Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS)
Developer (DEV) Program
Grant Profile Data Guide
Release 2.0, January 2024
Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 18xx-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 8 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefits (EDGAR, Section 75.720 and 80.40). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Stephanie Jones, at, directly.
2 Data Introduction 3
2.1 Overview 3
2.2 Purpose 3
3 Data Workflow/Architecture 4
3.1 Workflow 4
3.2 Data Architecture 4
3.3 Logical Data Model 4
3.4 Data Dictionary Key 5
4 User Access Management 6
4.1 Overview 6
4.2 Data Dictionary 6
4.2.3 User Role Identification 9
5 Grant Profile 11
5.1 Overview 11
5.2 Data Dictionary 11
5.2.3 Competition Priorities 13
5.2.4 Key Program Activities 14
5.2.5 Grant Objectives – Project Objectives and Performance Measures 16
5.2.6 Grant Objectives – Document Uploads 17
5.2.7 Grant Objectives – Authorizer 18
5.2.8 Grant Objectives – Lottery 20
5.2.9 Approved Budgets – Indirect Cost 21
This document provides a description of the data elements used to describe the implementation and performance of CSP Grantees as part of the Charter School Programs (CSP) Data Collection, Risk Assessment, and Monitoring contract (GS-10F-0288W) and the Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS).
The Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant program serves the purpose of Section 5201 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), which seeks to expand the number of high-quality charter schools and increase national understanding of the charter school model.
The Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS) is a web-based application designed to assist ED in conducting compliance and performance monitoring activities for CSP Grantees. COMPS accumulates evidence of compliance and performance from Grantees, as well as provides the ability to capture previously reported data in a more secure and efficient manner. The vision is that COMPS will:
Streamline the collection of data relating to the CSP monitoring of DEVs using COMPS.
Provide a comprehensive performance and knowledge management platform.
Collect grant-recipient performance data, import budget data, perform analytics, automates key document and reporting workflows, and enables two-way communication between OESE and Grantees.
The Grant Profile is the baseline and foundation module for COMPS. Grantees are required to submit baseline information at the time of their award, such as assurances, competitive priorities, key program activities, grant objectives, approved budget and waiver requests. The Grant Profile module will only be filled out once by Grantees at the start of their grant award. The information continued in the module will be used in the School/Subgrant Data Collection Module and Annual performance Reports (APR) modules, which are covered in a separate user guide. This data is used by ED to track the progress Grantee’s are making towards meeting their goals against their baseline.
The purpose of this document is to outline the data architecture and key data elements associated with the User Management and Grant Profile module for Developer Grantees. This data guide defines the fields collected in the COMPS Grant Profile for Developer grantees. It is to be used in conjunction with the Developer Grant Profile User Guide for a complete understanding of the system and process.
The following steps depict the high-level workflow:
User accounts are created by the system admin and ED, with unique emails and password.
Grantees are assigned to the appropriate organization and role.
Grantees log into the system to update information as needed.
ED creates Grantee Organizations and Grant Awards. They create cohort templates (Fiscal year and Program) to set the correct assurances, competition priorities and budget periods.
Grantees log into the system to manually enter information in the Grant Profile related to their award. Components of their entry are auto calculated and transmitted to additional modules.
Grantees submit their form for review.
ED reviews the form and either accepts it, or returns the form to Grantees to correct and resubmit.
The database for COMPS is contained in a Microsoft SQL Server instance contained within the virtual machine running the web application.
The following diagram is a simple example of how the User Account Management and Grant Profile modules are linked, with interactions by users.
The User Access and Management module allows access, through an authentication process, to the system’s landing page for approved users. The system will provide a central web portal that delivers information, based on role, to DEV organizations. The portal permits users to see only the information that is appropriate for their roles. For example, a Grantee project director would only be able to see data collection information regarding their grant. Users are able to navigate to a user access management page that allows them to edit their name and email address and change their password.
The following sections describe the data tables, data fields, and descriptions for the User Access Management and Security module. These data elements are used to ensure Grantee users are tied to the correct organizations and grant awards.
This table describes the data elements associated with user roles in the COMPS system.
Field |
Description |
Id |
Unique system identifier for the specific role. |
Name |
The name of the access role |
NormalizedName |
The name of the access role |
ConcurrencyStamp |
Hash value used by the framework. |
This table contains users and their associated data for the system.
Field |
Description |
AccessFailedCount |
Count of the user's consecutive logon failures |
Id |
Unique system identifier for the user's account |
ConcurrencyStamp |
Hash value you determine tampering. |
The user's email address |
EmailConfirmed |
Indicator denoting if the user's email has been verified. |
LockoutEnabled |
Indicator denoting if the user account should be locked out if it exceeds the number of allowable login failures. |
LockoutEnd |
The date and time that the account lockout ends after the last lockout. |
NormalizedEmail |
The user's email address formatted in all CAPS |
NormalizedUserName |
The user's username formatted in all CAPS |
PasswordHash |
The hashed/encrypted value of the user's password. |
PhoneNumber |
The user's phone number. |
PhoneNumberConfirmed |
Indicator denoting if the user's phone number has been verified. |
SecurityStamp |
Hash value used by the framework |
TwoFactorEnabled |
Indicator denoting if the user has chosen to add a two factor authenticator |
UserName |
The user's username. |
DeactivatedDateUtc |
The date and time that the user account was deactivated. |
DisabledDateUtc |
The date and time that the user account was disabled. |
EnablePwChangeDateUtc |
The date and time that the waiting period expires after the user changes their password. |
Extension |
The user's phone extension |
FaxNumber |
The user's fax number |
FirstName |
The user's first name |
JobTitle |
The user's job title |
LastName |
The user's last name |
LockoutCount |
Count of the user's consecutive account lockouts |
OrganizationId |
Identifier denoting the user's organization. |
PasswordExpirationDateUtc |
The date and time that the user's current password will expire. |
This table creates unique identifiers for the users in the system.
Field |
Description |
UserId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced user account. |
RoleId |
Unique system identifier for the reference user role. |
This table describes the data elements associated to organizations in the COMPS system.
Field |
Description |
OrganizationId |
Unique system identifier for the user organization. |
Name |
The name of the organization. |
TypeId |
for organization type: |
Discriminator |
name of the data type of the organization: |
Address1 |
The Grantee organization's first address line |
Address2 |
The Grantee organization's second address line |
City |
The Grantee organization's city |
Uei |
The Grantee organization's Unique Entity Identifier |
UsStateId |
Unique system identifier for the reference US State location of the Grantee organization. |
ZipCode |
The Grantee organization's US postal code |
The Grant Profile is a module for Developer Grantees to enter baseline Grantee organization and grant award information. This information is submitted by Developer Grantees once, at the beginning of the grant. Grantees are required to submit baseline information at the time of their award, such as assurances, competitive priorities, key program activities, grant objectives, approved budget and waiver requests.
The following sections describe the data tables, data fields, and descriptions for the Grant Profile.
The following table describes the key data elements associated with a Grantee’s grant award. This information is used in the subsequent tables to be associated with other data submitted by the Grantee.
Field |
Description |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID for the grant award number. |
AwardNumber |
Unique award number for the Grantee’s grant. |
Duration |
The length of the Grantee’s award. |
FedFiscalYearAwarded |
Year the Grantee was awarded funds. |
GranteeId |
Unique ID for the Grantee organization. |
ProfileStatusId |
representing profile submission status: |
ProgramId |
representing a grant program: |
ProjectTitle |
Unique title of the Grantee’s project. |
SeOrgTypeId |
If the Grantee is a SE or SEA. |
TotalAwardAmount |
Total amount of the Grantee award, input by ED. |
The Assurances table displays information to the Grantees. It allows them to certify the correct assurance line items by clicking a check box. The specific data elements are listed below for each of the various tables.
Field |
Description |
AssuranceLineItemId |
Unique system identifier for the assurance line-item record. |
AssuranceId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced assurance record. |
GrantAwardId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced grant award record. |
Description |
Specific assurances description that was input by ED for the cohort. |
RowNo |
System item used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
Text |
Display of the assurance description. |
Field |
Description |
AssurancesSubLineLitemId |
Unique system identifier for the assurance sub line-item record. |
AssurancesTemplateLineItemId |
Associated the sub-line item to the appropriate assurances template generated by ED. |
Description |
Specific assurances sub-item description that was input by ED for the cohort. |
RowNo |
System item used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their competition priorities.
Field |
Description |
CompetitionPriorityId |
Unique system identifier for the competition priority record. |
Description |
The text of the competition priority that is displayed on screen |
GrantAwardId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced grant award. |
GranteeResponse |
Explanation entered by the Grantee to show how they are complying with the priority. |
PrioritySelected |
Indicator that shows if the priority should be reported for the referenced grant award. |
RowNo |
A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their key program activities as part of their Grant Profile submission. Grantees will submit enrollment projection data for each budget period across all grade levels supported by their grant.
Field |
Description |
GradeLeve |
Grantees select all grade levels supported by the grant (Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Ungraded) |
BudgetPeriodId |
Unique ID for the Grantees budget periods. |
CohortTemplateLineItemId |
Inputs correct budget period dates for the Grantee based on cohort and grant duration. |
GrantAwardId |
Unique identifier for the Grantee’s award. |
PreKEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
KindergartenEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade1EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade2EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade3EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade4EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade5EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade6EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade7EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade8EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade9EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade10EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade11EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
Grade12EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
UngradedEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level, entered by the Grantee for each budget period. |
BudgetPeriodTotal |
System calculation to sum the enrollments by budget period. |
PreKEnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
KindergartenEnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade1EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade2EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade3EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade4EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade5EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade6EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade7EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade8EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade9EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade10EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade11EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
Grade12EnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
UngradedEnrollmentTotal |
System calculation to sum the budget periods entries by grade level. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their project objectives as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
ObjectiveId |
Unique ID for the generated project objective. |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID of the Grantee and award. |
RowNo |
A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
Text |
Textbox for the Grantee to enter project objectives related to their grant award and grant application. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their performance measures as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
PerformanceMeasureId |
Unique ID for the generated performance measure. |
ProjectObjectiveId |
Unique ID for the project objective that ties the associated performance measure to. |
RowNo |
A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
Text |
Textbox for the Grantee to enter performance measures related to their grant award and grant application. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their associated values for their performance measures as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
BudgetPeriodId |
Ties the input value to the correct generated budget period. |
PerformanceMeasureId |
Ties the input value to the performance measure. |
GoalValueType |
Selectable value. |
GoalValueEntry |
Grantee entered value type for their performance measure. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their grant objectives as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID of the Grantee and award. |
LogicModelFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their logic model. |
ManagementPlanFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their management plan. |
BoardPoliciesAndManualFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their board policies. |
OrganizationChartFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their Organizational Charts. |
TransportPlanSelected |
Indicator that shows if Grantee has a transportation plan. |
TransportPlanFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their transportation plan. |
UploadedTransportPlanCheck |
Indicator Grantees check if they have uploaded a plan. |
NoTransportPlanCheck |
Indicator Grantees check if they haven’t developed a plan. |
TransportPlanResponse |
Explanation entered by the Grantee to explain why the transportation plan has not been finalized. |
TransportPlanAvailabilityDateUtc |
Date Grantee will enter for expected date of transportation plan availability. |
ClosurePlanFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their closure plan. |
ClosurePlanSelected |
Indicator that shows if the closure plan has not yet been developed. |
ClosurePlanGranteeResponse |
Explanation entered by the Grantee to explain why the closure plan has not been finalized. |
ClosurePlanAvailabilityDateUtc |
Date Grantee will enter for expected date of closure plan availability. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their grant objectives as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
ApprovedCharters |
Grantee will enter “yes” or “applied but not yet approved” |
AuthorizerId |
Unique ID for generated Authorizer as there can be multiple. |
Name |
Name of authorizer entered by Grantee. |
Address1 |
Address of authorizer entered by the Grantee. |
Address2 |
Address of authorizer entered by the Grantee. |
City |
City entered by Grantee. |
UsStateId |
Drop-down selection by the Grantee. |
ZipCode |
Zip code of the authorizer’s organization. |
Phone |
Phone number of authorizer. |
CharterApprovedDateUtc |
Calendar selection for application submission date. |
CharterRenewalDateUtc |
Calendar selection for application approval date. |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID to tie |
GranteeCharterMgmt Contract |
Grantee will enter “yes” or “no” if they have a contract with a CMO, EMO or ESP |
CharterMgmtPlanFilePath |
A document Grantees will upload related to their charter management plan. |
MgmtOrgType |
Grantee will enter selection for “CMO”, “EMO”, “Non-Profit”, “ESP“ or other. |
OtherMgmtOrgType |
Description to input another management org name. |
MgmtOrgName |
Text box for Grantee to enter the organization name of the CMO, EMO, Non-Profit CMO, ESP or other. |
MgmtOrgTotalContractValue |
Cell for Grantee to enter the total contract value with the management org. |
ContractScope |
Grantee can select all that apply for “Business Administrator Services”, “Curriculum Development”, “Professional Development”, “Staffing” and “other”. |
OtherContractType |
Description to input another contract scope. |
MgmtRoles |
Text box for Grantee to describe the roles and responsibilities of the management organization. |
EMOWebsite |
Link to where contract is posted for EMO. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their Lotteries as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID of the Grantee and award |
IsLotteryPlan |
Grantee will select yes or no if they have a lottery plan |
LotteryPolicyFilePath |
Grantees will then be required to upload the lotter plan document if they select yes |
IsLotteryWeight |
Grantee will select yes or no if the plan includes weights |
IsLotteryApproved |
Grantee will select yes or no if the plan is approved |
PrefersEmployeeChildLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “sibling.” |
PrefersOtherLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “other.” |
PrefersOtherLotteryDesc |
If PrefersOtherLottery is selected, Grantees are required to input data in a text box. |
PrefersSchoolFounderChildLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “Children of school founders.” |
PrefersSiblingLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “Children of employees.” |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their indirect costs as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
GrantAwardId |
IsIndirectCost |
FederalGovtApproved |
DeMinimusRate |
RestrictedRateProgram |
TrainingRateProgram |
EdAgencyApproved |
OtherAgencyApproved |
OtherApprovingAgencyName |
RateAgreementBeginDateUtc |
RateAgreementEndDateUtc |
RestrictedRateProgramOptions |
TrainingRateProgramOptions |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their approved budget as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
ApprovedBudgetId |
Unique system identifier for the approved budget record. |
ApprovedBudgetNarrativeFilePath |
A budget narrative document Grantee’s will upload prior to filling out their approved budgets. |
BudgetPeriodId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced budget period record. |
Category |
to identify the category of the budget amount: |
SchoolAmount |
Cells Grantees will input dollar amounts for their school across budget periods. |
SchoolTotal |
Auto generated cell that adds the school entries for each budget period. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their waiver requests as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
WaiverRequestId |
Specific ID for each waiver request. |
ApprovalDateUtc |
Date Grantee will enter for approved waiver. |
Description |
Description of the waiver included in the grant application. |
GrantAwardId |
ID that Grantee is tied to as multiple waivers can be added. |
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education – COMPS – User Guide – Release 2.0
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Microsoft Office User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-11-21 |