Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Other-Appendix K4. SFA Director Suvey Example Screenshot |
K04 SFA Director Survey Example Screenshot.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix E2.1 Expanded Menu Survey Booklet: Instructions, Example Forms, and Forms (Group 3) |
Appendix E2.1 Expanded Menus Survey Booklet (Group 3).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix F7. Principal Survey (Groups 2 & 3) |
F07 Principal Survey (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix C24. SFA Post-Planning Email (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C24 SFA Post-Planning Email (Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix G3. SFA On-Site Cost Interview (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G03 SFA On-Site Cost Interview (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix G6. Food Cost Worksheet (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G06 Food Cost Worksheet (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix F3. SFA Director Survey (Groups 1, 2, & 3) |
F03 SFA Director Survey (Groups 1, 2, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix F6. SNM Survey (Groups 2 & 3) |
F06 SNM Survey (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix G1. State Agency Indirect Cost Suvey (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G01 State Agency Indirect Cost Survey (Group 3, Full OA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix G13. SFA Follow-Up Cost Interview (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G13 SFA Follow-up Cost Interview (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix H1. Vending Machine and Other Sources of Foods and Beverages Checklists (Groups 2 & 3) |
H01 Vending Machine and Other Sources of Foods and Beverages Checklist (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix H2. Cafeteria Observation Guide (Groups 2 & 3) |
H02 Cafeteria Observation Guide (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix J2. Reimbursable Meal Sale Data Request Form (Group 2) |
J02 Reimbursable Meal Sale Data Request Form (Group 2).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix C11. Recruiting Call Script (Groups 2, 3, & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C11 Recruiting Call Script (Groups 2, 3, Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix C13. SFA Post-Planning Email (Groups 2 & 3) |
C13 SFA Post-Planning Email (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix D1. School Roster Data Request (Group 2) |
D01 School Roster Data Request (Group 2)_revised2.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix C3 State Child Nutrition Director Study Introduction and Data Request Email (Groups 1, 2, & 3) |
C03 State Child Nutrition Director Study Introduction and Data Request Email (Groups 1, 2, 3).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix E3 Fruit and Vegetable Questions & Meal Pattern Crediting Report (Groups 2 & 3) |
E03 Fruit and Vegetable Questions and Meal Pattern Crediting Report (Groups 2, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix G4. School Nutrition Manager Cost Interview (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G04-School Nutrition Manager Cost Interview (Group 3, Full OA).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix G5. Principal Cost Interview (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G05-Principal Cost Interview (Group 3, Full OA).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Other-Appendix G7. On-Site Self-Serve/Made-to-Order Bar Form (Group 3) |
G07 Onsite Self-Serve and Made-to-Order Bar Form (Group 3).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix G11. SFA Follow-Up Web Survey (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G11 SFA Follow-Up Web Survey (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix J1. Plate Waste Observation Booklet (Group 3) |
J01 Plate Waste Observation Booklet (Group 3).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix K7. SFA Follow-Up Web Survey Example Screenshot |
K07 SFA Follow-Up Web Survey Example Screenshot.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix K2. School Planning Interview Example Screenshot |
K02 School Planning Interview Example Screenshot.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix K6. State Agency Indirect Cost Survey Example Screenshot |
K06 State Agency Indirect Cost Survey Example Screenshots.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix I6. Point of Sale Form (Group 2) |
I06 Point of Sale Form (Group 2).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix E1.1 Basic Menu Survey Booklet: Instruction, Example Forms, and Forms (Group 2) |
Appendix E1.1 Basic Menu Survey Booklet (Group 2).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix K3. Electronic Menu Survey Example Screenshots |
K03 Electronic Menu Survey Example Screenshots.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix E2.2 Expanded Menu Survey Booklet: Instructions and Forms (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
Appendix E2.2 Expanded Menu Survey Booklet (Full and Limited Outlying Areas).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix K5. Principal Survey Example Screenshot |
K05 Principal Survey Example Screenshot.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix C12. SFA Director Planning Interview (Groups 2, 3, & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C12 SFA Director Planning Interview (Groups 2, 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-Appendix C18. School Planning Interview (Groups 2 & 3 and Full Outlying Areas) |
C18 School Planning Interview (Groups 2, 3, Full OA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-Appendix C21. State Child Nutrition Director Study Introduction and Data Request Email (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C21 State CN Director Study Introduction and Data Request Email (Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Yes |
No |
Fillable Printable |
Title |
Document |
Date Uploaded |
Appendix C2.2 Study Objectives (Groups 1, 2, & 3) |
C02.2 Study Objectives (Groups 1, 2, 3).pdf
Appendix C4 SFA Director Sample Notification Email from State CN Director (Groups 2 & 3) |
C04 SFA Director Sample Notification Email from State CN Director (Groups 2, 3).docx
Appendix C10. SFA Director Recruitment Advance Letter (Groups 2 & 3) |
C10 SFA Director Recruitment Advance Letter (Groups 2, 3)_2.docx
Appendix C14. Data Collection Activities and Respondents (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C14 Data Collection Activities and Respondents (Group 3, Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Appendix C15. Principal Introduction Letter to Schools (Groups 2 & 3) |
C15 Principal Introduction Email to Schools (Groups 2, 3)_2.docx
Appendix C16. School Nutrition Manager Introduction Letter (Groups 2 & 3) |
C16 School Nutrition Manager Introduction Letter (Groups 2, 3).docx
Appendix C17. Next Steps for Principals Email (Group 2) |
C17 Next Steps for Principals Email (Group 2).docx
Appendix C19. Pre-Visit Reminder Email (Groups 2 & 3) |
C19 Pre-Visit Reminder Email (Groups 2, 3).docx
Appendix C20. Study Objectives and Overview (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C20 Study Objectives and Overview (Full OA, Ltd OA).pdf
Appendix C22. SFA Director Sample Notification Email from State CN Director (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C22 SFA Director Sample Notification Email from State CN Director (Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Appendix C23 SFA Director Recruitment Advance Letter (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C23 SFA Director Recruitment Advance Letter (Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Appendix C25. Principal Introduction Letter to Schools (Full Outlying Areas) |
C25 Principal Introduction Letter to Schools (Full OA).docx
Appendix C26. School Nutrition Manager Introduction Letter (Full Outlying Areas) |
C26 School Nutrition Manager Introduction Letter (Full OA).docx
Appendix C27. Pre-Target Week Rerminder Email (Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C27 Pre-Target Week Reminder Email (Full OA, Ltd OA).docx
Appendix F1. SFA Director Survey Advance Letter (Group 1) |
F01 SFA Director Survey Advance Letter (Group 1).docx
Appendix F2. SFA Director Survey Email Invitation (Group 1) |
F02 SFA Director Survey Email Invitation (Group 1).docx
Appendix F4. SFA Director (Groups 1, 2, & 3) and Principal Surveys (Groups 2 & 3) Follow-Up Email |
F04 SFA Director (Groups 1, 2, 3) and Principal Surveys (Groups 2, 3) Follow Up Email.docx
Appendix F5. SFA Director Survey Reminder Call Script (Groups 1, 2, & 3) |
F05 SFA Director Survey Reminder Call Script (Groups 1, 2, 3).docx
Appendix F8. SFA Director and Principal Surveys Email Invitation (Groups 2 & 3) |
F08 SFA Director and Principal Email Invitation (Groups 2, 3).docx
Appendix F9. Principal Survey Reminder Call Script (Groups 2 & 3) |
F09 Principal Survey Reminder Call Script (Groups 2, 3).docx
Appendix G2. State Agency Indirect Cost Survey Invite (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G02 State Agency Indirect Cost Survey Invite (Group 3, Full OA).docx
Appendix G8. SFA Director Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G08 SFA Director Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
Appendix G9. School Nutrition Manager Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G09 School Nutrition Manager Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3 and Full OA).docx
Appendix G10. Principal Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3 & Full Outlying Areas) |
G10 Principal Cost Interview Reference Guide (Groups 3 and Full OA).docx
Appendix G12. SFA Follow-Up Web Survey and Interview Planning Email (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G12 SFA Follow-Up Web Survey and Interview Planning Email (Group 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
Appendix G14. SFA Follow-Up Cost Interview Reference Guide (Group 3 & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
G14 SFA Follow-up Cost Interview Reference Guide (Groups 3, Full and Ltd OA).docx
Appendix C8. Study Overview (Group 3) |
C08 Study Overview (Group 3).pdf
Appendix C6. SNA Endorsement Letter (Groups 2, 3, & Full and Limited Outlying Areas) |
C06 SNA Endorsement Letter (Groups 2, 3 and Full and Limited Outlying Areas).pdf
Appendix C7. Study Overview (Group 2) |
C07 Study Overview (Group 2).pdf