EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 (with 2018-19 continuation)

EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 (with 2018-19 continuation)

Attachment A Data Groups and Categories EDFacts 2019-20 to 2021-22 Updates.xlsx

EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 (with 2018-19 continuation)

OMB: 1850-0925

Document [xlsx]
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Data Groups
COVID-19 Waiver Data Groups
Data Categories
DG&DCs new in 60 out in 30
Summary of Changes

Sheet 1: ReadMe

Tab Name Description Instructions
Data Groups Contains the data groups and data group descriptions * Column B provides the status of each data group in the 60-day package (No changes, Revised, Retired, and New).
* Column C provides the status of each data group in the 30-day package (No change from 60-day, Revised from 60-day, Revised Notes, New).
* Column D provides the status of each data group in the final package (No change from 30-day, Revised from 30-day). This column can be used to filter data groups by their change code to easily identify what has changed since the prior package. [** As per the October 31, 2019 change memo, the values of rows 87, 104, 105, 106, 107, 123, & 124 have been revised.]
* Column AA (Notes) is used to explain anything additional needed to interpret the data group.
Data Categories Contains the lists of permitted values for each category * Column C provides the status of each data group (No changes, Revised, Retired, and New). This column can be used to filter categories by their change code to easily access what has changed.
* Column D provides the status of each data group (No change from 60-day, Revised from 60-day, Revised Notes).
* Column E provides the status of each data group (No change from 30-day, Revised from 30-day). This column can be used to filter categories by their change code to easily access what has changed. [** As per the October 31, 2019 change memo, the values of rows 21, 47, 104 & 105 have been revised.]
* Column T (Notes) are used to explain anything additional needed to interpret the data group.
DG&DCs new in 60 out in 30 Contains data groups and categories proposed as new is the 60-day package but removed from 30-day package For reference so that all data groups and categories presented in the 60-day package are accounted for in the 30-day package.

NOTE: There were NO new data groups or categories proposed in the 30-day package.
Summary of Changes Final counts of changes in each part of the package For information only

OMB# 1850-0925 v.6

Date revised July 2020
Original Date October 2018

Sheet 2: Data Groups

Data Steward 60-Day Package Status 30-Day Package Status FINAL Package Status FS Number File Spec Name DG Number SY 2018-19 Data Group Name SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: 60 day package) SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: 30 day package) SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only: FINAL) SY 2018-19 Data Group Definition SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 60-day package) SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: 30-day package) SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only: FINAL) SY 2018-19 Category Sets SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: 60 day package) SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: 30 day package) SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only: FINAL) SY 2018-19 Permitted Values (DG without category set) SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Changes only: 60-day package) SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Changes only: 30-day package) SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Changes only: FINAL) EUT Reported Number of Reported Subtotals Statutory and/or regulatory reference numbers Notes
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 1 LEA identifier (NCES)

The seven-digit unique identifier assigned to the LEA by NCES. Also known as NCES LEA ID.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 4 LEA identifier (state)

The identifier assigned to an LEA by the SEA. Also known as State LEA Identification Number (ID).


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 5 School identifier (state)

The identifier assigned to a school by the SEA. Also known as State School Identification Number (ID).


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 7 Education entity name

The full registered name of the school, LEA, SEA, or other entity reporting education data.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 8 Address mailing

The set of elements that describes the mailing address of the education entity, including the mailing address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 9 Address location

The set of elements that describes the physical location of the education entity, including the street address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 10 Telephone - education entity

The 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the education entity.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 11 Web site address

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the unique address of a Web page of an education entity.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 16 LEA operational status

The classification of the operational condition of a local education agency (LEA).

1 – Open
2 – Closed
3 – New
4 – Added
5 – Changed geographic boundary
6 – Inactive
7 – Future
8 – Reopened

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 21 School type

The classification of schools based on the curriculum concentration.

1 – Regular school
2 – Special education school
3 – Career and technical education school
4 – Alternative education school
5 – Reportable program

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 453 Local education agency (LEA) type

The classification of an education unit reported in the local education agency (LEA) file.

1 – Regular public school district that is not a component of a supervisory union
2 – Regular public school district that is a component of a supervisory union
9 – Specialized public school district
3 – Supervisory union
4 – Service agency
5 – State operated agency
6 – Federal operated agency
7 – Independent charter district
8 – Other local education agency

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 458 Chief state school officer contact information

The contact information of the chief state school officer, including first and last name, official title, phone number, and email address.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 529 School identifier (NCES)

The twelve-digit unique identifier assigned to the school by NCES. Also known as NCES School ID.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 531 School operational status

The classification of the operational condition of a school.

1 – Open
2 – Closed
3 – New
4 – Added
5 – Changed LEA affiliation
6 – Inactive
7 – Future
8 – Reopened

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 551 Supervisory union identification number

The three-digit unique identifier assigned to the supervisory union.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 559 State code

The two-digit American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the state, District of Columbia, and the outlying areas and freely associated areas of the United States.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 570 State agency number

A number used to uniquely identify state agencies.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 571 Effective date

The date a change in a directory data element takes place.


PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 669 Out of state indicator

An indication that the mailing or location address of the LEA or school is outside of the state.

YES – The school/LEA is out of state compared to the SEA.
NO – The school/LEA is not out of state compared to the SEA.

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 743 Reconstituted status

An indication that the school was restructured, transformed or otherwise changed as a consequence of the state’s accountability system under ESEA or as a result of School Improvement Grants (SIG), but is not recognized as a new school for CCD purposes.

YES – Reconstituted school
NO – Not a reconstituted school

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 27 Charter status

An indication that a public school provides free public elementary and/or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter executed, pursuant to a state charter school law, by an authorized chartering agency/authority and that is designated by such authority to be public charter school. An indication that a public school provides free public elementary and/or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter issued, pursuant to a state charter school law, by an authorized chartering agency/authority and that is designated by such authority to be public charter school.

YES – Charter school
NO – Not a charter school
NA – Not Applicable

PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 653 Charter LEA status

The status of a charter district as an LEA for purposes of federal programs.

For LEAs that are not charter:
NA – Not applicable
NOTCHR – Not a charter district
For LEAs that are charter:
CHRTNOTLEA - Not LEA for federal programs (Charter district which is not an LEA for federal programs)
CHRTIDEA - LEA for IDEA (Charter district which is an LEA for programs authorized under IDEA but not under ESEA and Perkins)
CHRTESEA – LEA for ESEA and Perkins (Charter district which is an LEA for programs authorized under ESEA and Perkins but not under IDEA)
CHRTIDEAESEA – LEA for federal programs (Charter district which is an LEA for programs authorized under IDEA, ESEA and Perkins)

PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 29 Directory 804 Charter authorizer identifier (state)

The identifier assigned to an authorized public chartering agency by the SEA


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 39 Grades Offered 18 Grades offered

The grade level(s) offered by the school or district.

UG – Ungraded
PK – Prekindergarten
KG – Kindergarten
01 – Grade 1
02 – Grade 2
03 – Grade 3
04 – Grade 4
05 – Grade 5
06 – Grade 6
07 – Grade 7
08 – Grade 8
09 – Grade 9
10 – Grade 10
11 – Grade 11
12 – Grade 12
13 – Grade 13
AE – Adult Education
NOGRADES – No Grades

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 129 CCD School 573 Shared time status

An indication that a school offers career and technical education or other educational services in which some or all students are enrolled at a separate school of record and attend the shared-time school on a part-time basis.

YES – Shared Time Yes
NO – Shared Time No

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 129 CCD School 22 Title I school status

An indication that a school is designated under state and federal regulations as being eligible for participation in programs authorized by Title I of ESEA as amended and whether it has a Title I program.

NOTTITLE1ELIG – Not a Title I school
SWELIGNOPROG – Title I schoolwide eligible school – No program
SWELIGTGPROG – Title I schoolwide eligible- Title I targeted assistance program
SWELIGSWPROG – Title I schoolwide school
TGELGBNOPROG – Title I targeted assistance eligible school– No program
TGELGBTGPROG – Title I targeted assistance school

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 129 CCD School 24 Magnet status

An indication of whether the school is a magnet school or has a magnet program within the school.

MAGNO – Magnet No
NA – Magnet is Not Applicable in the SEA
MAGYES – Magnet Yes

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 129 CCD School 791 NSLP status

The classification of participation by a school in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

NSLPWOPRO - Yes, participating without using any Provision or the CEO
NSLPPRO1 - Yes, under Provision 1
NSLPPRO2 - Yes, under Provision 2
NSLPPRO3 - Yes, under Provision 3
NSLPCEO - Yes, under Community Eligibility Option (CEO)

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 129 CCD School 803 Virtual school status

An indication of the extent to which a public school offers instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or location, and interaction occurs via computers and/or telecommunications technologies.

FULLVIRTUAL - Exclusively virtual - All instruction offered by the school is virtual. This does not exclude students and teachers meeting in person for field trips, school-sponsored social events or assessment purposes. All students receive all instruction virtually.
FACEVIRTUAL - Primarily virtual - The school’s major purpose is to provide virtual instruction to students, but some traditional classroom instruction is also provided. Most students receive all instruction virtually.
SUPPVIRTUAL - Supplemental Virtual - Instruction is directed by teachers in a traditional classroom setting; virtual instruction supplements face-to-face instruction by teachers. Students vary in the extent to which their instruction is virtual.
NOTVIRTUAL - No virtual instruction - The school does not offer any virtual instruction. No students receive any virtual instruction.

PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
OESE/OII New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
State appropriations for charter

How charter schools receive state appropriations.

Charter school receives state appropriations directly from the state
Charter school receives state appropriations allocated by the state through the local school district
Charter school is allocated state appropriations by the local school district
Charter school receives allocations and appropriations directly from the state
Charter school receives appropriations allocated by the state through the local school district with no local school district control on allocation of funds (e.g. passthrough allocations)
Local school district receives appropriation of funds from state and allocates funding to charter school, local school district has similar decision making control on charter school’s use of funds as district has for traditional public schools (e.g. district operated charter school).

PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 190 Charter School Authorizer Roster 798 Charter authorizer name

The full legally accepted name of the authorized public chartering agency that currently oversees the charter school.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 190 Charter School Authorizer Roster 805 Charter authorizer address location

The set of elements that describes the physical location of the authorized public chartering agency, including the street address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 190 Charter School Authorizer Roster 806 Charter authorizer address mailing

The set of elements that describes the mailing address of the authorized public chartering agency, including the mailing address, city, state, ZIP Code, and ZIP Code + 4


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 190 Charter School Authorizer Roster 807 Charter authorizer type

The type of organization.

SEA - State department of education
SBE - State board of education
PCSB - Public charter school board
LEA - Local educational agency
UNI - University
CC - Community college
NONPROFIT – Not for profit organization
GOVTENT – Non educational government entities
OTH – Other

PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 190 Charter School Authorizer Roster 808 Charter authorizer identifier (state)

The unique identifier assigned to an authorized public chartering agency by the SEA


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 196 Management Organization for Charter Schools Roster 825 Management organization name

The full legally accepted name of the management organization.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 196 Management Organization for Charter Schools Roster 826 Employer identification number (EIN)

The identification number issued by the IRS in order for the entity to pay federal taxes to the U.S. Treasury and report wages to the IRS and Social Security Administration.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 196 Management Organization for Charter Schools Roster 827 Organization address location

The set of elements that describes the physical location of the management organization, including the street address, city, state, ZIP Code, and ZIP Code + 4.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 196 Management Organization for Charter Schools Roster 828 Organization address mailing

The set of elements that describes the mailing address of the management organization, including the mailing address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
OESE/OII Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 196 Management Organization for Charter Schools Roster 829 Management organization type

The type of management organization.

Charter Management Organization (CMO) – a non-profit organization that operates or manages multiple charter schools (i.e., either through a contract with the charter schools or as the charter holder) linked by centralized support, operations, and oversight.
Education Management Organization (EMO) – a for-profit entity that contracts with new or existing public school districts, charter school districts, and charter schools to manage charter schools by centralizing support, operations, and oversight.
Other – an organization that is not a CMO or EMO and that provides management services to one or more charter schools.
Charter Management Organization (CMO) – a non-profit organization that operates or manages a network of charter schools (either through a contract or as the charter holder) linked by centralized support, operations, and oversight.
Education Management Organization (EMO) – a for-profit entity that operates or manages a network of charter schools (either through a contract or as the charter holder) linked by by centralized support, operations, and oversight.
Single Management (non-profit) – a non-profit organization that is not a CMO or EMO and that provides management services to one charter school.
Single Management (for-profit) – a for-profit entity that is not a CMO or EMO and that provides management services to one charter school.

PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 197 Crosswalk of Charter Schools to Management Organizations 833 Management organization EIN

The identification number issued by the IRS in order for the entity (charter management organization) to pay federal taxes to the U.S. Treasury and report wages to the IRS and Social Security Administration.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 198 Charter Contracts 830 Charter contract ID number

The unique number an SEA assigns to the contract (or charter) that authorizes the charter school to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 198 Charter Contracts 831 Charter contract approval date

The effective date of the contract (or charter) that an approved charter school authorizer authorized the charter school to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 198 Charter Contracts 832 Charter contract renewal date

The date by which the charter school must renew its contract (or charter) with an approved charter school authorizer in order to continue to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.


PL 114-95, Title IV, Part C, Section 4301
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 052 Membership 39 Membership table

The official unduplicated student enrollment, including students both present and absent, excluding duplicate counts of students within a specific school or local education agency or students whose membership is reported by another school or LEA.

Grade Level (Membership),Racial Ethnic,Sex (Membership)

Yes 4 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 040 Graduates/Completers 306 Graduates/completers table

The unduplicated number of students who graduated from high school or completed some other education program that is approved by the state or local education agency (SEA or LEA) during the school year and the subsequent summer school.

Diploma/Credential,Sex (Membership),Racial Ethnic
Diploma/Credential,Sex (Membership),Disability Status (IDEA)
Diploma/Credential,Sex (Membership),English Learner Status (Only)
Diploma/Credential,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Diploma/Credential,Migratory Status
Diploma/Credential,Homeless Enrolled Status

Yes 1 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153 (a)(1)(D)
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 032 Dropouts 326 Dropouts table

The unduplicated number of dropouts. Dropouts are defined as students who (1) were enrolled in school at some time during the school year, were not enrolled the following school year, but were expected to be in membership (i.e., were not reported as dropouts the year before), (2) did not graduate from high school (graduates include students who received a GED without dropping out of school), (3) did not complete a state or district-approved educational program, and (4) did not meet any of the following exclusionary conditions: (4a) transfer to another public school district, private school, or state- or district-approved educational program; (4b) temporary school-recognized absence due to suspension or illness; or (4c) death.

Grade Level (Dropout),Racial Ethnic,Sex (Membership)
Grade Level (Dropout),Disability Status (IDEA)
Grade Level (Dropout),English Learner Status (Only)
Grade Level (Dropout),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Grade Level (Dropout),Migratory Status
Grade Level (Dropout),Homeless Enrolled Status

Yes 1 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153 (a)(1)(D)
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 059 Staff FTE 528 Staff FTE table

The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff.

Staff Category (CCD)

Yes 0 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 033 Free and Reduced Price Lunch 565 Free and reduced-price lunch table

The unduplicated number of students who are eligible to participate in the Free Lunch and Reduced-Price Lunch Programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946.

Lunch Program Status

Yes 0 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 059 Staff FTE 644 Teachers (FTE)

The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) classroom teachers.

Decimal number

Yes 0 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
NCES No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 033 Free and Reduced Price Lunch 813 Direct certification

The number of students in membership whose National School Lunch Program (NSLP) eligibility has been determined through direct certification.


Yes 0 PL 107-279, Title I, Part C Sec. 153
OCFO No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 035 Federal Programs 547 Federal programs funding allocation table

The amount of federal dollars distributed to local education agencies (LEAs), retained by the state education agency (SEA) for program administration or other approved state-level activities (including unallocated, transferred to another state agency, or distributed to entities other than LEAs).

Federal Program Code,Funding Allocation Type
Federal Program Code

0 PL 103-382 Category Set A = SEAs
Catetory Set B = LEAs
OCTAE Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 083 CTE Concentrators Graduates 320 CTE concentrators graduates table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and who received a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent.

Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Sex (Membership)
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Racial Ethnic
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Migratory Status
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Single Parents Status
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Displaced Homemaker
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),LEP Status (Perkins)
Diploma/Credential (Expanded),Non-Traditional Enrollees

Yes 1

OCTAE Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 082 CTE Concentrators Exiting 521 CTE concentrators exiting table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education

Sex (Membership)
Racial Ethnic
Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Migratory Status
Single Parents Status
Displaced Homemaker
LEP Status (Perkins)
Non-Traditional Enrollees

Yes 0

OCTAE Revised Revised Notes Revised from 30-day 142 CTE Concentrators Academic Achievement 681 CTE concentrators academic achievement table

The number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the school year for whom a proficiency score on the state assessment was included in the state's calculation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) The number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the school year for whom a proficiency level was assigned on the state assessment as described in section 1111(b)(2) of ESEA, as amended.

Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Sex (Membership)
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Racial Ethnic
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Migratory Status
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Single Parents Status
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Displaced Homemaker
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,LEP Status (Perkins)
Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Proficiency Status,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Sex (Membership)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Migratory Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Single Parents Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Out of Workforce Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,EL Status (Perkins)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Academic Subject (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Sex (Membership)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Migratory Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Single Parents Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Out of Workforce Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,EL Status (Perkins)
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Foster Care Status
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) This data group is now optional in EDFacts and can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE Revised Revised Notes No Change from 30-day 154 CTE Concentrators in Graduation Rate 702 CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its graduation rate as described in section 1111 (b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA, as amended. The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as defined in section 8101 of ESEA, as amended.

Inclusion Type,Sex (Membership)
Inclusion Type,Racial Ethnic
Inclusion Type,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Inclusion Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Inclusion Type,Migratory Status
Inclusion Type,Single Parents Status
Inclusion Type,Displaced Homemaker
Inclusion Type,LEP Status (Perkins)
Inclusion Type,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Inclusion Type,Sex (Membership)
Inclusion Type,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Inclusion Type,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Inclusion Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Inclusion Type,Migratory Status
Inclusion Type,Single Parents Status
Inclusion Type,Out of Workforce Status
Inclusion Type,EL Status (Perkins)
Inclusion Type,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Inclusion Type,Homeless Enrolled Status
Inclusion Type,Foster Care Status
Inclusion Type,Military Connected Student Status

Yes 1 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) This data group is now optional in EDFacts and can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 155 CTE Participants in Programs for Non-Traditional 703 CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

The unduplicated number of CTE participants who participated in a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields.

Representation Status,Sex (Membership)
Representation Status,Racial Ethnic
Representation Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Representation Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Representation Status,Migratory Status
Representation Status,Single Parents Status
Representation Status,Displaced Homemaker
Representation Status,LEP Status (Perkins)

Yes 1

OCTAE Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 156 CTE Concentrators in Programs for Non-Traditional 704 CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who completed a program that leads to employment in non-traditional fields.

Representation Status,Sex (Membership)
Representation Status,Racial Ethnic
Representation Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Representation Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Representation Status,Migratory Status
Representation Status,Single Parents Status
Representation Status,Displaced Homemaker
Representation Status,LEP Status (Perkins)

Yes 1

OCTAE Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 157 CTE Concentrators Technical Skills 705 CTE concentrators technical skills table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards.

Test Result,Sex (Membership)
Test Result,Racial Ethnic
Test Result,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Test Result,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Test Result,Migratory Status
Test Result,Single Parents Status
Test Result,Displaced Homemaker
Test Result,LEP Status (Perkins)
Test Result,Non-Traditional Enrollees

Yes 1

OCTAE Revised Revised Notes No Change from 30-day 158 CTE Concentrators Placement 736 CTE concentrators placement table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education in the cohort which graduated the prior program year

Placement Status,Sex (Membership)
Placement Status,Racial Ethnic
Placement Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Placement Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Placement Status,Migratory Status
Placement Status,Single Parents Status
Placement Status,Displaced Homemaker
Placement Status,LEP Status (Perkins)
Placement Status,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Placement Status,Sex (Membership)
Placement Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Placement Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Placement Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Placement Status,Migratory Status
Placement Status,Single Parents Status
Placement Status,Out of Workforce Status
Placement Status,EL Status (Perkins)
Placement Status,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Placement Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Placement Status,Foster Care Status
Placement Status,Military Connected Student Status

Yes 1 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) This data group is now optional in EDFacts and can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE Revised Revised Notes Revised from 30-day 169 CTE Type of Placement 753 CTE concentrators placement type table

The number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education in the cohort which graduated the prior program year and were placed. The number of CTE concentrators who, in the second quarter after exiting left secondary education in the cohort which graduated the prior program year and were placed.

Placement Type Placement Type,Homeless Enrolled Status
Placement Type,Foster Care Status
Placement Type,Military Connected Student Status

Placement Type

0 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) This data group is now optional in EDFacts and can be reported through CAR system instead.
OESE/OSS No Change Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 160 High School Graduates Postsecondary Enrollment 739 HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table

The number of students who graduated the previous academic year who enrolled or did not enroll in an IHE during the academic year immediately following the previous academic year.
The number of students who graduated the previous academic year tracked for enrollment in an IHE during the next academic year.
Postsecondary Enrollment Action,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Postsecondary Enrollment Action,Sex (Membership)
Postsecondary Enrollment Action,Disability Status (Only)
Postsecondary Enrollment Action,English Learner Status (Only)
Postsecondary Enrollment Action,Economically Disadvantaged Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS and OCR No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 195 Chronic Absenteeism 814 Chronic absenteeism table

The unduplicated number of students absent 10% or more school days during the school year

Sex (Membership),Racial Ethnic
Sex (Membership),Disability Status (Only)
Sex (Membership),Disability Status (504)
Sex (Membership),English Learner Status (Only)
Sex (Membership),Homeless Enrolled Status

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 721; Section 722; Section 724 (d) and (f)
OESE/OME Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 054 MEP Students Served - 12 Months 102 MEP students served 12-month table

The unduplicated number of migratory students who received instructional or support services in a Migrant Education Program (MEP).

Age/Grade (w/o 13)
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),Priority for Services (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),Continuation (Only)
Priority for Services (only) - category change

0 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 165 Migratory Data 110 Migratory students eligible regular school year

The unduplicated number of eligible migratory students enrolled in a public school during the regular school year.


Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 165 Migratory Data 514 Consolidated MEP funds status

An indication that the school has a schoolwide program, as defined by Title I of ESEA as amended, in which federal Migrant Education Program (MEP) funds are consolidated as authorized under 34 CFR Section 200.29.

Yes: MEP program funds were consolidated into a schoolwide program (SWP)
No: MEP program funds are not combined, including when the school does not have a Title I schoolwide program
Not Applicable: The school does not have a schoolwide program and/or does not receive federal migrant education funds under ESEA Title I, Part C.

0 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 121 Migratory Students Eligible - 12 Months 634 Migratory students eligible 12-month table

The unduplicated number of eligible migratory students.

Age/Grade (w/o 13),Racial Ethnic
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),Priority for Services (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),English Learner Status (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Disability Status (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Mobility Status (12 months)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Mobility Status (Regular School Year)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Referral Status
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Racial Ethnic
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),Priority for Services (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2),English Learner Status (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Disability Status (Only)
Age/Grade (w/o 13),Mobility Status (12 months)

Yes 1 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 122 MEP Students Eligible and Served - Summer/Intersession 635 MEP students eligible and served summer/intersession table

The unduplicated number of eligible migratory students served by a Migrant Education Program (MEP) during the summer/intersession term.

Age/Grade (w/o 13)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 145 MEP Services 684 MEP services table

The number of eligible migratory children who receive services funded by MEP.

Age/Grade (w/o 13),MEP Services

0 PL 114-95, Section 1304; Section 1308€; Section 8303
OESE/OME Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 192 MEP Students Priority for Services 796 MEP students priority for services table

The unduplicated number of eligible migratory students who received instructional or support services in a Migrant Education Program (MEP) and were classified as having a priority for services

MEP Session Type,Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2)

OESE/OSHS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 130 ESEA Status 36 Persistently dangerous status

An indication that the school is identified as persistently dangerous in accordance with state definition.

No: School has not been identified as persistently dangerous
Yes: School has been identified as persistently dangerous

0 PL 114-95, Section 8532(a); Section 8532(b); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 086 Students Involved with Firearms 596 Students involved with firearms table

The unduplicated number of students who were involved in an incident involving a firearm.

Grade Level (Basic w/13),Weapon
Discipline Method (Firearms-not IDEA)
Discipline Method (Firearms-IDEA)

0 PL 114-95, Section 8561(d); Section 8561€
OESE/OSHS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 163 Discipline Data 603 GFSA reporting status

An indication that the school or local education agency (LEA) submitted a Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) of 1994 report to the state, as defined by Title 18, Section 921.

Yes, with reporting of one or more students for an offense
Yes, with no reported offenses
NO - No
NA – Not applicable

0 PL 114-95, Section 8561(d); Section 8561€
OESE/OSHS/Homeless Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 118 Homeless Students Enrolled 655 Homeless students enrolled table

The unduplicated number of homeless students enrolled in public schools at any time during the school year.

Age/Grade (Basic)
Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Migratory Status
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status,Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence
Age/Grade (Basic)
Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Migratory Status
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status,Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence
Racial ethnic

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 8532(a); Section 8532(b); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/Homeless No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 170 LEA Subgrant Status 754 McKinney-Vento subgrant recipient flag

An indication that the LEA received a McKinney-Vento subgrant.


0 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Title VII, Subtitle B, Section 724(d) & (f); Section 8303 of the ESEA
OESE/OSHS/Homeless No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 194 Young Homeless Children Served (McKinney-Vento) 818 Young homeless children served (McKinney-Vento) table

The unduplicated number of homeless children who are birth through age 5 (not Kindergarten) and received services under program subgrants funded by Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (2015).

Age (PK)

0 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Title VII, Subtitle B, Section 724(d) & (f); Section 8303 of the ESEA
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 113 N or D Academic Achievement - State Agency 628 N or D academic achievement table - state agency

The number of students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 of ESEA, as amended, for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period who took both a pre- and post-test.

N or D Program (Subpart 1),Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Progress Level

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 125 N or D Academic Achievement - LEA 629 N or D academic achievement table - LEA

The number of students served by Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 of ESEA, as amended, for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period who took both a pre- and post-test.

N or D Program (Subpart 2),Academic Subject (Assessment - no science),Progress Level

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 119 N or D Participation - State Agency 656 N or D participation table – state agency

The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (State Agency) of ESEA as amended.

N or D Program (Subpart 1),Racial Ethnic
N or D Program (Subpart 1),Sex (Membership)
N or D Program (Subpart 1),Age (All)
N or D Program (Subpart 1),Disability Status (Only)
N or D Program (Subpart 1),English Learner Status (Only)
N or D Program (Subpart 1),N or D Long Term Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 127 N or D Participation - LEA 657 N or D participation table - LEA

The number of students participating in programs for neglected, delinquent, or at-risk students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA) of ESEA as amended.

N or D Program (Subpart 2),Racial Ethnic
N or D Program (Subpart 2),Sex (Membership)
N or D Program (Subpart 2),Age (All)
N or D Program (Subpart 2),Disability Status (Only)
N or D Program (Subpart 2),English Learner Status (Only)
N or D Program (Subpart 2),N or D Long Term Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 180 N or D In Program Outcomes 782 N or D academic and career and technical outcomes in programs table - LEA

The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA) of ESEA, as amended, who attained academic and career and technical outcomes while enrolled in the programs.

N or D Program (Subpart 2),Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 180 N or D In Program Outcomes 783 N or D academic and career and technical outcomes in programs table - state agency

The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (State Agency) of ESEA, as amended, who attained academic and career and technical outcomes while enrolled in the programs.

N or D Program (Subpart 1),Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 181 N or D Exited Program Outcomes 784 N or D academic and career and technical outcomes exited programs table- LEA

The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA) of ESEA, as amended, who attained academic and career and technical outcomes up to 90 calendar days after they exit the program.

N or D Program (Subpart 2),Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes (Exit)

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSHS/N or D No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 181 N or D Exited Program Outcomes 785 N or D academic and career and technical outcomes exited programs table - state agency

The number of students participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students (N or D) under Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (State Agency) of ESEA, as amended, who attained academic and career and technical outcomes up to 90 calendar days after they exited the program.

N or D Program (Subpart 1),Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes (Exit)

0 PL 114-95, Section 1431(a); Section 1431(d); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 132 Section 1003 Funds 56 Economically disadvantaged students

The unduplicated number of students who met the state criteria for classification as economically disadvantaged according to the state definition.


Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day Revised 179 Academic Achievement in Science 585 Academic achievement in science table

The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in science and for whom a proficiency level was assigned.

Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 189 Assessment Participation in Science 590 Assessment participation in science table

The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the period of the state assessment in science.

Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 150 Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 695 Four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students who graduate (1) in four years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate. The number of students who graduate (1) in four years or less with a regular high school diploma awarded to a preponderance of students in the state or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8101(25); Section 8303
OESE/OSS Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 151 Cohorts for Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 696 Cohorts for the four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table_x000D_

The number of students in the adjusted-cohort for the four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate who did or did not graduate (1) in four years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The number of students in the adjusted-cohort for the four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate who did or did not graduate (1) in four years or less with a regular high school diploma awarded to a preponderance of students or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Cohort Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Cohort Status,Disability Status (Only)
Cohort Status,English Learner Status (Only)
Cohort Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Cohort Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Cohort Status,Foster Care Status

Yes 1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8101(25); Section 8303
OESE/OSS Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 150 Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 697 Five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students who graduate (1) in five years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status


OESE/OSS Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 151 Cohorts for Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 698 Cohorts for the five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students in the adjusted cohort for the five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate who did or did not graduate (1) in five years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Cohort Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Cohort Status,Disability Status (Only)
Cohort Status,English Learner Status (Only)
Cohort Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Cohort Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Cohort Status,Foster Care Status

Yes 1

OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 103 Accountability 699 State poverty designation

The classification of a school’s poverty quartile for purposes of determining the number of inexperienced, emergency/provisional credentialed, and out-of-field teachers in high and low poverty schools, according to state’s indicator of poverty.

High poverty quartile school
Low poverty quartile school
Neither high nor low poverty quartile school

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h) Section 8303
OESE/OSS Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 150 Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 755 Six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students who graduate (1) in six years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status


OESE/OSS Retire No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 151 Cohorts for Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate 756 Cohorts for the six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students in the adjusted cohort for the six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate who did or did not graduate (1) in six years or less with a regular high school diploma or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Cohort Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Cohort Status,Disability Status (Only)
Cohort Status,English Learner Status (Only)
Cohort Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Cohort Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Cohort Status,Foster Care Status

Yes 1

OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 132 Section 1003 Funds 794 School Improvement Funds 1003(a)

The dollar amount that the school received for school improvement under Section 1003(a) of ESEA, as amended.


0 PL 114-95, Section 1003(i); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 199 Graduation Rate Indicator Status 834 Graduation rate indicator status table

A school's performance on the graduation gate indicator.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(c); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 200 Academic Achievement Indicator Status 835 Academic achievement indicator status table

A school's performance on the academic achievement Indicator for both mathematics and reading/language arts.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(c); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 201 Other Academic Indicator Status 836 Other academic indicator status table

A school’s performance on the other academic indicator.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(c),1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 205 Progress Achieving English Language Proficiency Indicator Status 837 Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status

A school's performance on the progress in achieving English language proficiency indicator.

State defined status
Too few students
No students in the subgroup

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(c),1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 202 School Quality or Student Success Indicator Status 838 School quality or student success indicator status table

A school's performance on the state-specific indicators of school quality or student success.

Indicator Type,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Indicator Type,Disability Status (Only)
Indicator Type,English Learner Status (Only)
Indicator Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(c),1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 203 Teachers 839 Teachers table

The number of full-time equivalent teachers.

Inexperienced Status
Emergency or Provisional Credential Status
Out of Field Status

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change Revised from 60-day Revised from 30-day 206 School Support and Improvement 842 Comprehensive support and targeted support schools

An indication that the school is designated by the state as a comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement school.
An indication that the school is designated by the state as a comprehensive support school. An indication that the school is designation by the state of a school for comprehensive support and improvement, targeted support and improvement, and additional targeted support and improvement.

Comprehensive Support and Improvement
Targeted Support and Improvement
Comprehensive Support and Improvement - Exit Status
Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status
Not Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement

Comprehensive Support and Improvement
Targeted Support and Improvement
Comprehensive Support and Improvement - Exit Status
Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status
Designated by state as additional targeted support
Designated by state as additional targeted support – Exit Status *see notes column
Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement
Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement - Exit Status
Not Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI, CSI-Exit, and Not CSI)
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI, TSI Exit, and Not TSI)
Additional Target Support and Improvement (ATSI, ATSI Exit, and not ATSI) *see notes column

PL 114-95, Section 1111 (c); Section 1111(h); Section 8303 More than one permitted value will be allowed for reporting.

* ATSI Exit will be added as a permitted value in SY 2020-21.
OESE/OSS No Change Revised from 60-day Revised 212 Comprehensive Support and Targeted Support Identification 866 Comprehensive support identification

The reasons for identification for comprehensive support and improvement.

Lowest-performing school
Low graduation rate high school
Additional targeted school not exiting such status

Lowest-performing school
Low graduation rate high school
Both lowest-performing and low graduation rate school
Additional targeted school not exiting such status
Both lowest-performing and additional targeted school
Both low graduation rate and additional targeted school
Lowest-performing, low graduation rate school, and additional targeted school

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111 (c); Section 8303
OESE/OSS No Change Revised from 60-day Revised 212 Comprehensive Support and Targeted Support Identification 867 Targeted support identification

The reasons for identified for targeted support and improvement.

Consistently underperforming subgroups school
Additional targeted support and improvement school

Economically disadvantaged students
Children with Disabilities (IDEA)
English Learners (EL)
American Indian / Alaska Native or Native American
Asian / Pacific Islander
Black (not Hispanic) or African American
Hispanic (not Puerto Rican)
Hispanic / Latino
Multicultural or Multiethnic or Multiracial
Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander or Pacific Islander
Puerto Rican
White (not Hispanic) or Caucasian

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111 (c); Section 8303 Multiple identification groups can be used
OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day Revised 175 Academic Achievement in Mathematics 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table

The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in mathematics and for whom a proficiency level was assigned.

Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day Revised 178 Academic Achievement in Reading/Language Arts 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table

The unduplicated number of students who completed the state assessment in reading/language arts and for whom a proficiency level was assigned.

Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (RLA)
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Performance Level,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Assessment Administered,Proficiency Status,Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 185 Assessment Participation in Mathematics 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table

The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the period of the state assessment in mathematics.

Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Participation Status (MS),Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 188 Assessment Participation in Reading/Language Arts 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table

The unduplicated number of students who were enrolled during the period of the state assessment in reading/language arts.

Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Sex (Membership)
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Disability Status (Only)
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),English Learner Status (Only)
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Migratory Status
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Homeless Enrolled Status
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Foster Care Status
Participation Status (RLA),Grade Level (Assessment),Military Connected Student Status

1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(b); Section 1111(h); Section 8303
20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OESE/OSS/Title I No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 037 Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation 548 Title I SWP/TAS participation table

The unduplicated number of students participating in and served by Title I of ESEA, as amended, Part A, Sections 1114 (Schoolwide Programs (SWP)) and 1115 (targeted assistance (TAS) programs).

Racial Ethnic
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Migratory Status
Homeless Status (Only)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1114; Section 1115; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title I No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 134 Title I Part A Participation 670 Title I participation table

The unduplicated number of students participating in and served by programs under Title I, Part A of ESEA as amended.

Title I Program Type,Age/Grade (w/o Out of School)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1114; Section 1115; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title I No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 193 Title I Allocations 788 Parental involvement reservation

The dollar amount of the Title I of ESEA, Part A allocation reserved by the LEA for parental involvement activities.


0 PL 114-95, Section 1116; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title I No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 193 Title I Allocations 797 Title I, Part A Allocations

The dollar amount of Title I, Part A funds awarded to an LEA by its SEA in accordance with the ESEA's, as amended, regulations that govern the process an SEA uses to adjust the ED-determined Title I, Part A allocations.


0 PL 114-95, Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 050 Title III English Language Proficiency Results 151 Title III English language proficiency results table

The unduplicated number of English learners who were assessed on the annual state English language proficiency assessment and who received services in an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.

English Learner Accountability
English Learner Accountability,Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered (ELP), English Learner Accountability
Assessment Administered (ELP), English Learner Accountability, Disability Status (Only)

0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 067 Title III Teachers 422 Title III teachers table

The unduplicated headcount of teachers who taught in language instruction educational programs designed for English learners supported with Title III of ESEA, as amended by ESSA, funds.

Certification Status

0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 045 Immigrant 519 Immigrant table

The unduplicated number of students who meet the definition of immigrant children and youth in Title III of ESEA, as amended.

English Learner Status (Both)
Language (Native)
Program Participation (Immigrant)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 116 Title III Students Served 648 Title III students served table

The unduplicated number of English learners served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.

Grade Level (Basic w/13)
Grade Level (Basic w/13),Language Instruction Educational Program Type
Grade Level (Basic w/13)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303 Separating into two data groups, this data group will maintain the EUT.
OESE/OSS/Title III No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 126 Title III Former EL Students 668 Title III former EL students table

The number of former English learners who are meeting and not meeting the challenging State academic standards as measured by proficiency for each of the four years after such children are no longer receiving services under Title III of ESEA, as amended.

Former English Learner Year
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Former English Learner Year
Academic Subject (Assessment),Proficiency Status,Disability Status (Only),Former English Learner Year

0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 137 English Language Proficiency Test 674 English language proficiency test table

The unduplicated number of English learners who were enrolled at the time of the state annual English language proficiency assessment.

Participation Status
Assessed First Time
Participation Status
Assessment Administered (ELP), Assessed First Time

0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 138 Title III English Language Proficiency Test 675 Title III English language proficiency test table

The unduplicated number of English learners who were enrolled during the time of the state English language proficiency assessment and who received services in an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.

Participation Status
Assessed First Time
Participation Status,Disability Status (Only)
Assessed First Time,Disability Status (Only)
Participation Status
Assessment Administered (ELP), Assessed First Time
Participation Status, Disability Status (Only)
Assessment Administered (ELP), Assessed First Time, Disability Status (Only)

0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 139 English Language Proficiency Results 676 English language proficiency results table

The unduplicated number of English learners who took the annual state English language proficiency assessment.

English Learner Accountability Assessment Administered (ELP), English Learner Accountability

0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h), Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 141 EL Enrolled 678 EL enrolled table

The unduplicated number of English learner students enrolled in an elementary or secondary school.

Grade Level (Basic w/13)
Language (Native)
Racial Ethnic
Disability Status (Only)

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day Revised 210 Title III English Learners 864 Title III English learners not proficient within five years

Title III English learners five years The number of English learners who have not attained English language proficiency within five years of initial classification as an English learner and first enrollment in a local educational agency that receives Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.

The number of English learners who have attained and not attained English language proficiency within five years of initial classification as an English learner and first enrollment in a local educational agency that receives Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.
English Learners Not Proficient Within Five Years Status
English Learners Proficiency Within Five Years Status integer

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/OSS/Title III Revised No Change from 60-day Revised 211 Title III English Learners 865 Title III English learners exited

The number of English learners in programs receiving Title III funds who have exited a language instruction educational program as a result of attaining English language proficiency.

The number of English learners in programs receiving Title III funds who have exited and not exited a language instruction educational program as a result of attaining English language proficiency.
English Learners Exited Status


Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303
OESE/SSRP Revised No Change from 60-day Revised from 30-day 131 LEA End of SY Status 614 REAP alternative funding status

An indication that the local educational agency (LEA) notified the state of the LEA’s intention to use REAP-Flex Alternative Uses of Funding Authority during the school year as specified in the Title V, Section 5211 of ESEA, as amended. An indication that the local educational agency (LEA) notified the state of the LEA's intention to exercise the alternative uses of funds authority during the school year as specified in the Title V, Section 5211 of ESEA, as amended.
An indication that the local educational agency (LEA) notified the state of the LEA's intention to use its Title II, Part A or Title IV, Part A funds for alternative uses, as authorized in Title V, Section 5211 of ESEA, as amended.

YES – The LEA is exercising the alternative uses of funds authority.
NO – The LEA is eligible but is not exercising the alternative uses of funds authority.
NA – The LEA is not eligible to use alternative uses of funds authority.
MISSING – If the status is missing, use the permitted value MISSING. This is a mandatory field that must be populated.

0 PL 114-95, Section 5211
OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 009 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Exiting Special Education 85 Children with disabilities (IDEA) exiting special education table

The unduplicated number of students with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 14 through 21, were in special education at the start of the reporting period and were not in special education at the end of the reporting period.

Basis of Exit,Age (Exiting),Disability Category (IDEA) Exiting
Basis of Exit,Racial Ethnic
Basis of Exit,Sex (Membership)
Basis of Exit,English Learner Status (Both)

Yes 6 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(A)(iv); 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 006 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Suspensions/Expulsions 475 Children with disabilities (IDEA) suspensions/expulsions table

The number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21 and suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons.

Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion),Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions),Disability Category (IDEA)
Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion),Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions),Racial Ethnic
Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion),Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions),Sex (Membership)
Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion),Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions),English Learner Status (Both)

1 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(A)(v); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(D); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(E); 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 007 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Reasons for Unilateral Removal 476 Children with disabilities (IDEA) reasons for unilateral removal table

The number of times children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 and unilaterally removed by school personnel (not the IEP team) from their current educational placement to an interim alternative educational setting (determined by the IEP team) due to drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury.

Interim Removal Reason (IDEA),Disability Category (IDEA)
Interim Removal Reason (IDEA),Racial Ethnic
Interim Removal Reason (IDEA),Sex (Membership)
Interim Removal Reason (IDEA),English Learner Status (Both)

1 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(A)(v); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(D); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(E) ; 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP Revised Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 070 Special Education Teachers (FTE) 486 Special education teachers (FTE) table

The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) special education teachers employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21.

Age Group,Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher) Grade Span (Special Education Staff), Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher) Age Group,Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher)

Yes 2 20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 005 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Removal to Interim Alternative Educational Setting 512 Children with disabilities (IDEA) removal to interim alternative educational setting table

The number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21 and removed to an interim alternative educational setting.

Interim Removal (IDEA),Disability Category (IDEA)
Interim Removal (IDEA),Racial Ethnic
Interim Removal (IDEA),Sex (Membership)
Interim Removal (IDEA),English Learner Status (Both)

1 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(A)(v); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(E) ; 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 088 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Disciplinary Removals 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table

The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 21 who were subject to any kind of disciplinary removal during the school year.

Removal Length (IDEA),Disability Category (IDEA)
Removal Length (IDEA),Racial Ethnic
Removal Length (IDEA),Sex (Membership)
Removal Length (IDEA),English Learner Status (Both)

Yes 1 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(A)(v); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(D); 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(E) ; 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP Revised Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 099 Special Education Related Services Personnel 609 Special education related services personnel (FTE) table

The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) related services personnel employed or contracted to provide related services for children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21.

Staff Category (Special Education Related Service),Certification Status Certification Status Staff Category (Special Education Related Service),Certification Status

1 20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OSERS/OSEP No Change Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 089 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Early Childhood 613 Children with disabilities (IDEA) early childhood table

The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 5.
The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 5 and not in Kindergarten. The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 3 through 5 (not in Kindergarten). Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Disability Category (IDEA),Age (Early Childhood)
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Disability Category (IDEA),Racial Ethnic
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Sex (Membership)
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,English Learner Status (Both)

Yes 6 20 USC1418(a)(1)(A); 20 USC 1418 (a)(1)(A)(ii); 20 USC 1418 (a)(1)(A)(iii); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.641; 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645

OSERS/OSEP Revised Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 112 Special Education Paraprofessionals 647 Special education paraprofessionals (FTE) table

The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) paraprofessionals employed or contracted to work with children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21.

The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are receiving services and are ages 5 & are in kindergarten through 21. Age Group,Qualification Status (Paraprofessionals) Grade Span (Special Education Staff), Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher) Age Group,Qualification Status (Paraprofessionals)

Yes 2 20 USC 1418(a)(3); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.645

OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 143 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Total Disciplinary Removals 682 Children with disabilities (IDEA) total disciplinary removals table

The number of times children with disabilities (IDEA) who were ages 3 through 21 and subject to any kind of disciplinary removal.

Disability Category (IDEA)
Racial Ethnic
Sex (Membership)
English Learner Status (Both)

Yes 0 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(D) ; 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.641(b); 34 CFR 300.641(c); 34 CFR 300.641(d); 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP No Change No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 144 Educational Services During Expulsion 683 Educational services during expulsion table

The unduplicated number of children (students) who were removed for disciplinary reasons from their regular school program for the remainder of the school year or longer, including all removals resulting from violations of the Gun-Free Schools Act (GFSA) of 1994.

Educational Services,Disability Status (IDEA)

0 20 USC 1418(a)(1)(E) ; 34 CFR §§300.640; 34 CFR 300.645
OSERS/OSEP and OCR No Change Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day 002 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) School Age 74 Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table

The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are ages 6 through 21.
The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are receiving services and are ages 5 & are in kindergarten through 21. The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are receiving services and are ages 5 (in kindergarten) through 21. Disability Category (IDEA),Racial Ethnic,Sex (Membership)
Disability Category (IDEA),Educational Environment (IDEA) SA,Age (School Age)
Educational Environment (IDEA) SA,Racial Ethnic
Disability Category (IDEA),Educational Environment (IDEA) SA,Sex (Membership)
Disability Category (IDEA),Educational Environment (IDEA) SA,English Learner Status (Both),Sex (Membership)

Yes 7 20 USC1418(a)(1)(A); 20 USC 1418 (a)(1)(A)(ii); 20 USC 1418 (a)(1)(A)(iii); 34 CFR 300.640; 34 CFR 300.641; 34 CFR 300.644; 34 CFR 300.645

OESE/OSS New No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 150 Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate TBD
Regulatory extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students who graduate (1) in a certain number of years or less with a regular high school diploma awarded to a preponderance of students in the state or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory adjusted-cohort graduation rate.

Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (Only)
English Learner Status (Only)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status

Yes 0 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8101(25); Section 8303 States can submit multiple extended adjusted graduation rate tables, the number of years will be indicated as part of the file.
OESE/OSS New No Change from 60-day No Change from 30-day 151 Cohorts for Adjusted-Cohort Graduation Rate TBD
Cohorts for the extended year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

The number of students in the adjusted-cohort for the regulatory adjusted-cohort graduation rate who did or did not graduate (1) in a certain number of years or less with a regular high school diploma awarded to a preponderance of students or (2) a State-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Cohort Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Cohort Status,Disability Status (Only)
Cohort Status,English Learner Status (Only)
Cohort Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Cohort Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Cohort Status,Foster Care Status

Yes 1 PL 114-95, Section 1111(h); Section 8101(25); Section 8303 States can submit multiple extended adjusted graduation rate tables, the number of years will be indicated as part of the file.
OESE/OSS/Title III New Revised Notes No Change from 30-day 116 Title III Students Served TBD
Title III students served table in English language instruction program

The unduplicated number of English learners served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds.

Grade Level (Basic w/13),Language Instruction Educational Program Type

No 0 PL 114-95, Section 3121; Section 3122; Section 8303 Separating from DG 648 with no EUT. Can be a duplicate count.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE secondary participation enrollment

The unduplicated number of CTE participants in secondary education.

Career Clusters, Sex (Membership) Sex (Membership)
Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Non-Traditional Enrollees
Single Parents Status
Out of Workforce Status
EL Status (Perkins)
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status
Military Connected Student Status
Migratory Status
Career Cluster

Yes 2 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C)
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE secondary concentrator enrollment

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators in secondary education.

Career Clusters, Sex (Membership) Sex (Membership)
Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Economically Disadvantaged Status
Non-Traditional Enrollees
Single Parents Status
Out of Workforce Status
EL Status (Perkins)
Homeless Enrolled Status
Foster Care Status
Military Connected Student Status
Migratory Status
Career Cluster

Yes 2 PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C)
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators in extended year graduate rate table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who were included in the state’s computation of its extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate as defined in section 8101 of ESEA, as amended.

Inclusion Type,Sex (Membership)
Inclusion Type, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Inclusion Type,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Inclusion Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Inclusion Type,Migratory Status
Inclusion Type,Single Parents Status
Inclusion Type, Out of Workforce Status
Inclusion Type, EL Status (Perkins)
Inclusion Type,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Inclusion Type,Homeless Enrolled Status
Inclusion Type,Foster Care Status
Inclusion Type,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Inclusion Type,Sex (Membership)
Inclusion Type, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Inclusion Type,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Inclusion Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Inclusion Type,Migratory Status
Inclusion Type,Single Parents Status
Inclusion Type, Out of Workforce Status
Inclusion Type, EL Status (Perkins)
Inclusion Type,Non-Traditional Enrollees
Inclusion Type,Homeless Enrolled Status
Inclusion Type,Foster Care Status
Inclusion Type,Military Connected Student Status
Inclusion Type,Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators non-traditional program table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators in career and technical education programs and programs of study that leads to non-traditional fields.

Representation Status,Sex (Membership)
Representation Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Representation Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Representation Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Representation Status,Migratory Status
Representation Status,Single Parents Status
Representation Status,Out of Workforce Status
Representation Status, EL Status (Perkins)
Representation Status, Homeless Enrolled Status
Representation Status, Foster Care Status
Representation Status, Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Representation Status,Sex (Membership)
Representation Status,Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Representation Status,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Representation Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Representation Status,Migratory Status
Representation Status,Single Parents Status
Representation Status,Out of Workforce Status
Representation Status, EL Status (Perkins)
Representation Status, Homeless Enrolled Status
Representation Status, Foster Care Status
Representation Status, Military Connected Student Status
Representation Status,Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators postsecondary credential table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school included in determination of the recognized postsecondary credential indicator.

Postsecondary Credential,Sex (Membership)
Postsecondary Credential,Racial Ethnic
Postsecondary Credentials,Disability Status (ADA)
Postsecondary Credential,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Postsecondary Credential, Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credential,Single Parents Status
Postsecondary Credential, Out of Workforce Status
Postsecondary Credential, EL Status (Perkins)
Postsecondary Credential, Non-Traditional Enrollee
Postsecondary Credential,Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credential,Foster Care Status
Postsecondary Credential,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Postsecondary Credential,Sex (Membership)
Postsecondary Credential,Major and Racial Ethnic Groups
Postsecondary Credentials,Disability Status (ADA)
Postsecondary Credential,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Postsecondary Credential, Migratory Status
Postsecondary Credential, Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credential,Single Parents Status
Postsecondary Credential, Out of Workforce Status
Postsecondary Credential, EL Status (Perkins)
Postsecondary Credential, Non-Traditional Enrollee
Postsecondary Credential,Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credential,Foster Care Status
Postsecondary Credential,Military Connected Student Status
Postsecondary Credential,Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators postsecondary credits table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school included in the determination of the recognized postsecondary credits indicator.

Postsecondary Credits,Sex (Membership)
Postsecondary Credits,Racial Ethnic
Postsecondary Credits,Disability Status (ADA)
Postsecondary Credits,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Postsecondary Credits, Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credits,Single Parents Status
Postsecondary Credits, Out of Workforce Status
Postsecondary Credits, EL Status (Perkins)
Postsecondary Credits, Non-Traditional Enrollees
Postsecondary Credits,Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credits,Foster Care Status
Postsecondary Credits,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Postsecondary Credits,Sex (Membership)
Postsecondary Credits, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Postsecondary Credits,Disability Status (ADA)
Postsecondary Credits,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Postsecondary Credits, Migratory Status
Postsecondary Credits, Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credits,Single Parents Status
Postsecondary Credits, Out of Workforce Status
Postsecondary Credits, EL Status (Perkins)
Postsecondary Credits, Non-Traditional Enrollees
Postsecondary Credits,Homeless Enrolled Status
Postsecondary Credits,Foster Care Status
Postsecondary Credits,Military Connected Student Status
Postsecondary Credits,Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators work-based learning table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators who graduated from high school included in the determination of the participation in work-based learning (WBL) indicator.

Participation Status (WBL),Sex (Membership)
Participation Status (WBL),Racial Ethnic
Participation Status (WBL),Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Participation Status (WBL),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Participation Status (WBL),Migratory Status
Participation Status (WBL),Single Parents Status
Participation Status (WBL),Out of Work Status
Participation Status (WBL),EL Status (Perkins)
Participation Status (WBL),Homeless Enrolled Status
Participation Status (WBL),Foster Care Status
Participation Status (WBL),Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Participation Status (WBL),Sex (Membership)
Participation Status (WBL),Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Participation Status (WBL),Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Participation Status (WBL),Economically Disadvantaged Status
Participation Status (WBL),Migratory Status
Participation Status (WBL),Single Parents Status
Participation Status (WBL),Out of Work Status
Participation Status (WBL),EL Status (Perkins)
Participation Status (WBL), Non-Traditional Enrollees
Participation Status (WBL),Homeless Enrolled Status
Participation Status (WBL),Foster Care Status
Participation Status (WBL),Military Connected Student Status
Participation Status (WBL),Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.
OCTAE New Revised from 60-day No Change from 30-day TBD TBD TBD
CTE concentrators program quality table

The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators included in other measure of success in career and technical education.

Achievement Status,Sex (Membership)
Achievement Status, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Achievement Status ,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Achievement Status ,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Achievement Status ,Migratory Status
Achievement Status ,Single Parents Status
Achievement Status, Out of Workforce Status
Achievement Status, EL Status (Perkins)
Achievement Status, Non-Traditional Enrollees
Achievement Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Achievement Status,Foster Care Status
Achievement Status,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters
Achievement Status,Sex (Membership)
Achievement Status, Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Achievement Status ,Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)
Achievement Status ,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Achievement Status ,Migratory Status
Achievement Status ,Single Parents Status
Achievement Status, Out of Workforce Status
Achievement Status, EL Status (Perkins)
Achievement Status, Non-Traditional Enrollees
Achievement Status,Homeless Enrolled Status
Achievement Status,Foster Care Status
Achievement Status,Military Connected Student Status
Achievement Status,Career Clusters

PL 115-224, 113(b)(3)(C) Submission depends on state’s performance plan for Perkins V. This data group is optional in EDFacts, can be reported through CAR system instead.

Sheet 3: COVID-19 Waiver Data Groups

Data Groups Not Collected in SY 2019-20
Data Group Number Data Group Name
583 Academic achievement in mathematics table
584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table
585 Academic achievement in science table
588 Assessment participation in mathematics table
589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table
590 Assessment participation in science table
151 Title III English language proficiency results table
668 Title III former EL students table
674 English language proficiency test table
675 Title III English language proficiency test table
676 English language proficiency results table
864 Title III English learners not proficient within five years
865 Title III English learners exited
834 Graduation rate indicator status table
835 Academic achievement indicator status table
836 Other academic indicator status table
837 Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status
838 School quality or student success indicator status table

Data Groups Not Collected in SY 2020-21
Data Group Number Data Group Name
842 Comprehensive support and targeted support schools
866 Comprehensive support identification
867 Targeted support identification

Sheet 4: Data Categories

Data Stewards FS Numbers 60-day Package Status 30-day Package Status FINAL Package Status SY 2018-19 Category Name SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 60-day package) SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: 30-day package) SY 2019-20 Category Name (Changes only: FINAL package) SY 2018-19 Category Definition SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 60-day package) SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: 30-day package) SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only: FINAL package) DG Count DG Numbers SY 2018-19 Permitted Value Description List SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only: 60-day package) SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only: 30-day package) SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only: FINAL package) Notes
NCES, OCTAE, OESE, OESE and OCR, OESE/OSHS/N or D, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OSERS/OSEP, OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002, 005, 006, 007, 009, 032, 040, 052, 082, 083, 088, 089, 119, 127, 142, 143, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 195 No Change Revised from 60-day No Change Sex (Membership)

The concept describing the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species.
An indication that students are either female or male.
35 39, 74, 85, 306, 326, 475, 476, 512, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 598, 613, 656, 657, 681, 682, 702, 736, 739, 814, TBD Female

OESE, OESE and OCR, OESE/OME, OESE/OSHS/Homeless, OESE/OSHS/N or D, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OESE/OSS/Title I, OESE/OSS/Title III, OESE/SASA 037, 050, 118, 119, 121, 126, 127, 138, 141, 150, 151, 160, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Status (Only)

An indication that children (students) are children with disabilities (IDEA).

26 151, 548, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 634, 655, 656, 657, 668, 675, 678, 695, 696, 739, 814, 834, 835, 836, 838, TBD Children with one or more disabilities (IDEA)

NCES, OCTAE, OESE, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OESE/SASA 032, 040, 082, 083, 142, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 199, 200, 201, 202 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Economically Disadvantaged Status

An indication that students meet the state criteria for classification as economically disadvantaged.

30 306, 326, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 681, 695, 696, 702, 736, 739, 834, 835, 836, 838, TBD Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Students

NCES, OESE, OESE and OCR, OESE/OME, OESE/OSHS/Homeless, OESE/OSHS/N or D, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OESE/OSS/Title I, OESE/SASA 032, 037, 040, 118, 119, 121, 127, 150, 151, 160, 175, 179, 185, 188, 189, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change English Learner Status (Only)

An indication that students met the definition of an English learner.

23 306, 326, 548, 583, 585, 588, 589, 590, 634, 655, 656, 657, 695, 696, 739, 814, 834, 835, 836, 838, TBD English learner

NCES, OCTAE, OESE and OCR, OESE/OME, OESE/OSHS/N or D, OESE/OSS/Title I, OESE/OSS/Title III, OSERS/OSEP, OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002, 005, 006, 007, 009, 032, 037, 040, 052, 082, 083, 088, 089, 119, 121, 127, 141, 142, 143, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 195 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Racial Ethnic

The general racial category that most clearly reflects individuals' recognition of their community or with which the individuals most identify.

29 39, 74, 85, 306, 326, 475, 476, 512, 548, 598, 613, 634, 656, 657, 678, 681, 682, 702, 736, 814, 655, TBD American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races

OESE, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OESE/SASA 150, 151, 160, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 199, 200, 201, 202 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Major Racial and Ethnic Groups

The major racial and ethnic groups states use for accountability and assessment data.

19 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 695, 696, 739, 834, 835, 836, 838, TBD American Indian \ Alaska Native \ Native American
Asian \ Pacific Islander
Black (not Hispanic) African American
Hispanic (not Puerto Rican)
Hispanic \ Latino
Multicultural \ Multiethnic \ Multiracial \ other
Native Hawaiian \ other Pacific Islander \ Pacific Islander
Puerto Rican
White (not Hispanic) \ Caucasian

American Indian \ Alaska Native \ Native American
Asian \ Pacific Islander
Black (not Hispanic) African American
Hispanic (not Puerto Rican)
Hispanic \ Latino
Multicultural \ Multiethnic \ Multiracial \ other
Native Hawaiian \ other Pacific Islander \ Pacific Islander
Puerto Rican
White (not Hispanic) \ Caucasian
Native Hawaiian
Pacific Islander

NCES, OCTAE, OESE/OSHS/Homeless, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP, OESE/OSS/Title I 032, 037, 040, 082, 083, 118, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Migratory Status

An indication that students are eligible migratory children.

17 306, 326, 548, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 655, 681, 702, 7 736, TBD Migratory students

NCES, OESE and OCR, OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 032, 040, 150, 151, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 195 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Homeless Enrolled Status

An indication that students were identified as homeless

26 306, 326, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 695, 696, 755, 756, 814, 681, 702, 736, 753, TBD Homeless enrolled

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 150, 151, 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Foster Care Status

An indication that students are in foster care.

20 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 695, 696, 681, 702, 736, 753, TBD Foster Care

OESE/OSS/Title III, OSERS/OSEP, OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002, 005, 006, 007, 009, 045, 088, 089, 143 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change English Learner Status (Both)

An indication of whether students met the definition of an English learner.

10 74, 85, 475, 476, 512, 519, 598, 613, 682, TBD English learner
Non-English learner

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Grade Level (Assessment)

The grade level assigned by the school system in which the students are enrolled.

6 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590 Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
High School

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 175, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Military Connected Student Status

An indication that the students are military connected.

19 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 590, 681, 702, 736, 753, TBD Military Connected

OSERS/OSEP, OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002, 005, 006, 007, 088, 089, 143 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Category (IDEA)

The primary disability as identified in the Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), or service plan.

9 74, 475, 476, 512, 598, 613, 682, TBD Autism
Developmental delay
Emotional disturbance
Hearing impairment
Intellectual disability
Multiple disabilities
Orthopedic impairment
Specific learning disability
Speech or language impairment
Traumatic brain injury
Visual impairment
Other health impairment

OCTAE 082, 083, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)

An indication that students have disability status under either the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).

9 681, 702, 736, TBD ADA status
Disability status (IDEA)

OCTAE 082, 083 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Displaced Homemaker

An indication that students are displaced homemakers.

Displaced homemaker

OCTAE 082, 083, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 Revised No Change from 60-day No Change LEP Status (Perkins) English Learner Status (Perkins)

An indication that students are LEP according to the definition in Perkins which is “a secondary student, an adult, or an out-of-school youth, who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding English language, and (a) whose native language is a language other than English, or (b) who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language.” An indication that students are English learners according to the definition in Perkins which is (A) a secondary school student who is an English learner, as defined in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; or (B) an adult or an out-of-school youth who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language and—(i) whose native language is a language other than English; or (ii) who lives in a family environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language.

12 681, 702, 736, TBD LEP Status (Perkins)
EL Status (Perkins)

OCTAE 082, 083, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Single Parents Status

An indication that students are either single parents or pregnant teenagers

12 681, 702, 736, TBD Single Parents Status

OCTAE 082, 083, 142, 154, 157, 158 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Non-Traditional Enrollees

An indication that students who are enrolled in a non-traditional program are members of the underrepresented gender group.

9 681, 702, 736, TBD Non-traditional Enrollee

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 175, 178, 179 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Assessment Administered

The types of assessments administered.

3 583, 584, 585 Regular assessments based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations.
Regular assessments based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations.
Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards.

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 175, 178, 179 Revised No Change from 60-day Retired Performance Level

The level of performance of students on the state assessment according to state definition.

3 583, 584, 585 Level 1 (lowest level)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Not proficient

OESE/OME 054, 121, 122, 145 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age/Grade (w/o 13)

The discrete age or grade level (primary instructional level) of students (children)

4 102, 634, 635, 684 Age Birth through 2
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Out of School

OESE/OSS, OESE/SASA 151 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Cohort Status

An indication of whether students in a cohort graduated with a high school diploma within the allowable time.

2 696, TBD Graduated with a regular high school diploma within the allowable time
Graduated with an alternate high school diploma within the allowable time
Did not graduate with a regular or alternate high school diploma within the allowable time
Has not graduated with a state-defined alternate high school diploma and removed from the cohort as allowed

OESE/OSHS/N or D 113, 119, 180, 181 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change N or D Program (Subpart 1)

The types of program under ESEA, as amended, Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 (state programs).

4 628, 656, 783, 785 Neglected programs
Juvenile detention
Juvenile correction
Adult correction
Other programs

OESE/OSHS/N or D 125, 127, 180, 181 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change N or D Program (Subpart 2)

The types of program under ESEA, as amended, Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (LEA programs).

4 629, 657, 782, 784 At-risk programs
Neglected programs
Juvenile detention
Juvenile correction
Other programs

OCTAE, OESE/OSHS/N or D 113, 125, 142 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Academic Subject (Assessment - no science)

The description of the content or subject area of an assessment.

3 628, 629, 681 Mathematics
Reading/Language Arts

OESE/OME 054, 121, 192 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2)

The discrete age or grade level (primary instructional level) of students (children).

2 102, 634 Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Out of School

NCES, OSERS/OSEP 032, 040, 144 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Status (IDEA)

An indication of whether children (students) are children with disabilities (IDEA).

3 306, 326, 683 Children without disabilities
Children with one or more disabilities (IDEA)

OESE/OSHS 086, 116, 141 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Grade Level (Basic w/13)

The grade level (primary instructional level) of students

4 596, 648, 678, TBD Kindergarten
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 13

OESE/OSS, OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 185, 189 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Participation Status (MS)

An indication of whether students participated in mathematics or science assessments.

2 588, 590 Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations
Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations
Participated – alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards
Did not participate
Medical exemption

OESE/OSHS/N or D 180 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes

The types of academic or career and technical outcome attained.

2 782, 783 Earned a GED
Obtained high school diploma
Earned high school course credits
Enrolled in a GED program
Were accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education
Enrolled in job training courses/programs
Obtained employment

OESE/OSHS/N or D 181 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Academic / Career and Technical Outcomes (Exit)

The types of academic or career and technical outcome attained

2 784, 785 Enrolled in local district school
Earned a GED
Obtained high school diploma
Earned high school course credits
Enrolled in a GED program
Were accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education
Enrolled in job training courses/programs
Obtained employment

OESE/OSHS/N or D 119, 127 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age (All)

The discrete age of students (children).

2 656, 657 3 through 5
Age 6
Age 7
Age 8
Age 9
Age 10
Age 11
Age 12
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20
Age 21

OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002 No Change Revised from 60-day No Change Age (School Age)

The discrete age of children (students) who are school age on the state specified child count date.

1 74 Age 6
Age 7
Age 8
Age 9
Age 10
Age 11
Age 12
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20
Age 21

Age 5 who are in Kindergarten
Age 6
Age 7
Age 8
Age 9
Age 10
Age 11
Age 12
Age 13
Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20
Age 21

OSERS/OSEP 070, 112 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age Group

The age range of students (children).

2 486, 647 3 through 5
6 through 21

OESE/OSS/Title III 137, 138 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Assessed First Time

An indication that students are taking the English language proficiency assessment for the first time.

2 674, 675 Students took assessment for the first time

OESE/OSS/Title III, OSERS/OSEP 067, 099 No Change Revised from 60-day No Change Certification Status

An indication of whether an educator holds the certification or licensure required by their assignment.
An indication of whether an educator/a related service pesonnel holds the certification or licensure required by their assignment.
2 422, 609 Fully certified or licensed
Not fully certified or licensed

OESE and OCR 195 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Status (504)

An indication that students have disability status under Section 504.

1 814 Section 504 Status

OSERS/OSEP and OCR 002 No Change Revised from 60-day No Change Educational Environment (IDEA) SA

The settings in which children ages 6 through 21 receive special education and related services.
The settings in which school-aged children ages 5 who are kindergarten through 21 receive special education and related services.
1 74 Inside regular class 80% or more of the day
Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day
Inside regular class less than 40% of the day
Separate school
Residential Facility
Correctional Facilities
Parentally placed in private schools

OESE/OSS/Title III 105, 139 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change English Learner Accountability

An indication of the progress made by students toward English proficiency.

2 151, 676 Attained proficiency
Making progress
Did not make progress

OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 178 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change English Learner Status (RLA)

An indication that students met the definition of an English learner and are not excluded because they have attended schools in the U.S. fewer than 12 months.

1 584 English learner

OESE/OSS/Title III 045, 141 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Language (Native)

The language normally used by students or normally used by the parents of the students.

2 519, 678

Permitted values are from ISO 639-2.
OESE/OSHS/N or D 119, 127 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change N or D Long Term Status

An indication that students were served for at least 90 consecutive days during the reporting period by Title I, Part D of ESEA as amended.

2 656, 657 Long-Term N or D Students

OESE/OSS/Title III 137, 138 Revised No Change from 60-day No Change Participation Status

An indication of whether students participated in assessments.

2 674, 675 Participated
Did not participate
Medical Exemption
Participated - regular asssessment
Participated - alternate assessment
Did not participate
Medical Exemption

OESE/OSS and OSERS/OSEP 188 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Participation Status (RLA)

An indication of whether students participated in reading/language arts assessments.

1 589 Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards without accommodations
Participated – regular assessment based on grade-level achievement standards with accommodations
Participated – English language proficiency assessment
Participated – alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards
Did not participate
Medical exemption

OESE/OME 054, 121 Revised No Change from 60-day No Change Priority for Services (Only)

An indication that migratory children 1) are failing to meet, or most at risk of failing to meet, the state's challenging academic content standards and student academic achievement standards; and 2) have experienced interruptions in their education during the regular school year. An indication that migratory children who have made a qualifying move within the previous 1-year period and who - (1) are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards; or (2) have dropped out of school.

2 102, 634 Students classified as having “Priority for Services”

OCTAE, OESE/OSS/Title III, OSERS/OSEP 126, 142, 175, 178, 179 No Change No Change from 60-day Revised Proficiency Status

An indication of whether scores were proficient or above.

5 668, 681, 583, 584, 585 Attained proficiency
Not proficient

OESE/OSHS/N or D 113, 125 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Progress Level

The amount of progress shown in academic subjects.

2 628, 629 Up to one full grade
More than one full grade
Negative change
No Change

OCTAE 155, 156 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Representation Status

An indication of whether students were members of an underrepresented gender group.

1 705 Member of an underrepresented gender group
Not a member of an underrepresented gender group

OESE/OSS/Title III 126 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Academic Subject (Assessment)

The description of the content or subject area of an assessment.

1 668 Mathematics
Reading/Language Arts

OSERS/OSEP 089 Revised Revised from 60-day No Change Age (Early Childhood)

The discrete age of children (students) who are in early childhood on the state specified child count date.

2 613, TBD Age 3
Age 4
Age 5
Age 3
Age 4
Age 5 (Both K and not K)
Age 5 (Kindergarten)
Age 3
Age 4
Age 5 (not Kindergarten)

OSERS/OSEP 009 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age (Exiting)

The discrete age of children (students) on the date of the most recent IDEA child count prior to exiting special education.

1 85 Age 14
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20
Age 21

OESE/OSHS/Homeless 194 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age (PK)

The age ranges of children birth through 5 (not Kindergarten).

1 818 Age Birth through 2
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)

OESE/OSHS/Homeless 118 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age/Grade (Basic)

The discrete age or grade level (primary instructional level) of students (children).

1 655 Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 13

OESE/OSS/Title I 134 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Age/Grade (w/o Out of School)

The discrete age or grade level (primary instructional level) of students (children).

1 670 Age Birth through 2
Age 3 through 5 (not Kindergarten)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12

OSERS/OSEP 009 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Basis of Exit

The reason children who were in special education at the start of the reporting period, but were not in special education at the end of the reporting period.

1 85 Graduated with regular high school diploma
Graduated with an alternate diploma
Received a certificate
Reached maximum age
Moved, known to be continuing
Transferred to regular education
Dropped out

OESE/OME 054 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Continuation (Only)

An indication that migratory children are receiving instructional or support services under the continuation of services authority ESEA, as amended, Title I, Part C Section 1304(e)(2)-(3).

1 102 Continued

NCES 040 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Diploma/Credential

The types of high school credential received by high school completers.

1 306 Regular secondary school diploma
Other state-recognized equivalent

OCTAE 083 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Diploma/Credential (Expanded)

The types of high school credential received by high school completers.

Regular secondary school diploma
Proficiency credential
or degree
in conjunction with a secondary school diploma
Other state-recognized equivalent
General Education Development (GED) credential

OSERS/OSEP 009 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Disability Category (IDEA) Exiting

The primary disability as identified in the Individualized Education Program (IEP).

1 85 Autism
Emotional disturbance
Hearing impairment
Intellectual disability
Multiple disabilities
Orthopedic impairment
Specific learning disability
Speech or language impairment
Traumatic brain injury
Visual impairment
Other health impairment

OESE/OSHS 086 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Discipline Method (Firearms-IDEA)

The methods used to discipline students who are children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.

1 596 One year expulsion with educational services under IDEA
Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services under IDEA
Another type of disciplinary action
Other reasons such as death, withdrawal or incarceration
No disciplinary action

OESE/OSHS 086 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Discipline Method (Firearms-not IDEA)

The methods used to discipline students who are not children with disabilities (IDEA) involved in firearms and other outcomes of firearms incidents.

1 596 One year expulsion and no educational services
One year expulsion and educational services
Expulsion modified to less than one year without educational services
Expulsion modified to less than one year with educational services
Another type of disciplinary action
Other reasons such as death
or incarceration
No disciplinary action

OSERS/OSEP 006 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Discipline Method (Suspension/Expulsion)

The types of suspension or expulsion used for the discipline of children with disabilities.

1 475 In School Suspensions
Out-of-School Suspensions/Expulsions

OSERS/OSEP 089 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Educational Environment (IDEA) EC

The programs in which children ages 3 through 5 attend and the setting in which these children receive special education and related services.

2 613, TBD Services in Regular Early Childhood Program (at least 10 hours)
Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (at least 10 hours)
Services in Regular Early Childhood Program (less than 10 hours)
Other Location Regular Early Childhood Program (less than 10 hours)
Separate Class
Separate school
Residential Facility
Service Provider Location

OSERS/OSEP 144 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Educational Services

An indication of whether children (students) received educational services when removed from the regular school for disciplinary reasons.

1 683 Received educational services
Did not receive educational services

OESE/OSS 203 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Emergency or Provisional Credential Status

An indicator of whether teachers have been identified as having emergency or provisional credentials.

1 839 No Emergency or Provisional
Emergency or Provisional

OCFO 035 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Federal Program Code

The unique five-digit number assigned to each federal program as listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

1 547

OESE/OSS/Title III 126 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Former English Learner Year

An indication of which of the four years an English learner is in after no longer receiving services under Title III of ESEA, as amended.

1 668 First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year

OCFO 035 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Funding Allocation Type

The types of allocation or distribution made.

1 547 Retained by SEA for program, administration, etc.
Transferred to another state-level agency
Distributed to entities other than LEAs
Unallocated or returned funds

NCES 032 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Grade Level (Dropout)

The grade level (primary instructional level) of students at which students decided to leave school before graduating.

1 326 Below Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 13

NCES 052 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Grade Level (Membership)

The grade level (primary instructional level) of students entering and receiving services in a school during a specific academic session.

1 39 Pre-Kindergarten
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 13
Adult Education

OESE/OSHS/Homeless 118 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence

The primary nighttime residence of the students at the time the students are identified as homeless.

1 655 Shelters and transitional housing
Shelters and transitional housing

OESE/OSS/Title I 037 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Homeless Status (Only)

An indication that students are homeless regardless of whether the students are receiving services under McKinney-Vento.

1 548 Homeless

OESE/OSHS/Homeless 118 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status

An indication that homeless youths were unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians.

1 655 Unaccompanied youth

OCTAE 154 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Inclusion Type

An indication of how students were included in the state's computation of its graduation rate.

3 702, TBD Included in computation as graduated
Included in computation as not graduated

OESE/OSS 202 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Indicator Type

The label for the School Quality or Student Success Indicators used by state for Accountability under ESEA, as amended by ESSA.

1 838 Indicator 1
Indicator 2
Indicator 3
Indicator 4
Indicator 5
Indicator 6
Indicator 7
Indicator 8
Indicator 9
Indicator 10

OESE/OSS 203 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Inexperienced Status

An indication of whether teachers have been identified as inexperienced as defined by the state.

1 839 Experienced teacher
Inexperienced teacher

OSERS/OSEP 005 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Interim Removal (IDEA)

The types of interim removal from current educational setting experienced by children with disabilities (IDEA).

1 512 Unilaterally removed to an interim alternative educational setting by School Personnel (NOT the IEP team) for drugs, weapons, or serious bodily injury
Removed to an interim alternative educational setting based on a Hearing Officer finding that there is substantial likelihood of injury to the child or others

OSERS/OSEP 007 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Interim Removal Reason (IDEA)

The reasons why children with disabilities (IDEA) were unilaterally removed from their current educational placement to an interim alternative educational setting.

1 476 Drugs
Serious bodily injury

OESE/OSS/Title III 116 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Language Instruction Educational Program Type

The types of English language instruction educational program.

1 TBD Transitional Bilingual Education or Early-Exit Bilingual Education
Dual Language or Two-way Immersion
Content Classes with integrated ESL support
Newcomer programs

NCES 033 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Lunch Program Status

An indication of students' qualification for free or reduced-price lunch.

1 565 Free lunch qualified
Reduced-price lunch qualified

OESE/OME 145 Revised No Change from 60-day No Change MEP Services

The types of services received by participating migratory students in the migrant education program (MEP). The types of services received by eligible migratory students in the migrant education program (MEP).

1 684 Instructional services
Reading instruction
Mathematics instruction
High school accrual
Support services
Counseling services

OESE/OME 192 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change MEP Session Type

The time of year that a MEP program operates.

Regular school year

OESE/OME 121 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Mobility Status (12 months)

An indication that the qualifying arrival date (QAD) occurred within 12 months of the end of the reporting period (8/31).

1 634 QAD occurred within 12 months

OESE/OME 121 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Mobility Status (Regular School Year)

An indication that the qualifying arrival date (QAD) was during a regular school year.

QAD within a regular school year

OESE/OSS 203 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Out of Field Status

An indication whether teachers have been identified as teaching a subject or field for which they are not certified or licensed as defined by the state.

1 839 Teaching in field
Not teaching in field

OCTAE 158 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Placement Status

An indication of whether students were placed after secondary education.

1 736 Placed
Not Placed

OCTAE 169 Revised No Change from 60-day No Change Placement Type

The types of placement after secondary education.

2 753, TBD Advanced training
Military service
Were accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education
Advanced training
Employment (Placed or Retained)
Military service, National or Community Service, or Peace Corps
Were accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education
Associate Degree
Baccalaureate Degree

OESE 160 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Postsecondary Enrollment Action

The action taken with respect to postsecondary enrollment by students who graduated.

1 739 Enrolled in an IHE
Did not enroll in an IHE
No information on postsecondary actions

OESE/OSS/Title III 045 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Program Participation (Immigrant)

An indication that immigrant students participated in programs for immigrant children and youth funded under ESEA, as amended, Title III Section 3114(d)(1) using funds reserved for immigrant education programs/activities.

1 519 Participated in programs

OSERS/OSEP 112 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Qualification Status (Paraprofessionals)

An indication of whether paraprofessionals are classified as qualified for their assignment according to state definition.

1 647 Qualified
Not qualified

OSERS/OSEP 070 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher)

An indication of whether special education teachers are fully certified in the State.

1 486 Fully certified
Not fully certified

OESE/OME 121 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Referral Status

An indication that an educational or educationally-related service was received

Received service from referral

OSERS/OSEP 088 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Removal Length (IDEA)

The cumulative number of days children with disabilities (IDEA) were removed from their current educational setting during the school year.

1 598 1 day or less
2 through 10 days
Greater than 10 days

OSERS/OSEP 006 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Removal Length (Suspensions/Expulsions)

The cumulative number of days children with disabilities (IDEA) were suspended or expelled during the school year for disciplinary reasons.

1 475 Less than or equal to 10 days
Greater than 10 days

NCES 059 No Change Revised from 60-day No Change Staff Category (CCD)

Titles of employment, official status, or rank.

1 528 Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
Kindergarten Teachers
Elementary Teachers
Secondary Teachers
Ungraded Teachers
Paraprofessionals/Instructional Aides
Elementary School Counselors
Secondary School Counselors
School Counselors
Librarians/Media Specialists
Library/Media Support Staff
LEA Administrators
LEA Administrative Support Staff
Instructional Coordinators and Supervisors to the Staff
School Administrators
School Administrative Support Staff
Student Support Services Staff
All Other Support Staff

Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
Kindergarten Teachers
Elementary Teachers
Secondary Teachers
Ungraded Teachers
Paraprofessionals/Instructional Aides
Elementary School Counselors
Secondary School Counselors
School Counselors
Librarians/Media Specialists
Library/Media Support Staff
LEA Administrators
LEA Administrative Support Staff
Instructional Coordinators and Supervisors to the Staff
School Administrators
School Administrative Support Staff
Student Support Services Staff
School Psychologists
All Other Support Staff

OSERS/OSEP 099 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Staff Category (Special Education Related Service)

Titles of personnel employed and contracted to provide related services for children with disabilities (IDEA).

Speech-language pathologists
Occupational therapists
Physical therapists
Physical education teachers and recreation and therapeutic recreation specialists
Social workers
Medical/nursing service staff
Counselors and rehabilitation counselors
Orientation and mobility specialists

OCTAE 157 Retire No Change from 60-day No Change Test Result

An indication of whether students passed a test.

Did not pass

OESE/OSS/Title I 134 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Title I Program Type

The types of Title I programs offered in the school or district.

1 670 Public targeted assistance program
Public school-wide program
Private school students participating
Local neglected program

OESE/OSHS 086 No Change No Change from 60-day No Change Weapon

The types of weapons.

1 596 Handguns

OESE/OSS/Title III 050, 137, 138, 139 New No Change from 60-day No Change
Assessment Administered (ELP)

The types of English language proficiency assessments administered.

4 151, 674, 675, 676
Regular English language proficiency (ELP) assessment
Alternate English language proficiency (ELP) assessment based on alternate ELP achievement standards

OESE/OSS/Title III 210 New No Change from 60-day Revised
English Learners Not Proficient Within Five Years Status
English Learners Proficiency Within Five Years Status The proficiency status of English Learners within five years.

1 864
Proficient within five years
Not proficient within five years

OESE/OSS/Title III 211 New No Change from 60-day Revised
English Learners Exited Status

The exit status of English Learners.

1 865
Did not exit

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day No Change
Career Clusters

Career and technical education career areas

12 TBD
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Arts, A/V Technology & Communication; Business Management & Administration; Education & Training; Finance; Government and Public Administration; Health Science; Hospitality & Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security; Manufacturing; Marketing; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics; Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day No Change
Postsecondary Credential

An indication of whether students received a recognized postsecondary credential.

Received credential; Did not receive credential

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day No Change
Postsecondary Credit

An indication of whether students received a recognized postsecondary credits.

Received credits; Did not receive credits

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day No Change
Participation Status (WBL)

An indication of whether students participated in work based learning (WBL).

Participated in WBL; Did not participate in WBL

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day No Change
Achievement Status

An indication of whether the students achieved the measure for career and technical education.

Achieved; Did not achieve

OCTAE TBD New No Change from 60-day Revised from 30-day
Out of Workforce Status

An indication of whether the students achieved the measure for career and technical education.

An indication that students are out of work individuals. 9 TBD
Out of Workforce Individual

Sheet 5: DG&DCs new in 60 out in 30

Data Groups and Categories Proposed as New in 60-day Package but Removed in 30-Day Package

Data Groups

Data Steward FS Number File Spec Name DG Number SY 2019-20 Data Group Name (Changes only) SY 2019-20 Data Group Definition (Changes only) SY 2019-20 Categories (Changes only) SY 2019-20 Permitted Values (Change only)
OESE/OII TBD TBD TBD Charter enrollment The enrollment policy for charter school.
Charter school has open enrollment for the entire state
Charter school has open enrollment for a region of the state beyond the local school district
Charter school enrollment limited to the local school district without geographic preference
Charter school enrollment limited to the local school district with geographic preference to a zone or area within the district
OESE/OII TBD TBD TBD Initiation of charter application The individual or entity that submitted or solicited the application for a charter.
Management organization initiated the process for establishing the charter school
Individual or entity that is not a management organization initiated the process for establishing the charter school
Charter authorizer initiated the process for establishing the charter school by soliciting charter applications from eligible entities.
OESE/OII TBD TBD TBD Charter holder The organization that holds the charter for the school.
Charter school holds its own charter
Management organization holds the charter
Some other organization holds the charter
NCES TBD TBD TBD Magnet curriculum An indication of whether a magnet school offers a special curriculum capable of attracting substantial numbers of students of different racial backgrounds.
Yes –The special curriculum offered by this magnet school is capable of attracting substantial numbers of students of different racial backgrounds
No – The special curriculum offered by this magnet school does not necessarily attract substantial numbers of students of different racial backgrounds
OSERS/OSEP 089 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Age 5 table TBD Children with disabilities (IDEA) age 5 table The unduplicated number of children with disabilities (IDEA) who are 5 and in kindergarten. Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Disability Category (IDEA),Age (Early Childhood)
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Disability Category (IDEA),Racial Ethnic
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,Sex (Membership)
Educational Environment (IDEA) EC,English Learner Status (Both)

OCTAE TBD TBD TBD Postsecondary CTE concentrators placement table The number of CTE postsecondary concentrators during the second quarter after program completion. Outcome Status,Sex (Membership)
Outcome Status, Racial Ethnic
Outcome Status,Disability Status (ADA)
Outcome Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Outcome Status, Homeless Enrolled Status
Outcome Status,Single Parents Status
Outcome Status, Out of Workforce Status
Outcome Status, EL Status (Perkins)
Outcome Status, Non-Traditional Enrollee
Outcome Status,Foster System Status
Outcome Status,Military Connected Student Status

OCTAE TBD TBD TBD Postsecondary CTE concentrators placement type table The number of CTE postsecondary concentrators who after program completion and were placed in the second quarter after graduating. Placement Type
OCTAE TBD TBD TBD Postsecondary CTE concentrators credential table The unduplicated number of CTE postsecondary concentrators who completed a program in the prior 12 months. Credential Status,Sex (Membership)
Credential Status, Racial Ethnic
Credential Status,Disability Status (ADA)
Credential Status,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Credential Status, Homeless Enrolled Status
Credential Status,Single Parents Status
Credential Status, Out of Workforce Status
CredentialStatus, EL Status (Perkins)
Credential Status, Non-Traditional Enrollee
Credential Status,Foster System Status
Credential Status,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters

OCTAE TBD TBD TBD Postsecondary CTE concentrators nontraditional program table The unduplicated number of CTE postsecondary concentrators in career and technical education programs and programs of study that lead to non-traditional fields. Inclusion Type,Sex (Membership)
Inclusion Type,Racial Ethnic
Inclusion Type,Disability Status (ADA)
Inclusion Type,Economically Disadvantaged Status
Inclusion Type,Homeless Enrolled Status
Inclusion Type,Single Parents Status
Inclusion Type,Out of Workforce Status
Inclusion Type,EL Status (Perkins)
Inclusion Type,Foster System Status
Inclusion Type,Military Connected Student Status
Career Clusters

OCTAE TBD TBD TBD CTE postsecondary participation enrollment The unduplicated number of CTE participants in postsecondary education. Career Clusters, Sex (Membership)
OCTAE TBD TBD TBD CTE postsecondary concentrator enrollment The unduplicated number of CTE concentrators in post- secondary education. Career Clusters, Sex (Membership)

Data Categories

Data Stewards FS Numbers SY 2019-20 Status DG Numbers SY 2018-19 Category Name (Changes only) SY 2019-20 Category Definition (Changes only) SY 2019-20 Permitted Value Description List (Changes only)
OSERS/OSEP 070, 112 New 486, 647 Grade Span (Special Education Staff) The grade span the staff member serves. Pre-school
High school

OCTAE TBD New TBD Outcome Status An indication of whether students remained enrolled in postsecondary education, are in advanced training, military service, or a service program that receives assistance under title I of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12511 et seq.), are volunteers as described in section 5(a) of the Peace Corps Act (22 U.S.C. 2504(a)), or are placed or retained in employment. Outcome of enrolled in postsecondary education, placed in advanced training or service, or placed or retained in employment; Not enrolled, placed or retained
OCTAE TBD New TBD Credential Status An indication of whether students received a credential. Received credential; Did not receive credential
OCTAE TBD New TBD Disability Status (ADA) An indication that students have disability status under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA Status
OCTAE TBD New TBD Foster System Status An indication that students are or have aged out of the foster care system Foster or Aged Out

Sheet 6: Summary of Changes

Data Groups

Status 60-day 30-day Final
Final (from SY 18-19 package)
New* 24 0 0
Revisions** 22 23 6
Retired 10 0 0
No Change 103 125 142

159 148 148

Data Categories

Status 60-day 30-day Final
Final (from SY 18-19 package)
New* 16 0 0
Revisions** 7 6 1
Retired 7 0 0
No Change 85 104 109

115 110 110

*There were 11 data groups and 5 data categories proposed in the 60-day that were taken out of the 30-day package (not considered "retired" since never implemented)
**Items could be revised more than once and "new" items could be revised
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