Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife, 50 CFR 14.61-14.64 and 14.94(k)(4)

OMB 1018-0012

OMB 1018-0012

With few exceptions, businesses or individuals must file FWS Form 3-177 with the Fish and Wildlife Service prior to importing into or exporting from the United States any fish, wildlife, or wildlife products. The information on FWS Form 3-177 helps us fulfill the statutory requirements of the Endangered Species Act and our obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This request updates our collection of Form 3-177 through paper and eDecs to reflect 2016 shipment figures. It also breaks down collection by imports and exports rather than total collections as previously reported in order to provide a better correlation to other electronic systems. Primarily, however, we are requesting approval for electronic collection of data through ACE as an alternative electronic option for importers and exporters to eDecs. The Safe Port Act requires the Service to participate in the International Trade Data System and the Executive Order on Streamlining Exports and Imports establishes U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) as the primary means for collection of international trade data by the government. The latter includes the use of Census’s Automated Export System (AES) to collect agency licenses and other permissions for exports. Although importers or exporters are not mandated to use ACE and AES to file Service data at this time, the Service will begin collection of data in ACE as an alternative to eDecs. If importers file in ACE, they will not file in eDecs. We provide estimates of burden and costs for these new electronic systems, although collection in ACE or AES has not yet begun. The burden information in this request lays out three categories of collection. First, we provide collection burdens and costs for collecting Form 3-177 and the accompanying documents in paper, and electronically in eDecs and ACE, broken down by imports and exports which reflect 2016 figures. Second, we provide the burden and cost of collecting the eDecs confirmation number in AES for exports. Third, we provide the burden and cost of collecting a disclaimer of “no wildlife” as part of automation efforts under ACE and AES. This submission also clarifies the submission of forms 3-177 will occur both electronically and via paper submission.

The latest form for Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife, 50 CFR 14.61-14.64 and 14.94(k)(4) expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
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Form and Instruction
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Form and Instruction
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Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Supporting Statement A
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1978-08-30
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1975-11-28
OMB Details

Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife (Hard Copy - Upon Import) - Individuals

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management

Form 3-177, 3-177aDeclaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlifeedecs.fws.govForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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