G420: Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2024

Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

G420 Diversity & Inclusion Survey 2024

G420: Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2024

OMB: 0651-0080

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OMB	Control	No.	0651-0080	
Expiration	Date:	XX/XX/XXXX

Welcome!	Thank	you	for	participating	in	this	survey	to	help	us	identify
priorities	for	where	global	intellectual	property	offices	and
organizations	can	work	most	effectively	as	a	group	to	facilitate	global
diversity	and	inclusion.	Your	voluntary	response	is	confidential	and
data	will	be	analyzed	in	aggregated	form	only.
The	survey	should	take	no	more	than	5	minutes	to	complete.	For
questions	regarding	the	purpose	of	the	survey,	please	contact	Karin
Ferriter	(karin.ferriter@uspto.gov).	If	you	have	any	problems	with	the
survey	instrument,	contact	April	Blair	(april.blair@uspto.gov).

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to
comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless the information collection has
a valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0651-0080. Public burden for this survey is estimated
to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, United States Patent and
Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 or email InformationCollection@uspto.gov.


* 1.	What	would	be	most	valuable	to	you	in	your	diversity	and	inclusion	work?(pick	up	to	four)

Sharing	good	practices/learning	from	others	in	the	group
Finding	partners	within	the	network	for	future	collaborative	programs
Help	organizing	awareness	raising	events
Support	from	other	Intellectual	Property	Offices	to	increase	awareness	of	events	hosted	by	our	Office
Developing	knowledge	and	educational	material	together
Hosting	educational	material	together,	such	as	on	a	shared	YouTube	channel
Holding	a	joint	contest,	such	as	a	patent	drafting	competition	to	increase	awareness	of	IP
Learning	from/exchanging	with	external	experts	about	new	and	upcoming	topics	that	will	impact	the	future
of	IP	offices	and	services
Advocating	together	on	specific	diversity	and	inclusion-themed	sub-topics
Developing	IP/IPO	specific	Diversity	&	Inclusion	issues
Other	(please	specify)

2. In	terms	of	learning	from	others	in	this	network,	please	rate	the	importance	of	each	item
below	from	1	(Not	Important)	to	5	(Very	Important).
1	-	Not
Good	practices	to	reduce	underrepresentation	in	the	use	of	the	IP	system
Good	practices	to	support	diversity	and
inclusion	in	all	levels	of	staffing	at	IP	Offices
Experiences	of	awareness	raising	events:
what	worked,	what	can	be	improved
Other	(please	specify)




5	-	Very

3. What	type	of	internal	inclusion-focused	initiatives	do	you	feel	IP	offices	in	this	network
could	work	on	together	that	would	have	the	most	benefit	in	the	context	of	activities?
Not	beneficial



Very	beneficial

Staffing	policies	which	promote	diversity
and	inclusion
Collaborating	to	support	employee	groups
Collaborating	to	support	Mentoring
Other	beneficial	initiative	(specify	below)
Other	(please	specify)

4. What	type	of	external	(for	stakeholders,	customers,	etc.)	inclusion-focused	initiatives	do
you	feel	IP	offices	in	this	network	could	work	on	together	to	best	support	diversity	and
Not	beneficial
Providing	guidance	to	companies	about
collecting	diversity	and	inclusion	data	for
invention	disclosures
Supporting	mentoring	groups	organized	by
stakeholders	for	inventors	or	intellectual
property	attorneys	to	foster	greater
diversity	and	inclusion
Supporting	associations	of	inventors,
entrepreneurs,	and	small	and	medium-sized
entrepreneurs	to	promote	a	better
understanding	of	IP
Supporting	diversity	and	inclusion	efforts	in
technology	transfer	offices	(TTOs),
incubators,	start	up	support	organizations
Other	beneficial	initiative	(specify	below)
Other	(please	specify)



Very	beneficial


5.	Please	provide	any	additional	comments	you	wish	to	share	about	IP	global	diversity	and

Thank	you	for	your	participation!		Please	contact	Karin.Ferriter@uspto.gov	in	the
USPTO’s	Office	of	International	Patent	Cooperation	to	provide	any	further	feedback,
or	to	recommend	other	work	on	Global	Diversity	and	Inclusion.
Clicking	'Done'	below	will	submit	your	answers,	close	the	survey	window,	and
redirect	you	to	the	external	USPTO	webpage.
When	you	are	satisfied	that	your	responses	are	complete,	click	'Done'.	

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-09-17
File Created2022-05-11

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