Voice of the Veteran Escaped Beneficiary 7/2/12
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
Sample population definition: Veterans who dropped out of the program prior to completing a rehabilitation plan (may include applicants who never attended the initial meeting with a counselor, applicants who were determined to be entitled and did not complete a rehabilitation plan, and applicants who started, but did not complete rehabilitation (i.e., negative closures))
Pre-Application Process |
How did you FIRST learn about the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefit program? (Mark only one) If you are unsure, please indicate the first way you remember learning about the VR&E program.
VA website
Mail (from VA)
VA phone number (800-827-1000)
Transition Assistance Program/Disabled Transition Assistance Program briefings
Veterans Service Organizations e.g., Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America, etc. (Specify) ___________________
VA medical center
VA Vet center
In person at a Regional Office
Social media websites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Personal visit from a VA employee
Other Veterans
Internet (excluding VA and social media sites)
Friends or family
Information came with notification/ratings letter
Other publications (e.g., Army Times, local newspaper, etc.)
Other (Specify) ___________________
Don’t know or not sure
Thinking about the factors you considered when deciding to apply for benefits, which of the following describes your reason(s) for applying to the VR&E program? (Mark all that apply)
I had a good experience with the VR&E program in the past
A family member or friend recommended the VR&E program
Another Veteran recommended the VR&E program
VA recommended the VR&E program
The program is recommended by an independent source (e.g., Veterans Service Organizations (e.g., Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America.))
It is easy to find information about the VR&E program
VR&E makes it easy to find and obtain suitable employment
The VR&E program has a good reputation
The VR&E program offers services I need
VA makes it easy to apply for the VR&E program
Don’t know or not sure
Reasons for Applying for VR&E services |
Which of the following statements BEST describes your plans at the beginning of the application process? (Mark only one)
I was not planning on participating in the rehabilitation process, but wanted to find out about the rehabilitation services/process
I was not planning on participating in the rehabilitation process, but wanted to find out which services I qualified for
I was considering participating in the rehabilitation process if I liked the services that I qualified for
I was considering participating in the rehabilitation process if the process was not too time-consuming or complicated
I definitely planned to participate in the rehabilitation process
Other (Specify) _________________
Don’t know or not sure
Were you prompted to apply to the VR&E program for any of the following reasons? (Mark only one per row)
Yes |
No |
Information you received during a Transition Assistance Program/Disabled Transition Assistance Program briefing |
Information you received in a letter from a VA Regional Office telling you what information you needed to provide and what VA would do
Change in your life circumstances (e.g., marriage, divorce, loss of job, severity of disability, etc.) |
Current employment did not meet your expectations |
Recommendation or referral |
Other reasons (Specify) |
(Ask Q5 if yes to “Change in life circumstances” in Q4, otherwise go to Q6)
Which of the following describes the change in your life circumstances? (Mark all that apply)
Death in the family
Had children
New job
Lost job
Declared bankruptcy
Severity of disability
None of the above
(Ask Q6 if yes to “Current job did not meet expectations in Q4, otherwise go to Q7)
In what areas did your current employment not meet your expectations? (Mark all that apply)
Experienced problems with supervisors
Did not utilize my skills/abilities
Level of pay
Level of responsibility
Too many work hours
Too few work hours
Poor reliability of pay checks
Lack of benefits
Flexibility of work schedule
Other (Specify) __________________
Entitlement Evaluation |
How soon after you were contacted did you meet with a VR&E representative from VA in person for your initial evaluation appointment? (Open Capture) Please respond using any or all of the following categories
>30 days
Don’t know or not sure
Did not meet with a VR&E representative
(Ask Q8-Q9 if did not meet with representative in Q7, otherwise go to Q10)
Why did you decide not to attend your initial evaluation appointment with VR&E? (Mark all that apply)
I had a poor experience scheduling the initial appointment
I had a poor experience with the VR&E representative
The VR&E program does not offer the services I need
A family member or friend recommended against the VR&E program
Another Veteran recommended against the VR&E program
Issues related to the application process (too time consuming/complicated)
It is difficult to find information about the VR&E program
Concerns about my eligibility for the VR&E program
Other (Specify) _________________
Don’t know or not sure
Did your decision not to attend your initial evaluation appointment involve a change in any of the following life circumstances occurring after you submitted your application? (Mark all that apply)
Death in the family
Had children
New job
Lost job
Declared bankruptcy
Severity of disability
None of the above
Which of the following statements is the most important to you in your decision to attend the initial evaluation appointment? (Mark only one)
Receiving a call from a VA Representative to schedule your appointment
Change in life circumstances (e.g., marriage, divorce, loss of job, severity of disability, etc.)
Current employment did not meet your expectations
Recommendation or referral
Other (Specify) __________________
Entitlement Evaluation Process |
(Ask Q11-Q14 if met with a representative in Q7, otherwise go to Q15)
During your initial evaluation appointment, did the counselor have you participate in any testing? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
(Ask Q12 if Q11 is Yes, otherwise go to Q13)
Did the counselor explain the following…? (Mark all that apply)
Purpose of the test
Results of the test
Next steps in the process
None of the above
Don’t know or not sure
How many appointments did you have with a counselor before an entitlement decision was made? (Open Capture)
Number of appointments (0-99)____________
Don’t know or not sure
(Ask Q14 if Q13 is 2 or more, otherwise go to Q15)
Why was it necessary for you to have more than one appointment? (Mark all that apply)
To provide additional paperwork/documentation (e.g., medical documents)
Additional tests
To follow-up with questions/concerns
Scheduling conflicts
Other (Specify) ___________________
Don’t know or not sure
Application and Evaluation Experience |
The following questions ask you to rate various aspects of your experience with Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average.
Please rate your experience with the VR&E benefit application process on the following items:
Ease of completing the application
Timeliness of eligibility notification
Flexibility of application methods
Overall rating of application process
Using the same 1 to 10 scale, where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average, please rate your experience with Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment counselors during the initial evaluation of your benefit application on the following items:
Promptness of scheduling appointments or returning calls
Courtesy of the counselor
Knowledge of the counselor
Counselor’s concern for your needs
Timeliness of completing your initial evaluation
Overall counselor experience
Rehabilitation Program/Plan Selection |
Did you sign a rehabilitation plan with your counselor?
Don’t know or unsure
(Ask Q18-Q19 if did not complete a rehabilitation plan in Q17, otherwise go to Q20)
Why did you decide not to complete a rehabilitation plan with VR&E? (Mark all that apply)
I had a poor experience with the VR&E representative
The VR&E program does not offer the services I need
I chose to enroll in the GI Bill Program
A family member or friend recommended against the VR&E program
Another Veteran advised against or recommended that I not use the VR&E program
Issues related to the planning process (too time consuming/complicated)
Issues related to transportation
Issues related to a medical condition
It is difficult to find information about the VR&E program
Concerns about my eligibility for the VR&E program
Life circumstances
Other (Specify) _________________
Don’t know or not sure
Did your decision not to complete a rehabilitation plan involve a change in any of the following life circumstances occurring after you received your entitlement decision? (Mark all that apply)
Death in the family
Had children
New job
Lost job
Declared bankruptcy
Severity of disability
None of the above
(Ask Q20-38 if completed a rehabilitation plan in Q17, otherwise go to Q39)
Which of the following statements would you say was the most important to you in your decision to complete the rehabilitation plan process? (Mark only one)
Access to an assigned VR&E counselor
Receiving continuous contact from an assigned VR&E counselor
Change in life circumstances (e.g., marriage, divorce, loss of job, severity of disability, etc.)
Current employment did not meet your expectations
Recommendation or referral
f. Other (Specify) _________________
Was the counselor during the planning phase of your program the same counselor who conducted your initial evaluation? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
Did your counselor provide you with information about VetSuccess.gov? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
Did you register for VetSuccess.gov? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
(Ask Q24 if Q23 is No, otherwise go to Q25)
Why didn’t you register for VetSuccess.gov? (Mark all that apply)
Not aware of VetSuccess.gov
Opted not to use VetSuccess.gov
Other (Specify:)___________________________
Don’t know or not sure
Did your final rehabilitation plan include your original vocational training choice? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
(Ask Q26 if Q25 is No or Don’t know, otherwise go to Q27)
Why didn’t your final rehabilitation plan include your original vocational training option? (Mark all that apply)
Poor labor market
Medical reasons
Another vocational option suited my needs better
Other (Specify: )________________
Don’t know or not sure
Which of the following options was selected for your plan of vocational rehabilitation? (Mark only one)
Re-Employment (assistance in returning to work with former employer and providing work-adjustment services, job accommodations, and job modifications)
Rapid Access to Employment (for individuals who already possess the necessary skills to compete for suitable employment opportunities but need additional help with licensures, job readiness preparation, resume development, job searching, etc.)
Self-Employment (individuals who have limited access to traditional employment, need a more flexible work schedule, or need a more accommodating work environment due to their service-connected disabilities)
Employment through long term services (in need of specialized training and/or education to obtain and maintain suitable employment that will not aggravate their service-connected disabilities)
Independent living (individuals whose disabilities are so severe that they are unable to pursue an employment goal at this time and are given assistance to live more independently and increase their potential to return to work)
Rehabilitation Experience |
From the time you signed your rehabilitation plan, how long did it take before you started your program of vocational rehabilitation (e.g., one of the five rehabilitation program options)? (Open Capture) Please respond using any or all of the following categories
Days (0-99 days) _________
Weeks (0-99 weeks) ________
Months (0-99 months) __________
Don’t know or not sure
Did not begin one of the five rehabilitation tracks
Did the same counselor who developed your rehabilitation plan (rehabilitation option selection) also provide case management sessions during the education and training phase? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
Not applicable
Were you given a time frame from VA for completing the education/training phase of your rehabilitation plan (rehabilitation option selection)? (Mark only one)
Don’t know or not sure
(Ask Q31 if Q30is yes, otherwise go to Q32)
Which of the following types of counseling or referrals has your counselor provided? (Mark all that apply)
Education/training enrollment assistance
Career counseling
Personal counseling
Financial counseling
Problem-solving techniques
Referrals to potential employers (e.g., government, private, etc.)
Referrals to employment agencies or job banks
Referrals to health providers (e.g., medical, dental, optical)
Referrals to other counseling programs
Referrals to Veterans Service Organizations (e.g., American Legion)
None of the above
The following question asks you to rate various aspects of your experience with Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average.
Please answer the following question based on your best ability to recall your experience with your VR&E counselor(s).
Please rate your experience with VR&E counselors on the following items:
Promptness of scheduling appointments or returning calls
Courtesy of the counselor
Knowledge of the counselor
Counselor’s concern for your needs
Timeliness of completing your initial evaluation
Overall counselor experience
Which of the following benefits did you receive as part of your rehabilitation plan? (Mark all that apply)
Subsistence allowance
Computer equipment/software
Health services (e.g., medical, dental, optical)
None of the above
Which of the following types of employment services did you receive as part of your rehabilitation plan? (Mark all that apply)
Resume preparation
Interview skills
Obtaining licenses/certifications
Job hunting strategies
Grooming/personal appearance tips
Information interview with potential employers
Job placement assistance
None of the above
Were the amount of services you received as part of your VR&E program less than, more than, or what you expected? (Mark only one)
Less than
What I expected
More than
The following question asks you to rate various aspects of your experience with Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average.
Please rate your VR&E benefit entitlement (e.g., training and counseling) on the following items:
Amount of benefits or services
Effectiveness of benefit/service in preparing and obtaining suitable employment
Timeliness of receiving benefit payment
Overall rating of benefit payment/entitlement
Why did you decide not to complete your rehabilitation through the VR&E program? (Mark all that apply)
I had a poor experience developing my rehabilitation plan
I had a poor experience with the VR&E representative
The VR&E program does not offer the services I need
A family member or friend recommended against the VR&E program
Another Veteran recommended against the VR&E program
Issues related to the program requirements (too time consuming/complicated)
Issues related to transportation
Issues related to a medical condition
It is difficult to find information about the VR&E program
Concerns about my eligibility for a specific track within the VR&E program
Other (Specify) _________________
Don’t know or not sure
Did your decision not to complete your rehabilitation through the VR&E program involve a change in any of the following life circumstances occurring after you completed your rehabilitation plan? (Mark all that apply)
Death in the family
Had children
New job
Lost job
Declared bankruptcy
Severity of disability
None of the above
Overall Experience with Benefit Program |
Thinking about ALL aspects of your experience with Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment benefits, please rate VA overall, using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average. (Mark only one)
Overall Experience with VA |
40. Taking into consideration all of the non-medical benefits (e.g., education, compensation and pension, home loan guaranty, vocational rehabilitation and employment, insurance, etc.) you have applied for or currently receive, please rate your experience with VA overall, using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Unacceptable, 10 is Outstanding, and 5 is Average. (Mark only one)
41. How likely are you to reapply for the VR&E program in the future? (Mark only one)
Definitely will not
Probably will not
Probably will
Definitely will
About You |
42. Are you currently employed? (Mark only one)
Prefer not to state
43. Do you have any other comments or concerns about your experience? (Open Capture)
As a reminder, your responses will be kept completely confidential and your email address will not be sent to VA with any responses on this survey.
44. Would you like to provide an e-mail address so VA can contact you with general information about VA benefits and services? (Mark only one)
a Yes
b. No
c. I do not have an e-mail address
d. Prefer not to answer
(Ask Q45 if Yes in Q44)
45. Please enter your preferred e-mail address where you would like to be contacted: (Open Capture)
a. E-mail:
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Pre-Application Process |
Author | angelafa |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-29 |