Feedback on the EHR Core Research (ECR) 2020 Principal Investigator Meeting

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ECR PI post meeting survey (19Nov'20)

Feedback on the EHR Core Research (ECR) 2020 Principal Investigator Meeting

OMB: 3145-0215

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ECR 2020 PI post-meeting survey (19Nov’20) |

Following are: (1) text for an email to be sent from a contractor to eligible respondents with a request that they complete a brief online survey; and (2) the wording of the items to be included in this online survey. The purpose of the survey is to provide feedback on the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Core Research (ECR) program’s 2020 virtual investigator meeting. This feedback will be valuable both in assessing customer satisfaction with and the success of the 2020 meeting, and in planning for subsequent meetings with investigators on ECR awards.

Text for covering email

Thank you for your participation in the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Core Research (ECR) program’s 2020 virtual investigator meeting. To help NSF understand the meeting’s success in achieving its objectives—and to inform planning for future investigator meetings—we are asking for your feedback through a short online survey.

As a reminder, our firm, AEIO, worked with NSF on plans for this investigator meeting, which took place virtually Monday November 30th and Tuesday December 1st.

While participation in the survey is voluntary, your insights will be invaluable to EHR and the ECR program. Please [follow/click on] the URL below to share your thoughts before [CLOSING DATE OF SURVEY].

On behalf of the NSF and AEIO team, thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions for the future.

Survey items

Thank you for your participation in the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) Core Research (ECR) program’s 2020 virtual investigator meeting. Your feedback is very important to us. Please complete the following survey based on your participation in the virtual meeting. Responding is voluntary and should take about six minutes to complete.  A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number; the number for this is 3145-0215.

Opportunities to share and learn

The ECR investigator meeting was intended to provide opportunities for projects to share emerging evidence with promise to address current issues in STEM education.

  1. Please let us know how satisfied or dissatisfied you were with the opportunities the PI meeting provided for you to learn about other ECR projects and their findings.

    • Very satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  1. What were the most valuable aspects of the virtual meeting for learning about other ECR projects and their findings?

  1. What were the least valuable aspects of the virtual meeting for learning about other ECR projects and their findings?

  1. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the opportunities the PI meeting provided for you to share information about your ECR project(s) and findings?

    • Very satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  1. What were the most valuable aspects of the virtual meeting for sharing information about your ECR project(s) and findings?

  1. What were the least valuable aspects of the virtual meeting for sharing information about your ECR project(s) and findings?

Another important goal of the ECR PI meeting was to provide current ECR awardees with updates on the ECR program, including resources to support the ECR community, and related funding opportunities.

  1. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the opportunities the PI meeting provided for you to learn about the ECR program?

    • Very satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Very dissatisfied

  1. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the opportunities the PI meeting and its associated pre-meeting workshops provided for you to learn about the ECR Data Resource Hubs?

      • Very satisfied

      • Satisfied

      • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

      • Dissatisfied

      • Very dissatisfied

  1. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the opportunities the PI meeting provided for you to learn about related funding opportunities?

      • Very satisfied

      • Satisfied

      • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

      • Dissatisfied

      • Very dissatisfied

The virtual meeting experience

  1. The ECR 2020 investigator meeting was held in a virtual-only format. An important part of the virtual PI meeting experience was the meeting portal (hosted on SWERVE). Please let us know your thoughts on the aspects of the meeting website were most and least valuable to you throughout the PI meeting. Please check all that apply.

I found this aspect of the meeting website…

Not at all valuable

Somewhat valuable


Very valuable

I did not use this part of the meeting website

Home page

Online agenda



Document library

Quick links



Please specify ________________________________________

  1. Please use the space below to share any other input you would like to provide on the meeting website.

Looking forward

  1. How frequently would you like the ECR program to offer investigators opportunities to connect with each other and with NSF staff through investigator meetings?

  • Annually

  • Every two years

  1. The ECR program had originally intended to hold the 2020 PI meeting in-person; the meeting was held virtually in response to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Looking forward, would your preference be for investigator meetings to be virtual, in-person, or some hybrid combination of virtual and in-person experiences?

  • Virtually

  • In-person

  • Some combination of virtual and in-person experiences

  1. Please use the space below to share any other input you would like NSF and ECR program staff to consider in designing the next ECR investigator meeting.

Thank you for your input.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMcDonald, Sarah-Kathryn
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-12

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