Change Sheet Memo

EDFacts 2019-20 to 2021-22 Change Memo.docx

EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 (with 2018-19 continuation)

Change Sheet Memo

OMB: 1850-0925

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Memorandum United States Department of Education

Institute of Education Sciences

National Center for Education Statistics

DATE: July 14, 2020

TO: Robert Sivinski, OMB

THROUGH: Carrie Clarady, OMB Liaison, NCES

FROM: Kelly Worthington, NCES Administrative Data Division, Elementary/Secondary Branch Chief, NCES

SUBJECT: EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 Summer 2020 Change Request (OMB# 1850-0925 v.6)

EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiative, conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), to collect, analyze, report on, and promote the use of high-quality, pre-kindergarten through grade 12 (pre-K–12) performance data for use in education planning, policymaking, and management and budget decision making to improve outcomes for students. By centralizing data provided by state education agencies about state level data, local education agencies, and schools, NCES uses the EDFacts data to report on students, schools, staff, services, and education outcomes at the state, district, and school levels. The centralized approach provides ED users with the ability to efficiently analyze and report on submitted data and has reduced the reporting burden for state and local data producers through the use of streamlined data collection, analysis, and reporting tools. EDFacts collects information on behalf of ED grant and program offices for approximately 150 data groups for all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and seven outlying areas and freely associated states (American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Republic of Palau, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). The request to collect EDFacts data for the 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 school years was approved in August 2019 (OMB# 1850-0925 v.4, with the last revision to the package (v.5) approved in November 2019).

There are three updates included in this memo.

  1. Waivers granted by the data steward, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), on the collection of 21 data groups and two metadata surveys because of the COVID-19 crisis

  2. Request to not collect one new data group and two associated categories

  3. Request four technical changes

  1. Waivers granted on the collection of 21 data groups and two metadata surveys

As noted in the March 20, 2020 letter from Secretary DeVos to Chief State School Offices, the COVID-19 pandemic created “extraordinary circumstances” in education, including school closures. ED provided flexibility to States regarding the assessment and accountability requirements under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Secretary DeVos noted that “many States will be unable to administer their statewide assessments to all students in the spring of 2020. As statewide accountability systems rely on fair, reliable and valid assessment results, I also recognize that States that do not administer their assessments will also not be able to annually meaningfully differentiate among public schools or identify schools for support and improvement, as required under section 1111(c)(4) and 1111(d)(2)(C)-(D) of the ESEA.” As a result, ED has granted waivers to states for impacted data reporting requirements, including assessments and accountability in section 1111(h).

Therefore, the data steward, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), is granting a one-year waiver on the collection of 18 data groups and two metadata surveys in school year 2019-20. Collection of these data groups and metadata surveys are planned to resume in school years 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Assessment Data Groups

  • 583 - Academic achievement in mathematics table

  • 584 - Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

  • 585 - Academic achievement in science table

  • 588 - Assessment participation in mathematics table

  • 589 - Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

  • 590 - Assessment participation in science table

English Learner Assessment Data Groups

  • 151 - Title III English language proficiency results table

  • 668 - Title III former EL students table

  • 674 - English language proficiency test table

  • 675 - Title III English language proficiency test table

  • 676 - English language proficiency results table

  • 864 - Title III English learners not proficient within five years

  • 865 - Title III English learners exited

Accountability Data Groups

  • 834 - Graduation rate indicator status table

  • 835 - Academic achievement indicator status table

  • 836 - Other academic indicator status table

  • 837 - Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status

  • 838 - School quality or student success indicator status table

  • Accountability Metadata Survey

  • Assessment Metadata Survey

In addition, there are three data groups, currently collected, that will be collected in school year 2019-20, waived in school year 2020-21 and collected in school year 2021-22. These files are based on prior year data (SY 2020-21 uses SY 2019-20 data), which is why they will not be collected in 2020-21.

  • 842 - Comprehensive support and targeted support schools

  • 866 - Comprehensive support identification

  • 867 - Targeted support identification

Attachment A has been updated to include a new sheet, “COVID-19 Waiver Data Groups,” that lists each DG that has been approved for a waiver due to COVID-19 (see also p. 294 in the PDF version of Attachment A). Furthermore, Attachment C has been updated (pages C-21 and C-27) to include a note on the one-year waiver for the two metadata surveys listed above.

  1. Request to not collect one new data group and two associated categories

OESE is proposing to not collect new data group 846 (Pathways to Completion) and two associated categories (Cohort Pathway and Cohort Outcome). This data group (and associated categories) was intended to collect information about different pathways a State has for students to obtain a regular high school diploma as used in calculating the Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR). The first year of this data collection was planned for school year 2019-2020.

However, the collection of these data is not explicitly required by ESSA and OESE determined it was not prudent to collect these data because there is no statutory requirement, the data may be difficult to interpret, and there is no planned use of the responses. This new data group and two associated categories have been removed from Attachment A (pp. 160, 286, and 287 from v. 5; see Attachment 1, pp. 5-7 of this document for the full text that was deleted).

  1. Request Four Technical Changes

  1. Perkins V Metadata Survey: Metadata is necessary for the interpretation of other data. The new metadata survey regarding career clusters and graduation rate indicators is not needed because the data steward, the Office of Career and Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE), determined it does not need this information to help interpret state reporting. This metadata survey has been removed from Attachment C; see Attachment 1, p. 8 of this document for the full deleted text.

  1. ​IDEA State Supplemental Survey: For school year 2021-22, children age 5 in kindergarten will be reported in FS 002 where previously these children were reported in FS 089. The data steward, the Office of Special Education and Related Services, determined the wording used for the age groups in the metadata survey needs to be updated to reflect the approved change in the child count. The wording changes can be found in Attachment C, pages C-16 through C-17 and match the approved data group definition wording.

    1. Ages 6 through 21 is revised to: Ages 5 (in kindergarten) through 21

    2. Ages (3 through 5) is revised to: Ages 3 through 5 (not in kindergarten)

  1. Major Racial and Ethnic Group (Data Category): ESSA allows states to set state specific major racial and ethnic groups for some data files; these groups are submitted to ED in ESSA state plans. To date, OESE has approved state plans with two detailed major racial and ethnic groups that were not included in the original Information Collection Package. Starting in school year 2020-21, two new detailed major racial and ethnic groups need to be added to allow reporting consistent with approved state plans: ‘Native Hawaiian’ and ‘Pacific Islander.’ These two detailed groups are currently combined in one permitted value. Beginning in school year 2020-21, states with approved state plans will be able to use these additional detailed major racial and ethnic groups to accurately identify their student population. The “Data Categories” tab within Attachment A has been updated to include these two new detailed major racial and ethnic groups; see cell S7 of the “Data Categories” tab, and p. 182 of the PDF version of Attachment A.

  1. Comprehensive Support and Targeted Support Schools (Data Group 842): For school year 2021-22, the information clearance package omitted a permitted value available for reporting. The data steward, OESE, determined the Additional Target Support and Improvement Category should include the permitted value and description for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement – Exit Status. The “Data Group” tab within Attachment A has been updated to include this permitted value and a note to reflect this is an update for school year 2021-22; see cells V103, W103, and AA103 of the “Data Group” tab, and pages 116-117 of the PDF version of Attachment A.

Attachment 1: Full text of changes and deletions

Change 2. Request to not collect one new data group and two associated categories

Data Steward


60-Day Package Status


30-Day Package Status

No Change from 60-day

Final Package Status

No Change from 30-day

FS Number


File Spec Name


DG Number


SY 2018-19 Data Group Name

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name

(Changes only: 60 day package)

Pathways to Completion

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: 30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name

(Changes only: Final package)

SY 2018-19 Data Group Definition

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 60 day package)

The number of students in the cohort.

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition

(Changes only: Final package)

SY 2018-19 Category Sets

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: 60 day package)

Cohort Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups Cohort Status,Disability Status (Only)

Cohort Status,English Learner Status (Only) Cohort Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status Cohort Status,Homeless Enrolled Status

Cohort Status,Foster Care Status

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only:

30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: Final package)

SY 2018-19 Permitted Values (DG

without category set)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only: 30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Values

(Change only: Final package)

EUT Reported


Number of Reported Subtotals


Statutory and/or regulatory reference numbers

PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8101(25); Section 8303


Data Stewards


FS Numbers


60-day Package Status


30-day Package Status

No Change from 60-day

Final Package Status

No Change

SY 2018-19 Category Name

SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 60 day


Cohort Pathway

SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 30 day


SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: final package)

SY 2018-19 Category Definition

The pathways of the students in the cohort.

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 60

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 30

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: final package)

DG Count


DG Numbers


SY 2018-19 Permitted Value

Description List

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only: 60 day package)

Pathway 1

Pathway 2

Pathway 3

Pathway 4

Pathway 5

Pathway 6

Pathway 7

Pathway 8

Pathway 9

Pathway 10

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

final package)


Data Stewards


FS Numbers


60-day Package Status


30-day Package Status

No Change from 60-day

Final Package Status

No Change

SY 2018-19 Category Name

SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 60 day


Cohort Outcome

SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 30 day


SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: final package)

SY 2018-19 Category Definition

The outcome of the pathway of the students in the cohort.

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 60

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 30

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: final package)

DG Count


DG Numbers


SY 2018-19 Permitted Value

Description List

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

60 day package)

Graduated In progress

Did not complete

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

final package)


Change 3.1 – Perkins Metadata Survey Removed from Appendix C


This metadata collection relates to Perkins V data collection. This metadata collection is new for SY 2019-20.


Metadata Collected/Question

Format/Permitted Values

Section – Career Clusters

Which career clusters are used by your state?

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources


Architecture & Construction


Arts, A/V Technology & Communication


Business Management & Administration


Education & Training




Government and Public Administration


Health Science


Hospitality & Tourism


Human Services


Information Technology


Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security






Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


Transportation, Distribution & Logistics


Comment on career clusters


Section – Graduation Rate Indicator

Does the state use an extended year graduation rate indicator?


What is included in the numerator used in your ACGR rate?


What is included in the denominator used in your ACGR rate?


Skip Logic – Only required if previous response is “Yes.”

If state is submitting extended year graduation rate for 1S2, what is the extended year?

5-year rate

6-year rate

7-year rate

8-year rate

9-year rate


Skip logic – Only required if previous response is “Other.”

If other year rate, what is the number of years?


Change 3.3 – Major Racial and Ethnic Group (Data Category) (Attachment A (PDF), p. 182)

Data Stewards


FS Numbers

150, 151, 160, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 199, 200, 201, 202

60-day Package Status

No Change

30-day Package Status

No Change from 60-day

Final Package Status

No Change

SY 2018-19 Category Name

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups

SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 60 day


SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 30 day


SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: final package)

SY 2018-19 Category Definition

The major racial and ethnic groups states use for accountability and assessment data.

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 60

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 30

day package)

SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: final package)

DG Count


DG Numbers

583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 695, 696, 739, 834, 835, 836, 838, TBD

SY 2018-19 Permitted Value Description List

American Indian \ Alaska Native \ Native American Asian

Asian \ Pacific Islander

Black (not Hispanic) African American Filipino

Hispanic (not Puerto Rican) Hispanic \ Latino

Multicultural \ Multiethnic \ Multiracial \ other

Native Hawaiian \ other Pacific Islander \ Pacific Islander Puerto Rican

White (not Hispanic) \ Caucasian


Native Hawaiian

Pacific Islander

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only:

final package)


Change 3.4 – Comprehensive Support and Targeted Support Schools (Data Group 842) (Attachment A (PDF), pp. 116-117)

Data Steward


60-Day Package Status

No Change

30-Day Package Status

Revised from 60-day

Final Package Status

Revised from 30-day

FS Number


File Spec Name

School Support and Improvement

DG Number


SY 2018-19 Data Group Name

Comprehensive support and targeted support schools

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name

(Changes only: 30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: Final package)

SY 2018-19 Data Group Definition

An indication that the school is designated by the state as a comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and

improvement school.

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 30 day package)

An indication that the school is designated by the state as a comprehensive support school.

SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: Final package)

An indication that the school is designation by the state of a school for

comprehensive support and improvement, targeted support and improvement, and additional targeted support and improvement.

SY 2018-19 Category Sets

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only:

30 day package)

SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: Final package)

SY 2018-19 Permitted Values (DG without category set)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Targeted Support and Improvement

Comprehensive Support and Improvement - Exit Status Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status

Not Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement


SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only: 60 day package)

SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only: 30 day package)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Targeted Support and Improvement

Comprehensive Support and Improvement - Exit Status Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status Designated by state as additional targeted support

Designated by state as additional targeted support – Exit Status * see notes column

Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement

Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status Not Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement


SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only: Final package)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI, CSI-Exit, and Not CSI) Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI, TSI Exit, and Not TSI) Additional Target Support and Improvement (ATSI, ATSI Exit, and not

ATSI) * see notes column

EUT Reported

Number of Reported Subtotals

Statutory and/or regulatory

reference numbers

PL 114-95, Section 1111 (c); Section 1111(h); Section 8303


More than one permitted value will be allowed for reporting.

* ATSI Exit will be added as a permitted value in SY 20-21.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBeth Young
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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