This supporting statement relates to an interim final rule that introduces a new notice opt-in requirement and a requirement for prior approval for distributions. A a national bank or Federal savings association, when calculating on-balance sheet assets as of each day of a reporting quarter for purposes of determining the national bank’s or Federal savings association’s total leverage exposure, may exclude the balance sheet carrying value of U.S. Treasury securities and funds on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank. Before applying this relief, a national bank or Federal savings association must first notify the OCC. During the calendar quarter beginning on July 1, 2020, and until March 31, 2021, no national bank or Federal savings association that has opted in to this relief may make a distribution, or create an obligation to make such a distribution, without prior OCC approval.
The latest form for Capital Adequacy Standards expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Financial Sector Oversight