2024 60-Day FRN 3038-0074

2024 60-Day FRN 3038-0074 (89 FR 105012).pdf

Core Principles and Other Requirements for Swap Execution Facilities

2024 60-Day FRN 3038-0074

OMB: 3038-0074

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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 22 / Tuesday, February 4, 2025 / Notices

lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1

economic sciences. Geospatial metadata
typically includes descriptive
information about specific observed,
calculated, or modelled data (e.g., title,
abstract, purpose statement, descriptive
discovery keywords), characteristics of
the described data (e.g., date and spatial
range of data collection activities, data
processing steps, collected/measured
variables and units of measure for those
variables) and administrative
information (e.g., who collected or
created data and metadata, how to cite
data when used in scientific analyses).
Information collected by the listed tools
is used to inform the appropriate use of
data described by related geospatial
Two applications in the existing
approved collection have had minor
changes to their forms. The Send2NCEI
application added a license selector.
InPort has changed one of the fields
from a text field to a drop-down list
selector. These changes do not impact
the response burden.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations; Not-for-profit
institutions; State, Local, or Tribal
government; Federal government.
Frequency: As needed for geospatial
data documentation purposes.
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
Legal Authority: Executive Order
12906 and the 2013 Office of Science
and Technology Policy Memorandum
‘Public Access to Research Results’.
This information collection request
may be viewed at www.reginfo.gov.
Follow the instructions to view the
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be
submitted within 30 days of the
publication of this notice on the
following website www.reginfo.gov/
public/do/PRAMain. Find this
particular information collection by
selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function and
entering either the title of the collection
or the OMB Control Number 0648–0024.
Sheleen Dumas,
Departmental PRA Compliance Officer, Office
of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2025–02157 Filed 2–3–25; 8:45 am]

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Agency Information Collection
Activities: Notice of Intent To Extend
Collection 3038–0094: Clearing
Member Risk Management
Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Notice.

The Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or
‘‘CFTC’’) is announcing an opportunity
for public comment on the proposed
renewal of a collection of certain
information by the agency. Under the
Paperwork Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’),
Federal agencies are required to publish
notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each proposed
extension of an existing collection of
information, and to allow 60 days for
public comment. This notice solicits
comments on the obligation to maintain
records related to clearing
documentation between a customer and
the customer’s clearing member, as
required under Commission regulations.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before April 7, 2025.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by ‘‘OMB Control No. 3038–
0094,’’ by any of the following methods:
• The Agency’s website, at https://
comments.cftc.gov/. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
through the website.
• Mail: Christopher Kirkpatrick,
Secretary of the Commission,
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, Three Lafayette Centre,
1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as
Mail above.
Please submit your comments using
only one method.
Catherine Brescia, Attorney Advisor,
Market Participants Division,
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, Three Lafayette Centre,
1155 21st Street NW, Washington, DC
20581; (202) 418–6236; email: cbrescia@
PRA, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., Federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) for each collection of
information they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of Information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR 1320.3
and includes agency requests or
requirements that members of the public

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submit reports, keep records, or provide
information to a third party. Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA, 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A), requires Federal agencies
to provide a 60-day notice in the
Federal Register concerning each
proposed collection of information,
including each proposed extension of an
existing collection of information,
before submitting the collection to OMB
for approval. To comply with this
requirement, the Commission is
publishing notice of the proposed
extension of the existing collection of
information listed below. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Title: Clearing Member Risk
Management (OMB Control No. 3038–
0094). This is a request for an extension
of a currently approved information
Abstract: Section 3(b) of the
Commodity Exchange Act (‘‘Act’’ or
‘‘CEA’’) provides that one of the
purposes of the Act is to ensure the
financial integrity of all transactions
subject to the Act and to avoid systemic
risks. Section 8a(5) of the CEA
authorizes the Commission to
promulgate such regulations that it
believes are reasonably necessary to
effectuate any of the provisions or to
accomplish any of the purposes of the
CEA. Risk management systems are
critical to the avoidance of systemic
Section 4d requires Futures
Commission Merchants (‘‘FCMs’’) to
register with the Commission. It further
requires FCMs to segregate customer
funds. Section 4f requires FCMs to
maintain certain levels of capital.
Section 4g establishes reporting and
recordkeeping requirements for FCMs.
Section 4s(j)(2) of the CEA requires each
Swap Dealer (‘‘SD’’) and Major Swap
Participant (‘‘MSP’’) to have risk
management systems adequate for
managing its day-to-day business.
Section 4s(j)(4) requires each SD and
MSP to have internal systems and
procedures to obtain any necessary
information to perform any of the
functions set forth in Section 4s.
Pursuant to these provisions, the
Commission adopted Commission
regulation 1.73 which applies to
clearing members that are FCMs and
Commission regulation 23.609 which
applies to clearing members that are SDs
1 The OMB control numbers for the CFTC
regulations were published on December 30, 1981.
See 46 FR 63035 (Dec. 30, 1981).



lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1


Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 22 / Tuesday, February 4, 2025 / Notices

or MSPs.2 These provisions require
these clearing members to have
procedures to limit the financial risks
they incur as a result of clearing trades
and liquid resources to meet obligations.
The regulations require clearing
members, who are FCMs, SDs, or MSPs
to: (1) establish risk-based limits based
on position size, order size, margin
requirements, or similar factors, and for
FCMs, risk-based limits must be
established for the proprietary account
and in each customer account; (2)
screen orders for compliance with the
risk-based limits; (3) monitor for
adherence to the risk-based limits intraday and overnight; (4) conduct stress
tests under extreme but plausible
conditions of all positions at least once
per week, and for FCMs, the stress tests
must be conducted for all positions in
the proprietary account and in each
customer account that could pose
material risk to the FCM; (5) evaluate its
ability to meet initial margin
requirements at least once per week; (6)
evaluate its ability to meet variation
margin requirements in cash at least
once per week; (7) evaluate its ability to
liquidate the positions it clears, in an
orderly manner, and estimate the cost of
the liquidation, and for FCMs, the
evaluation must be done at least once
per quarter and conducted for all
positions in the proprietary and
customer accounts; and (8) test all lines
of credit at least once per year.
Each of these items has been observed
by Commission staff as an element of an
existing sound risk management
program at an FCM, SD, or MSP. The
Commission regulations require each
FCM, SD, or MSP clearing member to
establish written procedures to comply
with these regulations and to keep
records documenting its compliance.
The information collection obligations
imposed by the regulations are
necessary to implement certain
provisions of the CEA, including
ensuring that registrants exercise
effective risk management and for the
efficient operation of trading venues
among FCMs, SDs, and MSPs that are
clearing members, in order to maintain
financial stability at derivatives clearing
organizations (‘‘DCOs’’).
With respect to the collection of
information, the CFTC invites
comments on:
• Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have a practical use;
• The accuracy of the Commission’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
2 77

FR 21278 (Apr. 9, 2012).

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collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
• Ways to enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden of
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
All comments must be submitted in
English, or if not, accompanied by an
English translation. Comments will be
posted as received to https://
www.cftc.gov. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. If you wish for the
Commission to consider information
that you believe is exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (‘‘FOIA’’), a petition for
confidential treatment of the exempt
information may be submitted according
to the procedures established in § 145.9
of the Commission Regulations.3
The Commission reserves the right,
but shall have no obligation, to review,
pre-screen, filter, redact, refuse or
remove any or all of your submission
from https://www.cftc.gov that it may
deem to be inappropriate for
publication, such as obscene language.
All submissions that have been redacted
or removed that contain comments on
the merits of the Information Collection
Request will be retained in the public
comment file and will be considered as
required under the Administrative
Procedure Act and other applicable
laws, and may be accessible under
Burden Statement: The Commission
is revising its estimate of the burden for
this collection of information for
clearing members of DCOs who are
FCMs, SDs, and MSPs. The respondent
burden for this collection is estimated to
be as follows:
Estimated Number of Respondents:
168 (62 Clearing Member FCMs and 106
Clearing Member SDs).
Estimated Average Burden Hours per
Respondent: 504 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 84,672 hours.
Frequency of Collection: As needed.
There are no capital costs or operating
and maintenance costs associated with
this collection.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
3 17

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Dated: January 30, 2025.
Robert Sidman,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2025–02201 Filed 2–3–25; 8:45 am]

Withdrawal of Notice Inviting
Applications and Cancellation of the
Competition for the Expanding
Opportunity Through Quality Charter
Schools Program (CSP)—Grants to
State Entities
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education, Department of
ACTION: Notice; withdrawal.

The Department of Education
(Department) withdraws the notice
inviting applications (NIA) for fiscal
year (FY) 2025 for CSP Grants to State
DATES: The NIA published in the
Federal Register on January 21, 2025
(90 FR 7104), is withdrawn and the
competition cancelled as of February 4,
Sareeta Schmitt, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20202–5970.
Telephone: (202) 205–0730. Email: SE_
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability and wish to
access telecommunications relay
services, please dial 7–1–1.
January 21, 2025, the Department
published NIAs for two programs in the
CSP in the Federal Register, one of
which is for the FY 2025 CSP Grants to
State Entities (SE grants), Assistance
Listing Number (ALN) 84.282A. The
Department is withdrawing this NIA as
part of a comprehensive review of
recently published FY 2025 CSP NIAs.
This reevaluation aims to ensure that all
priorities and requirements for the FY
2025 CSP competitions align with the
program priorities set by the Trump
Administration, comply with Executive
orders issued since January 20, 2025,
and promote consistency across all CSP
grant programs. The Department has
also determined that aligning all CSP
grant competitions will ensure greater
impact on students and families.
Additionally, alignment of CSP
priorities will increase the economic
impact of the Federal education funds
awarded for the CSP.
The Department intends to announce
a new NIA for SE grants, ALN 84.282A



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File Modified2025-02-04
File Created2025-02-04

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