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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices
79019) for the Draft Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) for EA–18G
‘‘Growler’’ Airfield Operations at Naval
Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island
Complex, Washington. At that time, the
Department of the Navy (DoN) offered a
75-day extended public comment period
which is will end on January 25, 2017.
This notice confirms a 30-day extension
of the public comment period through
February 24, 2017.
18G EIS Project Manager, Naval
Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC) Atlantic, Attention: Code
EV21/SS; 6506 Hampton Boulevard,
Norfolk, Virginia 23508.
public comment period for the Draft EIS
for EA–18G ‘‘Growler’’ Airfield
Operations at NAS Whidbey Island
Complex, Washington, will be extended
until February 24, 2017. Comments may
be submitted in writing to the address
identified above. In addition, comments
may be submitted online at http:// All written
comments must be postmarked or
received online by February 24, 2017 to
ensure they become part of the official
record. All comments submitted to the
DoN during the public comment period
will be addressed in the Final EIS.
Those commenters submitting written
comments should indicate whether they
authorize release of personally
identifiable information. The DoN may
release the city, state, and 5-digit zip
code of individuals who provide
comments during the Draft EIS public
review period. However, the names,
street addresses, email addresses and
screen names, telephone numbers, or
other personally identifiable
information of those individuals will
not be released by the DoN unless
required by law.
The Draft EIS is available for public
electronic viewing or download at the
project Web site. A paper copy of the
Draft EIS may be reviewed at 22 public
libraries in the northern Puget Sound
region. The full list of and addresses for
each of the libraries may be found at the
project Web site.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Dated: January 12, 2017.
A.M. Nichols,
Lieutenant Commander, Judge Advocate
General’s Corps, U.S. Navy, Federal Register
Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–01513 Filed 1–23–17; 8:45 am]
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Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Submission for OMB Review
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Final Notice of Submission for
OMB Review—Extension Without
Change: Local Union Report (EEO–3).
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC or Commission) announces that
it is submitting to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a
request for a three-year extension
without change of the Local Union
Report (EEO–3) (Form 274).
DATES: Written comments on this notice
must be submitted on or before February
23, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice
must be submitted to Joseph B. Nye,
Policy Analyst, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20503,
Commenters are also encouraged to
send comments to the EEOC online at, which is
the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow
the instructions on the Web site for
submitting comments. In addition, the
EEOC’s Executive Secretariat will accept
comments in hard copy. Hard copy
comments should be sent to Bernadette
Wilson, Acting Executive Officer, EEOC,
131 M Street NE., Washington, DC
20507. Finally, the Executive Secretariat
will accept comments totaling six or
fewer pages by facsimile (‘‘fax’’)
machine before the same deadline at
(202) 663–4114. (This is not a toll-free
number.) Receipt of fax transmittals will
not be acknowledged, except that the
sender may request confirmation of
receipt by calling the Executive
Secretariat staff at (202) 663–4070
(voice) or (202) 663–4074 (TTY). (These
are not toll-free telephone numbers.)
The EEOC will post online at http:// all comments
submitted via this Web site, in hard
copy, or by fax to the Executive
Secretariat. These comments will be
posted without change, including any
personal information you provide.
However, the EEOC reserves the right to
refrain from posting libelous or
otherwise inappropriate comments
including those that contain obscene,
indecent, or profane language; that
contain threats or defamatory
statements; that contain hate speech
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directed at race, color, sex, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or
genetic information; or that promote or
endorse services or products. All
comments received, including any
personal information provided, also will
be available for public inspection during
normal business hours by appointment
only at the EEOC Headquarters Library,
131 M Street NE., Washington, DC
20507. Upon request, individuals who
require assistance viewing comments
will be provided appropriate aids such
as readers or print magnifiers. To
schedule an appointment, contact EEOC
Library staff at (202) 663–4630 (voice) or
(202) 663–4641 (TTY). (These are not
toll-free numbers.)
Ronald Edwards, Director, Program
Research and Surveys Division, Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission,
131 M Street NE., Room 4SW30F,
Washington, DC 20507; (202) 663–4949
(voice) or (202) 663–7063 (TTY).
Requests for this notice in an alternative
format should be made to the Office of
Communications and Legislative Affairs
at (202) 663–4191 (voice) or (202) 663–
4494 (TTY).
has collected information from local
unions on the EEO–3 form since 1967.
A notice that EEOC would be submitting
this request was published in the
Federal Register on September 13, 2016
allowing for a 60-day public comment
period. There were no comments
received from the public.
Overview of Information Collection
Collection Title: Local Union Report
OMB Number: 3046–0006.
Frequency of Report: Biennial.
Type of Respondent: Referral local
unions with 100 or more members.
Description of Affected Public:
Referral local unions and independent
or unaffiliated referral unions and
similar labor organizations.
Responses: 1,075.1
Biennial Reporting Hours: 2203.75.
Biennial Cost Burden: $90,885.34.
Biennial Federal Cost: $81,935.
Number of Forms: 1.
Form Number: EEOC Form 274.
Abstract: Section 709(c) of Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000e–8(c), requires
labor organizations to make and keep
records relevant to a determination of
whether unlawful employment practices
1 This figure differs from the estimated number of
respondents provided in the September 13, 2016
Federal Register notice. The figure was changed to
reflect the most current information on the number
of EEO–3 filers.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 24, 2017 / Notices
have been or are being committed and
to produce reports from the data. The
EEOC issued regulations requiring
referral local unions with 100 or more
members to submit EEO–3 reports. The
individual reports are confidential. The
EEOC uses EEO–3 data to investigate
charges of discrimination and for
Burden Statement: The EEOC has
updated its methodology for calculating
annual burden to reflect the different
staff that are responsible for preparing
and filing the EEO–3. The EEOC now
accounts for time to be spent biennially
on EEO–3 reporting by business agents
and administrative staff, as well as time
spent by attorneys who, in a few cases,
may consult briefly during the reporting
process. As shown in Table 1 below, we
estimate that Secretaries/Administrative
Assistants and Business Agents will
each spend 1 hour per report, and Legal
Counsel will spend .05 hour per report.
The estimated number of respondents
included in the biennial EEO–3 survey
is 1,075 referral unions, as this is the
number of filers from the 2014 reporting
cycle. Table 1, below, was utilized to
quantify estimates of the annual burden
of EEO–3 survey respondents. Burden
hour cost was calculated using median
hourly wage rates for administrative
staff and legal counsel, and average
hourly wage rates for labor union
business agents.2 The estimated hour
burden per report will be 2.05 hours,
and the estimated total biennial
respondent burden hours will be
2,203.75. The burden hour cost per
respondent will be $84.54, and the
estimated total biennial burden hour
cost for all respondents will be
$90,885.34. (See Table 1 for
Hourly wage
Local referral union staff
per local
Cost per
local 3
burden hours 4
burden hour
cost 5
Number of Local Unions = 1075
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants ..........................
Business Agent ....................................................................
Legal Counsel ......................................................................
Total ..............................................................................
Estimated burden hours were
calculated by multiplying the number of
reports expected to be filed biennially
(1,075 in 2014) by the estimated average
time to complete and submit each report
(2.05 hours). These estimates are based
on an assumption of paper reporting.
However, the EEOC has made electronic
filing much easier for respondents
required to file the EEO–3 Report. As a
result, more jurisdictions are using this
filing method. This development, along
with the greater availability of human
resource information software, is
expected to have significantly reduced
the actual burden of reporting, but
empirical data in this area is lacking.
The Commission continues to develop
more reliable estimates of reporting
burdens given the significant increase in
electronic filing and explore new
approaches to make such reporting even
less burdensome. In order to help
reduce survey burden, respondents are
encouraged to report data electronically
whenever possible.
Dated: January 13, 2017.
For the Commission.
Jenny R. Yang,
[FR Doc. 2017–01558 Filed 1–23–17; 8:45 am]
Granting of Request for Early
Termination of the Waiting Period
Under the Premerger Notification
Section 7A of the Clayton Act, 15
U.S.C. 18a, as added by Title II of the
Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, requires
persons contemplating certain mergers
or acquisitions to give the Federal Trade
Commission and the Assistant Attorney
General advance notice and to wait
designated periods before
consummation of such plans. Section
7A(b)(2) of the Act permits the agencies,
in individual cases, to terminate this
waiting period prior to its expiration
and requires that notice of this action be
published in the Federal Register.
The following transactions were
granted early termination—on the dates
indicated—of the waiting period
provided by law and the premerger
notification rules. The listing for each
transaction includes the transaction
number and the parties to the
transaction. The grants were made by
the Federal Trade Commission and the
Assistant Attorney General for the
Antitrust Division of the Department of
Justice. Neither agency intends to take
any action with respect to these
proposed acquisitions during the
applicable waiting period.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
20170262 ......
GTCR Fund X/A LP; Inteliquent, Inc.; GTCR Fund X/A LP.
2 Median hourly wage rates for administrative
staff and legal counsel were obtained from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (see U.S. Dept. of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook
Handbook, http://www/ and the
average hourly wage rate for a labor union business
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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agent was obtained from (see
3 The figures in this column were calculated by
multiplying the figures in the Hourly Wage Rate
column by those in the Hours Per Local Column.
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4 The figures in this column were calculated by
multiplying the figures in the Hours Per Local
column by 1075, the total number of respondents.
5 The figures in this column were calculated by
multiplying the figures in the Cost Per Local
column by 1075, the total number of respondents.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-01-24 |
File Created | 2017-01-24 |