Instrument 1 Phase 1 Survey of EHS/HS Program Directors Study of Disabilities Services and Inclusion in Head Start
Study of Disability Services Coordinators and Inclusion in Head Start, 2019-2024
Instrument 1 Phase 1
Survey of EHS/HS Program Directors
March 17, 2022
NOTE: This questionnaire is annotated to show (1) headers for each module and the objective for that section; and (2) question numbers and instructions to the online survey programmer (in red). This text will not appear in the online survey.
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this study. We are reaching out to Early Head Start (EHS)/Head Start (HS) Program Directors to help us identify all Disability Services Coordinators (DSCs) within their programs. We will use the contact information you provide to invite DSCs to participate in a nationally-representative survey about the DSC workforce. Your responses will also provide us with important contextual information about your program. Please remember that your responses will not be used for monitoring purposes. ACF funding for your program will not be impacted by your responses.
Who should complete the survey? The survey should be completed by EHS/HS Program Directors of programs or agencies that provide direct services to children in EHS/HS programs.
Are you the EHS/HS Program Director?
Want to prepare for the survey?
Preview the full surveys here [LINK]
Check with others
Please discuss with colleagues, as needed, to identify the responses for your program
SAVE the survey at any time
come back to it later when you are ready
Definitions of Terms Used in Survey
Programmer’s note: Include these definitions as a pop-up or roll-over that it accessible on every page of the survey.
Program: refers to a grantee or delegate of EHS, HS, and combination EHS/HS programs
Option: refers to the location where children and families receive EHS or HS services, including center-based classrooms, family child care (FCC) homes, and families’ homes or places within their community where home visits are conducted
Disability services: refers to activities related to the identification of children’s developmental, physical, behavioral, or health care needs and the coordination and provision of services for children with identified disabilities or suspected delays, regardless of whether they qualify for disability services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
MODULE 1: Director Background
INSTRUCTIONS: As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss these questions with your Program Director before responding on their behalf.
How many years have you served as an EHS and/or HS program director?
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
5-9 years
10-19 years
20-24 years
25+ years
How many years have you worked in an EHS and/or HS program (in any role)?
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
5-9 years
10-19 years
20-24 years
25+ years
What other positions (besides program director) have you held within EHS and/or HS (now or in past)? Select all that apply. Programmer’s note: if DIRB03 = b, ask DIRB04; otherwise, SKIP TO DIRB05.
Center director, associate center director, or other program manager
Teacher’s aide/instructional aide
Education coordinator
Family service worker/family support worker
Home visitor
Outreach staff/recruiter/enrollment coordinator
Family services coordinator/Family services manager
Mental health coordinator/consultant
Nutrition coordinator
Culinary or food services staff
Receptionist/office staff
Bus driver or related transportation
Facilities manager
Other (specify): ________________________________
None of the above
How many years did you work as a DSC for an EHS and/or HS program? Programmer’s note: Ask only if DIRBO3=b
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
3-5 years
5-9 years
10-19 years
20-24 years
25+ years
What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
High school diploma
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Some graduate or professional school but no degree
Master’s Degree (e.g., MA, MS, MPH, MSN)
Doctorate Degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D.)
Other Postgraduate Degree (e.g., MD, DDs, JD)
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? Select all that apply.
a. ____No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
b. ____Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
c. ____Yes, Puerto Rican
d. ____Yes, Cuban
e. ____Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin
What is your race? Select all that apply.
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
MODULE 2: Disability Services Coordinator (DSC) Information
INSTRUCTIONS: In this section, we are requesting the names, contact information, and other relevant characteristics of all DSCs in your program.
As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss the following questions and responses to those questions with your Program Director.”
How many staff in your program have the formal title of DSC?
________ DSCs [NUMERIC]
You indicate that you have zero staff members with the formal title of DSC. How many staff members do you have that fulfill the roles and responsibilities of a DSC? Programmer’s note: Ask only if DSCINFO 01 = 0 (zero).
What [is/are] the name[s] of the DSC[s] staff in your program? Please include first and last names for each. Programmer’s note: Number of text boxes = response to DSCINFO01. Programmer Note: ASK if DSCINFO 01>0. Otherwise, ask DSCINFO04.
[NAME_1] DSC 1’s First Name: ____________ DSC 1’s Last Name: ________________
[NAME_2] DSC 2’s First Name: ____________ DSC 2’s Last Name: ________________
[NAME_3] DSC 3’s First Name: ____________ DSC 3’s Last Name: ________________
[Programmer’s note: Repeat as needed per response to DSCINFO01.]
DSCINFO 04. “What are the names of staff in your program that fulfill DSC roles and responsibilities?” Programmer’s note: Ask only if DSCINFO 01=0 and DSCINFO 02>0.
NAME_1] DSC 1’s First Name: ____________ DSC 1’s Last Name: ________________
[NAME_2] DSC 2’s First Name: ____________ DSC 2’s Last Name: ________________
[NAME_3] DSC 3’s First Name: ____________ DSC 3’s Last Name: ________________
Programmer’s note: Number of text boxes = response to DSCINFO 02.
Programmer’s note: If DSCINO01 = more than 1, ask DSCINFO03. Otherwise, skip to DSCINFO04.
DSCINFO 05. Which one of the disability service staff [or DSCs] in your EHS/HS program will serve as the lead for compiling your program responses to the DSC Survey? Programmer’s note: Ask only if DSC1>1 or DSC 02>1]
[final response option]: None, no DSC serves as the lead.
[Programmer’s note: Populate response options with names listed in DSCINFO 03.
Instructions on screen: Please answer the following questions for each DSC or disabilities staff person you named above i. Programmer’s note: Repeat DSCINFO06 for all staff listed (in DSCINFO 03 OR DSCINFO 04).
DSCINFO 06. Please provide the following information for [NAME_1]. Programmer’s note: Fill [NAME_1] with response to DSCINFO 02a, then repeat as needed with other DSC names (DSCINFO 02b, DSCINFO 02c, etc.).
[NAME_1]’s Email Address: _____________________@___________
Confirm [NAME_1]’s Email Address: _________________@________
Programmer’s note: Use content validation to ensure response to DSCINFOa and DSCINFOb match.
[NAME_1]’s Work Phone #: (_____)______-_______ [numeric, 10 digit]
[NAME_1]’s Cell Phone #: (_____)______-_______ [numeric, 10 digit]
Does [NAME_1] work in your program full time or part time?
Full time (30 hours a week or more)
Part time (Less than 30 hours a week)
Don’t know
How many months per year does [NAME_1] work in your program as a DSC? (Estimate as closely as possible in months):
i. ___ (1-12 months)
[NAME_1] is:
An employee of my program
An external consultant/contractor
Other (specify): ______________
DSCINFO 07. How challenging is it to fill the DSC position when it becomes vacant?
Extremely challenging
Very challenging
Somewhat challenging
A little challenging
Not at all challenging
DSCINFO 07a. How many DSCs have left that job in your program since January 2020? [numeric, 0-99]
DSCINFO 07b: You indicated that one or more DSCs has left the job in your program. Please indicate the reason(s) for departure(s). (select all that apply) Programmer’s Note: ASK if 07a is greater than 0.
Head Start’s COVID vaccination requirement
Head Start’s COVID masking requirement
Moved to a different role within EHS/HS
Left EHS/HS for a job with K-12 schools
Left for a job with public pre-K or universal pre-K program
Left for another early childhood job
Left the field of early childhood
Don’t know
INSTRUCTIONS: The next set of questions is about characteristics of your EHS/HS program.
As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss the following questions and responses to those questions with your Program Director.”
What age children are served by your Office of Head Start (OHS)-funded program(s)? Programmer’s note: Allow selection of only one response.
Birth to 3 years old
3 to 5 years old
Birth to 5 years old
Which OHS-funded program options do you support? Select all that apply. Please count the number of centers, families, and/or family child care (FCC) providers as you would in the Head Start Enterprise System (HSES). Please include partnership sites where you count EHS or HS children in your enrollment.
☐ a. EHS-only center(s) Programmer’s note: Include only if PROG01 = a
i. Number of EHS centers: _____ Programmer’s note: Range = 1 to 100
☐ b. HS-only center(s) Programmer’s note: Include only if PROG01 = b
i. Number of HS centers: _____ Programmer’s note: Range = 1 to 100
☐ c. EHS/HS center(s) Programmer’s note: Include only if PROG01 = c
i. Number of EHS/HS centers: _____ Programmer’s note: Range = 1 to 100
☐ d. EHS or HS home-based program (i.e., home visiting)
i. Number of funded slots: ______ Programmer’s note: Range = 1 to 100
☐ e. FCC
i. Number of FCC providers: _____ Programmer’s note: Range = 1 to 100
What is your program’s operational period?
Less than 3 months
3 to 6 months
6 to 9 months
9 to 10 months (e.g., August/September through May/June to align with the local school district)
12 months (year-round)
Which of the following populations (if any) does your program serve? Select all that apply.
Homeless families
Children of teenage parents
Children in foster care
Military families
American Indian and Alaska Native families
Migrant and seasonal families
Recent immigrant families
Pregnant women
Other population not listed
None of the above
Don’t know
Has your program requested a disability waiver for the previous program year?
Don’t know (SKIP TO PROG08)
For what reasons did your program request a disability waiver? Select all that apply.
Recruitment challenges
Part C/LEA challenges
Curriculum implementation delays
Service implementation delays
Other (specify): _______________________________
To what extent has your program addressed the reasons for your previous waiver request?
Not yet addressed the reasons
Partially addressed the reasons
Fully addressed the reasons
Don’t know
Does your program use mental health coordinator/consultant(s) to support teachers and/or home visitors with behavior management?
Don’t know (SKIP TO PROG10)
Do your program’s DSC(s) provide oversight of the mental health coordinator/consultant(s) in your program?
Yes, the DSC is solely responsible for oversight
Yes, the DSC shares responsibility for oversight
No, the DSC is not responsible for oversight
Don’t know
Does your program have budget established for the provision of disability services?
Don’t know
Does your DSC make recommendations about how program funds are spent to support children with disabilities or suspected delays?
Don’t know
In a typical program year, how are your OHS grant program funds spent? Select all that apply.
☐ a. Improving service provision for children with a 504 plan
☐ b. Hiring additional staff to meet the needs of the children with disabilities
☐ c. Hiring additional staff to meet the needs of children found ineligible under IDEA
☐ d. Training for teachers/staff working with children with disabilities or suspected delays
☐ e. Purchasing additional materials/resources for classrooms with children with disabilities
☐ f. Providing transportation services to assist family in accessing evaluation/services
☐ g. Hiring translators to provide translation and interpretation services
☐ h. Funding additional activities/supports for families of children with disabilities or suspected delays
☐ i. Improving accessibility/accommodations in our facilities
☐ j. Improving accessibility/accommodations in our classrooms
☐ k. Purchasing assistive devices
☐ l. Other (specify): __________________________________________________________
☐ m. Other (specify): __________________________________________________________
If more funding was available to support your program’s disability services what would be the top five priority areas to which you would allocate those funds? Please rank the following areas 1 – 5, where 1 is the highest spending priority. Programmer’s note: Allow R to rank items only 1-5.
______ a. Improving service provision for children with a 504 plan
______ b. Hiring additional staff to meet the needs of the children with disabilities
______ c. Hiring additional staff to meet the needs of children found ineligible under IDEA
______ d. Training for teachers/staff working with children with disabilities or suspected delays
______ e. Purchasing additional materials/resources for classrooms with children with disabilities
______ f. Providing transportation services to assist family in accessing evaluation/services
______ g. Hiring translators to provide translation and interpretation services
______ h. Funding additional activities/supports for families of children with disabilities or suspected delays
______ i. Improving accessibility/accommodations in our facilities
______ j. Improving accessibility/accommodations in our classrooms
______ k. Purchasing assistive devices
______ l. Other (specify): ________________________________________________________
______ m. Other (specify): _______________________________________________________
How easy or difficult is it to find qualified individuals to meet the needs of children with disabilities and suspected delays in your program?
Disability-related Roles |
Very easy |
Easy |
Difficult |
Very difficult |
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What proportion of your program’s internal procedures regarding the provision of disability services (i.e., how the program follows and implements HSPPS) are formally written out?
Don’t know
To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about inclusion?
Strongly agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly disagree |
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INSTRUCTIONS: As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss the following questions and responses to those questions with your Program Director.”
When hiring a new DSC or individual responsible for disability coordination activities we: Select all that apply.
☐ a. Have a standard and consistent plan for onboarding the new hire in this role
☐ b. Usually need the new hire to begin direct work immediately
☐ c. Provide the new hire with written information about the role and responsibilities
☐ d. Require the new hire to complete one or more trainings about the responsibilities, knowledge, and skills needed for the role
☐ e. Require the new hire to shadow another staff member
☐ f. Require the new hire to spend time observing classroom activities
☐ g. None of the above
☐ h. Don’t know
Is there an assigned supervisor or manager for the DSC(s) in your program?
In your program, how frequently do DSCs typically meet with their assigned supervisor or manager?
Biweekly (every other week)
On an “as needed” basis
Don’t know
How do you identify disability training needs for your program? Select all that apply.
☐ a. DSC report
☐ b. Individual teacher/staff report
☐ c. Teacher/staff survey
☐ d. Staff supervisors’ report
☐ e. Children’s assessment results
☐ f. Classroom observations
☐ g. Families’ requests
☐ h. Part C and/or LEA identify specific training needs
☐ i. External collaborators or service providers
☐ j. Regional/community priorities
☐ k. Other (specify): ________________________
☐ l. None of the above
☐ m. Don’t know
To what extent do the following factors make it challenging to support children with disabilities and suspected delays in your program?
Not at all challenging |
A little challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Extremely challenging |
N/A |
Programmer’s note: Include only if PROG01 = a or c. |
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Programmer’s note: If R does not indicate “Very Challenging” or “Extremely Challenging” for any items in DIR_PDV05, SKIP TO DIR_PDV07.
You identified some factors that make it challenging to supporting children with disabilities and suspected delays in your program. For which of these does your program need additional technical assistance? Select all that apply. Programmer’s note: Response options here should include only items in DIR_PDV05 where R indicated “Very Challenging” or “Extremely Challenging.”
☐ a. Partnership with Part C
☐ b. Partnership with LEA
☐ c. Developing MOUs/Interagency Agreements with the community
☐ d. Developing MOUs/Interagency Agreements with Part C partners
☐ e. Developing MOUs/Interagency Agreements with LEA partners
☐ f. Level of disability needs in the community you serve
☐ g. Recruiting children with disabilities
☐ h. Training for DSC(s)
☐ i. Finding qualified DSCs
☐ j. Our program’s capacity for working with families of children with disabilities
☐ k. Teacher knowledge about disabilities
☐ l. Teacher attitude towards inclusion
☐ m. Teacher skills to address needs of children with disabilities/suspected delay
☐ n. Availability of qualified support staff for children with disabilities/disabilities services
☐ o. Effective inclusion
☐ p. Behavioral management in the classrooms
☐ q. Partnerships/collaboration with receiving programs for children with disabilities (e.g., transitions from EHS to HS, EHS to another care setting, HS to kindergarten, etc.)
☐ r. None of the above
To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with how the DSCs in your program are doing in the following areas?
Very dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
Don’t know |
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Programmer’s note: If R does not indicate “Very dissatisfied” or “Dissatisfied” for any items in DIR_PDV07, SKIP TO MODULE 5.
You indicated some level of dissatisfaction with the way DSCs in your program are fulfilling the responsibilities of their role. For which of these does your program need additional technical assistance? Select all that apply. Programmer’s note: Response options here should include only items in DIR_PDV07 where R indicated “Very dissatisfied” or “Dissatisfied.”
☐ a. Working with families
☐ b. Collaborating with community service providers
☐ c. Training staff
☐ d. None of the above
INSTRUCTIONS: As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss the following questions and responses to those questions with your Program Director.”
Programmer’s note: If PROG01 = a, ask DIR_EXTCLB01 and DIR_EXTCLB02. If PROG01 = b, ask DIR_EXTCLB03 and DIR_EXTCLB04. If PROG01 = c, ask all (DIR_EXTCLB 01 – DIR_EXTCLB 04).
With what proportion of the Part C partners in your area does your EHS program have MOUs/Interagency Agreements related to service provision for children with disabilities?
A few
Does your EHS program have an MOU/Interagency Agreement with your state-level Part C entity?
Don’t know
With what proportion of the LEA partners in your area does your HS program have MOUs/Interagency Agreements related to service provision for children with disabilities?
A few
Does your HS program have an MOU/Interagency Agreement with your state-level LEA?
Don’t know
To what extent do the following factors make it challenging to establish local MOUs/Interagency Agreements to support children with disabilities and suspected delays?
Factors Potentially Affecting Local MOUs/Interagency Agreements |
Not at all challenging |
A little challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Extremely challenging |
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To what extent do the following factors make it challenging to enforce local MOUs/Interagency Agreements to support children with disabilities and suspected delays?
Factors Potentially Affecting Local MOUs/Interagency Agreements |
Not at all challenging |
A little challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Extremely challenging |
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INSTRUCTIONS: This next set of questions relates to transitioning children with disabilities from your program to other care settings.
As a reminder, if you are not the EHS/HS Program Director, please discuss the following questions and responses to those questions with your Program Director.”
Programmer’s note: If PROG01 = a, then ask DIR_TRANS01. If PROG01 = b, then ask DIR_TRANS02. If PROG01 = c, ask both DIR_TRANS 01 and DIR_TRANS 02.
In general, when your EHS program transitions children with disabilities, how often do the receiving programs do the following:
Note: Receiving programs may include other EHS programs, non-EHS infant/toddler care settings, HS programs, HS programs, or other non-HS preschools/pre-K programs.
Characteristics of Receiving Programs |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Frequently |
Always |
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In general, when your HS program transitions children with disabilities, how often do the receiving programs do the following:
Note: Receiving programs may include other HS programs, other non-HS preschools/Pre-K programs, or kindergartens.
Characteristics of Receiving Programs |
Never |
Rarely |
Occasionally |
Frequently |
Always |
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Thank you for taking the time to fill out this important survey!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | RAND Authorized User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-04-04 |