The Study of Implementation of the ESEA Title I—Part C Migrant Education Program Serving Children of Agricultural Workers and Fishers
September 5, 2017
The Study of the Implementation of the ESEA Title I—Part C Migrant Education Program Serving Children of Agricultural Workers and Fishers
Revised Draft OMB Package: Appendix C, Local Coordinator Survey Instrument
Contract GS-10F-0554N/BPA Order ED-PEP-16-A-0005/TO01
SRI Project P24149
Submitted to:
Joanne Bogart
Policy and Program Studies Service
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Prepared by:
SRI International
Rebecca Schmidt
Deborah Jonas
Policy Studies Associates
Leslie Anderson
Email Text with Survey Link
Dear {Local MEP Coordinator name}:
The U.S. Department of Education (the Department) has commissioned the Study of Implementation of the ESEA Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP) Serving Children of Agricultural Workers and Fishers. The study includes a survey focusing on four primary topics: (1) migrant student identification and recruitment activities; (2) MEP-funded services and supports for migratory students and out-of-school youth (OSY); (3) coordination and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to serve the needs of migratory students and out-of-school youth; and (4) data use.
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. We ask that you complete this survey no later than {XXXX, 2018}.
If you are not the best person to respond to questions about the MEP program, please send a message to with the name, email address, and phone number of a more appropriate respondent in your {region/LOA/LEA} or call 800-xxx-xxxx. 1
Linked Log-in Page Text
Survey of Local
Migrant Education Program Coordinators
Dear Local Administrator,
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Study of the Implementation of the ESEA Title I—Part C Migrant Education Program Serving Children of Agricultural Workers and Fishers.
Purpose of Study: To better understand how services supported through the Migrant Education Program are implemented.
Sponsor: The study is being conducted by SRI International under a contract from the U.S. Department of Education.
Participation: Participation in this study is required under Section 8306(a)(4) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XX.
Reporting and Confidentiality: Responses to this survey will be used to summarize findings in an aggregate manner (across groups or sites), or will be used to provide examples of program implementation in a manner that does not associate responses with a specific site or individual. The study team may refer to the generic title of an individual (e.g., State MEP Director) but neither the site name nor the individual name will be used. All efforts will be made to keep the description of the site general enough so that the reader would never be able to determine the identity of the site. The study team will make sure that access to all data with identifiable information is limited to members of the study team. Except for that which is already public, every effort will be made to maintain the confidentiality for all information collected, and we will not provide information that identifies you or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
Response Burden: This survey should require approximately 20 minutes of your time.
Benefits: Your participation will help inform policy makers, educators, and researchers at the local, state, and national level about the implementation of the Title I-Part C Migrant Education Program.
More Information: For questions or more information about this study, you may contact the SRI study team at or call the study toll-free-number at, 1-800-XXX-XXXX.
Please answer the questions to the best of your ability by clicking on the appropriate response. Use the “Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of each page to move through the survey. Know that you do not have to complete the survey in one sitting; you can exit and re-enter the survey at any time. |
Thank you for your cooperation in this very important effort!
Migrant Education Program Background and Context
1. In which of the following MEP-related activities is your {Grantee Type} involved? (Select all that apply.)
Identification and recruitment (ID&R) of migratory students (e.g., setting ID&R policy for the state/ LEA/region and/or conducting ID&R activities)
Identifying and/or providing program services and activities to serve the needs of eligible migratory students and out-of-school youth
Collaborating with other regional- or local-level agencies and organizations working with migratory and other at-risk populations
Providing technical assistance and professional development to school or project staff who serve migratory students and/or out-of-school youth
If Grantee Type is RESA:
2. During the past grant period (SY 2016-17) did your Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) award MEP subgrants to any of the following entities in your region?
Yes |
No |
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) |
Local Operating Agencies (LOAs) |
If Grantee Type is RESA:
3. During the past grant period (SY 2016-17) did your RESA contract with any outside contractors or consultants to provide or conduct MEP-related services and activities (e.g., ID&R, instructional or support services, etc.)? (Select one.)
Don't know
If yes:
3a. During the past grant period (SY 2016-17) for which services did your RESA contract with outside contractors or consultants? (Please select all that apply)
Instructional services
Support services
4. Which of the following best describes how your {Grantee Type} manages the identification and recruitment of migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply.)
The {Grantee Type} MEP manages migratory student ID&R activities directly
The {Grantee Type} relies on its regional educational service providers to conduct migratory student ID&R activities {LEA or LOA only}
The {Grantee Type} contracts with an external organization/agency to conduct migratory student ID&R activities
The {Grantee Type} relies on its MEP subgrantees/schools/projects to conduct migratory student ID&R activities
Don't know
If “The {Grantee Type} MEP manages migratory student ID&R activities directly” Is Selected:
5. To what extent does your {Grantee Type} work with the following groups and organizations to identify eligible migratory students for services? (Select one per row.)
Not at all |
To a minimal extent |
To a moderate extent |
To a great extent |
Work sites, employers, or local businesses |
Nonprofit organizations |
Religious organizations |
Schools in my LEA |
Other LEAs in my state |
State-level agencies and organizations in my state [e.g., Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Agriculture, Department of Labor, etc.] |
Migratory families and youth |
6. To your knowledge, which of the following strategies do recruiters in your {Grantee Type} use to identify and recruit eligible migratory students? (Select one per row.)
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
Use referrals from other agencies and organizations (e.g., HHS, Department of Labor, etc.) |
Develop and maintain contact with employers who hire migratory workers |
Develop and maintain contacts with staff in local schools (i.e., school secretaries, nurses, guidance counselors, teachers, bus drivers, and cafeteria workers) who work directly with migratory families |
Develop and maintain contact with local businesses and organizations that serve migratory families |
Develop and maintain contacts in places/communities where migratory families are likely to reside (i.e., local apartment complexes, shared homes/trailers, etc.) |
Attend community events to raise awareness about the availability MEP-funded services |
Use mass media (e.g., radio, television, newspapers, etc.) to raise awareness of MEP-funded services for eligible migratory students and out-of-school youth |
Use social media (e.g., Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) to raise awareness about the availability of MEP-funded services for eligible migratory students and out-of-school youth |
ESSA expanded the definition of Priority For Service (PFS) to include children who made a qualifying move within the previous one-year period—not just during the school year—and who are failing or at risk of failing, or have dropped out of school.
7. Which criteria to determine Priority for Service (PFS) eligibility, if any, has your {Grantee Type} used under NCLB and/or does it plan to use under ESSA? (Select one per row.) |
Used under NCLB and use (or plan to use) under ESSA |
Used under NCLB, but no longer use (or plan to stop using) under ESSA |
Not used under NCLB, but use now (or plan to use) under ESSA |
Not used under NCLB or ESSA |
Don't know |
Changed schools during the previous or current school year |
Achieving below grade-level based on state assessment results |
Lack of state assessment data (e.g., designated absent, exempt, not tested, or not scored on the state assessment) |
Grade point average (GPA) below 1.5 |
Dropped out of school |
Discipline incidents including suspensions or expulsions |
Chronic absenteeism |
Truancy |
Involved in the juvenile justice system (i.e., arrested for delinquency, truancy, under-age drinking, running away, drug possession, etc.) |
In foster care |
Pregnancy / teen parenthood |
Reports of substance abuse |
Limited English proficiency |
Students who are over-age for their grade level |
Students who are behind in accumulating credits for their grade level |
Teacher / staff reports of problems (e.g., academic, social/emotional, etc.) |
Retention in grade |
Changed schools during the previous or current school year |
MEP-funded Services and Supports
this section, please consider the services and supports the {Grantee
Type} provides or funds to serve
the needs of migratory students.
8. To what extent, if at all, did each of the following influence decisions regarding the services and supports your {Grantee Type} provides or funds to meet the needs of migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select one per row.)
Not at all |
To a minimal extent |
To a moderate extent |
To a great extent |
Don't know |
Federal policy priorities |
State policy priorities |
LEA policy priorities |
Social service agency priorities |
Research evidence on migratory students |
Needs assessments of migratory students |
Migratory student outcomes data |
Available MEP funding |
Other state and/or local non-governmental services available to migratory students and out-of-school youth |
9. How does your {Grantee Type} know what services eligible migratory students already receive from other sources (i.e., in school or outside of school) in order to decide what to provide or supplement with MEP funds? (Select all that apply.)
The {Grantee Type} surveys LEA personnel to identify migratory student needs
The {Grantee Type} surveys school personnel to identify migratory student needs
The {Grantee Type} surveys non-profit organizations to identify migratory student and out-of-school youth needs
The {Grantee Type} conducts regular meetings (e.g., annual, bi-annual, bi-monthly, monthly, etc.) with stakeholder groups to identify migratory student and out-of-school youth needs
Conduct monitoring visits to schools to identify migratory student needs {LEA or LOA only}
Meet with migratory families and youth to identify migratory student needs
10. Which of the following instructional services does your {Grantee Type} directly provide and/or fund through its MEP subgrantees to serve the instructional needs of migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.)
{Grantee Type} provides directly |
{Grantee Type} funds through its MEP subgrantees {RESA only} |
Other agencies without MEP funding provide |
Not provided |
Don't know |
Math instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Reading/language arts instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Online courses |
Other online educational support (e.g., test prep, homework help) |
Graduation planning assistance |
Career exploration and guidance |
Academic guidance and academic advocacy services |
Preschool or early childhood education programs |
Preparation for post-secondary transition |
Career and technical skills training (e.g., IT, hospitality, etc.) |
Credit-recovery programs |
GED preparation classes |
ESL instruction |
Adult education classes |
11. To your knowledge, when are these instructional services—provided or funded by your {Grantee Type}—offered to eligible migratory students and/or out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.) {Ask only of services directly provided in Q10}
During the school day in the regular school year |
Before or after school during the regular school year |
Year-round |
During the summer or intersession period ONLY |
Don't know |
Math instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Reading/language arts instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Online courses |
Other online educational support (e.g., test prep, homework help) |
Graduation planning assistance |
Career exploration and guidance |
Academic guidance and academic advocacy services |
Preschool or early childhood education programs |
Preparation for post-secondary transition |
Career and technical skills training (e.g., IT, hospitality, etc.) |
Diagnostic evaluations of the educational needs of individual migratory children and youth |
Credit-recovery programs |
GED preparation classes |
ESL instruction |
Adult education classes |
Other |
12. Which of the following support services does your {Grantee Type} directly provide and/or fund through your MEP subgrantees to serve the needs of migratory students and/or out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.)
{Grantee Type} provides directly |
{Grantee Type} funds through its MEP subgrantees {RESA only} |
Other agencies without MEP funding provide |
Not provided |
Don't know |
Counseling/ mental health services |
Individual student advocacy services |
Health care |
Dental care |
Eye care |
School supplies |
Clothing |
Transportation not otherwise provided |
Language support (e.g., translation or interpretation services) not otherwise provided |
Mentoring |
Leadership development programs |
Housing guidance or assistance |
Child care |
13. To your knowledge, when are these support services offered to eligible migratory students and/or out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.) {Ask only of services directly provided in Q12}
During the school day in the regular school year |
Before or after school during the regular school year |
Year-round |
During the summer or intersessions period ONLY |
Don't know |
Counseling/ mental health services |
Individual student advocacy services |
Health care |
Dental care |
Eye care |
School supplies |
Clothing |
Transportation not otherwise provided |
Language support (e.g., translation or interpretation services) |
Mentoring |
Leadership development programs |
Housing guidance or assistance |
Child care |
Other |
14. Which of the following referral services and supports does your {Grantee Type} directly provide and/or fund through your MEP subgrantees to eligible migratory students and/or out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.)
{Grantee Type} refers students directly |
Subgrantees funded by {Grantee Type} refer students {RESA only} |
Another agency without MEP funding refers students |
Not provided |
Health care |
Counseling/mental health services |
Dental care |
Eye care |
School supplies |
Clothing |
Transportation |
Language support (e.g., translation or interpretation services) |
Mentoring |
Meal or nutrition programs [including Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) assistance and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)] |
Flexible service delivery (e.g., home-based versus site-based programs) |
Child care |
Adult education classes |
15. How does your {Grantee Type} ensure that services are prioritized for Priority for Service (PFS) migratory students? (Select all that apply.)
Base the selection of MEP subgrantees on the number of identified PFS students
Select MEP subgrantees based on how they will prioritize services for PFS students
Require subgrantees to provide a minimum level of instructional services for PFS students (e.g. number of hours or contacts for PFS migratory students)
Apply a weighted funding formula for MEP subgrantees based on the number of identified PFS students
None of the above
16. What strategies does your {Grantee Type} use to serve eligible migratory out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply.)
Use recruiters to provide on-demand services, such as referrals, support materials, basic needs supplies
Deliver tutoring and instructional support through MEP-funded service providers
Use recruiters to deliver basic English language instruction
Use recruiters to refer out-of-school youth to ESLprograms
Use recruiters to help out-of-school youth enroll in classroom- or online-based credit recovery programs
Collaborate with other organizations and agencies to serve the needs of out-of-school youth
Use MEP funding to support nonprofit organizations’ programming for out-of-school youth
None of the above
Coordination and Collaboration
17. Which of the following advocacy and outreach activities, if any, does your {Grantee Type} use to engage other agencies and organizations to support the needs of migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply.)
In-person meetings
Task force(s)
Dissemination of materials (e.g., informational letters, brochures, or briefs; data or research; etc.)
None of these
18. Does your {Grantee Type} collaborate with other agencies and organizations to provide any of the following instructional services to migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select one per row.) {Ask only of services directly provided in Q10}
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
Math instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Reading/language arts instruction (e.g., tutoring, remedial education, or other instructional services) |
Online courses |
Other online educational support (e.g., test prep, homework help) |
Graduation planning assistance |
Career exploration and guidance |
Academic guidance and advocacy services |
Preschool or early childhood education programs |
Preparation for post-secondary transition |
Career and technical skills training (e.g., IT, hospitality, etc.) |
Diagnostic evaluations of the educational needs of individual migratory children and youth |
Credit-recovery programs |
GED preparation classes |
ESL instruction |
Adult education classes |
Other |
19. Does your {Grantee Type} collaborate with other agencies and organizations to provide any of the following support services to migratory students and out-of-school youth? (Select one per row.) {Ask only of services directly provided in Q12}
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Counseling/mental health services |
Individual student advocacy |
Health care |
Dental care |
Eye care |
School supplies |
Clothing |
Transportation not otherwise provided |
Language support (e.g., translation or interpretation services) |
Mentoring |
Leadership development programs |
Housing guidance or assistance |
Child care |
Other |
20. What, if any, formal agreements does your {Grantee Type} have with other organizations and agencies both within and outside of your {Grantee Type} to serve the needs of migratory students and/or out-of-school youth? (Select all that apply in each row.)
Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) |
Cost-sharing agreement |
Other formal agreement (PLEASE SPECIFY) |
No formal agreement |
Don't know |
Other RESAs, LEAs, and/or LOAs in the state that do not have an MEP subgrant |
Local Health Department |
Local Department of Child and Family Services |
Other local government agencies |
Community-based organizations or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) |
Institutions of higher education (IHEs) |
Local businesses |
Local School Boards |
Parent associations, committees, etc. |
21. In which of the following ways, if any, does your {Grantee Type} coordinate or collaborate with the following OME-funded programs, including the College Assistance Program Migrant Program CAMP), the High School Equivalency Program (HEP), and other OME-funded programs? (Select one per row.)
Agreed to share information/ data on migratory students and/or out-of-school youth |
Participate in an interagency task force or committee for migratory students |
Agreed to work together to distribute program information to students, youth, and families |
Agreed to work together to identify and contact eligible high school students |
Other (SPECIFY) |
N/A: We do not coordinate or collaborate with this program |
Other OME-funded program(s) (PLEASE SPECIFY) |
22. To what extent have efforts to coordinate and collaborate with OME-funded programs (e.g., CAMP, HEP) improved program administration in each of the following areas? (Select one per row.) {Ask only if coordinate in at least one way in Q21}
Not at all |
To a minimal extent |
To a moderate extent |
To a great extent |
Don't know |
Identifying and recruiting eligible migratory students |
Identifying and recruiting eligible out-of-school migratory youth |
Delivering MEP-funded services and supports to migratory students |
Delivering MEP-funded services and supports to out-of-school youth |
Delivering MEP-funded services and supports to PFS students |
Delivering MEP-funded services and supports to high school students |
23. Is a student’s migratory status tracked in your {Grantee Type}'s student information system? (Select one.) {LEA only}
Don't know
If yes to Q23:
24. Which of the following data, if any, can your {Grantee Type}'s student information system disaggregate by students' migratory status? (Select all that apply.)
Yes |
No |
Don't know |
Course grades |
Scores on state assessments |
Attendance |
Truancy |
Discipline incidents including suspensions or expulsions |
In juvenile justice system |
In foster care |
Pregnancy / teen parenthood |
Incidents of substance abuse |
Limited English proficiency |
Overage for grade level |
Retention in grade |
Changed schools during the previous or current school year |
Cohort graduation rates |
Dropout status |
Other (SPECIFY) |
If yes to Q23:
25. How are data disaggregated by students' migratory status made available to MEP grantees? (Select one.)
On demand
Through periodic public reporting
Through periodic reports sent to LEAs and/or MEP subgrantees
If yes to Q23:
26. How many days must a student be enrolled in a school to be included in the school's reported count of migratory students? (Please fill in a number.)
Number of days:
MSIX is the Migrant Students Records Exchange. It is designed to assist in electronic transfer of student records and in determining the number of migratory children and youth in each state.
27. To what extent does MSIX facilitate migratory student records transfer across LEAs within your state? (Select one.)
Not at all
To a minimal extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
Don't know/Not sure
28. To what extent does MSIX facilitate migratory student records transfer across states? (Select one.)
Not at all
To a minimal extent
To a moderate extent
To a great extent
Don't know/Not sure
29. To what extent, if at all, has the MSIX system improved each of the following systems, supports, and services for migratory students and/or out-of-school youth?
Not at all |
To a minimal extent |
To a moderate extent |
To a great extent |
Don't know |
Timeliness of school enrollment |
Appropriateness of grade placements |
Appropriateness of course placements |
Reduction in unnecessary immunizations |
Facilitation of course credit accrual |
Timely notification when migrant students move across states |
30. What data, if any, does your {Grantee Type} use to inform its planning and delivery of MEP-funded services? (Select all that apply.)
Progress on Measurable Program Outcomes
Progress on MEP Performance Targets
Performance on MEP Indicators
Student performance on state assessments
Student enrollment patterns
Student graduation rates
Participant survey responses
Parent survey responses
Staff survey responses
1 A toll-free number will be generated when the study receives OMB clearance.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Migrant Education Project Survey CHv03 |
Author | Qualtrics |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |