0704-0536 - Privacy Impact Assessment

PIA DMDC 01 Sec 1-2.pdf

Family Advocacy Program (FAP): Child Abuse and Domestic Abuse Incident Reporting System

0704-0536 - Privacy Impact Assessment

OMB: 0704-0536

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For the
Defense Manpower Data Center Data Base (DMDC 01)
Department Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC)

a. Will this Department of Defense (DoD) information system or electronic collection of
information (referred to as an "electronic collection" for the purpose of this form) collect,
maintain, use, and/or disseminate PII about members of the public, Federal personnel,
contractors or foreign nationals employed at U.S. military facilities internationally? Choose
one option from the choices below. (Choose (3) for foreign nationals).


(1) Yes, from members of the general public.


(2) Yes, from Federal personnel* and/or Federal contractors.


(3) Yes, from both members of the general public and Federal personnel and/or Federal contractors.


(4) No

* "Federal personnel" are referred to in the DoD IT Portfolio Repository (DITPR) as "Federal employees."

b. If "No," ensure that DITPR or the authoritative database that updates DITPR is annotated
for the reason(s) why a PIA is not required. If the DoD information system or electronic
collection is not in DITPR, ensure that the reason(s) are recorded in appropriate
c. If "Yes," then a PIA is required. Proceed to Section 2.

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a. Why is this PIA being created or updated? Choose one:


New DoD Information System


New Electronic Collection

Existing DoD Information System


Existing Electronic Collection

Significantly Modified DoD Information

b. Is this DoD information system registered in the DITPR or the DoD Secret Internet Protocol
Router Network (SIPRNET) IT Registry?

Enter DITPR System Identification Number



Enter SIPRNET Identification Number



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c. Does this DoD information system have an IT investment Unique Project Identifier (UPI), required
by section 53 of Office of Management and Budget (0MB) Circular A-11?


If "Yes," enter UPI



If unsure, consult the Component IT Budget Point of Contact to obtain the UPI.

d. Does this DoD information system or electronic collection require a Privacy Act System of
Records Notice (SORN)?

A Privacy Act SORN is required if the information system or electronic collection contains information about U.S. citizens
or lawful permanent U.S. residents that is retrieved by name or other unique identifier. PIA and Privacy Act SORN
information should be consistent.



If "Yes," enter Privacy Act SORN Identifier


DoD Component-assigned designator, not the Federal Register number.
Consult the Component Privacy Office for additional information or
access DoD Privacy Act SORNs at: http://www.defenselink.mil/privacy/notices/

Date of submission for approval to Defense Privacy Office
Consult the Component Privacy Office for this date.
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e. Does this DoD information system or electronic collection have an 0MB Control Number?
Contact the Component Information Management Control Officer or DoD Clearance Officer for this information.
This number indicates 0MB approval to collect data from 10 or more members of the public in a 12-month period
regardless of form or format.


Enter 0MB Control Number


Enter Expiration Date


f. Authority to collect information. A Federal law, Executive Order of the President (EO), or DoD
requirement must authorize the collection and maintenance of a system of records.
(1) If this system has a Privacy Act SORN, the authorities in this PIA and the existing Privacy Act
SORN should be the same.
(2) Cite the authority for this DoD information system or electronic collection to collect, use, maintain
and/or disseminate PII. (If multiple authorities are cited, provide all that apply.)
(a) Whenever possible, cite the specific provisions of the statute and/or EO that authorizes
the operation of the system and the collection of PII.
(b) If a specific statute or EO does not exist, determine if an indirect statutory authority can
be cited. An indirect authority may be cited if the authority requires the operation or administration of
a program, the execution of which will require the collection and maintenance of a system of records.
(c) DoD Components can use their general statutory grants of authority ("internal
housekeeping") as the primary authority. The requirement, directive, or instruction implementing the
statute within the DoD Component should be identified.
5 U.S.C. App. 3 (Pub. L. 95-452, as amended (Inspector General Act of 1978)); 10 U.S.C. 136, Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness; 10 U.S.C. 1562, Database on Domestic Violence
Incidents; 20 U.S.C. 1070a(f)(4), Higher Education Opportunity Act, Public Law 106-265, Federal Long­
Term Care Insurance; 10 U.S.C. 2358, Research and Development Projects; 5 U.S.C. 2108a, Veterans
Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, Public Law 112-56; and E.O. 9397 (SSN), as
DoD Instruction 1215.07, DoD Instruction 1336.05, DoD Instruction 1444.02 (Vol 1, 2, 3, &4), DoD
Instruction 6490.03, DoD Instruction 5000.55, DoD Reorganization Act of 1986 (Title IV), National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2000/2001, DoD 6400.1-M-1, DoD Instruction 7730 .54, DoD
Instruction 7730 .64, Public Law 102-4, Agent Orange Act of
1991, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 , Title 10, Section 1153, DoD Instruction
7770 .01, DoD Instruction 7770 .02, DoD Instruction 7770.03, DoD Instruction 1300 .18, DoD Instruction
5160 .70, DoD Instruction 1336 .1, DoD Instruction 1336 .07, DoD Instruction 1010 .01, FY91 National
Defense Authorization Act (Section 1143(a) of Public Law 101-510), Improper Payments Elimination and
Recovery Improvement Act (!PERIA).

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g. Summary of DoD information system or electronic collection. Answers to these questions
should be consistent with security guidelines for release of information to the public.
(1) Describe the purpose of this DoD information system or electronic collection and briefly
describe the types of personal information about individuals collected in the system.
The purpose of this system of records is to provide a single repository within the Department of Defense to
assess manpower and pay trends, support personnel and readiness functions, track deployments, assist
recruiting efforts, locate and fill vacant positions, track career progression from applicant/accession to
separation, to perform longitudinal statistical analyses, identify current and former DOD civilian and Armed
Forces personnel for purposes of detecting fraud and abuse of pay and benefit programs, to register current
and former DOD civilian and Armed Forces personnel and their authorized dependents for purposes of
obtaining medical examination, treatment, privileges , or other benefits to which they are qualified.
To collect debts owed to the United States Government and state and local governments.
Information will be used by agency officials and employees, or authorized contractors, and
other DOD Components in the preparation of surveys, research, and policy as related to the health and well­
being of current and past Armed Forces and DOD affiliated personnel; to respond to Congressional and
Executive branch inquiries; and to provide data or documentation relevant to the testing or exposure of
Military Services and Civilian drug test records will be maintained and used to conduct longitudinal,
statistical, and analytical studies and computing demographic reports. No personal identifiers will be included
in the demographic data reports. All requests for Service specific drug testing demographic data will be
approved by the Service designated drug testing program office. All requests for DoD wide drug testing
demographic data will be approved by the DoD Director for Drug Testing and Program Policy, 4000 Defense
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-4000. Drug data will also be used to support the continuous evaluation
program for personnel security vetting and monitoring for personnel being evaluated for access to national
security information. Former service drug test records and Civilian drug records are precluded from use for
continuous evaluation programs.
DMDC web usage data will be used to validate continued need for user access to DMDC computer systems
and databases, to address problems associated with web access, and to ensure that access is only for
official purposes.
Types of personal information collected include: name, social security number, DoD Identification Number,
date of birth, selective service number, civil service claim number, rank, age, sex, race, education, home
town, home address, work address, hospitalization, medical treatment, fingerprints, credit or financial data,
agency identifier, metropolitan statistical area, e-mail address, phone number.

(2) Briefly describe the privacy risks associated with the PII collected and how these risks are
addressed to safeguard privacy.
All systems are at risk because they may be vulnerable to unauthorized intrusion, hacking and data leakage
due to a careless employee. There are risks that the Defense Manpower Data Center Data Base, with its
collection of PII, could be compromised. Because of this
possibility, appropriate security and access controls are put in place on the DMDC 01 system as listed below.
The following controls are used to mitigate the risks:
Physical entry to the facility is restricted by the use of fences, gates, locks, federal police, guards, closed
circuit TV, and administrative procedures. Computerized records are maintained in a controlled area
accessible only to authorized personnel. Entry to these areas is restricted to those personnel with a valid
requirement and authorization to enter. All personnel who access DMDC 01 data are required to have a
public trust (or interim public trust) rating of Information Technology (IT)-1 or IT-II depending on job role.
Access to personal information is restricted to those who require the records in the performance of their
official duties and to the individuals who are the subjects of the records or their authorized representatives.
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ccess o persona in orma 10n 1s u er res nc e y use o
in 1v1 ua s respons1 e or sys em
maintenance receive initial and periodic refresher Privacy Act and Information Assurance training. Users are
warned through log-on procedures of the conditions associated with access and the consequences of
improper activities. Users are trained to lock workstations when leaving them unattended and to shut down
computers when leaving at the end of the day. Workstations are automatically locked after ten minutes of

h. With whom will the PII be shared through data exchange, both within your DoD Component and
outside your Component (e.g., other DoD Components, Federal Agencies)? Indicate all that apply.

Within the DoD Component.


Other DoD Components.


Office of the Secretary of Defense
Joint Staff
Combatant Commands
Office of the Inspector General
Defense Agencies
DoD Field Activities

Department of Air Force
Department of Army
Department of Navy
(to include agencies established therein)

Other Federal Agencies.

In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552a(b) of
the Privacy Act, these records or information contained therein may
specifically be disclosed outside the DOD as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.
C. 552a(b)(3)
Department of Veteran Affairs
Office of Personnel Management
Internal Revenue Service
Department of Health and Human Services
Social Security Administration
Department of Labor
Department of Homeland Security
Department of State
Department of Interior
Department of Treasury
Department of Justice
United States Postal Service Government Accountability Office
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Public Health Service
United States Coast Guard
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Census Bureau

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Centers for Disease Control
!Selective Service

State and Local Agencies.

In support of Federal reporting requirements, or at the permission of the
individual about whom the record pertains:


Contractor (Enter name and describe the language in the contract that safeguards PII.)



State of Alaska-Department of Revenue
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
State VA Agencies

Defense contractors. Contracts include required language by the FAR for
safeguarding PII.

Other (e.g., commercial providers, colleges).


!Federally Funded Research Development Centers (FFRDC)

i. Do individuals have the opportunity to object to the collection of their PII?





(1) If "Yes," describe method by which individuals can object to the collection of PII.

(2) If "No," state the reason why individuals cannot object.
PII is provided to DMDC 01 by other systems . Most of the files contained in this System are from DoD Pay
and Personnel files. For these individuals a Privacy Act Statement is provided during initial entry into Service
on the Service specific personnel forms (e.g. DA form 61, NAVMC 763, USAFA Form 146 and AETC Forms
1413 & 1422). For the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and Defense Language
Proficiency Test (DLPT) files individuals can elect not to take the test.

j. Do individuals have the opportunity to consent to the specific uses of their PII?





(1) If "Yes," describe the method by which individuals can give or withhold their consent.
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(2) If "No," state the reason why individuals cannot give or withhold their consent.
For all other files contained in the DMDC 01 System contains PII provided by other systems. Note: For
Military personnel- A Privacy Act Statement is provided during initial entry into Service on the following
Service specific personnel forms (e.g. DA form 61, NAVMC 763, USAFA Form 146 and AETC Forms 1413 &
1422). On these forms individuals agree to the collection of their data for military personnel uses, but do not
agree to all specific uses ie. data matching, surveys, statistical compilations etc.
For the ASVAB files: individuals taking the ASVAB test are provided the following statement, "Privacy Act
Statement Authority: Sections 505,508,510, and 3012 of Title 10
U.S. Code and Executive Order 9397. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: the requested information on this form will
be used to properly process and identify the individual requesting an examination at a military entrance
processing station (MEPS). ROUTINE USE: Record is maintained with other enlistment processing records.
DISCLOSURE: Voluntary: refusal to provide required data could result in denial of enlistment.
For the DLPT Database: individuals taking the DLPT test are provided a privacy act statement.

k. What information is provided to an individual when asked to provide PII data? Indicate all that

Privacy Act Statement

Privacy Advisory





DMDC 01 does not supply Privacy Act Statements since the system does not collect data directly
from the individual. However, individuals whose records appear in DMDC 01 should have been
provided a Privacy Act Statement upon providing their data to personnel, pay, or other DMDC 01 data

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Sections 1 and 2 above are to be posted to the Component's Web site. Posting of these
Sections indicates that the PIA has been reviewed to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in
place to protect privacy.
A Component may restrict the publication of Sections 1 and/or 2 if they contain information that
would reveal sensitive information or raise security concerns.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2018-06-29
File Created2018-06-28

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