

Operating Requirements: Commuter and On-Demand Operation


OMB: 2120-0039

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Privacy Threshold Assessment
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Office of Aviation Safety (AVS)
Web-based Operations Safety System

Digitally signed by CLAIRE W BARRETT
DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=OSTHQ,
ou=DOT Headquarters, cn=CLAIRE W BARRETT
Date: 2018.09.26 20:14:29 -04'00'



Claire W. Barrett

Claire W. Barrett
DOT Privacy Office - Adjudicated - 092618
Signed by: OSTHQ

DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA) Template v2.0

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)
The Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA) is an analytical tool used to determine the scope of
privacy risk management activities that must be executed to ensure that the Department’s
initiatives do not create undue privacy risks for individuals.
The Privacy Threat Assessment (PTA) is a privacy risk management tool used by the
Department of Transportation (DOT) Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). The PTA determines
whether a Department system1 creates privacy risk for individuals that must be further
analyzed, documented, or mitigated, and determines the need for additional privacy
compliance documentation. Additional documentation can include Privacy Impact
Assessments (PIAs), System of Records notices (SORNs), and Privacy Act Exemption Rules
(Exemption Rules).

The majority of the Department’s privacy risk emanates from its direct collection, use,
storage, and sharing of Personally Identifiable Information (PII),2 and the IT systems used
to support those processes. However, privacy risk can also be created in the Department’s
use of paper records or other technologies. The Department may also create privacy risk
for individuals through its rulemakings and information collection requirements that
require other entities to collect, use, store or share PII, or deploy technologies that create
privacy risk for members of the public.

To ensure that the Department appropriately identifies those activities that may create
privacy risk, a PTA is required for all IT systems, technologies, proposed rulemakings, and
information collections at the Department. Additionally, the PTA is used to alert other
information management stakeholders of potential risks, including information security,
records management and information collection management programs. It is also used by
the Department’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Associate CIO for IT Policy and
Governance (Associate CIO) to support efforts to ensure compliance with other information
asset requirements including, but not limited to, the Federal Records Act (FRA), the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), the Federal Information Security Management Act
(FISMA), the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and
applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance.

Each Component establishes and follows its own processes for developing, reviewing, and
verifying the PTA prior to its submission to the DOT CPO. At a minimum the PTA must be
reviewed by the Component business owner, information system security manager, general
counsel, records officers, and privacy officer. After the Component review is completed, the
Component Privacy Office will forward the PTA to the DOT Privacy Office for final

For the purposes of the PTA the term “system” is used throughout document but is not limited to traditional IT
systems. It can and does refer to business activity and processes, IT systems, information collection, a project,
program and/or technology, and proposed rulemaking as appropriate for the context of the assessment.
The term “personally identifiable information” refers to information which can be used to distinguish or trace an
individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined
with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and
place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.

May 15, 2015


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

adjudication. Only PTAs watermarked “adjudicated” and electronically signed by the DOT
CPO are considered final. Do NOT send the PTA directly to the DOT PO; PTAs received by
the DOT CPO directly from program/business owners will not be reviewed.

If you have questions or require assistance to complete the PTA please contact your
Component Privacy Officer or the DOT Privacy Office at privacy@dot.gov. Explanatory
guidance for completing the PTA can be found in the PTA Development Guide found on the
DOT Privacy Program website, www.dot.gov/privacy.

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

SYSTEM name: Web-based Operations Safety System (WebOPSS)
Cyber Security Assessment and Management (CSAM) ID: 1410
Name: Jean Mortellaro
Email: jean.mortellaro@faa.gov
Phone Number: 206-231-3293
Is this a NEW system?
☐ Yes (Proceed to Section 1)
☒ No
☒ Renewal
☐ Modification
Is there a PREVIOUSLY ADJUDICATED PTA for this system?
☐ Yes:
☒ No There is an FAA-reviewed PTA dated 07/27/2010


System TYPE
☒ Information Technology and/or Information System
Unique Investment Identifier (UII): 021-1894754433
Cyber Security Assessment and Management (CSAM) ID: 1410
☐ Paper Based:
☐ Rulemaking
Rulemaking Identification Number (RIN):
Rulemaking Stage:
☐ Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
☐ Supplemental NPRM (SNPRM):
☐ Final Rule:
Federal Register (FR) Notice: Click here to enter text.


The CSAM UII has not been updated and identifies the system under an old UII code (CSAM UII: 021615337796).

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PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

☒ Information Collection Request (ICR)4 The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Officer has been notified that the Leidos
Proof of Identity Form requires PRA approval, as does the Digital Certificate System
(DCS) web form. OST Forms 6410 and 6411 have also expired and should be
☐ New Collection
☐ Approved Collection or Collection Renewal
☐ OMB Control Number:
☐ Control Number Expiration Date:
☐ Other:


This is an update to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-reviewed Privacy Threshold
Assessment (PTA) for the Web-based Operations Safety System (WebOPSS). The system is
hosted at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, 6500 S MacArthur Boulevard, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma 73169. Since the date of the FAA-reviewed PTA, WebOPSS has undergone
significant changes; including major functionality changes for the Digital Certificate System
(DCS) component, leading to the addition of significant additional personal identifiable
information (PII), including Social Security Numbers (SSN), among other PII data elements. The
previous PTA also did not address data sharing; this PTA is updated to describe the internal and
external data sharing.
WebOPSS consists of a suite of five applications that support the certification and authorization
process for air operators and air agencies5 to conduct business and fly in the national airspace.
The applications are as follows:

Web-Based Operations Safety System (WebOPSS) application
Digital Certificate Service (DCS)
Operations Approval Portal System (OAPS)
Operations Safety System Insurance Headquarters (OPSS Insurance HQ)
Operations Safety System Exemptions Headquarters (OPSS Exemptions HQ)

During the certification process, air carrier and air operator applicants must submit evidence of
qualifications to meet FAA safety standards and, if conducting air transportation, proof of their
economic fitness. The conditions and limitations of an air carrier and air operator certificate are
authorized through authorizing documents issued through WebOPSS, such as: Operations
Specifications (OpSpecs) (a set of conditions and limitations authorized by the FAA and with
which an air carrier or air operator must comply); Management Specifications (MSpecs)(used to
authorize fractional ownership programs, which are programs of shared aircraft ownership);

See 44 USC 3201-3521; 5 CFR Part 1320
Air operators (e.g. air carriers such as Delta Airlines, United Airlines) and air agencies (e.g. repair stations, training
centers, pilot schools) are considered members of the public. 14 C.F.R. Part 119 (for air carriers) and 14 C.F.R. Part
145 (for air agencies).

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PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

Training specifications (TSpecs) (authorize training centers to use facilities, equipment, personal
and courseware required to conduct training); Letters of authorization (LOA) and waivers (LOAs
and waivers are issued by the FAA for specific flight operations).
The certification process is designed so that air operator and air agency programs and technology
are thoroughly reviewed, evaluated, and tested. The certification process includes the following
five phases6: pre-application, formal application, document compliance, demonstration,
inspection, and final certification. Only the final certification phase is supported by WebOPSS.
System Access
Each of the five modules within WebOPSS requires authentication. FAA Users request access
through their supervisor, who sends a request to the FAA MyIT Help Desk and a ticket is created
via the MyITSM ticketing System7. The supervisor provides the following PII on the user: name,
role/title, organization, FAA email address, telephone number, office code/location, office
address and access privileges. This access request is outside WebOPSS boundaries. None of the
PII from the form, other than name and email address is entered into WebOPSS. Users are
authenticated through their workstation using their Active Directory account and Personal
Identity Verification (PIV)8 card. Once in the application, contents and privileges may vary
depending on the user’s assigned role. External user access to the various applications will be
described in the applicable application.
WebOPSS application
The WebOPSS application is used to process final authorizing documents issued to Industry
Users, including OpSpecs, MSpecs, TSpecs, LOAs and waivers. Industry users can participate in
this process and utilize over 1,000 templates.
In order to receive a WebOPSS account, Industry Users must receive WebOPSS training. These
users may enroll in the Industry WebOPSS course (organized by the FAA Academy9). Once
training has been accomplished, the Principal Operations Inspector10 sends a request via email
for a WebOPSS account to the FAA MyIT Help Desk, and a ticket will be created via the MyIT
Service Management (MyITSM) system . The Principal Operations Inspector will provide the
following PII to MyITSM: name and business email address. Training records are not input into


These five phases are described in FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 2, Chapter 1, Section 1.
The FAA MyIT Help Desk services are part of the MyIT Service Management (MyITSM) system – formerly
called the Remedy Action Request System (Remedy). MyITSM has an adjudicated PTA, dated December 27, 2016.
An update is currently in development.
The PIV information, such as PIV card serial number, does not transverse the system boundaries of WebOPSS and
is not stored in the WebOPSS system.
This process is part of the Instructional Resource Information System (IRIS). The IRIS system has a PTA that is
currently pending adjudication at the DOT Privacy Office.
Principal Operations Inspectors are FAA Users and are the liaison between Industry Users and the FAA.
Inspectors are responsible for ensuring legal compliance of air carriers and air operations within FAA rules and

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

Once the account is created, the applicant receives an email containing a temporary password
with instructions to log in and change the temporary password. Industry Users manage their
account through the External User Provisioning (EUP) system, which is outside WebOPSS
WebOPSS displays different available templates that Industry Users and FAA Users can employ
to draft and review the authorizing documents. These documents are located in a common
workspace available to both users. PII that may be manually input into WebOPSS includes
information on FAA Users involved in the approval process: Name, role/title, Organization,
FAA email address, Office code/location, address, and information related to Industry Users
including name, role/title, organization, address, email address, telephone number, username,
aircraft registration number, and certificate status/type/number.
Once the authorizing document is reviewed and approved by the FAA, the document is digitally
signed in WebOPSS using the digital certificate obtained through the DCS – explained below.
DCS application
DCS is an online application that is used by FAA (authorized FAA Inspectors, Supervisors and
Managers) and Industry Users to purchase digital certificates12 in order to enable these
individuals to digitally sign authorized documents in WebOPSS. DCS resides on an FAA Web
server system located at the URL https://dcs.faa.gov/. 13DCS accesses external online services
including Elavon Incorporated for Virtual Merchant services (card payment), Equifax Inc. via
eIDcompare14 for identity authentication, and the certification authority GlobalSign for digital
certificate issuance15. Leidos, Inc., who the FAA has contracted with to manage the DCS
services, has a Task Order with the FAA, and Purchase Orders for licenses with Elavon, Equifax
and GlobalSign.
DCS has two different processes for purchasing a digital certificate, depending on whether the
individual is an FAA User or an Industry User.
FAA Users
Only designated FAA Users are able to apply for a digital certificate for use in
WebOPSS. The supervisor should send a request to the DCS Administrators via email
(AFS-WebOPSS@faa.gov) providing the following PII of the individual needing the

This portal is part of the FAA DS.
A digital certificate is an electronic credential that allows a person, computer, or organization to exchange
information securely over the Internet and to electronically sign documents using the Public Key Infrastructure
The DCS home page needs to be updated to include a statement as to its collection of PII.
eIDcompare is an Internet-based service that helps companies mitigate the risk of doing business online, by
validating that an applicant’s identity actually exists or by verifying the identity of a joint applicant not present
during an account opening process.
Leidos Inc. is the provider who maintains the DCS website. The FAA has contracted with Leidos Inc. under
National Airspace System Integration Support Contract (NISC) to provide turnkey solutions for DCS. FAA does not
have a direct relationship with the third parties. Leidos has Purchase Orders for licenses from Equifax and

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PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

certificate: name, FAA email address, office, location. FAA Users are unable to utilize
their PIV cards for digital signature, as WebOPSS was not built to utilize that technology.
Updating the functionality to utilize PIV cards would be cost prohibitive.
As soon as DCS Administrators receive the request, they will generate the digital
certificate by navigating to the site https://dcs.faa.gov/ and using their Administrator
credentials (username and password). Once in the system, DCS Administrators manually
enter the following PII: name, FAA email address, office, and location. This information
is then transferred to GlobalSign.
After the information is successfully submitted, the FAA User will receive a “certificate
request in progress” email. When the digital certificate is ready for pick up, the FAA
User will receive 2 different emails, one from DigitalCertificate@globalsign.com
notifying that the certificate is ready for pickup and including a link to the GlobalSign
site, and another one from afs-webopss@faa.gov providing a temporary password
necessary to retrieve the digital certificate.
To retrieve the digital certificate, FAA Users navigate to the GlobalSign link provided in
the first email and enter the pickup password provided in the second email from DCS.
Once submitted, they are required to enter a new password and to also review and accept
a GlobalSign Agreement. At that point, FAA Users will be able to download and save the
digital certificate locally on their computer. The digital certificate will include their name
and certificate ID.
Unlike Industry Users, digital certificates for FAA Users do not require any
communication to Equifax Inc. or Elavon Inc., as the FAA employee identity is
confirmed by the FAA, and certificates are purchased by the FAA, not the employee.
Industry Users
Industry Users can request a digital signature for use within WebOPSS by navigating to
https://dcs.faa.gov/ where they will be required to read and accept the Digital Certificate
Service Subscriber Agreement and additional notices explaining the authentication
After accepting the agreement, Industry Users manually enter the following: Name,
Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth (DOB), home phone number, email address,
driver’s license number and state, driver’s license address, current street address, and
years at the address, which are sent encrypted through the website (https://dcs.faa.gov/) to
Equifax Credit Services.16 PII is sent directly to Equifax via encrypted channel and is not
stored or viewed in FAA servers.
Once information is submitted, industry users are required to enter their credit card
number, CVC code, expiration year/month, name, billing address and whether the card is
issued in the United States, in order to purchase the digital certificate. This data is

Leidos has a Purchase Order with Equifax for purchase of the license.

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PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

directly sent encrypted through the website
(https://dcs.faa.gov/Certificate/NewCertPayment/) to Elavon Inc. (virtual merchant) who
provides the service to purchase digital certificates.17 In return, Elavon, Inc.18 sends to the
FAA for storage in the WebOPSS database: name, email address, last 4 digits of the
credit card number, and a transaction ID number that Elavon auto-generated to track the
Additionally, Industry Users have the option to complete the authentication process
offline (this option is mandatory for non-U.S. residents and U.S. residents that have an
Identity Protection Service, such as LifeLock). In this case, Industry Users should
complete and print a Proof of Identity Form19, notarize it and mail it to Leidos
Corporation (this Form does not include a privacy or PRA statement). Leidos does not
perform any additional identity proofing and Leidos does not return any of the PII on this
form to the FAA. Forms are maintained in a locked file cabinet. Since the inception of the
Task Order, no documents have been destroyed. Leidos is currently preparing a Task
Order revision to identify a retention period that is consistent with FAA. Leidos uses the
PII provided only for identity verification purposes.
Proof of Identity

Once the notarized form is processed, Industry Users will receive an email notifying them
that their Proof of Identity Form was successfully processed including a link to complete
the purchase of the digital certificate following the previously described process.
As soon as the credit transaction is approved, the digital certification request is directly sent to
GlobalSign.20 DCS Administrators do not have to manually request the digital certificate through
DCS. The process for notification, retrieval, and download of the digital certificate is the same
explained for the FAA Users.
OAPS application
Once an Industry User has been approved for certification, they may apply for a small subset of
amendments to their operations or management specifications (OpSpecs, MSpecs) related to
navigation equipment and procedures using OAPS.
To receive an OAPS account, Industry Users send a request to their Principal Operations Inspector
for approval. The Principal Inspector sends a request for an OAPS account approval to the FAA

If individuals have questions about their payment or if a refund is needed, users contact the FAA for Tier 3
support. If there is a credit card issue, individuals will contact Elavon directly. Leidos has no contractual relationship
with Elavon.
See Elavon Privacy Policy - https://www.elavon.com/privacy-pledge.html
PII and documents required in the Proof of Identity Form are as follows: name, address, company name
(optional), email address, telephone number, signature, and a copy of a Government-Issued Photo Identification
(Passport or Driver’s License). The form also includes PII referred to the certifier: name of the Notary Public /
Solicitor / Attorney, country, certification purpose and date, signature, and seal. None of this information is
disclosed or communicated to the FAA, or to Equifax.
Leidos has a Purchase Order with Global Sign for the purchase of the license.

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

MyIT Help, and a ticket will be created via the MyITSM Ticketing System. The Principal Inspector
sends a request for an OAPS account approval to the FAA MyIT Help Desk via email
(helpdesk@faa.gov) in order to add the Industry User to the OAPS user table. The FAA MyIT
Help Desk receives the following PII: name, business email address, which organization the user
should have access, role, business telephone number.
Once the account is created, the applicant receives an email containing a temporary password
with instructions to log in and change the temporary password. Industry Users manage their
account through the External User Provisioning (EUP) system, which is another portal
(https://avsportal.faa.gov/index.asp) used to reset and manage their account. This portal is
outside WebOPSS boundaries21.
Industry Users are assigned the user category of “Operator”, their privileges are limited to submit
changes to their operations approvals through the system and to participate in the approval
process (e.g. edit, review, print), as required by FAA Users. In order to submit an application,
Industry Users select the template to use as a base for the new application and enter the
following PII: business contact information, designator code, aircraft registration number,
certificate number and operator Identification. In addition, the application includes a checklist
tab that displays a list of supporting documents that might be required for some applications and
an upload area that Industry Users may use to attach the files to the application. These
documents do not provide additional PII and include e.g. training manuals, maintenance
procedures, operating procedures and practices. Users are apprised of the appropriate documents
to submit via the User Guide and document checklist. There is also a “comments” tab that is a
free text field. The comments tab is meant for the user to supply additional information.22 When
the application is submitted, an Application ID number is generated, comprised of a unique
string of numbers identifying the application draft.
Once submitted, the FAA User receives an email notification that a task has been created for
them in OAPS. Then he or she will review it for completeness and correctness. If the application
is not complete and/or correct, the FAA User may return the application to the Industry User for
more information, with instructions to resubmit the application. If this happens, the Industry
User receives an email message that the application has been returned and may then resubmit the
application after the correction is made. The FAA User can also transfer the application to
another FAA User or deny it. Both users can add comments during the application lifecycle. If
the application is complete and correct, the FAA User can approve the application. THEN
OPSS Insurance HQ application
OPSS Insurance HQ is part of the certification process for obtaining OpSpecs. During the last
phase of the certification, process (Final Certification) the FAA must verify that air carriers have
obtained the appropriate liability insurance coverage.


This portal is part of the FAA DS.
There is not currently a warning banner to prevent the user from submitting additional PII. The System Owner has
been advised that the System Administrators should redact unnecessary PII.


May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

In order to prove that air carriers have the proper certificate of insurance they are required to
complete the following forms and submit them in paper form to the DOT or the FAA, where

Office of the secretary of Transportation (OST) Form 6410 US23 Carriers
Certificate of Insurance
OST Form 6411 Foreign Air Carriers Certificate of Insurance24
OST Form 4507 Air Taxi Operator Registration and Amendments25

OST Form 6410

OST Form 6411

OST Form 4507

OST Forms 6410/6411/4507 must be manually completed (using the PDF Forms), and then
printed, and signed. The original signed form must be mailed along with the filing fee (OST
Form 4507 only) to the FAA.
• OST Form 6410 or OST Form 6411 include the following PII: Name of the
insurer, contact person (name), address, telephone and fax number; name of
broker (if applicable), authorized representative (name), address, telephone and
fax number. Organization name (air carrier), address, FAA certificate number of
insured, effective date. Details of the policy e.g. policy number, type, effective
date, amount coverage, aircraft make and model, FAA, foreign flag registration

OST Form 4507 contain the following PII: name of registering carrier, address,
telephone number, fax number, and email address, name of authorized
representative. Other information such as type of service the carrier intends to
perform, aircraft make and model, FAA registration number, passenger seats.

Once these forms are received by the FAA, FAA Users enter the information manually into the
OPSS Insurance HQ application.
The Insurance HQ application will be replaced by the Economic Authority and Insurance
Management (eAIM) system, which is currently under development26. eAIM will transfer and
maintain all of the data from the current OPSS Insurance HQ application for use in the new
system. It will allow direct online submission to the FAA by the responsible parties of OST
Forms 4507, 6410 and 6411. It will capture OST form information directly as entered without

OST Form 6410, OMB 2106-0030, Expiration 02/28/2011, includes a Paper Reduction Act Notice, but not a
privacy notice. This form is expired. This form is managed by DOT/OST and is outside FAA’s boundaries. OST
program office has started the process of reinstatement of Information Collection Request with OMB Control
number 2106-0030 2017 and should be completed not later than November 30th.
OST Form 6411, OMB 2106-0030, Expiration 09/30/2007, includes a Paper Reduction Act Notice, but not a
privacy notice. This form is expired (see previous Footnote).
OST Form 4507, OBM 2105-0565, Expiration 06/30/2019, includes a Paper Reduction Act Notice. This form is
managed by DOT/OST and is outside FAA’s boundaries.
This application is part of the FY17 assessment, but is scheduled to be implemented on or about the end of FY18.

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

requiring Insurance Analysts to enter the information provided on the forms. eAIM will send
notifications to the appropriate Insurance Analyst(s) or department when applicants submit
forms. It will send notifications to the Principal Operations Inspector (POI) for the operator when
an operator or insurance company submits a form. It will provide economic authority status and
information to WebOPSS for display within WebOPSS Certificate Holding District Office
(CHDO) and will expand the use of “Insurance in a Non-Compliant State” notification regarding
economic authority and insurance status displayed in WebOPSS. The application is expected to
process the same PII as the OPSS Insurance HQ application. The application is still in
OPSS Exemptions HQ application
During the last phase of the certification process, Industry Users are required to list all
exemptions and deviations in their OpSpecs27. OPSS Exemption HQ facilitates the process of
listing grants of exemptions obtained in the OpSpecs.
Petitions for exemption are submitted by Industry Users electronically to the Federal Docket
Management System (FDMS) or in writing to the Docket Management Facility US Department
of Transportation. Once received into FDMS, the FAA Office of Rulemaking processes the
petition for exemption and renders a decision, which is also published through the Automated
Exemptions System (aes.faa.gov) in a letter format addressed to the petitioner by name, title,
organization and mailing address. The exemption petition and review process are outside the
scope of WebOPSS/OPSS Exemptions HQ28.
FAA employees enter the information for Grants of Exemption published manually into the
OPSS Exemption HQ component. PII entered into the application includes petitioner’s name,
organization, address, and role/title. PII on FAA Users contained in OPSS Exemption HQ
includes their name, role/title, FAA office, and username.

OPSS Exemption HQ also provides search options for specific exemption entries in order to
review their status, or filter out certain types of entries in order to reduce the number to be
displayed. Other functionalities include add, edit or delete entries from the list of exemption
petitioners for use when assigning exemptions to certificate holders, load the exemption (a word
document) from the workstation to the application and download copies of the exemptions.
Data Exchanges
See Section 2.10 for a description of data exchanges.

14 CFR Part 119, Section 119.49
This process is outside WebOPSS’ boundaries, it is part of another system: Integrated Rulemaking Information
Management System (IRMIS). IRMIS has an adjudicated PTA, dated September 29, 2015.

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

WebOPSS contains audit logs which could include username. The DCS application audit logs
also include: name, email address (of Industry Users and FAA Users), and the last 4 digits of the
credit card number used in the transaction (Industry Users only). Reports can also be developed
in the applications, such as reports of individuals who have been issued digital certificates (in
DCS) and Application Status Reports by Region (OAPS). PII that could be present in these
reports includes any of the PII maintained in the WebOPSS database.


SUBJECTS of Collection
Identify the subject population(s) for whom the system collects, maintains, or
disseminates PII. (Check all that apply)
☒ Members of the public:

☒ Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents (LPR)
☒ Visitors
☒ Members of the DOT Federal workforce
☒ Members of the DOT Contract workforce


☐ System Does Not Collect PII. If the system does not collect PII, proceed directly
to question 2.3.
What INFORMATION ABOUT INDIVIDUALS will be collected, used, retained, or


FAA employees/contractors



FAA email address
Telephone number
Office code/location



FAA email address
Certificate ID number
Certificate expiration date

May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0

Members of the public (air
operators and air agencies)
• Name
• Role/title
• Organization
• Address
• Email address
• Telephone number
• Username
• Aircraft registration number
• Certificate number/status/type

Email address
Certificate ID number
Certificate expiration date
Last 4 digits of credit card used
to purchase


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)
• Amount and date of purchase
• Transaction ID
• Credit card number (not
maintained in DCS database)
• SSN (not maintained in DCS
database) (DCS only – users
have the option to use Leidos
Proof of Identity form instead )
• DOB (not maintained in DCS
• home phone number (not
maintained in DCS database)
• driver’s license number and
state(not maintained in DCS
• driver’s license address, current
street address, and years at the
address(not maintained in DCS
• Photocopy of government issued
photo identification (Leidos
Proof of Identity Form only. Not
stored in DCS database)



OPSS Insurance HQ


FAA email address
Telephone number or cell number
• Office code/location
• Address
• Username

Telephone number


May 15, 2015

PTA Template v 2.0

Email address
Telephone number
Designator code
Certificate number
Operator ID
Aircraft registration number
Application ID
Name of the insurer
Contact person (name)
Telephone number
Fax number
Name of the broker (if
Authorized representative
Telephone number
Fax number
Foreign flag registration number
Organization name (air carrier)
FAA certificate number of


DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

OPSS Exemptions HQ






Does the system RELATE to or provide information about individuals?
☒ Yes:
The WebOPSS system contains PII on the FAA employee/contractor workforce who are
users of the system including within audit logs. The system also contains information
from members of the public who represent air operators and air agencies and who submit
operations specifications applications on their behalf.
☐ No

If the answer to 2.1 is “System Does Not Collect PII” and the answer to 2.3 is “No”,
you may proceed to question 2.10.
If the system collects PII or relate to individual in any way, proceed to question 2.4.

Does the system use or collect SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS (SSNs)? (This includes
truncated SSNs)
☒ Yes:
Industry users who are requesting digital certificates provide their SSNs on a web
transmittal page that forwards their SSN directly to Equifax. SSN is not maintained in the
DCS database. The purpose of the collection of SSN is used for identity verification.
In order for the Federal Government to identify, verify and authenticate an external user
from the public, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication 800-63-2, “Electronic Authentication Guidelines,” requires that the federal
government collect and use an individual’s information located on a government-issued
identification document for that individual. In particular, the SSN is used to crossreference an individual with additional data elements using an identity verification tool or

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

service, such as Equifax. The data elements in this case are provided collected directly by
Equifax for identity-proofing, and not by the FAA, and are not stored in any FAA system.
The disclosure of the SSN is voluntary in this case, as there is another option for identity
proofing available. Individuals can provide a notarized form to Leidos that does not
require the individual’s SSN. The DCS website informs the individuals of the option to
provide the notarized Leidos form – although they have been advised that they need to
make it clear that this is an alternative to providing the SSN to Equifax.


☐ No: The system does not use or collect SSNs, including truncated SSNs. Proceed
to 2.6.

Has an SSN REDUCTION plan been established for the system?
☐ Yes:


☒ No: While DCS has a transmittal page where users input SSN, SSN is not stored in
the DCS database.

Does the system collect PSEUDO-SSNs?
☐ Yes:


☒ No: The system does not collect pseudo-SSNs, including truncated SSNs.

Will information about individuals be retrieved or accessed by a UNIQUE
IDENTIFIER associated with or assigned to an individual?
☒ Yes
Is there an existing Privacy Act System of Records notice (SORN) for the
records retrieved or accessed by a unique identifier?
☒ Yes:
• DOT/ALL 9, Identification Media Record Systems, October 7, 2002 67
FR 62511
• DOT/ALL 13, Internet/Intranet Activity and Access Records, May 7, 2002
67 FR 30757
• DOT/FAA 847, Aviation Records on Individuals, November 9, 2010 75
FR 68849.


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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

☐ No:
Expected Publication:

☐ Not Applicable: Proceed to question 2.9

Has a Privacy Act EXEMPTION RULE been published in support of any
Exemptions claimed in the SORN?
☒ Yes
Exemption Rule:
DOT/FAA 847, Aviation Records on Individuals, November 9, 2010 75 FR 3058.
Records in this system that relate to administrative actions and legal enforcement
actions are excepted from certain access and disclosure requirements of the Privacy
Act of 1974, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2).
☐ No
Expected Publication:


☐ Not Applicable: SORN does not claim Privacy Act exemptions.

Has a PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT (PIA) been published for this system?
☐ Yes:
☒ No:


☐ Not Applicable: The most recently adjudicated PTA indicated no PIA was
required for this system.

Does the system EXCHANGE (receive and/or send) DATA from another INTERNAL
(DOT) or EXTERNAL (non-DOT) system or business activity?
☒ Yes:
Internal Data Exchanges: WebOPSS does not currently have PII Data Sharing
Agreements for its internal data exchanges. The System Owner has been advised to reach
out to the PII Data Sharing Agreement POC for assistance.

May 15, 2015


FAAMIS – Provides a system record of information about certified entities (e.g.
air carriers and air operators), aircrafts and airmen. WebOPSS sends data to
FAAMIS on a two-way connection via TCP over SQL, including the following
PII: name of Industry Users’ personnel, title, address, name of the FAA principal
inspector in the certificate. SORN coverage for FAAMIS has not yet been
determined, as FAAMIS does not yet have an adjudicated PTA.


SPAS – SPAS consolidates information from different flight standards.
WebOPSS sends data to SPAS on a one-way connection via TCP over SQL
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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

including all PII data within the WebOPSS database. SORN coverage for SPAS
has not yet been determined, as SPAS does not have an adjudicated PTA.

CETS – CETS supports a drug enforcement program. WebOPSS sends data via
TCP over SQL to SPAS on a one-way connection including all PII data within
the WebOPSS database. SORN coverage is via DOT/FAA 847.


VDRP – VDRP supports a voluntary data reporting program. WebOPSS sends
data via TCP over SQL to VDRP on a one-way connection including all data in
the WebOPSS database. VDRP does not retrieve information by personal
identifier and so is not covered by a SORN.


SAS – SAS provides support to FAA safety programs and risk management
processes. WebOPSS sends data to VDRP via TCP over SQL on a one-way
connection including the following PII: name of Industry Users’ personnel, title,
address, name of the FAA principal inspector in the certificate. The records are
covered under: DOT/FAA 801 and DOT/FAA 847.


FAA DS – FAA DS is used to authenticate users in WebOPSS, using AD.
WebOPSS only receives an access token, which is generated by AD and sent
encrypted to WebOPSS, once the user credentials have been verified. SORN
coverage is via DOT/ALL 13.


MyITSM – MyITSM receives via email exchange account requests. PII received
from WebOPSS users includes: name, role/title, organization, FAA email
address, telephone number, office code/location, office address and access
privileges. SORN coverage is via DOT/ALL 13.

External Data Exchanges:
The FAA does not currently have Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with these entities.
FAA has a Task Order with Leidos. Leidos has Purchase Orders with GlobalSign and Equifax
for purchase of licenses.
• Elavon, Inc. – the FAA DCS webpage acts as a transmittal page (name, email
address, credit card number, expiration date, security code) to send payment
information to Elavon, avoiding the WebOPSS database. However, Elavon does
send to WebOPSS a transaction ID, name email address and the last 4 digits of the
user’s credit card number to WebOPSS for storage in the WebOPSS database.

May 15, 2015

GlobalSign - Once DCS Administrators receive the digital certificate request;
they will be authorized to generate the digital certificate by navigating to the site
https://dcs.faa.gov/ and using their Administrator credentials (username and
password). Once in the system, DCS Administrators manually enter the following
PII of the individual needing a certificate: name, FAA email address, office, and
location. This information is transferred to GlobalSign. Once the signature
process is initiated, industry users will receive two automated emails. Once email

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

has detailed instructions regarding the user’s retrieval password. The second
email will include a certificate ID and link to download.

Equifax – Industry Users are required to manually provide the following: Name,
SSN, DOB, home phone number, email address, driver’s license number and
state, driver’s license address, current street address, and years at the address,
which are directly sent encrypted through the website (https://dcs.faa.gov/) to
Equifax Credit Services. The information exchange is private and only between
Industry Users and Equifax Inc. PII is sent directly to Equifax via encrypted
channel and is not stored or viewed in FAA servers. Equifax sends the DCS
application a pass/fail rating and reason code.


Leidos – Industry users may complete and print a Proof of Identity Form29,
notarize it and mail it to Leidos Corporation (this Form does not include a privacy
statement) – Through this process Leidos Inc. verifies Industry User’s identity.
Leidos does not return any of the PII on this form (which includes: name, address,
company name, email, phone number, signature, copy of government issued
photo identification) to the FAA. Forms are maintained in a locked file cabinet.
Since the inception of the Task Order, no documents have been destroyed. Leidos
is currently preparing a Task Order revision to identify a retention period that is
consistent with FAA. Leidos uses the PII provided only for identity verification

☐ No

Does the system have a National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)approved RECORDS DISPOSITION schedule for system records?
☒ Yes:
Schedule Identifier:
NCI-237-77-03 Items 31 & 33 – Proposed Big Bucket Schedule which will supersede
these schedules is DAA-237-2016-0012-0015
II-NNA-1102 items 17 & 19 – Proposed Big Bucket Schedule which will supersede these
schedules is DAA-0237-2016-0012-0061

PII and documents required in the Proof of Identity Form are as follows: name, address, company name
(optional), email address, telephone number, signature, and a copy of a Government-Issued Photo Identification
(Passport or Driver’s License). The form also includes PII referred to the certifier: name of the Notary Public /
Solicitor / Attorney, country, certification purpose and date, signature, and seal. None of this information is
disclosed or communicated to the FAA.

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)


Schedule Summary:
Item 31: Air Carrier Maintenance Files
(a) Regional Flight Standards Offices – Destroy when 10 years old, except
that basic certificates, specifications, and authorizations are to be
destroyed eight years after being superseded or canceled. Transfer to
Federal Records Center after 5 years, except that basic certificates,
specifications, and authorizations are to be transferred 5 years after
being superseded or canceled.
(b) Flight Standards field offices – Destroy after 5 years, except that basic
certificates, specifications, and authorizations are to be destroyed 5
years after being superseded or canceled.
Item 33: Air carrier operations files
(a) Regional flight standards offices – destroy after 10 years, except that
basic certificates, specifications and authorizations are to be destroyed
8 years after being superseded or canceled. Transfer to Federal
Records Center after 5 years, except that basic certificates,
specifications and authorizations are to be transferred 5 years after
being superseded or canceled.
II-NNA-1102 items 17 & 19
Item 17: Approved Schools Case Files
(a) Maintain 2 sets of files 1) currently active file of active schools; and 2)
semi-active files of inactive or cancelled schools
(b) When a specific inactive or canceled school is recertified, remove
folder from inactive or cancelled file and return folder to the active

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

(c) Screen inactive files annually and destroy all files which have been
inactive for 5 years.
Item 19: “Air Taxi” Case Files
(a) Basic certificates and data to be destroyed 3 years after superseded or
(b) All other records to be destroyed when 3 years old.
☐ In Progress
☐ No:





The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a process for planning, creating,
testing, and deploying an information system. Privacy risk can change depending on
where a system is in its lifecycle.

Was this system IN PLACE in an ELECTRONIC FORMAT prior to 2002?

The E-Government Act of 2002 (EGov) establishes criteria for the types of systems
that require additional privacy considerations. It applies to systems established in
2002 or later, or existing systems that were modified after 2002.
Yes: 1/1/1998
☐Not Applicable: System is not currently an electronic system. Proceed to Section
Has the system been MODIFIED in any way since 2002?
☒ Yes: The system has been modified since 2002.
☒ Maintenance.
☒ Security.
☒ Changes Creating Privacy Risk:

Since the date of the FAA-reviewed PTA, WebOPSS has undergone significant changes;
including major functionality changes for the DCS component, leading to the addition of
significant additional PII, including SSNs, among other PII data elements. The previous
PTA did not include any data sharing; this PTA is updated to describe the data sharing
with internal and external systems.
☐ Other:
☐ No: The system has not been modified in any way since 2002.

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)


Is the system a CONTRACTOR-owned or -managed system?
☐ Yes: The system is owned or managed under contract.
Contract Number:


☒ No: The system is owned and managed by Federal employees.
Has a system Security Risk CATEGORIZATION been completed?

The DOT Privacy Risk Management policy requires that all PII be protected using
controls consistent with Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 199
(FIPS 199) moderate confidentiality standards. The OA Privacy Officer should be
engaged in the risk determination process and take data types into account.
☒ Yes: A risk categorization has been completed.

Based on the risk level definitions and classifications provided above, indicate
the information categorization determinations for each of the following:

☐ Low

☒ Moderate

☐ High

☐ Undefined

☐ Low

☐ Moderate

☒ High

☐ Undefined

☐ Low

☒ Moderate

☐ High

☐ Undefined

Based on the risk level definitions and classifications provided above, indicate
the information system categorization determinations for each of the following:


☐ Low

☒ Moderate

☐ High

☐ Undefined

☐ Low

☐ Moderate

☒ High

☐ Undefined

☐ Low

☒ Moderate

☐ High

☐ Undefined

☐ No: A risk categorization has not been completed. Provide date of anticipated
Has the system been issued an AUTHORITY TO OPERATE?
☒ Yes:

Date of Initial Authority to Operate (ATO): 09/29/2017
Anticipated Date of Updated ATO: 09/29/2020
☐ No:
☐ Not Applicable: System is not covered by the Federal Information Security Act

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

The Component Privacy Officer (PO) is responsible for ensuring that the PTA is as complete
and accurate as possible before submitting to the DOT Privacy Office for review and
Name: Bud Gordon

Email: bud.gordon@faa.gov

Phone Number: 571-209-3078

I have reviewed the AVS WebOPSS PTA and found the risk level as High as reflected in the
risk categorization in the PTA.

WebOPSS consists of a suite of five applications that allow for the certification and
authorization for air operators and air agencies to conduct business and fly in the national
Since the date of the previously reviewed PTA, the WebOPSS system has undergone
significant changes, including major functionality changes for the DCS component and the
addition of significant additional PII including SSNs, among other PII data elements. The
previous PTA did not include any data sharing; this PTA is updated to describe the data
sharing with internal and external systems. The system acts as a pass thru for SSNs to
Equifax. The FAA SSN Reduction POC responded that “since SSNs are not stored in the
system it would not require further action for the SSN Reduction Plan."

I have reviewed the WebOPSS PTA and found the risk level as moderate as reflected in the
PTA. The WebOPSS system is a privacy system based upon the data elements it collects, I
recommend the SORNs to be DOT/ALL 13, DOT/ALL 9, and DOT/FAA 847 as reflected in
the PTA. The previous PTA was drafted but not adjudicated. The data disposition schedules
are NCI-237-77-03 Items 31 & 33 and II-NNA-1102 items 17 & 19.


Prior to submitting the PTA for adjudication, it is critical that the oversight offices within
the Component have reviewed the PTA for completeness, comprehension and accuracy.
Component Reviewer

Business Owner

General Counsel

Information System
Security Manager (ISSM)
Privacy Officer
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Review Date

Jean Mortellaro




Sarah Leavitt
Bud Gordon

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

Records Officer

Kelly Batherwich


Table 1 - Individuals who have reviewed the PTA and attest to its completeness, comprehension and accuracy.

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

Adjudication Review COMPLETED: September 26, 2018
DOT Privacy Office REVIEWER: Claire W. Barrett
This is NOT a Privacy Sensitive System – the system contains no Personally
Identifiable Information.
This IS a Privacy Sensitive System
Category of System
IT System.
National Security System.
Legacy System.
HR System.
PTA is sufficient at this time.
Privacy compliance documentation determination in progress.
PIA is not required at this time: <>
PIA is required.
System covered by existing PIA: <>
New PIA is required. collects sensitive PII from members of public.
PIA update is required.
SORN not required at this time. <>
SORN is required.
System covered by existing SORN: see adjudication statement
New SORN is required. see adjudication statement
SORN update is required. see adjudication statement

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

Departmental Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) Adjudication Statement
DOT CPO has determined that RPFMT is a privacy sensitive system.

AR-2(b)- Privacy Impact and Risk Assessment/PIA
Issue: System collects PII from members of the public; data elements and or system
create significant privacy risk to individuals. Requirement: Provide updated PIA to
DOT CPO. Timeline: 90 days.


AP-1 – Authority to collect. IP-1(a-b) Consent/Consent/Consequences
Issue: FAA has not identified authority authorizing mandatory collection of SSN and the
system does not include appropriate Privacy Act notice providing individual information
on the voluntary nature of SSN collection, consent for its use, and consequences for
failure to provide. Requirement: Implement appropriate Privacy Act notice and
mechanism for consent. Timeline: 30 days.


DM-1(a-c) - Minimization of Personally Identifiable Information/Limited Collection,
Relevant & Necessary
Issue: FAA has not established clear need or authority to maintain SSN in the
environment. Requirement: Establish and implement system specific plan to remove
unnecessary SSN from the environment. Provide plan to DOT CPO. Timeline: 120
days. NOTE: The general SSN management plan does not fulfill this requirement.


DM-2(a-c) Data Retention and Disposal/Retention/Scheduling/Secure Destruction; SI-12
– Information Handling and Retention
Issue: Referenced records schedule does not match FAA declaration that records are
about individuals (see SORN) nor does it match the state purpose of the system Therefore
the FAA cannot be appropriately implementing its records management responsibilities.
Requirement: Establish file plan for system and as necessary develop/update records
disposition schedule. Provide File Plan and Disposition Schedule to DOT CPO and DOT
Records Officer. Timeline: 90 days.


IP-1(a) Consent/Consent; TR-1(a-b) Privacy Notice/Notice/Purpose
System access does not have appropriate Privacy Act notices informing individuals that
their records will be maintained under DOT/FAA 847. Requirement: Implement
appropriate Privacy Act notices on all collection instruments including but not limited to
website associated with system. Timeline: 90 days NOTE: Notice must be consistent
with SORN analysis.


TR-2(a) – System of Records Notices and Privacy Act Statements; AP-1 Authority to
Issue: Reference SORN does not match system description or referenced records
schedules. Records in the system do no appear to be about an individual, rather that they
are about aircraft. Requirement: Conduct comprehensive system and business process

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DOT Privacy Program

Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA)

review to determine applicability of Privacy Act to records. Provide review outcomes to
DOT CPO. Timeline: 90 days

SE-1(a) - Inventory of Personally Identifiable Information/System Inventory
Issue: System maintains SSN. Requirement: Update CSAM record to reflect SSN
holdings. Timeline: 30-days from issuance of DOT Guidance for updating CSAM

NOTE: In its 2014 and 2017 Quality Control Review of Controls Over DOT's Protection of
Privacy Information the DOT Inspector General noted that Departmental IT systems need to
improve “ongoing validation of specific privacy related security controls for their systems are in
effect, including those that safeguard confidentiality, provide secure remote access, encryption of
back up media, follow up of unauthorized mobile devices, and proper user account and password
settings in accordance with DOT policy. ” FAA management is strongly encouraged to review
NIST SP 800-122, Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) and make an active determination regarding the applicability of the specific security
controls identified in section 4.3 of the same.
NOTE: Records about users of the system are collected for the purposes of creating and
maintaining accounts. These records are protected under the Privacy Act and must be maintained
in accordance with DOT/ALL 13 - Internet/Intranet Activity and Access Records - 67 FR 30757
- May 7, 2002.
The Adjudicated PTA should be uploaded into CSAM as evidence that the required privacy
analysis for this system has been completed.
The PTA should be updated not later than the next security certification and accreditation (C&A)
cycle and must be approved by the DOT PO prior to the accreditation decision. Component
policy or substantive changes to the system may require that the PTA be updated prior to the
next C&A cycle.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorBarrett, Claire (OST)
File Modified2018-09-26
File Created2018-09-26

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