The Final Rule in RM16-22-000 approves the PER-006-1 Reliability Standard. The purpose of PER-006-1 is to ensure that personnel are trained on specific topics essential to reliability to perform or support Real-time operations of the Bulk Electric System. FERC-725Y, in general. The information collection (data reported and retained) as required by Reliability Standard PER-005-2 is not submitted to FERC; rather it is retained for access by NERC, the Regional Entity, or FERC in their respective roles of monitoring and enforcing compliance with the NERC Reliability Standards. [Reliability Standard PER-005 includes training requirements for local transmission control center operator personnel, operations support personnel who perform current day or next day outage coordination or assessments, or who determine SOLs or IROLs or operating nomograms in support of real-time operations; and certain generator dispatch personnel at centrally located dispatch centers.]
The latest form for FERC-725Y Mandatory Reliability Standards: PER Standards expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Energy - Energy Supply