Grant Reallotment

OMB 1820-0692

OMB 1820-0692

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (the Act), authorizes the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Commissioner to reallot to other grant recipients that portion of a recipient's annual grant that cannot be used. To maximize the use of appropriated funds under the formula grant programs, RSA has established a reallotment process for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR); State Supported Employment Services (Supported Employment); Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (OIB); Client Assistance Program (CAP); and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) programs. The authority for RSA to reallot formula grant funds is found at sections 110(b)(2) (VR), 603(b) (Supported Employment), 752(i)(4) (OIB), 112(e)(2) (CAP), and 509(e) (PAIR) of the Act. This request is to extend the use of the form for an additional 3 years. The information will be used by the RSA State Monitoring and Program Improvement Division (SMPID) to reallot formula grant funds for the awards mentioned above. This permits RSA to maximize the use of Federal funds to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities.

The latest form for Grant Reallotment expires 2023-07-31 and can be found here.

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