P-7 UC Referral

Placement and Transfer of Unaccompanied Children into ORR Care Provider Facilities

UC Referral (Form P-7) - UC Path

OMB: 0970-0554

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UC Referral (Form P-7)
Data Entry Window


• Yes
• No
• None
• Unknown

• Parent criminal history
• Parent criminal history and
immigration history
• Parent criminal history,
immigration history, and
cartel/gang affiliation
• Parent cartel/gang affiliation and
immigration history
• Parent cartel/gang affiliation
• Referred for prosecution
• Communicable disease
• Health issue/hospitalization
• Parent fitness (other than for
hospitalization)/child danger
• Unverified familial
• Separated from other adult
• Other – warrant
• Other
• Parent cartel/gang affiliation and
criminal history
• Yes
• No
• Pending
• Office of Field Operations (CBP)
• Border Patrol (CBP)
• Immigration and Custom
Enforcement ERO
• US Marshals Service
• Federal Bureau of Investigation
• Homeland Security (ICE)
• Department of Labor
• Bureau of Prisons
• None
List of all referring sector
• Arriving/Inadmissible
• EWI/Entered
• Material Witness
• Overstay
• Parole/Arriving UC
• Visitor/Student
• Without Inspection
• None


New Pending
Processed Pending
Placement Match Under
Placement Designated
Placement Requested
Placement Not Accepted
Supervisor Approval
Supervisor Approved
Supervisor Override
Referral Cancelled

List of all 50 U.S. states and
the District of Columbia

List of all 50 U.S. states and
the District of Columbia

• No Capacity for Gender,
No Capacity for Age, No
mom/baby capacity
• No isolation/quarantine
• Medical issues
• Mental illness
• Licensing issues
• Internal policy
• Aggressive to peers
• Aggressive to staff
• Danger to self
• Escape risk
• Disruptive behavior
• Risk of danger to UC or
other UC in care
• Sexual predatory
• Inappropriate sexual
• Weather event/Building

Influx Care Facility
Long Term Foster Care
LTFC – Community
LTFC – Group Home
Out-of-Network RTC
Residential Treatment
Staff Secure
Therapeutic Group Home
Therapeutic Staff Secure
Transitional Foster Care
Emergency Intake Sites

• Transitional Foster Care
• Residential Treatment
• Secure
• Shelter
• Staff Secure
• Therapeutic Staff Secure
• Therapeutic Group Home

• Transitional Foster Care
• Residential Treatment Center
• Secure
• Shelter
• Staff Secure
• Therapeutic Staff Secure
• Therapeutic Group Home

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Yes
• No
• Suspect

• Self-admission of UC
• Gang tattoos
• Criminal history
• Family/peers known
• Other

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

system fields
that will not
be completed
and will be
removed in

system fields
that will not
be completed
and will be
removed in

OMB 0970-0554 [valid through MM/DD/YYYY]
THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to allow
ORR to receive a referral from a Federal agency and place the UC in an ORR care provider facility. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 1.0 hour (plus an additional 0.5 hours for UAC who may require placement in a restrictive setting) per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a
mandatory collection of information (Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 279). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. If you have any comments on this collection of information please contact UCPolicy@acf.hhs.gov.
P-7 [Rev. MM/DD/YYYY]

UC Referral Page – Details Tab

system fields
that will not
be completed
and will be
removed in

OMB 0970-0554 [valid through MM/DD/YYYY]
THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to allow ORR to receive a referral from a Federal agency and place the UC in an ORR care provider facility. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour (plus an additional 0.5 hours for UAC who may require placement in a restrictive setting) per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of
information. This is a mandatory collection of information (Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 279). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless
it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments on this collection of information please contact UCPolicy@acf.hhs.gov.
P-7 [Rev. MM/DD/YYYY]

Criminal Charges Data Entry Window

• Yes
• No
• Pending

• Yes
• No
• NA

Detention Facilities Data Entry Window

• Adult Detention
• Juvenile Detention
• Unknown

Documents Data Entry Window

See table below.



See table below.

Dropdown options for “Record Type” and corresponding options for “Document Type”
Record Type
Proof of Relationship

Background Check
Case Coordination and Discharge
Case Management

Compliance Document
Compliance Forms
FRP Forms
Facility Document
HS/PRS Document
Health Documentation

Legacy Document
Legal Document

Document Type
Birth Certificate – UC; Baptismal Certificate; Birth Certificate – Sponsor; Birth Certificate – Other; Consulate
Written Affirmation of Relationship; Verified by Government Agency/Consulate; Court Order – Adoption; Court
Order – Guardianship; Court Order – Other; Government Issued Photo ID; Government Issued Ration Card;
Hospital Record; Interview Notes; Land Deeds – Sponsor and UC’s Family; Letter of Designation for Care of a
Minor; Marriage Certificate; Passport (including stamps); Photographs; Remittance Receipts; School
Record/Diploma; Social Media Posts; Genogram; Other
FBI Criminal History and FBI Name Check
Verification of Release; Release Request; Discharge Notification; ORR Notice to ICE; and Notice of Transfer to ICE
Verification of Release; Release Request; Discharge Notification; ORR Notice to ICE; New Placement Orientation;
Safety Plan; Other; Medical Checklist; Transfer; Admission Assessment; Influx Transfer Facility Checklist; and

Other; ORR Closed Corrective Action; ORR Closed Monitoring Report; ORR Site Visit Report; Program Licensing
Investigation; and PSA Audit
Privacy 101; ROB; and Cybersecurity
Other, Initial Education Intake Assessment; ESL Assessment; Progress Report Card; and Educational
Reassessment Report
FRP 2 Authorization for Release of Information; FRP 3 Family Reunification Application; FRP 9 Letter of
Designation for Care of a Minor; and FRP 10 Sponsor Declaration
Other; Facility Intake List; Program Brief; Program Lease; Signed Cooperative Agreement; State Licensure; Fire
Inspection; Emergency/Evacuation Plan; and Facility Floor Plan
Addendum; Other Supporting Documents; and Post Release Assessment Report
Public Health Investigation Form; Hospital Discharge Instructions; Hospital Discharge Summary; Image Study
Reading (TB); Image Study Reading (Non-TB); Immunization Record; Initial Medical Exam Form; Initial Dental
Exam Form; Lab Results; Medications; Health Evaluation Form; Office Notes; Specialist Notes; Supplemental TB
Screening Form; and Other Health Document
All “Document Type” options available under other Record Types are available for this Record Type
Birth Certificate – UC; Court Order (Flores Bond); Court Order (Other); Court Order (Removal); Court Order (VD);
Decision (Administrative Review); Decision (Appeal of ORR Decision); Decision (Flores Bond Letter); Decision
(Specific Consent); DHS Document (I-213); DHS Document (NTA); DHS Document (Other); Form (Attorney of
Record); Form (Authorization for Release of Information); Form (Change of Venue); Form (Flores Bond Hearing
Motion); Form (Legal Resource Guide Part II – Admission); Form (Legal Resource Guide Part III – Release); Form
(Notice of Placement); Form (Specific Consent); Other Legal Document; OTIP Eligibility Letter; OTIP Interim

Medical Document
Mental Health Documentation
Monitoring Visit

Operational Document
Policy Guidance Documents
Profile Picture
Proof of Address
Proof of Financial Stability
Proof of Identity

Proof of Immigration Status or U.S. Citizenship
Referral Documents

Release Request
SIR/PLE Report Document
Self-Disclosed Criminal History
Sponsor Assessment

Assistance Letter; Placement Identification Document; Records (Court); Records (Criminal/Delinquency Records);
and Post Legal Status Plan
DHS Docs and Medical Checklist
Clinical Notes; Progress Notes; Discharge Summary; Psychiatric Evaluation Report; Psychological Evaluation
Report; RTC Recommendation Letter; Developmental Assessment Report; and Other Mental Health Document
Behavior Management Plan; Care Provider Policies and Procedures; Community Partnerships/Services; Cost of
Care; Education Documents; Emergency and Evacuation Plan; Fire and Safety Code Permits/Reports; Food
Services; Foster Home Safety Checklist; Foster Parent Agreement; Foster Parent Files; Foster Parent Orientation
Manual; Foster Parent Trainings; Full Staff List; Geographic Areas Served; Health/Sanitation Inspection Reports;
Independent Living Resources; List of Current Foster Parents; List of Home Study Cases; Map of Facility;
Memorandum of Understanding; Monitoring Schedule; Monitoring Tools and Instruments; Monitoring Visit
Reports; Mosquito Control Inspection; Organizational Chart; Quality Assurance Resources; Respite and Retention
Procedures; Site Visit Guide; Staff Trainings; Staffing Plan; State Licensing/CPS; UC Case Files; UC Orientation
Packet; UC with G-28s; and Vehicle Inspections
Other; Grantee Daily Schedule; Internal SOPs; Staff Training Curriculum; Educational Curriculum; Vocational
Curriculum; Food Menu; UC Handbook/Orientation; Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Harassment SOPs; and
Organizational Chart
DocGen; Placement Authorization; Medical Authorization; Notice of Placement; UC Assessments; New
Placement Orientation; Other; and Manifest
Policy Memo; Field Guidance; Interim Guidance; Form or Related Material; Frequently Asked Questions;
Procedure Manual; Other Guidance; Resource Material; and Training
Current Lease or Mortgage Statement; Notarized Letter from Landlord; Utility Bill, Bank Statement; Payroll
Check Stub; Official Mail; Other Similar Document; and Letter/Code
Proof of Financial Stability
US Passport; US Passport Card; Foreign Passport; Permanent Resident Card; Alien Registration Receipt Card;
Employment Authorization Document; US Driver’s License or Identification Card; US Certificate of Naturalization;
US Military Identification Card; Birth Certificate; Court Order for Name Change; Foreign National Identification
Card; Consular Passport Renewal Receipt; Foreign Driver’s License; Foreign Voter Registration Card; Canadian
Border Crossing Card; Mexican Border Crossing Card; Refugee Travel Documents; Other Similar Government
Document; and Marriage Certificate
US Passport; Valid Visa; Legal Permanent Resident Card; Notice to Appear; Other Federal Government Document
Providing Immigration Status; US Birth Certificate; US Naturalization Papers; Court Order; and Other
Government Issued Document Proving US Citizenship
Birth Certificate – UC; Baptismal Certificate; DocGen; FRP 2 Authorization for Release of Information; FRP 3
Family Reunification Application; FRP 9 Letter of Designation for Care of a Minor; and FRP 10 Sponsor
Declaration; US Passport; US Passport Card; Foreign Passport; Permanent Resident Card; Alien Registration Card
Receipt; Employment Authorization Document; US Driver’s License or Identification Card; US Certificate of
Naturalization; US Military Identification Card; Birth Certificate; Court Order for Name Change; Foreign National
Identification Card; Consular Passport Renewal Receipt; Foreign Driver’s License; Foreign Voter Registration
Card; Canadian Border Crossing Card; Mexican Border Crossing Card; Refugee Travel Documents; Valid Visa;
Legal Permanent Resident Card; Notice to Appear; Other Federal Government Document Providing Immigration
Status; US Birth Certificate; US Naturalization Papers; Court Order; and Other Government Issued Document
Proving US Citizenship; Birth Certificate – Sponsor; Birth Certificate – Other; Consulate Written Affirmation of
Relationship; Verified by Government Agency/Consulate; Court Order – Adoption; Court Order – Guardianship;
Court Order – Other; Death Certificate; Family Session Case Note; Government Issued Photo ID; Government
Issued Ration Card; Hospital Record; Interview Notes; Land Deeds – Sponsor and UC’s Family; Letter of
Designation for Care of a Minor; Marriage Certificate; Passport (including stamps); Photographs; Remittance
Receipts; School Record/Diploma; Social Media Posts; Genogram; Current Lease or Mortgage Statement;
Notarized Letter from Landlord; Utility Bill, Bank Statement; Payroll Check Stub; Official Mail; Other Similar
Document; Letter/Code; Proof of Financial Stability; Self-Disclosed Criminal History; Verification of Release;
Release Request; Discharge Notification; ORR Notice to ICE; Referral Documents; and Other
Best Interest Recommendation Letter; R-4 Release Request; ORR Denial Letter; Parent Denial Letter; Program
Acceptance Letter; Recommendation to Deny Release; Referral Services COO; Safety Plan; Travel Document;
Travel Itinerary; and Other
Police Report; State Licensing Documentation; Fraud Documentation; CPS Documentation; Significant Incident
Report; PLE Report; Other; DOJ/FBI Documentations; and HHS OIG Documentation
Self-Disclosed Criminal History
Initial and Final

Entry Team Data Entry Window

• Assistant Lead Case Manager
• Assistant Lead Clinician
• Attorney
• Case Coordinator
• Case Manager
• Clinician
• Contractor Field Specialist
• Direct Care Worker
• Direct Operations Coordinator
• Federal Field Specialist
• Federal Field Specialist Supervisor
• HS/PRS Primary Provider
• HS/PRS Subcontractors
• Lead Case Manager
• Lead Clinician
• Medical Coordinator
• Program Support Staff
• Read Only
• Supervisor
• Supervisory Case Coordinator

Intakes Placement Checklist Tab

• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
2. Conduct
UC has been unacceptably disruptive in ORR custody or has displayed a pattern of severity of behavior prior to entering ORR custody that requires a staff secure setting. If
applicable, previous SIRs or other internal ORR documents must be submitted in support of this finding.

• Yes
• No
* UC has displayed a pattern of severity of behavior, either prior to entering ORR custody or while in ORR care, that
requires an increase in supervision by trained staff.

3. Criminal History

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No
• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No

OMB 0970-0554 [valid through MM/DD/YYYY]
THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to allow ORR to receive
a referral from a Federal agency and place the UC in an ORR care provider facility. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
average 1.0 hour (plus an additional 0.5 hours for UAC who may require placement in a restrictive setting) per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a mandatory collection of information (Homeland
Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 279). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments on this collection of
information please contact UCPolicy@acf.hhs.gov.
P-7 [Rev. MM/DD/YYYY]

UC Referral – Initial Health Information Tab

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• NA

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

• Yes
• No
• Unknown

OMB 0970-0554 [valid through MM/DD/YYYY]
THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to allow ORR to receive a referral from a
Federal agency and place the UAC in an ORR care provider facility. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.0 hour (plus an additional 0.5
hours for UC who may require placement in a restrictive setting) per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing
the collection of information. This is a mandatory collection of information (Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 279). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any
comments on this collection of information please contact UCPolicy@acf.hhs.gov.
P-7 [Rev. MM/DD/YYYY]

Intakes Placement Checklist – System-Generated PDF

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-06-01
File Created2022-06-01

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