
Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II Report Cards on State Teacher Credentialing and Preparation

Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) 2023_jb_RTI

Institution and Program Report Card

OMB: 1840-0744

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Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008 by the Higher Education Opportunity Act

HEA Title II

(HEA) Title II Institutional and Program Report Card on the Quality of Teacher Preparation


Office of Postsecondary Education

U.S. Department of Education


This reporting system is a mechanism by which institutions of higher education and other state-approved teacher preparation programs meet the new reporting requirements on teacher preparation, certification, and licensing mandated by Title II of the Higher Education Act, as amended in 2008. The Office of Postsecondary Education is responsible for assisting institutions and states in fulfilling the requirements and for issuing the annual report to Congress.

Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act mandates that the Department of Education collect data on state assessments, other requirements, and standards for teacher certification and licensure, as well as data on the performance of teacher preparation programs. The law requires the Secretary to use these data in submitting an annual report on the quality of teacher preparation to the Congress.

OMB Control Number: 1840-0744


Public Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0744. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 80 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is mandatory Public Law 110-305, section 205, Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended in 2008, and the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (PL 113-235). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact U.S. Department of Education, Freddie Cross, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202, Freddie.cross@ed.gov or (202) 453-7224 directly.

General Guidance

Quick Reference Links

  • A Glossary of Key Terms used in the State Report Card is available below and is referenced throughout the report.

The Institutional and Program Report Card (IPRC) reporting system is an online tool by which Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and other organizations with state-approved teacher preparation programs can meet the annual Title II reporting requirements on teacher preparation, certification and licensing.

The IPRC requires information on teacher preparation programs that prepare candidates for an initial teaching credential. When completing your report, do not include candidates who already have a teaching credential and are completing a program to earn additional licenses or endorsements. The IPRC does not collect information for candidates seeking administrative or counseling credentials who are completing programs for administrators, guidance counselors, or other school staff other than classroom teachers (e.g., administrators, guidance counselors).

IHEs with only traditional teacher preparation programs will submit one report for traditional programs. IHEs with only alternative routes will submit one report for alternative programs. IHEs with both traditional and alternative programs will submit two reports—one for traditional programs and one for alternative programs. The two reports are identical; the only distinction is the type of program reporting.

General reminders about IHE Title II reporting:

  • Your report is due on or before June 30.

  • You are encouraged to use the text boxes throughout the report and the optional Contextual Information section to provide additional information describing your teacher preparation program and to provide further context for the data.

  • Several sections are preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC, if one was submitted. Review these sections, and update them as needed.

Glossary of Key Terms:

Academic major
The actual major(s) declared by the program completer.

Academic year
TA period of 12 consecutive months, starting September 1 and ending August 31.

Adjunct Faculty Supervising Clinical Experience
Teacher preparation provider staff (whether teachers or other educational leaders) who are engaged with the teacher-candidates during their supervised clinical experience, in terms of spending time observing or supervising candidates or discussing the clinical experience with candidates or other teacher preparation program faculty.

Alternative route to a teaching credential
A teacher preparation pathway that primarily serves candidates that are the teacher of record in a classroom while participating in the route. Alternative routes to a teaching credential are defined as such by the state.

Cooperating Teachers/PreK-12 Staff Supervising Clinical Experience
PreK-12 staff who teach in the classrooms in which candidates are placed for clinical experiences, who are engaged with teacher-candidates during their supervised clinical experience, in terms of observing or supervising candidates or discussing the clinical experience with candidates or other teacher preparation program faculty.

Enrolled student
An individual who has been admitted, enrolled, and registered in a teacher preparation program and participated in the program during the academic year. Participation may include taking a course, participating in clinical experience, or participating in other program activities. Individuals who were enrolled and completed the program during the academic year are counted in the total count of enrolled students as well as in the subset of program completers (see “program completer”).

Faculty supervising clinical experience
All persons whom the institution regards as having faculty status, who were assigned by the teacher preparation program to provide supervision and evaluation of student teaching and who have an administrative link or relationship to the teacher preparation program.

Full-time equivalent faculty
Each faculty member who is employed full-time by the IHE counts as 1. Each faculty member who is employed part-time by the IHE is counted in proportion with the amount of time the individual is employed (for example, a faculty member who is employed half-time is counted as .5).

Individualized education program team
The term `individualized education program team' or `IEP Team' means a group of individuals composed of the parents of a child with a disability; not less than one regular education teacher of such child (if the child is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment); not less than one special education teacher, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider of such child; a representative of the local educational agency who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities; is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the local educational agency; an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, who may be a member of the team described above; at the discretion of the parent or the agency, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate; and whenever appropriate, the child with a disability.

IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. Users who do not know their IPEDS ID may search for their institution at https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/. Teacher preparation providers that are not based in a college, university, or technical or vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs may not have an IPEDS ID, and can indicate that in the available text box.

Nonclinical coursework
Any course in the teacher preparation program curriculum that focuses on content, such as academic subject matter, and does not require students to participate in the activities of supervised clinical experience as described in the glossary definition may be counted as nonclinical coursework. The curriculum policies of each state and its institutions will identify coursework that is nonclinical or clinical. See supervised clinical experience.

Pass rate
The percentage of students who passed assessment(s) taken for an initial teaching credential in the field of preparation.

  • Single assessment pass rate: The percentage of students who passed the assessment among all who took the assessment.

  • Summary pass rate: The percentage of students who passed all tests they took for their area of specialization among those who took one or more tests in their specialization areas.

Program completer
A person who has met all the requirements of a state-approved teacher preparation program. Program completers include all those who are documented as having met such requirements. Documentation may take the form of a degree, institutional certificate, program credential, transcript or other written proof of having met the program’s requirements. In applying this definition, the fact that an individual has or has not been recommended to the state for an initial teaching credential may not be used as a criterion for determining who is a program completer.

Quantifiable goal
A quantifiable goal is a clear, specific milestone by which programs can measure progress towards increasing the number of prospective teachers in shortage areas. A specific, quantifiable goal must include a measurable value. For example, instead of “increase program enrollment,” which is not a specific, quantifiable goal, a program could set a goal to “increase program enrollment by five participants.”

Scaled score
A scaled score is a conversion of a student's raw score on a test or a version of the test to a common scale that allows for a numerical comparison between students. Because most major testing programs use multiple versions of a test, the scale is used to control slight variations from one version of a test to the next. Scaled scores are particularly useful for comparing test scores over time, such as measuring semester-to-semester and year-to-year growth of individual students or groups of students in a content area. However, within the same test, different content areas are typically on different scales, so a scaled score of 24 in Mathematics may not mean the same as a scaled score of 24 in Reading.

Supervised clinical experience
A series of supervised field experiences (including student teaching) with PK-12 students that occur as a sequenced, integral part of the preparation program prior to the candidate becoming the teacher of record. Please note that Title II, Section 202(d)(2) describes features of clinical experience. Courses in the curriculum that include the activities described in 202(d)(2) may be considered clinical coursework. The curriculum policies of each state and its institutions will identify coursework that is clinical and nonclinical.

Teacher credential assessment
A test or other structured method that measures the qualifications of prospective teachers, has a pass-fail outcome, and is used by the state for teacher credentialing.

Teacher preparation program
A program, whether traditional or alternative, offered by a teacher preparation provider that leads to a specific state teacher credential in a specific field.

Teacher preparation provider
An IHE or other organization that is authorized by the state to prepare teachers.

Universal design for learning
A scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient.

Institution Information

Key Terms: Academic year, IPEDS ID

IPEDS ID: ______________________________

If no IPEDS ID, please provide an explanation: ___________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: _______________________ Zip: _______________________

Salutation: __________________ First name: _______________________ Last name: _______________________

Phone: ( ) __________ - __________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________

Section I: Program Information

List of Programs

Instructions: List each program for an initial teaching credential below and indicate whether it is offered at the Undergraduate level (UG), Postgraduate level (PG), or both. (§205(a)(C))

Key Terms: teacher preparation program

Note: This section is preloaded with the list of programs reported in the prior year’s IPRC.

CIP Code

Teacher preparation programs*

UG, PG, or Both

ex. 13.1210

ex. Early Childhood Education


ex. 13.1305

ex. Teacher Education - English/Language Arts


ex. 13.1311

ex. Teacher Education - Mathematics


Total number of programs: 3 [auto-calculated]

*Teacher preparation program categories include: Special Education; Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Teacher Education – Agriculture; Teacher Education – Art; Teacher Education – Business; Teacher Education – English/Language Arts; Teacher Education – Foreign Language; Teacher Education – Health; Teacher Education – Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics; Teacher Education – Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial; Teacher Education – Mathematics; Teacher Education – Music; Teacher Education – Physical Education and Coaching; Teacher Education – Reading; Teacher Education –General Science; Teacher Education – Biology; Teacher Education – Chemistry; Teacher Education – Physics; Teacher Education – Earth Science; Teacher Education – Social Studies and Social Sciences; Teacher Education – Computer Science; Teacher Education – Drama and Dance; Teacher Education – History; Teacher Education – Speech; Teacher Education – English as a Second Language; Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, General Education (alternative programs/programs providing pedagogy only); and Other.

Total number of teacher preparation programs:

Changes Due to COVID-19

Instructions: Your programs may have changed their policies and practices because of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Below, we ask which changes your teacher preparation programs made because of COVID-19 in academic years 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23. For each question, check only the changes that your programs made in the specified year.

What changes did your teacher preparation programs make because of COVID-19 in academic year 2019-20? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.


Implemented virtual instruction for courses that were previously in-person [Please describe]

Offered new training or coursework about virtual teaching and learning [Please describe]

Changed assessment of student performance in their coursework [Please describe]

Changed student teaching or other supervised clinical experience from in-person to virtual [Please describe]

Reduced the amount of student teaching or other supervised clinical experience required for program completion [Please describe]

Eliminated student teaching or other supervised clinical experience requirements for program completion [Please describe]

Changed requirements for admission (entry) into the program [Please describe]

Changed requirements for completion (exit) from the program (other than student teaching requirements) [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

What changes did your teacher preparation programs make because of COVID-19 in academic year 2020-21? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.


Implemented virtual instruction for courses that were previously in-person [Please describe]

Offered new training or coursework about virtual teaching and learning [Please describe]

Changed assessment of student performance in their coursework [Please describe]

Changed student teaching or other supervised clinical experience from in-person to virtual [Please describe]

Reduced the amount of student teaching or other supervised clinical experience required for program completion [Please describe]

Eliminated student teaching or other supervised clinical experience requirements for program completion [Please describe]

Changed requirements for admission (entry) into the program [Please describe]

Changed requirements for completion (exit) from the program (other than student teaching requirements) [Please describe]

Reversed changes that had been made because of COVID-19 [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

What changes did your teacher preparation programs make because of COVID-19 in academic year 2021-22? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.


Implemented virtual instruction for courses that were previously in-person [Please describe]

Offered new training or coursework about virtual teaching and learning [Please describe]

Changed assessment of student performance in their coursework [Please describe]

Changed student teaching or other supervised clinical experience from in-person to virtual [Please describe]

Reduced the amount of student teaching or other supervised clinical experience required for program completion [Please describe]

Eliminated student teaching or other supervised clinical experience requirements for program completion [Please describe]

Changed requirements for admission (entry) into the program [Please describe]

Changed requirements for completion (exit) from the program (other than student teaching requirements) [Please describe]

Reversed changes that had been made because of COVID-19 [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

What changes did your teacher preparation programs make because of COVID-19 in academic year 2022-23? Check all that apply and provide details in the open text boxes. List additional changes under the “Other” option.


Implemented virtual instruction for courses that were previously in-person [Please describe]

Offered new training or coursework about virtual teaching and learning [Please describe]

Changed assessment of student performance in their coursework [Please describe]

Changed student teaching or other supervised clinical experience from in-person to virtual [Please describe]

Reduced the amount of student teaching or other supervised clinical experience required for program completion [Please describe]

Eliminated student teaching or other supervised clinical experience requirements for program completion [Please describe]

Changed requirements for admission (entry) into the program [Please describe]

Changed requirements for completion (exit) from the program (other than student teaching requirements) [Please describe]

Reversed changes that had been made because of COVID-19 [Please describe]

Other [Please describe]

Program Requirements

Instructions: Check the elements required for admission (entry) into and completion (exit) from the program. If programs are offered at the undergraduate level and postgraduate level, complete the table for both types of programs. (§205(a)(1)(C)(i))

Key Terms: Full-time equivalent faculty supervising clinical experience, Adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience, Cooperating Teachers/PreK-12 Staff Supervising Clinical Experience, Supervised clinical experience

Undergraduate Requirements

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

  1. Are there initial teacher certification programs at the undergraduate level?

If yes, for each element listed below, indicate if it is required for admission into or exit from any of your teacher preparation program(s) at the undergraduate level. If no, leave the table below blank (or clear responses already entered) then click save at the bottom of the page.





Fingerprint check

Background check

Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed

Minimum GPA

Minimum GPA in content area coursework

Minimum GPA in professional education coursework

Minimum ACT score

Minimum SAT score

Minimum basic skills test score

Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification


Essay or personal statement


Other (Specify:______)

  1. What is the minimum GPA required for admission into the program? (Leave blank if you indicated that a minimum GPA is not required in the table above.)

  1. What is the minimum GPA required for completing the program? (Leave blank if you indicated that a minimum GPA is not required in the table above.)

  1. Please provide any additional information about the information provided above:

Postgraduate Requirements

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

  1. Are there initial teacher certification programs at the postgraduate level?

If yes, for each element listed below, indicate if it is required for admission into or exit from any of your teacher preparation program(s) at the postgraduate level. If no, leave the table below blank (or clear responses already entered) then click save at the bottom of the page.





Fingerprint check

Background check

Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed

Minimum GPA

Minimum GPA in content area coursework

Minimum GPA in professional education coursework

Minimum ACT score

Minimum SAT score

Minimum basic skills test score

Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification


Essay or personal statement


Other (Specify:______)

  1. What is the minimum GPA required for admission into the program? (Leave blank if you indicated that a minimum GPA is not required in the table above.)

  1. What is the minimum GPA required for completing the program? (Leave blank if you indicated that a minimum GPA is not required in the table above.)

  1. Please provide any additional information about the information provided above:

Supervised Clinical Experience

Instructions: Provide the following information about supervised clinical experience in [academic year]. (§205(a)(1)(C)(iii), §205(a)(1)(C)(iv))

Note: The clinical experience requirements in this section are preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC. Teacher preparation providers will enter the number of participants each year.

Are there programs with student teaching models?

If yes, provide the next two responses. If no, leave them blank.

Programs with student teaching models (most traditional programs)

Number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to student teaching

Number of clock hours required for student teaching

Are there programs in which candidates are the teacher of record?

If yes, provide the next two responses. If no, leave them blank.

Programs in which candidates are the teacher of record in a classroom during the program (many alternative programs)

Number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to teaching as the teacher of record in a classroom

Years required of teaching as the teacher of record in a classroom

All programs

Number of full-time equivalent faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE staff)

[Link to optional tool for automatically calculating full-time equivalent faculty in the system]

Number of adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE staff)

Number of cooperating teachers/K-12 staff supervising clinical experience during this academic year

Number of students in supervised clinical experience during this academic year

Please provide any additional information about or description of the supervised clinical experiences:

Optional tool for automatically calculating full-time equivalent faculty in the system

Enter the number of faculty supervising clinical experience who are employed full-time (100%) by the IHE, the number of faculty supervising clinical experience who are employed half-time (50%) by the IHE, and, for any other part-time faculty supervising clinical experience, indicate the number of faculty and the percentage that represents the part-time employment rate for those faculty members (for example, 25% for a faculty member employed at a quarter of the time compared to a full-time faculty member).

Employment Rate (%)

Number of faculty

100% (Full-time)

50% (Half-time)

Ex. 75%

Ex. 25%



Enrollment and Program Completers

Instructions: In each of the following categories, provide the total number of individuals enrolled in teacher preparation programs for an initial teaching credential and the subset of individuals enrolled who also completed the program during the academic year. (§205(a)(1)(C)(ii))

Key Terms: enrolled student, program completer


Total number of individuals enrolled

Subset of program completers

What percentage of students finish their program within the normal expected completion time (completion rate)?


Total Enrolled

Subset of Program Completers




No Gender Reported/Unknown


Total Enrolled

Subset of Program Completers

Hispanic/Latino of any race

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Two or more races

No Race/Ethnicity Reported

Teachers Prepared

Instructions: On this page, enter the number of program completers by the subject area in which they were prepared to teach, and by their academic majors. Note that an individual can be counted in more than one academic major and subject area. For example, if an individual is prepared to teach Elementary Education and Mathematics, that individual should be counted in both subject areas. If no individuals were prepared in a particular academic major or subject area, you may leave the cell blank. Please use the "Other" category sparingly if there is no similar subject area or academic major listed. In these cases, you should use the text box to describe the subject area(s) and/or the academic major(s) counted in the "Other" category.

If your IHE offers both traditional and alternative programs, be sure to enter the program completers in the appropriate reports. For the traditional report, provide only the program completers in traditional programs within the IHE. For the alternative report, provide only the program completers for the alternative programs within the IHE.

After entering the teachers prepared data, save the page using the floating save box at the bottom of the page.

Key Terms: academic major

Teachers Prepared by Subject Area

Instructions: Please provide the number of teachers prepared by subject area for [academic year].

For the purposes of this section, number prepared means the number of program completers. "Subject area" refers to the subject area(s) an individual has been prepared to teach. An individual can be counted in more than one subject area. If no individuals were prepared in a particular subject area, please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H))

Key Terms: academic major

No teachers prepared in [academic year]

If your program has no teachers prepared, check the box above and leave the table below blank (or clear responses already entered).

CIP Code

Subject Area

Number prepared


Special Education


Early Childhood Education


Elementary Education


Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching


Teacher Education - Agriculture


Teacher Education - Art


Teacher Education - Business


Teacher Education - English/Language Arts


Teacher Education - Foreign Language


Teacher Education - Health


Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics

13.1309 and 13.1320

Teacher Education - Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial


Teacher Education - Mathematics


Teacher Education - Music


Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching


Teacher Education - Reading


Teacher Education – General Science


Teacher Education – Biology


Teacher Education – Chemistry


Teacher Education – Physics


Teacher Education – Earth Science

13.1317 and 13.1318

Teacher Education - Social Studies and Social Sciences


Teacher Education - Computer Science


Teacher Education - Drama and Dance


Teacher Education - History


Teacher Education - Speech


Teacher Education - English as a Second Language


Education - Other (Specify:______)

Teachers Prepared by Academic Major

Instructions: Please provide the number of teachers prepared by academic major for academic year 2020-21. For the purposes of this section, number prepared means the number of program completers. "Academic major" refers to the actual major(s) declared by the program completer. An individual can be counted in more than one academic major. If no individuals were prepared in a particular academic major, please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H))

Please note that the list of majors includes several "Teacher Education" majors, as well as several noneducation majors. Please use care in entering your majors to ensure education-specific majors and non-education majors are counted correctly. For example, if an individual majored in Chemistry, that individual should be counted in the "Chemistry" academic major category rather than the "Teacher Education–Chemistry" category.

Does this teacher preparation provider grant degrees upon completion of its programs?

No teachers prepared in [academic year]

If this provider does not grant participants a degree upon completion, or has no teachers prepared, leave the table below blank (or clear responses already entered).

CIP Code

Academic Major (education majors)

Number prepared


Special Education


Early Childhood Education


Elementary Education


Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching


Teacher Education - Agriculture


Teacher Education - Art


Teacher Education - Business


Teacher Education - English/Language Arts


Teacher Education - Foreign Language


Teacher Education - Health


Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics

13.1309 and 13.1320

Teacher Education - Technology/Industrial Arts, Trade and Industrial


Teacher Education - Mathematics


Teacher Education - Music


Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching


Teacher Education - Reading


Teacher Education – General Science


Teacher Education – Biology


Teacher Education – Chemistry


Teacher Education – Physics


Teacher Education – Earth Science

13.1317 and 13.1318

Teacher Education - Social Studies and Social Sciences


Teacher Education - Computer Science


Teacher Education - Drama and Dance


Teacher Education - History


Teacher Education - Speech


Teacher Education - English as a Second Language


Education - Other (Specify:______)

Academic Major (non-education majors)

Number prepared


Liberal Arts/Humanities




Social Sciences


Natural Resources and Conservation


Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies


Personal and Culinary Services


Technology Education/Industrial Arts


Legal Professions and Studies


Visual and Performing Arts




Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics


Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences


English Language/Literature


Philosophy and Religious Studies




Communication or Journalism




Biological and Biomedical Sciences


Mathematics and Statistics


Physical Sciences




Computer and Information Sciences


Philosophy and Religious Studies


Library Science


Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies


Science Technologies/Technicians


Public Administration and Social Service Professions


Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences


Mechanic and Repair Technologies




Other (Specify: ______________)___________________________

Program Assurances

Instructions: Respond to the following assurances. Teacher preparation programs should be prepared to provide documentation and evidence, when requested, to support the following assurances. (§205(a)(1)(A)(iii); §206(b))

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

Program preparation responds to the identified needs of the local educational agencies or States where the program completers are likely to teach, based on past hiring and recruitment trends.

Preparation is closely linked with the needs of schools and the instructional decisions new teachers face in the classroom.

Prospective special education teachers are prepared in core academic subjects and to instruct in core academic subjects.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to students with disabilities.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to limited English proficient students.

Prospective general education teachers are prepared to provide instruction to students from low-income families.

Prospective teachers are prepared to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable.



Yes/No/Program does not prepare special education teachers






Describe your institution’s most successful strategies in meeting the assurances listed above:

Section II: Annual Goals

Instructions: Each institution of higher education (IHE) that conducts a traditional teacher preparation program (including programs that offer any ongoing professional development programs) or alternative route teacher preparation program, and that enrolls students receiving Federal assistance under this Act, shall set annual quantifiable goals for increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Secretary or by the state educational agency, including mathematics, science, special education, and instruction of limited English proficient students. (§205(a)(1)(A)(i), §205(a)(1)(A)(ii), §206(a))

Note: Last year’s goal and the current year’s goal are preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

Key Terms: quantifiable goals

Annual Goals: Mathematics

Report progress on last year’s goal [academic year] (first two rows preloaded from prior year’s IPRC)

1. Did your program prepare teachers in mathematics in 2020-21?

If no, leave remaining questions for 2020-21 blank (or clear responses already entered).


2. Describe your goal.

3. Did your program meet the goal?

4. Description of strategies used to achieve goal, if applicable:


5. Description of steps to improve performance in meeting goal or lessons learned in meeting goal, if applicable:


6. Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below:


Review current year’s goal [academic year] (preloaded from prior year’s IPRC and locked for review only)

  1. Is your program preparing teachers in mathematics in 2021-22? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape6

    Describe your goal.

Set next year’s goal [academic year] (teacher preparation provider enters a new goal for the next year)

  1. Will your program prepare teachers in mathematics in 2022-23? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape7

    Describe your goal.

Annual Goals: Science

Report progress on last year’s goal [academic year] (first two rows preloaded from prior year’s IPRC)

1. Did your program prepare teachers in science in 2020-21?

If no, leave remaining questions for 2020-21 blank (or clear responses already entered).


2. Describe your goal.

3. Did your program meet the goal?

4. Description of strategies used to achieve goal, if applicable:


5. Description of steps to improve performance in meeting goal or lessons learned in meeting goal, if applicable:


6. Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below:


Review current year’s goal [academic year] (preloaded from prior year’s IPRC and locked for review only)

  1. Is your program preparing teachers in science in 2021-22? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape12

    Describe your goal.

Set next year’s goal [academic year] (teacher preparation provider enters a new goal for the next year)

  1. Will your program prepare teachers in science in 2022-23? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape13

    Describe your goal.

Annual Goals: Special Education

Report progress on last year’s goal [academic year] (first two rows preloaded from prior year’s IPRC)

1. Did your program prepare teachers in special education in 2020-21?

If no, leave remaining questions for 2020-21 blank (or clear responses already entered).


2. Describe your goal.

3. Did your program meet the goal?

4. Description of strategies used to achieve goal, if applicable:


5. Description of steps to improve performance in meeting goal or lessons learned in meeting goal, if applicable:


6. Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below:


Review current year’s goal [academic year] (preloaded from prior year’s IPRC and locked for review only)

  1. Is your program preparing teachers in special education in 2021-22? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape18

    Describe your goal.

Set next year’s goal [academic year] (teacher preparation provider enters a new goal for the next year)

  1. Will your program prepare teachers in special education in 2022-23? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape19

    Describe your goal.

Annual Goals: Instruction of Limited English Proficient Students

Report progress on last year’s goal [academic year] (first two rows preloaded from prior year’s IPRC)

1. Did your program prepare teachers in instruction of limited English proficient students in 2020-21?

If no, leave remaining questions for 2020-21 blank (or clear responses already entered).


2. Describe your goal.

3. Did your program meet the goal?

4. Description of strategies used to achieve goal, if applicable:


5. Description of steps to improve performance in meeting goal or lessons learned in meeting goal, if applicable:


6. Provide any additional comments, exceptions and explanations below:


Review current year’s goal [academic year] (preloaded from prior year’s IPRC and locked for review only)

  1. Is your program preparing teachers in instruction of limited English proficient students in 2021-22? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape24

    Describe your goal.

Set next year’s goal [academic year] (teacher preparation provider enters a new goal for the next year)

  1. Will your program prepare teachers in instruction of limited English proficient students in 2022-23? If no, leave the next question blank.

  1. Shape25

    Describe your goal.

Section III: Program Pass Rates

Instructions: The pass rates table is populated from files provided by the testing company or state. The table provides information on the performance of the students in your teacher preparation program on each teacher credential assessment used by your state. In cases where a student has taken a given assessment more than once, the highest score on that test is used. In the case of a teacher preparation program with fewer than 10 scores reported on any single initial teacher credential assessment during an academic year, the program shall collect and publish information with respect to an average pass rate and scaled score on each state credential assessment taken over a three-year period. (§205(a)(1)(B))

Please note that this page does not have an edit feature as the pass rates have already been through several rounds of verification. If you identify an error, please contact RTI's Title II Support Center and your testing company representative.

Key Terms: pass rate, scaled score, teacher credential assessment

Assessment Pass Rates

Assessment code-Assessment name

Test company


Number taking tests

scaled score

Number passing tests

Pass rate

All enrolled students who have completed all nonclinical courses



Other enrolled students,




All program completers




All program completers, (prior year)




All program completers, (two prior years)




Summary Pass Rates


Number taking tests

Number passing tests

Pass rate

All enrolled students who have completed all nonclinical courses



Other enrolled students,



All program completers



All program completers, (prior year)



All program completers, (two prior years)



Section IV: Low-Performing

Instructions: Provide the following information about the approval or accreditation of your teacher preparation program. (§205(a)(1)(D), §205(a)(1)(E))

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

(1) Is your teacher preparation program currently approved or accredited? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, please specify the organization(s) that approved or accredited your program:

____ State ____ CAEP ____ AAQEP ____ Other (Specify:___)

(2) Is your teacher preparation program currently under a designation as "low-performing" by the state? ___ Yes ___ No

Section V: Use of Technology

Instructions: On this page, review the questions regarding your program's use of technology, and update as needed.

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

Does your program prepare teachers to:

  1. integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction

_____ Yes _____ No

  1. use technology effectively to collect data to improve teaching and learning

_____ Yes _____ No

  1. use technology effectively to manage data to improve teaching and learning

_____ Yes _____ No

  1. use technology effectively to analyze data to improve teaching and learning

_____ Yes _____ No


Provide a description of the evidence that your program uses to show that it prepares teachers to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction, and to use technology effectively to collect, manage, and analyze data in order to improve teaching and learning for the purpose of increasing student academic achievement. Include a description of the evidence your program uses to show that it prepares teachers to use the principles of universal design for learning, as applicable. Include planning activities and a timeline if any of the four elements listed above are not currently in place.

Section VI: Teacher Training

Instructions: Provide the following information about your teacher preparation program. (§205(a)(1)(G))

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

  1. Provide a description of the activities that prepare general education teachers to:

  1. Teach students with disabilities effectively.

  1. Participate as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

  1. Effectively teach students who are limited English proficient.

  1. Does your program prepare special education teachers? ___ Yes ___ No

If yes, provide a description of the activities that prepare special education teachers to:

  1. Teach students with disabilities effectively.

  1. Participate as a member of individualized education program teams, as defined in section 614(d)(1)(B) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

  1. Effectively teach students who are limited English proficient.

Contextual information

Instructions: On this page, review the contextual information about your program, and update as needed.

Note: This section is preloaded from the prior year’s IPRC.

Contextual Information

Please use this space to provide any additional information that describes your teacher preparation program(s). You may also attach information to this report card (see below). The U.S. Department of Education is especially interested in any evaluation plans or interim or final reports that may be available.


Supporting Files

You may upload files to be included with your report card. You should only upload PDF or Microsoft Word or Excel files. These files will be listed as links in your report card. Upload files in the order that you'd like them to appear.

Link Text


Please make sure your entire report card is complete and accurate before completing this section. Once your report card is certified you will not be able to edit your data.

Certification of submission

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this report is accurate and complete and conforms to the definitions and instructions used in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title II: Reporting Reference and User Manual.

_____________________________ Name of responsible representative for teacher preparation program

_____________________________ Title

Certification of review of submission

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this report is accurate and complete and conforms to the definitions and instructions used in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Title II: Reporting Reference and User Manual.

______________________________ Name of reviewer

______________________________ Title

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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