicago’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘North Carolina’ INSERT’ Charlotte’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘Los Angeles’ OR If ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘Little Rock’] as part of a study regarding how the public uses the online Social Security Statement and which new features they like to see in the online Statement in the future.
We are conducting focus groups with all members of the public that have an active my Social Security account and have accessed this account online. The focus group will consist of 8-10 participants and will last approximately and hour and a half.
Participation in this research is voluntary, you may stop participating at any time, and you do not have to answer every question. Your name will not appear in any reports from the findings. Your interview and survey questions will remain private and confidential.
Recognizing the value of your time, we are offering an honorarium of $150 if you participate in this research. Please answer the questions below to determine if you are eligible to participate in the focus group.
[Do not ask question, RECORD ONLY] Moderator to record sex of the respondent.
What is your age?
24 years of age and under [if chosen, STOP SURVEY, all else proceed to Q2]
25 – 34 years of age
35 – 44 years of age
45 – 54 years of age
55 – 64 years of age
65 years of age and over
Decline to answer
Do you live in or near [IF ‘State’ = ‘Illinois’ INSERT ‘Chicago’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘North Carolina’ INSERT’ Charlotte’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘Los Angeles’ OR If ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘Little Rock’]?
[IF ‘State’ = ‘Illinois’ AND Q3=Yes, CITY MARKER= ‘Chicago’
IF ‘State’ = ‘North Carolina’ AND Q3=Yes, CITY MARKER= ‘Charlotte’
IF ‘State’ = California AND Q3=Yes, CITY MARKER= ‘Los Angeles’
If ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ AND Q3=Yes, CITY MARKER= ‘Little Rock’]
Do you live in [INSERT CITY MARKER VALUE] itself or in the surrounding area?
City [IF CITY MARKER = = ‘Chicago’ OR ‘Los Angeles’, SKIP to Q6; all else STOP SURVEY]
Surrounding area [IF CITY MARKER = ‘Chicago’ OR ‘Los Angeles’ STOP SURVEY. IF CITY MARKER = ‘Charlotte’ OR ‘Little Rock’ Continue to Q5]
You indicated living in the surrounding area of [INSERT CITY MARKER]. Would you consider the area you live to be suburban or rural?
Suburban [IF CITY MARKER = ‘Charlotte’ continue to Q6, all else STOP SURVEY]
Rural [IF Q3 = ‘Little Rock’ continue to Q6, all else STOP SURVEY]
Other, please specify [STOP SURVEY]
Are you familiar with the term Social Security Statement?
Yes [SKIP to Q8]
No [proceed to Q7]
Have you ever received a statement in the mail or accessed a statement online that had the following information?
Your estimated benefits which would tell you what you would receive if you claimed Social Security at age 62, full retirement age or age 70
Your earnings record
Yes [proceed to Q8]
No [proceed to c]
Applying for benefits
Yes [proceed to Q8]
No [proceed to d]
Receiving benefits while you work
Yes [proceed to Q8]
No [proceed to e]
Retirement age considerations
Yes [proceed to Q8]
No [proceed to f]
Information on financial planning
Yes [proceed to Q8]
No [STOP Survey]
Based on your previous answer, we believe you have either received a Social Security Statement in the mail or accessed it on line through your my Social Security Account. In the following section, we will ask you about your experience with the Social Security Statement and if you have accessed this statement online. [proceed to Q9]
Have you created an online my Social Security account?
Have you accessed your Social Security Statement online?
Yes [proceed to Q11]
No [STOP Survey]
Don’t know [STOP Survey]
Thinking back over the last five years, how often have you accessed your Social Security Statement?
At least once per month
At least once per year
At least once over the last 5 years
I have an account, but I have never used it [STOP Survey, all else proceed to Q12]
Recall the last time you accessed your Social Security Statement online. What was your primary reason for accessing your statement?
Verify your earnings (Check my Earnings Record)
Check your estimated future benefits
View the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid
Understand how benefits are calculated
Get information about financial or retirement planning
Learn more about the Social Security program
Other: ______________________________________________
Recall the last time you accessed your Social Security Statement online. How did you access your statement? Did you:
View the Statement online within the my Social Security account.
Download and print out the Statement from the my Social Security account to view it in hard copy.
View the paper Statement that you had received from the Social Security Administration by mail.
Other, please specify:
What is your preferred way to receive the Social Security Statement from SSA?
I prefer to get my Statement online within the my Social Security account.
I prefer to download and print out my Statement from the my Social Security account to view it in hard copy.
I prefer to receive the paper Statement in the mail.
I have no preference.
Are you currently receiving Social Security benefits?
Is anyone else in your household currently receiving any Social Security benefits?
Don’t know
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school
High school graduate
Some college
Trade/technical/vocational training
College grad
Postgraduate work/degree
What is your marital status?
Currently married
Single/Never married
What is your employment status? Please choose all that apply
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
Other, please specify
Not currently employed [Choose one] [Skip to Q21, all else proceed to Q20]
Are you self-employed?
Yes, please specify ______
What is your race?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Some Other Race, please specify:______________________________
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish background?
Don’t know
Please indicate below if you are willing and able to travel to [IF ‘State’ = ‘Illinois’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘ North Carolina’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘XXX’ OR If ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘XXX’] on [IF ‘State’ = [‘Illinois’] INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘North Carolina’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘XXX’].
Currently, we have focus groups scheduled in [IF ‘State’ = ‘Illinois’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘ North Carolina’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘XXX’ OR If ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘XXX’] on [IF ‘State’ = [‘Illinois’] INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘North Carolina’ INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = California INSERT ‘XXX’ OR IF ‘State’ = ‘Arkansas’ INSERT ‘XXX’] at 7:00PM – 8:30PM. Will you be able to participate at this date and time?
Yes [Proceed to Q22]
No [STOP Survey]
Don’t know [STOP Survey]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | rsineat |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |