E-Verify Program

OMB 1615-0092

OMB 1615-0092

Section 401(b) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA); Section 401(b) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA); Public Law. 104-208, dated September 30, 1996, provided for the establishment of a Basic Pilot Program to last 4 years. The Basic Pilot Program's operation has been repeatedly extended by Congress; See Basic Pilot Extension Act, Public Law 107-128 (2002); Basic Pilot Program Extension and Expansion Act, Public Law 108-156 (2003); Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2009, Public Law 110-329 (2008). DHS renamed the Basic Pilot "E-Verify" in August 2007. The E-Verify Program allows employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility status of newly hired employees by matching information provided by employees on the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, against existing information contained in the Verification Information System (VIS), a composite information system that checks against Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of State.

The latest form for E-Verify Program expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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