Mining and Mining Claims and Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rights, 36 CFR 9, Subparts A and B

OMB 1024-0064

OMB 1024-0064

The Organic Act of 1916 (NPS Organic Act) (54 U.S.C. §100101 et seq.) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to develop regulations for national park units under the Department's jurisdiction. The Mining in the Parks Act (54 U.S.C. §100731 et seq.) directs the Secretary of the Interior to regulate all operations in park units in connection with the exercise of mineral rights on patented and unpatented mining claims. The National Park Service (NPS, we) regulations at 36 CFR Part 9, Subparts A and B, ensure that mining and non-Federal oil and gas activities on units of the National Park System are conducted in a manner consistent with preserving each unit for the benefit of present and future generations. Operators must submit specific information describing their future development plans, including steps to mitigate the impacts, and must not conduct any operations until they have NPS approval.

The latest form for Mining and Mining Claims and Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rights, 36 CFR 9, Subparts A and B expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
Supplementary Document
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Supporting Statement A
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Supplementary Document
OMB Details

Mining and Mining Claims

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Energy - Energy Resource Management

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