
Labor Organization and Auxiliary Reports


OMB: 1245-0003

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Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour 50 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. Reporting of this information is mandatory and is required by the Labor-Management Reporting
and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended (LMRDA), for the purpose of public disclosure. As this is public information, there are no
assurances of confidentiality. If you have any comments regarding this estimate or any other aspect of this information collection,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, please send them to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Labor-Management
Standards, Division of Interpretations and Standards, Room N-5609, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.



from electing officers; (3) prevents the members or
delegates of the subordinate labor organization from
participating in the business of the organization which
may be transacted at regular or special meetings; or (4)
otherwise interferes with the autonomy of the
subordinate labor organization; all as provided in the
constitution and bylaws or other pertinent documents,
and the practices and procedures developed
thereunder, of both the organization which has
established the trusteeship and the subordinate labor

The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
of 1959, as amended (LMRDA), the Civil Service
Reform Act (CSRA), and the Foreign Service Act (FSA)
require public disclosure of certain matters pertaining to
a trusteeship which a labor organization imposes on a
subordinate body. The Secretary, under the authority of
the LMRDA, the CSRA, and the FSA has prescribed the
filing of the Trusteeship Report, Form LM-15, to satisfy
the requirement to disclose information on the
imposition of a trusteeship and to semiannually disclose
the status of the trusteeship.

An initial Form LM-15 must be filed when a parent body
imposes a trusteeship on a subordinate body. Form LM15 reports must also be filed semiannually for the
duration of the trusteeship.


Other Required Reports

Every labor organization subject to the LaborManagement Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as
amended (LMRDA), the Civil Service Reform Act
(CSRA), or the Foreign Service Act (FSA) which has
established a receivership, trusteeship, or other method
of supervision or control, suspending the autonomy
otherwise available to a subordinate labor organization
under its constitution or bylaws, must file trusteeship
reports with the Office of Labor-Management Standards
(OLMS) of the U.S. Department of Labor.

Report on Selection of Delegates and Officers - A
Report on Selection of Delegates and Officers, Form
LM-15A, must be filed with an initial, semiannual, or
terminal trusteeship report if, during the period covered
by the report, (1) any convention or other policydetermining body met to which the trusteed labor
organization sent delegates or would have sent
delegates if not in trusteeship; or (2) the labor
organization which imposed the trusteeship over the
subordinate organization held an election of officers.

A Trusteeship Report, Form LM-15, is required
whenever supervision or control has been employed
which has the effect of suspending any right which a
subordinate labor organization otherwise has to carry on
its own affairs. Suspension of autonomy will ordinarily
include any method of supervision or control which (1)
interferes with or restricts the functions of the officers of
the subordinate labor organization; (2) prevents the
members of the subordinate labor organization or, in the
case of an intermediate body, their elected delegates

Terminal Trusteeship Report - A Terminal Trusteeship
Report, Form LM-16, must be filed (along with a Labor
Organization Annual Report, Form LM-2) within 90 days
after the date that the trusteeship is terminated. The
terminal trusteeship report must be filed whether the
trusteeship is terminated because the subordinate labor
organization is restored to the autonomy otherwise
available to it under its constitution and bylaws and the



constitution and bylaws of the labor organization which
has imposed the trusteeship or because the subordinate
labor organization loses its reporting identity through
dissolution, merger, consolidation, or otherwise.

Initial Form LM-15
A labor organization which has imposed a trusteeship
over a subordinate labor organization must file an initial
trusteeship report on Form LM-15, including the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities on page 2 of the
form, within 30 days after the date of the imposition of
the trusteeship.

Labor Organization Annual Report - In addition to
initial and semiannual trusteeship reports, the
organization imposing the trusteeship is required to file
an annual financial report on Form LM-2 on behalf of
the trusteed organization. The Form LM-2 is due within
90 days after the end of the trusteed organization’s
fiscal year and must report the financial activities of the
entire fiscal year. If the trusteeship was imposed during
the subordinate labor organization’s fiscal year, the first
report must cover the period prior to the imposition of
the trusteeship as well as the financial transactions
occurring during the trusteeship. A terminal trusteeship
financial report on Form LM-2 is also required within 90
days after the date that the trusteeship is terminated.

Semiannual Form LM-15
Semiannual trusteeship reports covering each
succeeding 6-month period of the trusteeship must be
filed within 30 days after the end of each 6-month period
on Form LM-15. The Statement of Assets and Liabilities
on page 2 of the form should not be completed when
filing a semiannual trusteeship report.
The completed Form LM-15 must be submitted
electronically to the Department, via the OLMS Electronic
Forms System (EFS) linked from the OLMS website at
https://www.dol.gov/olms. If you must file an amended
report, follow the prompts within EFS.

Any Form LM–2 filed on behalf of a trusteed
organization must include the signatures of the trustees
in addition to the signatures of the president and
treasurer or corresponding principal officers of the
organization which established the trusteeship. To add
signature blocks to the Form LM–2 in the electronic
filing system, click on the “Add Signature Block” button
on the bottom of page 1.

NOTE: Upon registering with OLMS, the signatories and
preparers must enter the email addresses they use to
conduct union business, in order to file the form via the
OLMS Electronic Forms System (EFS). While the email
addresses will not appear on the report, OLMS may use
the email address of the signatories and any preparers
to contact the union concerning LMRDA compliance.

Labor Organization Information Report - The
organization imposing the trusteeship is also
responsible for filing an initial or amended Labor
Organization Information Report, Form LM-1, if
necessary. The initial Form LM-1, which reports certain
information concerning the structure, practices, and
procedures of the labor organization, and a copy of the
labor organization’s constitution and bylaws must be
filed within 90 days after the date on which the labor
organization becomes subject to the LMRDA, CSRA, or

If you have difficulty navigating the software, or have
questions about its functions and features, call the
OLMS Help Desk at (866) 401-1109. For questions
concerning the reporting requirements, please send an
email to OLMS-Public@dol.gov or call (202) 693-0123.
Pursuant to the LMRDA, the U.S. Department of Labor
is required to make all submitted reports available for
public inspection. The Form LM-15 reports may be
viewed and downloaded from the OLMS website at
www.unionreports.gov. At the end of these instructions
is a list of OLMS field offices. For assistance, please
email OLMS-Public@dol.gov or call (202) 693-0123.

An amended Form LM-1 must be filed to update the
information on file with OLMS if there have been any
changes in the practices and procedures listed in Item
18 of the latest Form LM-1. An amended Form LM-1, if
necessary, must be filed with the trusteed labor
organization’s annual financial report, Form LM-2.
(Federal employee labor organizations subject solely to
the CSRA or FSA are not required to submit an
amended Form LM-l to describe changes in their
practices and procedures.)

Each individual required to sign Form LM-15 is
personally responsible for its filing and accuracy. The
LMRDA provides criminal penalties for willful failure to
file a required report and for false reporting. False

Form LM-15 must be signed by the president and
treasurer or corresponding principal officers of the
parent labor organization imposing the trusteeship and
the trustees of the subordinate labor organization.

reporting includes making any false statement or
misrepresentation of a material fact while knowing it to
be false, or for knowingly failing to disclose a material

fact in a required report or in the information required to
be contained in it or in any information required to be
submitted with it.

trusteeship report, select Semiannual, enter the date
the 6-month period covered by the report ended, and
complete only pages 1 and 2 of the Form LM-15.

The reporting labor organization and the officers and
trustees required to sign Form LM-15 are also subject to
civil prosecution for violations of the filing requirements.
According to Section 210 of the LMRDA, “whenever it
shall appear that any person has violated or is about to
violate any of the provisions of this title, the Secretary
may bring a civil action for such relief (including
injunctions) as may be appropriate.” Under the CSRA
and FSA and implementing regulations, false reporting
and failure to report may result in administrative
enforcement action and litigation. Individuals
responsible for signing Form LM-15 are also subject to
criminal penalties for false reporting under section 1001
of Title 18 of the United States Code.

date (month, day, year) the suspension of the autonomy
of the subordinate labor organization became effective.
name and the complete mailing address of the labor
organization held in trusteeship, including any building
and room number. Include the affiliation or organization
name (for example, International Association of Factory
Workers); any designation which specifically identifies
the trusteed organization (for example, Local, Lodge,
Branch, Joint Council, District Council, etc.); and any
designation number or other identifier by which the
trusteed organization is known (for example, Local 123
or Southeast Joint Council).

The individuals required to file Form LM-15 are
responsible for maintaining records which must provide
in sufficient detail the information and data necessary to
verify the accuracy and completeness of the report. You
must retain the records for at least 5 years after the date
the report is filed. You must retain any record necessary
to verify, explain, or clarify the report including, but not
limited to, vouchers, worksheets, receipts, and
applicable resolutions.

Enter the full name, the complete mailing address and
the OLMS file number of the labor organization
imposing the trusteeship.
article(s) and section(s) of the constitution which
specifically authorize the imposition of the trusteeship.

Individuals are subject to penalties for willfully making
any false entry in or concealing, withholding, or
destroying any books, records, or statements required
to be kept.

reason(s) for imposing or continuing the trusteeship.
8. DETAILED EXPLANATION—Provide a detailed
statement explaining each reason selected in Item 7.
The initial report must explain the reasons for the
establishment of the trusteeship. The semiannual report
must specifically explain why the trusteeship was
continued during the preceding six (6) months.

Read these instructions carefully before completing
Form LM-15.
The Form LM-15 must be completed and submitted
electronically. You may click on the “Validate” button at
any time to check for errors. This action will generate an
“Errors Page” listing any errors that will need to be
corrected before you will be able to sign the form.
Clicking on the signature lines will also perform the
validation function.

The detailed statement must contain all of the facts
necessary to clearly explain the situation or events
which caused the establishment of the trusteeship or
which caused the continuation of the trusteeship. The
following statements are examples of inadequate
explanations: “in the best interests of the local,” “to
restore good order,” “suspected move to disaffiliate,” or
“involved in litigation with the parent body”. The detailed
statement must specifically include dates, places,
events, and any other information relevant to the
decision to impose or continue the trusteeship.

1. FILE NUMBER—Enter the 6-digit file number
assigned by OLMS to the labor organization held in
trusteeship. If you do not know the organization’s file
number and cannot obtain it from prior reports filed by
the organization held in trusteeship, contact the nearest
OLMS field office listed at the end of these instructions
for information on the 6-digit file number.

Similarly, the statement “financial malpractices” must be
supported by detailed information such as the following:
a description of the malpractices; when and where the
malpractices occurred; the amount of money or other
assets involved; and how the establishment or

2. TYPE OF REPORT—If this is an initial trusteeship
report, select Initial and complete pages 1 through 4 of
Form LM-15. If it is a subsequent semiannual

Reporting Classifications

continuation of the trusteeship is related to the
correction of these financial malpractices.

Complete all items and lines on the form as given. Do
not use different accounting classifications or change
the wording of any item or line.

A general statement that the trusteed organization
“failed to carry out its responsibilities under a bargaining
agreement” is also inadequate. A detailed statement
must set forth, among other information, the following:
when and in what particular respect the agreement was
not followed; what segment of the membership was
involved; and how the imposition of the trusteeship is
related to assuring performance of the bargaining

Subsidiary Organizations
A subsidiary organization, for purposes of these
instructions, is a separate organization where the
ownership is wholly vested in the trusteed organization,
its officers, or its membership; which is governed or
controlled by the officers, employees, or members of the
trusteed organization; and which is wholly financed by
the trusteed organization. A subsidiary organization is
considered “wholly financed” if the trusteed organization
provided the initial financing, even if the subsidiary
organization is currently wholly or partially selfsustaining. An example of a subsidiary organization is a
building corporation which holds title to a building; the
trusteed organization owns the building corporation,
selects the officers, and finances the operation of the
building corporation.

Item 9(a) if any convention or other policy- determining
body met during the period covered by this report to
which the trusteed organization sent delegates or would
have sent delegates if not in trusteeship. Select YES in
Item 9(b) if the labor organization imposing the
trusteeship held an election of officers during the period
covered by this report. If you select YES on either Item
9(a) or 9(b), you must file a Form LM-15A, Report on
Selection of Delegates and Officers.

You must report the assets and liabilities for each
subsidiary organization of the trusteed organization on
the initial trusteeship report using one of the following

A policy-determining body is defined as any body which
is convened by the parent labor organization or a labor
organization which is composed of delegates from labor
organizations. This body formulates policy on matters
such as wages, hours, or other conditions of
employment, or recommends or takes any action in the
name of the participating labor organization. Such a
body includes, for example, a district council, area
conference, or joint board.

Method (1) - Consolidate the financial information
for the subsidiary organization(s) and the trusteed
organization on a single Form LM-15.
Method (2) – Attach to the trusteed organization’s
Form LM-15 report a separate statement of assets
and liabilities of the subsidiary organization as of the
date the trusteeship was imposed. This statement
must be accompanied by a statement signed by an
independent public accountant certifying that the
statement of assets and liabilities presents fairly the
financial condition of the subsidiary organization in
accordance with generally accepted accounting

If this is an initial trusteeship report, complete the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities (pages 3 - 4) only as
of the date the trusteeship was imposed. If this is a
semiannual trusteeship report, do not complete the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
Funds to Be Reported
Account for all assets and liabilities of the trusteed
organization, including any special purpose funds or
accounts. Examples of such assets and liabilities
include strike funds, vacation funds, and scholarship
funds, or any subsidiary organization(s).

Financial information reported separately for subsidiary
organizations, as required under method (2) above,
must include the name of the subsidiary organization
and the name and file number of the trusteed
organization as shown on its Form LM-15.

All labor organization political action committee (PAC)
funds are considered labor organization funds.
However, to avoid duplicate reporting, PAC funds, which
are kept separate from the trusteed organization’s
treasury, are not required to be included in the Form
LM-15 if publicly available reports on the PAC funds are
filed with a Federal or state agency.

When method (2) is used, and the subsidiary
organization is an investment, you must report in Item
14 (Investments) and in Schedule 2 (Investments) the
financial interest of the trusteed organization in the
subsidiary organization. When method (2) is used, and
the subsidiary organization is in the nature of a noninvestment, you must report in Item 16 (Other Assets)
and in Schedule 3 (Other Assets) the financial interest
of the trusteed organization in the subsidiary
organization. With respect to the subsidiary
organization, you must report the same type of

Report Dollar Amounts Only
Report all amounts in dollars only; round cents to the
nearest dollar.

information required on Form LM-15 regarding the
trusteed organization’s loans receivable. In method (1),
you must combine the subsidiary organization
information with the trusteed organization information
and report on the trusteed organization’s Form LM-15 in
Schedule 1. In method (2), you must submit an
attachment containing the information required by the
instructions for Schedule 1.

travel in the near future, and the amount of the
advance is fully repaid or fully accounted for by
vouchers or paid receipts within 30 days after
the completion or cancellation of the travel.

The information regarding loans made by the subsidiary
organization must include a listing of the names of each
officer, employee, or member of the trusteed
organization and each officer or employee of the
subsidiary organization whose total loan indebtedness
to the subsidiary organization, the trusteed organization,
or both, exceeded $250. However, if method (2) is used,
the amount reported by the subsidiary organization
should only be the amount owed to the subsidiary

See the instructions for Item 16 for reporting travel
advances which meet these criteria.
Schedule 1 - Enter in Column (A) of Schedule 1 on
Lines 1 through 3 the name of each officer, employee,
or member whose total loan indebtedness to the
trusteed organization (including any subsidiary
organization) exceeded $250. Provide the name of each
business enterprise which had any loan indebtedness,
regardless of amount. For each officer or employee
listed, indicate after each name either “0” (officer) or “E”

10. CASH—Enter the total of all the trusteed
organization’s cash on hand and on deposit. Include the
following: all cash on hand, such as cash, checks, and
money orders which have not been deposited; petty
cash; and cash in safe deposit boxes. Cash on deposit
includes funds in banks, credit unions, and other
financial institutions, such as checking accounts,
savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and money
market accounts.

Enter in Column (B) the purpose of the loan, security
given (if any), and the terms for repayment of each loan
required to be listed in Column (A).
Enter in Column (C) on Lines 1 through 3 the amount
owed to the trusteed organization by each individual or
business enterprise listed in Column (A).The software
will enter the total on Line 4. Enter on Line 5 the total of
loans owed to the trusteed organization by officers,
employees, or members whose total individual loan
indebtedness did not exceed $250; and the total of all
loans, regardless of amount, owed to the trusteed
organization by other individuals and entities. The
software will add Lines 1 through 5 and enter the total
on Line 6 and in Item 12.

11. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE—Enter the total of all
accounts receivable owed the trusteed organization.
12. LOANS RECEIVABLE—Enter the total of all direct
and indirect loans (whether or not evidenced by
promissory notes or secured by mortgages) owed to the
trusteed organization by individuals, business
enterprises, benefit plans, and other entities including
labor organizations as reported in Schedule 1, Line 6.
An example of an indirect loan is a disbursement by the
trusteed organization to an educational institution for the
tuition expense of an officer, employee, or member
which must be repaid to the trusteed organization by
that individual. Do not include investments in corporate
bonds or mortgages purchased on a block basis
through a bank or similar financial institution which must
be reported in Item 14 (Investments) and Schedule 2.
NOTE: Advances, including salary advances, are
considered loans and must be reported in Schedule 1.
However, advances to officers and employees of the
trusteed organization for travel expenses necessary for
conducting official business are not considered loans if
the following conditions are met:

the amount of an advance for a specific trip
does not exceed the amount of expenses
reasonably expected to be incurred for official

the amount of a standing advance to an officer
or employee who must frequently travel on
official business does not unreasonably exceed
the average monthly travel expenses for which
the individual is separately reimbursed after
submission of vouchers or paid receipts and the
individual does not exceed 60 days without
engaging in official travel.

NOTE: Section 503(a) of the LMRDA prohibits labor
organizations from making direct or indirect loans to any
officer or employee of the labor organization which
results in a total indebtedness on the part of such officer
or employee to the labor organization in excess of
13. U.S. TREASURY SECURITIES—Enter the total
value of all U.S. Treasury securities as shown on the
trusteed organization’s books. Other U.S. Government
obligations, state and municipal bonds, and foreign
government securities must be reported in Schedule 2
under “Marketable Securities” and in Item 14
14. INVESTMENTS—Enter the total book value of all
investments (other than U.S. Treasury securities) as
reported in Schedule 2, Line 7.

Schedule 2 - Report in Schedule 2 details of all
investments of the trusteed organization, other than
U.S. Treasury securities, including mortgages
purchased on a block basis and investments in any
subsidiary organization not reported on a consolidated

periodically depreciated), fully depreciated, or carried on
the trusteed organization’s books at scrap or other
nominal value.
Enter in Column (A) of Schedule 5, Line 1, the location
of any land and on Line 3, the location of any buildings
owned by the trusteed organization.

Enter in Column (B) of Schedule 2, Line 1, the total cost
of all the trusteed organization’s marketable securities
including transaction costs (for example, brokerage
commissions). Marketable securities are securities with
current market values that can be obtained from
published reports of transactions in listed securities or in
securities traded “over the counter”. Examples of
marketable securities include corporate stocks and
bonds, stock and bond mutual funds, and foreign
government securities.

Enter in Column (B) the cost or other basis of the fixed
assets listed in Column (A).
Enter in Column (C) the accumulated depreciation, if
any, of the fixed assets (except land) listed in Column
(A) whose cost or other basis is included in Column (B).
If the trusteed organization “expenses” fixed assets,
also include in Column (C) the amount that was charged
to expenses when the assets were purchased.
Enter in Column (D) the amount at which the fixed
assets listed in Column (A) are carried on the trusteed
organization’s books. Include the nominal amount, if
any, at which fully depreciated assets are carried on the
trusteed organization’s books. The amount reported in
Column (D) should be the difference between Columns
(B) and (C).

Enter in Column (B), Line 2, the total book value of all
the trusteed organization’s marketable securities. Book
value is the lower of cost or market value.
List in Column (A), Line 3, each marketable security
which has a book value over $1,000 and which exceeds
20% of the total book value entered on Line 2. Enter its
book value in Column (B).

Enter in Column (E) the fair market value of land and of
all assets listed in Column (A) that were expensed, fully
depreciated, or depreciated to scrap or nominal value. It
is not necessary to secure a formal appraisal of the
assets; a good faith estimate is sufficient. The value
used for insurance purposes or for tax appraisals, for
example, will normally be acceptable as representing
the fair market value.

Enter in Column (B), Line 4, the total cost, including
transaction costs, of all the trusteed organization’s other
investments (that is, those investments which are not
U.S. Treasury securities or marketable securities).
Include mortgages purchased on a block basis.
Enter in Column (B), Line 5, book value of such other
investments. Book value is the lower of cost or market

The software will add Lines 1 through 7, Columns
(B) through (E), and enter the totals on Line 8. Enter
the total from Line 8, Column (D) in Item 15.

List in Column (A), Line 6, each other investment which
has a book value over $1,000 and exceeds 20% of the
total book value entered on Line 5 and enter its book
value in Column (B).

16. OTHER ASSETS—Enter the total value as shown
on the trusteed organization’s books of all other assets
(those assets not reported in Items 10 through 15) as
reported in Schedule 3, Line 8.

NOTE: If the trusteed organization has a subsidiary
organization for which a separate report is being
submitted, you must report the subsidiary organization
in Schedule 2, if it is an investment. List on Line 6 (the
name of each subsidiary organization in Column (A) and
its book value in Column (B).

Schedule 3 – You must describe the trusteed
organization’s other assets in Column (A) of Schedule
3. You may classify these assets by general groupings
or bookkeeping categories such as utility deposits,
inventory of supplies for resale, or travel advances
which are not required to be reported as loans in
Schedule 1. However, the description must be sufficient
to identify the type of assets. Enter in Column (B) the
value as shown on the trusteed organization’s books of
each asset or group of assets described in Column (A).

The software will add Lines 2 and 5 and enter the total
on Line 7 and in Item 14.
15. FIXED ASSETS—Enter the total value as shown on
the trusteed organization’s books of all fixed assets as
reported in Schedule 5, Line 8, Column (D). Examples
of fixed assets include: land, buildings, automobiles,
and office furniture and equipment.

NOTE: If the trusteed organization has a subsidiary
organization for which a separate report is being
submitted, you must report the value of the subsidiary
organization as shown on the trusteed organization’s
books in Schedule 3, if the nature of it is that of a noninvestment. Enter in Column (A) the name of any such
subsidiary organization. Enter in Column (B) the value

Schedule 5 - Report in Schedule 5 details of all fixed
assets, including fixed assets that were expensed (that
is, the cost of the asset was charged to current
expenses, rather than entered on the books and

23. NET ASSETS—Subtract Item 22 from Item 17 and
enter the difference in Item 23.

as shown on the trusteed organization’s books of the
net assets of any such subsidiary organization.
The software will add Lines 1 through 7 and enter the
total on Line 8 and in Item 16.

24-27. SIGNATURES—The completed Form LM-15
which is filed with OLMS must be signed by the
president and treasurer or corresponding principal
officers of the organization which has imposed the
trusteeship, and all the trustees designated to supervise
the affairs of the organization held in trusteeship. If the
report is signed by an officer other than the president
and/or treasurer, so indicate in Items 24 and/or 25 by
selecting “Other (Specify)” from the drop down box next
to the officer title listed (either President or Treasurer).
Then enter the correct title in the space provided. If the
trustees have a different title such as administrator,
select “Other (Specify)” from the drop down box next to
the Trustee title and enter the correct title in Items 26
and 27. If there are more than two trustees, EFS will
permit additional lines for more trustees to sign and date
the Form LM-15.

17. TOTAL ASSETS—Add Items 10 through 16 and
enter the total in Item 17.
18. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE—Enter the total amount of
the trusteed organization’s accounts payable. Ordinarily,
accounts payable are those obligations incurred on an
open account for goods and services rendered.
19. LOANS PAYABLE—Enter the total of all loans
payable by the trusteed organization (except those
secured by mortgages or similar liens on real property
(land or buildings) which must be reported in Item 20
(Mortgages Payable)) as reported in Schedule 6, Line 6.
Schedule 6 - Enter in Column (A) of Schedule 6 on
Lines 1 through 4 the name of each business
enterprise to which a loan was payable. Also, list the
source of all other loans by general categories, such as
banks, labor organizations, individuals, etc.

Enter the date the report was signed, the email address
and the telephone number(s) used by the signatories to
conduct official business. You do not have to report a
private, unlisted telephone number.

Enter in Column (B) the loan amount owed to each
listed source of a loan. The software will add Lines 1
through 5 and enter the total on Line 6 and in Item 19.

NOTE: Upon registering with OLMS, the signatories and
preparers must enter the email addresses they use to
conduct union business, in order to file the form via the
OLMS Electronic Forms System. While the email
addresses will not appear on the report, OLMS may use
the email address of the signatories and any preparers
to contact the union concerning LMRDA compliance.

20. MORTGAGES PAYABLE—Enter the total amount
of the trusteed organization’s obligations which were
secured by mortgages or similar liens on real property
(land or buildings).
Schedule 4 - You must describe the trusteed
organization’s other liabilities in Column (A) of Schedule
4. You may classify these liabilities by general
groupings or bookkeeping categories, if the description
is sufficient to identify the type of liability. List separately
any payroll taxes withheld, but not yet paid, other payroll
taxes of the trusteed organization, such as FICA taxes
and any funds collected on behalf of affiliates or
members and not disbursed as of the date the
trusteeship was established. Do not include reserves for
special purposes (for example, “Reserve for Building
Fund”) which are actually an allocation of assets for
specific purposes rather than a liability.

Contact the nearest OLMS field office listed below if you
have questions about filing a trusteeship report
If You Need Assistance

The Office of Labor-Management Standards has field

offices located in the following cities to assist you if you
have any questions concerning LMRDA and CSRA
reporting requirements.

Dallas-New Orleans
Denver-St. Louis
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco-Seattle

Enter in Column (B) the amount of each liability
described in Column (A). The software will add Lines 1
through 7 and enter the total on Line 8 and in Item 21.
21. OTHER LIABILITIES—Enter the total amount as
shown on the trusteed organization’s books of all other
liabilities (those not reported in Items 18 through 20) as
reported in Schedule 4, Line 8
22. TOTAL LIABILITIES—Add Items 18 through 21
and enter the total in Item 22.

Copies of labor organization annual financial reports,
employer reports, and labor relations consultant
reports filed for the year 2000 and after can be viewed
and printed at www.unionreports.gov. Copies of
reports for the year 1999 and earlier can be ordered
through the website.
Information about OLMS, including key personnel and
telephone numbers, compliance assistance materials,
the text of the LMRDA, and related Federal Register
and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) documents, is
also available on the Internet at:
Additionally, you can call the OLMS national office at
(202) 693-0123 or email OLMS-Public@dol.gov.
Revised XX/2021


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