Youth CareerConnect Participant Tracking System: Manual for Participant Enrollment, Service Receipt and Outcomes Tracking, and Grantee-Level Data Entry

YCC_200_PTS Training Manual_SecondTraining_Final.pdf

Youth CareerConnect Grant Program Participant Tracking System

Youth CareerConnect Participant Tracking System: Manual for Participant Enrollment, Service Receipt and Outcomes Tracking, and Grantee-Level Data Entry

OMB: 1291-0002

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Youth CareerConnect Participant
Tracking System: Manual for
Participant Enrollment, Service
Receipt and Outcomes Tracking, and
Grantee-Level Data Entry
October 21, 2014
Alicia Leonard
Carlo Caci
Marybeth MacKenzie
Timothy Luyster
Ashley Shum
Frank Masters
Gene Shkolnikov
Jeanne Bellotti
Submitted to:
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
200 Constitution Ave., NW, N-5641
Washington, DC 20210
Project Officer: Erika Liliedahl
Contract Number: DOL-ETA-14-U-00014
Submitted by:
Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
Telephone: (609) 799-3535
Facsimile: (609) 799-0005
Project Directors: Peter Schochet and Nan Maxwell
Reference Number: 40402.200


INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 1
A. Objectives of this manual .......................................................................................................... 1
B. Overview of YCC and DOL performance reporting requirements ............................................. 1
1. Description of grants ........................................................................................................... 1
2. Overview of DOL performance reporting requirements ...................................................... 1
3. Mathematica’s role .............................................................................................................. 2
C. Keeping data confidential .......................................................................................................... 2
D. Organization of training manual ................................................................................................ 3


NAVIGATING THE PTS ................................................................................................................... 5
A. Accessing the site and creating your log in ............................................................................... 5
1. Getting started ..................................................................................................................... 5
2. Password maintenance ....................................................................................................... 6
3. Log in procedures ............................................................................................................... 7
B. Logging out of the PTS .............................................................................................................. 7
C. PTS support contact information ............................................................................................... 8


A. Find participant .......................................................................................................................... 9
1. Search PTS using search function ...................................................................................... 9
2. Participant-level screens ................................................................................................... 10
B. Enroll participant ...................................................................................................................... 11
1. Check for duplicates using “Find Participant” ................................................................... 11
2. Enroll participant ............................................................................................................... 11
C. Updating participant enrollment data ....................................................................................... 16
D. Adding and updating program status data .............................................................................. 18
1. Schools ............................................................................................................................. 18
2. Participation status ............................................................................................................ 19
3. Number of high school days missed ................................................................................. 19


ADDING AND UPDATING SERVICES .......................................................................................... 21
A. Adding case notes ................................................................................................................... 21




B. Group-level services ................................................................................................................ 21
1. Adding and updating a group service ............................................................................... 22
2. Searching for an existing service ...................................................................................... 24
C. Industry-specific YCC courses ................................................................................................ 24
1. Adding and updating an industry-specific YCC course..................................................... 24
2. Searching for an existing industry-specific YCC course ................................................... 27
D. Participant-level services ......................................................................................................... 27
1. Program services .............................................................................................................. 27
2. Individual Development Plan and Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) ............................................................................................................................ 28
3. Internships ......................................................................................................................... 28
4. Industry-specific YCC courses .......................................................................................... 29

ADDING AND UPDATING SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES .............................................................. 31
1. Post-secondary credit ....................................................................................................... 31
2. Recognized credentials ..................................................................................................... 31
3. Unsubsidized employment during program ...................................................................... 32
4. Participant satisfaction ...................................................................................................... 33


ADDING AND UPDATING POST-EXIT OUTCOMES ................................................................... 35
1. Unsubsidized employment ................................................................................................ 35
2. Post-secondary education ................................................................................................ 35
3. Occupational skills training ............................................................................................... 36
4. Registered apprenticeship ................................................................................................ 37


ADDING AND UPDATING GRANTEE INFORMATION ................................................................ 39
1. Professional development ................................................................................................. 39
2. Number of high school days ............................................................................................. 40
3. Schools ............................................................................................................................. 40
4. School years ..................................................................................................................... 41


FAQs AND TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................ 43
Accessing the site .......................................................................................................................... 43
Data entry in the PTS ..................................................................................................................... 43



A. Objectives of this manual


To provide grantee staff with an overview of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
performance reporting requirements for the Youth CareerConnect (YCC) grants


To provide detailed instructions on how to use, and enroll participants in, the Participant
Tracking System (PTS)

B. Overview of YCC and DOL performance reporting requirements


Description of grants

DOL provided $107 million to 24 YCC local partnerships of local education agencies,
workforce investment boards, institutions of higher education, and employers to re-design the
teaching and learning experience for youth and more fully prepare them with the knowledge,
skills, and industry-relevant education (including post-secondary education or registered
apprenticeship) needed to pursue a successful career.
The YCC program provides high school students with education and training that combines
rigorous academic and technical curricula that focus on in-demand occupations and industries for
which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers. The program also includes
related activities to support such training. It is intended to increase high school students’
preparedness for post-secondary education and employability in high-growth H-1B industries
and occupations that will lead to living wages and benefits and help them achieve economic selfsufficiency. By cultivating talent among high school students (including groups that traditionally
have been underrepresented in many occupations and industries for which employers are using
H-1B visas), these education and training programs eventually will help employers reduce their
dependency on skilled foreign professionals permitted to work in the United States on a
temporary basis under the H-1B visa program.

Overview of DOL performance reporting requirements

The YCC program will include a strong focus on short- and long-term performance
measures. The short-term measures will serve as interim indicators of program progress that will
help grantees and DOL ensure that programs are on track for success. The long-term measures
will focus on outcomes and gauge program success upon completion of the grant. Grantees must
track specific data elements, by participant, to report against program performance measures.
Data collection will include demographic information, information on services received, and
short- and long-term performance data (such as wage and type of occupation for each job
placement). The ultimate goal for this program is to ensure that all program completers (1)
graduate from high school with a high school diploma; (2) obtain a degree or industryrecognized credential in an H-1B industry or occupation and have earned college credits toward
a degree in the selected high-growth H-1B industry or occupation; and (3) move into a positive
placement that includes unsubsidized employment, post-secondary education, long-term
occupational skills training, or a registered apprenticeship.





Mathematica’s role

DOL has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to develop a PTS for use in
monitoring participant enrollment and DOL performance reporting. DOL will support grantees
with responses to questions related to the performance reporting requirements, data definitions,
policy, and programmatic issues, and Mathematica will provide all technical assistance for the
C. Keeping data confidential

In working with YCC program participants, you will ask for, and have access to,
confidential personal information. The confidentiality of this information—called personally
identifiable information (or PII)—must be preserved. When you are using the YCC PTS, you
will be capturing some types of information that could be considered PII, and you must
safeguard it. Use your judgment to decide whether information you work with is confidential.
Some information that would not appear to be PII on its own may in fact be PII when combined
with additional information. For example, first and last name alone are generally not considered
PII; however, when combined with a date of birth, first and last name are considered PII. If you
have any questions about whether information you work with is considered confidential PII,
please contact Mathematica’s YCC PTS support team. To safeguard PII and other sensitive
information, you should control access to these data. There are many ways to maintain the
confidentiality of PII. These include the following methods, some of which you probably already

Under no circumstances should you email PII to anyone, including other program staff,
DOL, or YCC PTS support team members. Data shared with Mathematica should be
transmitted through the secure File Xchange site. If you need to reference a specific
participant, you should use his or her ID number only, without any additional identifiers.


Discussions, including telephone calls, about individuals must remain confidential. When
discussing individuals with other staff, DOL, or YCC PTS support team members, please do
so in a private room, if possible, or a restricted area out of earshot of unauthorized people.


Keep all project materials, such as letters, printouts, and other documents, with PII out of
sight and locked up in an appropriate storage location (such as a file cabinet) when not in


Keep all work surfaces and open storage areas (such as bookcases) clear of information
containing PII. Never leave paper documents containing PII and other sensitive information


When displaying screens with PII on your computer monitor, ensure that unauthorized
persons cannot see the information (for example, by looking over your shoulder from a
hallway or through a window). When possible, shut office doors, close window blinds, or
position your computer monitor so that it is not visible to others.


Activate your screensaver whenever you leave your computer. Usually, this is accomplished
by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE then ENTER.


Do not allow any other person to use your computer accounts, and always keep your
passwords secure, to prevent unauthorized users from having access to restricted files by



using your account. This guideline does not prevent you from allowing someone else to
temporarily use your computer while you are present (for example, when a technical staff
member must diagnose a computer problem).

PII should not appear on any unencrypted device, including shared network drives or
unencrypted portable media such as CDs, flash/thumb drives, or laptops. Report any lost or
missing PII or unauthorized disclosure to your supervisor immediately. This will be reported
to Mathematica, which is required to report all breaches of PII procedures to DOL.

Mathematica also has implemented companywide security procedures, and our facilities and
systems are designed to meet strict federal guidelines to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use,
or alteration of study information. It is our policy to efficiently protect the private information of
sample members and data, in whatever medium they exist, in accordance with applicable federal
and state laws, contractual requirements, and common-sense considerations. All staff are trained
on the importance of data security and are required to sign and comply with a Mathematica
pledge to protect privacy. Our procedures pay special attention to guarding security of data in
transmission. When data are transmitted between organizations (such as between a grantee and
Mathematica), they will be encrypted with secure passwords or will be transmitted via the PTS
or through a secure file exchange site that requires a password for access. We remove PII from
respondent data as soon as practical and maintain personal identifiers in a secure location. When
not in use, hard copies and electronic media are stored in controlled-access areas and locked
rooms. We also maintain log sheets to track and record access to the confidential information as
part of the project’s documentation and records.
D. Organization of training manual

The PTS will be rolled out in multiple modules from summer 2014 through spring 2015.
This manual will be updated with procedures to complement each newly added module. The first
module to be released allows sites to enroll participants and search the database for participants
who have already been entered. The second module allows sites to update participant service
receipt information and outcomes, as well as input grantee-level data (such as professional
development activities). Data elements that will be included in the first two modules are outlined
in Appendix A and will be posted on the Employment and Training Administration Grantee
Youth CareerConnect Site. The purpose of this manual is to discuss the first and second
modules. In future months, functionality for reporting and random assignment will be added to
the PTS.


A. Accessing the site and creating your log in


Getting started


Minimum system requirements
For optimum performance, the PTS requires a current web browser. The PTS is designed so

that its web pages will work well with
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher. However,
certain web browsers could cause some PTS functionality to be downgraded, limited, or
available only through alternative steps.
Web browsers that are fully compatible with these browsers and older versions of these
browsers also may be suitable; however, the PTS does not design, maintain, or test for browsers
not listed above.
If you are not sure of the version of your browser, select “Help” in the menu bar of your web
browser and choose “About.”
If you are using Internet Explorer version 10 or version 11, turn off “Compatibility View”
by clicking the button next to the web address bar in the browser. (“Compatibility View” may
cause some areas of the PTS interfaces to not display as intended.)
The PTS requires the web browser to support Javascript. Your browser also should allow
pop-ups (external links open in a new window or tab) and accept session-based cookies. By
default, the major web browsers are configured to handle these requirements.
The PTS has been designed for a minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768.
b. Account creation and logging into the site
Before you can access the PTS, Mathematica will need to create an account for you. To
establish a new account, your grantee’s main PTS contact person must email with the request. For DOL staff, Evan Rosenberg can
submit this request. This email should include the name, organization, title, telephone number,
email address, and whether the user should have access to data for all schools within the grantee
or a subset of specific schools.
After your account is set up, you will be sent an account creation email to invite you to use
the system. Click on the link in the email to validate your email address. Your email address will
serve as your user name and is not case sensitive. You will then be prompted to create a secure,
case-sensitive password that is at least eight characters long and contains at least one letter, one
number, and one special character (such as !, @, #, $, or %). After you create your password, the
link in the account creation email will no longer be valid.
The PTS log-in page (Screenshot 2.1) will appear. Enter your user name (email address) and
password, then click on the “Log in” button.




Screenshot 2.1. PTS log in page


Password maintenance

If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link. You will be
prompted to enter your user name and will then receive an email with a link to reset your
password. You must complete the password reset within 15 minutes of receiving the email or the
link will become inactive. If that occurs, repeat this procedure to have an active link resent to
your email.
If you enter the wrong password three times within a single 24-hour period without
successfully logging in, your account will be locked and you will no longer be able to log in.
After each unsuccessful log in, you will be reminded of how many attempts remain before you
will be locked out of the system. You will then need to contact Mathematica
( to reset your account. After your account is reset, you
will receive an email with a link to create a new password. You must create the new password
within 15 minutes of receiving the email or the link will become inactive.
You also will be required to reset your password every 60 days. Upon logging into the PTS
following the 60-day expiration, you will receive notification to change your password
(Screenshot 2.2).




Screenshot 2.2. Password expiration notification


Log in procedures

After you successfully log in, the PTS will automatically take you to the welcome page
(Screenshot 2.3). To prevent unauthorized users from accessing the PTS, the system will
automatically log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Screenshot 2.3. PTS welcome page

Users will have varying levels of access to the system. Depending on whether you have
been designated as a grantee or a school-level user, you may be restricted from accessing certain
items on the top menu bar and/or data from the “Find Participant” menu. For example, users
designated by the grantee program administrator for a single school will only be able to view
detailed personal information for participants enrolled in their school.
B. Logging out of the PTS

To safely log out of the PTS system, click the “Log off” button, which appears in the top
right-hand corner on every screen (Screenshot 2.4). You will then be returned to the log in page.
Close your browser, including any tabs you had open (even if they are other websites).




Closing your browser window without first clicking “Log off” does not log you out of the
PTS system until 30 minutes of inactivity have passed.
Screenshot 2.4. Log off button

C. PTS support contact information

Contact information for the PTS can be found in the “Contact” link on the menu at the top of
the screen (Screenshot 2.5). (This menu will appear on nearly all pages and can be used to
navigate around the website.)
Screenshot 2.5. Contact link

Nontechnical issues. If you have any questions about the definitions of data elements
recorded in the PTS, reporting requirements, policy, or programmatic issues, refer to the DOL
data elements and definitions in Appendix A for clarification. If this does not resolve your issue,
please contact DOL program office staff at
Technical issues. If you have any technical issues logging into or operating the PTS, please
contact Mathematica’s YCC PTS Technical Support Team at Please include your site name, a detailed description of the issue, and your desired
form of contact (telephone/email), and we will work to resolve your issue as quickly as possible
(within one business day).


A. Find participant


Search PTS using search function

You can search for a participant within the PTS using the “Search” link on the menu at the
top of the screen (Screenshot 3.1). (This menu will appear on nearly all pages and can be used to
navigate around the website.)
Screenshot 3.1. Search link

You can search for a participant using any of the following criteria, but at least one of the
search criteria fields must be entered:



Student ID


First Name


Middle Name


Last Name


Grantee (DOL staff only)


Tracking School (for staff with access to multiple schools)


Date of Birth




Enrollment Date


Enrollment Status

After you have entered a search criterion for at least one of these options, the results will
populate in the bottom of the window (Screenshot 3.2). You can view the “Participant Summary”
screen with all the participant information by clicking on “View” next to each participant in the
search results.




Screenshot 3.2. PTS search results


Participant-level screens

After searching for a participant, you can review a summary of his or her information by
clicking on “View” in the search results screen. Clicking “View” will open a new set of screens:
“Participant Summary” (demographic and enrollment details), “Program Status,” “Case Notes,”
“Services,” “Short Term Outcomes,” and “Post-Exit Outcomes” (Screenshot 3.3).
Screenshot 3.3. Participant summary screen




B. Enroll participant


Check for duplicates using “Find Participant”

Before enrolling a participant, use the “Search” link on the menu at the top of the screen to
ensure that the participant is not already enrolled in the PTS. (See Section III.A.1 for instructions
on searching the PTS.)
On this screen, enter the participant’s first and last name, and date of birth. This will search
for all matching entries within the PTS to ensure that the participant has not already been
entered. If any results are returned, compare the participant’s name with the student ID and
school information to determine whether the participant is a duplicate. We recommend
attempting searches on variations of the name (such as Bill, Billy, William) to ensure that the
participant’s name has not previously been entered with a different spelling.
If you identify the student as a duplicate, you do not need to enter a new record.

Enroll participant

After confirming that the participant is not already in the PTS, click on the “Enroll” link on
the menu at the top of the screen (Screenshot 3.4). (This menu will appear on nearly all pages
and can be used to navigate around the website.)
Screenshot 3.4. Enroll participant link

Enter the relevant data into the PTS using the data entry screen (Screenshot 3.6). If you have
any questions about definitions for the data elements or how to enter them into the system, see
Appendix A, which contains DOL’s data elements and definitions. Data elements required to
save the record are marked with a red asterisk (*). Data elements required for a record to be
complete are marked with a green dagger (†). Please see page 13 for additional information on
complete and incomplete records. Although some fields are not required, we recommend that
program staff try to obtain as much information as possible from the participants and their
Some changes were made to this screen for the second iteration of the PTS (Screenshot 3.6).
If you entered participants in the system before these fields were added and updated, you must
update those records. These changes are:

The basic information fields now appear at the top of the screen, followed by the enrollment
information fields.


Fields for “Expected High School Graduation Date” and “Expected Cohort Completion
Date” have been added.

“Expected Cohort Completion Date” has replaced the field titled “Year that Program
Model Ends for Participant,” which has been deleted.





For participants who have selected an industry or occupational focus, a required question
has been added to indicate whether the participant is in an Industry/Occupational focus that
can result in a credential during the YCC program. If “No” is selected, you must enter the
date of the expected credential attainment post-program and the name of the expected
credential (Screenshot 3.5). If an industry or occupational focus has not been chosen, the
question about the expected credential will not appear.

Screenshot 3.5. Date of expected credential attainment post-program


The PTS now tracks ethnicity in a separate category from race (Screenshot 3.6). When
completing the “Race” portion of the enrollment screen, a record is considered complete if at
least one race category response is selected. Please see page 13 for additional information on
complete and incomplete records. Remember to click “Save” before logging out or closing
the page.

Screenshot 3.6. PTS enroll participant data entry page




The system will alert you if any implausible or unlikely information is entered on this screen
or throughout the entire PTS. A message describing each issue will be displayed in red text at the
top of the screen, and the field in question will be outlined in red. Screenshot 3.7 provides an
example of these error messages. To assist with data entry, date fields will provide a calendar for
date selection. In addition, the system will alert you to any missing data fields if you attempt to
save the case without completing all the required fields. You will be permitted to proceed if
some fields are left blank, but you will need to go back and fill in these required fields for
performance reporting as the information becomes available.




Screenshot 3.7. Error message

If the basic and enrollment fields have been entered and there are no errors invalidating the
data, the PTS will save the information entered on the form.
When you select “Save,” the PTS will perform a duplicate check by comparing the exact
spelling of the current participant’s name and date of birth to the records of all previously entered
participants in your grantee organization. Screenshot 3.8 provides an example of the error
message displayed when a duplicate is identified. If this occurs, the system will not save the data
entered for the current participant.
You may search on the YCC ID for the matching record and compare other data to further
confirm whether it is a true duplicate. If it is a duplicate, the newest record will not be saved, and
you should confirm that all enrollment information for the original record is still accurate. If you
need to update any of the fields, follow the steps outlined in Section III.C (“Updating participant
enrollment data”). If it is not a true duplicate, verify that you correctly entered all the information
for the new record. If it is still registering in the PTS as a duplicate, contact
Screenshot 3.8. Duplicate error message

Although only basic and enrollment information fields must be entered to save a record, all
fields, except “Student ID” and “Middle Name,” are required for a participant’s enrollment
information to be considered complete. Only complete records, in which all enrollment data have
been filled in, will be included in the Quarterly Performance Report (QPR). Fields that must be
updated for a record to be complete are marked with a green “†.” When you successfully save
the record, a message will display at the top of the “Participant Summary” screen indicating that




the record is complete and will be included in the QPR (see Screenshot 3.9). Incomplete records
will not be included in the QPR. Incomplete records can be identified from the “Find Participant”
screen by selecting “incomplete” for the “Enrollment Status” search criteria.
Screenshot 3.9. Confirmation messages displayed

Message displayed when record is saved and complete:

Message displayed when record is saved but all enrollment information is not completed:




C. Updating participant enrollment data

Data entry errors on a participant’s summary can be corrected by locating a participant in the
PTS using the search function, accessing “Participant Summary,” then clicking “Update
Enrollment” (Screenshots 3.10 and 3.11). This button will take you to a new screen, where
available fields will be displayed for updates. The second iteration of the PTS now includes
functionality where, after a given period, only certain fields will be available for update (for
example, “Industry and Occupation focus” and “Demographics”).

If you create a new record and do not complete it, after 30 days from the date the record was
created, you will be able to update only the fields shown below (Screenshot 3.10):

Screenshot 3.10. Updating enrollment data after 30 days (incomplete record)


If a record has been completed, after 30 days from the date the record was completed, you
will be able to update only the fields shown below (Screenshot 3.11):




Screenshot 3.11. Updating enrollment data after 30 days (completed record)




D. Adding and updating program status data

You may update a participant’s program status data by locating a participant in the PTS
using the search function, then selecting the tab titled “Program Status” (Screenshot 3.12).
Screenshot 3.12. Program status

On this screen, you will see the sections outlined below. Remember to click “Save” after
you have updated data in each section. “Save” buttons are labeled to identify the section of the
form you will be saving. Clicking “Save” in one section will not save data entered in another—
you must click “Save” for that section as well. You will receive a prompt before leaving a screen
if there are unsaved data entered.


The first section (Screenshot 3.12) maintains up to three school associations for each

The “School at time of Enrollment” field is automatically set with the school entered on the
“Participant Enrollment” screen when the record is created.


The “Attending School” is the school the participant is currently attending. This field will be
available for updating 30 days after the record has been created.






The “Tracking School” is the school that will need access to the participant data.

For the first 30 days after the record has been created, the “Tracking School,” “School at
time of Enrollment,” and “Attending School” will automatically synch with one another
and should be updated via the “Participant Summary” screen using directions outlined in
Section C above.


After 30 days, the “School at time of Enrollment” field will be set in the system, and
requests for changes must be sent to

You can update the Attending School by selecting a different school from the drop-down
menu and clicking “Save.” After you select “Save,” you will be given the option to also
update the Tracking School to match the Attending School. You may select “Yes” or “No.”
If you want to change only the Tracking School, update the Attending School, select “Yes”
to update the Tracking School, then change the Attending School back to the previous
selection and select “No” to leave the Tracking School as is.
Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this section.


Participation status

The second section (Screenshot 3.12) includes fields to enter the date of program
participation for the participant. When you click on the field, a calendar will appear to help you
more easily select the desired date. The date of program participation must be entered at the
beginning of each school year for every participating youth. This information will be used to
calculate the yearly program retention rate. The “Date of Most Recent Service” will
automatically populate based on data entered in the “Services” screen (outlined in Section IV).
This section also includes fields to document the participant’s “Exit Reason” and the
accompanying data. Using the drop-down menu, you can select from several exit reasons.

If you select “Successfully completed YCC program,” you must enter the exit date and
program completion date.


If you select “Other,” you must enter the exit date and specify the other reason for exit.


If you select any other option, you must enter the exit date.

Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this section. After you have selected an
exit reason and exit date, you will not be permitted to change this information after clicking
“Save.” If you need to update this field for a participant, please contact and
provide the reason for the change. DOL then will determine whether the change should be
implemented and will contact the PTS Technical Support Team to implement the change.

Number of high school days missed

The final section on the screen (Screenshot 3.12) provides fields to enter the number of high
school days missed for the participant, by quarter. All entries in these fields must be numeric, or
you will receive an error. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this section.



The second module of the PTS includes screens for tracking participant case notes and
service receipt. Services may be added to YCC participant records using (1) a group-level
process, which allows more than one student to be added to a service or industry-specific YCC
course at a single time; or (2) an individual-level process, for program services or internships.
Both of these processes are described in this section.
A. Adding case notes

You may create participant case notes by locating a participant in the PTS using the search
function, then selecting the tab titled “Case Notes” (Screenshot 4.1).
Screenshot 4.1. Case notes

You may enter a new note in the text field, then select “Add Note” to save it or “Clear” to
clear the text you have just entered. The “Notes History” is visible under the new note text box
and shows the date a note was entered and the staff who entered the note. You can view the full
text of the note by selecting “Read Full Note.” Clicking this link will fill the “Notes” text box
with the text for that note. Prior notes cannot be edited or deleted. Case notes are not required,
but they can be used to manage participants in the YCC program.
B. Group-level services

Group-level services can be added to more than one participant by adding the service
information to the “Group Services/Courses” section of the PTS. To access these screens, hover
over the “Group Services/Courses” link, then select “Group Services” (Screenshot 4.1). From
this screen, you may either enter a new service or search for an existing one.
Screenshot 4.2. Group services/courses





Adding and updating a group service

To add a new service, select the “Add New Event” button on the “Group Service Listing”
screen (Screenshot 4.3). For your convenience, there also is a link to “Group Service Listing” on
each participant’s “Program Services” tab.
Screenshot 4.3. Group service listing

Next, complete all fields in the “Event Information” portion of the screen (Screenshot 4.4).
This screen includes fields (from the drop-down menu) for “Date of Service,” “Name of Event,”
and “Service Category.” The service name should be entered so that the service can easily be
found in the PTS. For example, if an event occurs multiple times throughout the year, you should
include an identifier (such as “Résumé Workshop Fall 2014” or “Résumé Workshop October
2014”). If similar events are held on different dates across multiple schools, you should include
the school name (for example, “Engineering Job Talk—Main Street High School”).
After you have completed these fields, you may search the PTS using the “Search Criteria”
section to locate a list of possible participants to add to this service using any of the listed criteria
(for example, “Student ID,” “Industry Focus,” or “Attending School”). At least one participant
must be added to a service in order to save the record, but additional participants may be added
later. When searching for a list of possible participants to add to a service, students matching the
search criteria will populate in the section “Potential Participants” with their name and student
ID (for confirmation). Click the box in the “Select” column for participants who should be
included in the service, then select “Add Selected Participants.” This will move the student into
the “Participants of this Service” portion of the screen. You may also use the “Select All” or
“Deselect All” buttons to select more than one participant at a time. If you need to remove
participants from a service, click the box next to the student in the “Participants of this Service”
section, then select “Remove Selected Participants.”
This screen also allows for an iterative search process for participants. This means that, after
selecting participants using one search criterion (for example, “Attending School = Main St.
High School”), you can click the “Clear Criteria” button in the search and select another criterion
(for example, “Attending School = Pine St. High School”), and those matching participants will
populate in the “Potential Participants” section to be added in the same service without your
having to leave the screen. Staff with access to only a single school within a grantee will be able
to see all services for the grantee (with the ability to assign participants from their school to the
service) but will not be able to see the participants added to the service from other schools within
the grantee. Staff with access to all schools within a grantee will be able to see all participants
across schools in each service.




Screenshot 4.4. Record group service

Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this section. After a participant has been
added to a service, the information for that service will be populated on the participant’s service
history listing found on his or her “Program Services” tab (Screenshot 4.5; also outlined in
Section IV.D.1).
Screenshot 4.5. Participant program service history





Searching for an existing service

To search for an existing service, use the search criteria listed on the “Group Service
Listing” screen (date of service, name of event, or service category) and select “Search”
(Screenshot 4.6). Services matching the criteria you have entered will populate below the search
criteria. You may view the service information by selecting the “View” link, which will take you
to the “Event Information” page described in the previous section.
Screenshot 4.6. Group services search

C. Industry-specific YCC courses

YCC courses can be added to the PTS by adding the course information to the “Group
Services/Courses” section of the PTS. To access these screens, hover over the “Group
Services/Courses” link, then select “YCC Courses” (Screenshot 4.7). From this screen, you may
either enter a new course or search for an existing one. The procedures for adding and updating
courses are similar to those used to add or update a group service.
Screenshot 4.7. Group services/courses


Adding and updating an industry-specific YCC course

To add a new course, select the “Add New Course” button on the “Industry-Specific YCC
Course Listing” screen (Screenshot 4.8).
Screenshot 4.8. Course listing




Next, complete the required fields in the “Course Information” portion of the screen
(Screenshot 4.9). You must include the start date and name of course and indicate whether the
course is for YCC students only. The course end date is not required; however, as with all
nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend completing it whenever possible to help fully
clarify the records that have been entered. The course name should be entered so that the course
can easily be found in the PTS. For example, you may want to specify whether a course is
“Engineering Fall 2014” or “Engineering Spring 2014” within the name. As you will see below,
you will be able to search for courses using the start date. This may help you sort through the
larger list of courses that have been entered. If similar courses are held in multiple schools within
a grantee, you should include the school name (for example, “Engineering 101—Main Street
High School”).
Screenshot 4.9. Record industry-specific YCC course




After you have completed these fields, you may search the PTS using the “Search Criteria”
section to locate the participants you would like to add to this course using any of the listed
criteria (such as “Student ID,” “Industry Focus,” or “Attending School”). At least one participant
must be added to a course in order to save the record, but additional participants may be added
later. When searching for participants to add to a course, students matching the search criteria
will populate in the section “Potential Participants” with their name and student ID (for
confirmation). Click the box in the “Select” column for participants who should be included in
the event, then select “Add Selected Participants.” This will move the student into the
“Participants Registered for this Course” portion of the screen. You may also use the “Select
All” or “Deselect All” buttons to select more than one participant at a time. If you need to
remove participants from a course, click the box next to the student in the “Participants
Registered for this Course” section, then select “Remove Selected Participants.”
This screen also allows an iterative search process for participants. This means that, after
selecting participants using one search criterion (for example, “Attending School = Main St.
High School”), you can click the “Clear Criteria” button in the search and select another criterion
(for example, “Attending School = Pine St. High School”), and those matching participants will
populate in the “Potential Participants” section to be added in the same course without your
having to leave the screen. Staff with access to only a single school within a grantee will be able
to see all courses for the grantee (with the ability to assign participants from their school to the
course) but will not be able to see the participants added to the course from other schools within
the grantee. Staff with access to all schools within a grantee will be able to see all participants
across schools in each course.
The one additional step you must take for YCC course participation, not included in the
group service screen, is to indicate which students registered for the course have completed it. To
do this, open the “Course Information” screen and select the box in the “Course Completed”
column for each participant who completed the course. Remember to click “Save” when you
have updated this section. After a participant has been added to a course, the information for that
service will be populated on the participant’s course history listing (Screenshot 4.10; also
outlined in Section IV.D.4).
Screenshot 4.10. Participant course history





Searching for an existing industry-specific YCC course

To search for an existing course, use the search criteria listed on the “Industry-Specific YCC
Course Listing” screen (start date, end date, name of course, or YCC students only) and select
“Search” (Screenshot 4.11). Courses matching the criteria you have entered will populate below
the search criteria. You may view the course information by selecting the “View” link, which
will take you to the “Course Information” page described in the previous section.
Screenshot 4.11. Industry-specific YCC course search

D. Participant-level services

Participant-level services can be added to a single participant by locating a participant in the
PTS using the search function, then selecting the tab titled “Services.”

Program services

To create or update the programs services for a participant, locate the “Program Services”
tab (Screenshot 4.12).
Screenshot 4.12. Program services




In the top section of the screen, enter program services the participant has received, filling in
the date of service and selecting the service category. The event name is not required; however,
as with all nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend completing it whenever possible to help
fully clarify the records that have been entered. If the participant received the service in a group
setting, use the procedures outlined in the section above to add that participant to the group-level
service. For your convenience in entering group services, this screen includes a link to “Group
Service Listing.” When completing this section, date of service and service category are
required. When you have entered all information, click “Add.”
The participant’s program service history will populate in the bottom portion of this screen.
You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. If you select a service that was entered at the
individual level, the date of service, name of event, and service category will populate in the
“Program Service” section of the screen, where you can make any required updates. If you select
a group-level service, you will be taken to the group-level screen, where you can make any
required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this information.

Individual Development Plan and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

To update the Individual Development Plan (IDP) and Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) statuses for a participant, locate the “Individual Development Plan & FAFSA” tab
(Screenshot 4.13).
Screenshot 4.13. Individual Development Plan & FAFSA

On the left side of the screen, there is a field to indicate whether an IDP for the YCC
program has been completed. On the right side of the screen, there is a field to indicate whether
the participant has completed the FAFSA. If you wish to undo a selection, click the “Reset
Fields” button. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this section.


To create or update internships for a participant, locate the “Internships” tab (Screenshot
4.14). In the top section of the screen, complete all required fields.




Screenshot 4.14. Internships

Although not required to save a record, the fields for date completed and scored as work
ready are required for the record to be counted in the QPR for internship completion measure and
work readiness indicator. The name of the internship employer and job description are not
required; however, as with all nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend completing them
whenever possible to help fully clarify the records that have been entered. After you have entered
all information, click “Add.”
The participant’s internship history will populate in the bottom portion of this screen. You
can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the internship
details in the “Internships” section of the screen, where you can make any required updates. As
mentioned above, you will also need to go back to each internship record to indicate the date of
completion for that internship and whether the participant was scored as work ready. Remember
to click “Save” when you have updated this information.

Industry-specific YCC courses

To view YCC courses for a participant, locate the “Industry-Specific YCC Courses” tab
(Screenshot 4.15).
Screenshot 4.15. YCC course history

This screen will show you the course history for the participant. There is no place to create
participant-level courses on this screen; you must add participants to courses at the group level




using the procedures outline in Section IV.B.1. For your convenience, this screen includes a link
to the “YCC Course Listing.” If you wish to update course information, indicate that the
participant has completed the course, or remove the participant from the course, select the “Edit”
link next to the course on the “Course History” page, and you will be taken to the “Course
Information” page.



Short-term outcomes can be added and updated for a participant by locating a participant in
the PTS using the search function, then selecting the tab titled “Short Term Outcomes.”

Post-secondary credit

To add post-secondary credits for a participant, locate the “Post-Secondary Credit” tab
(Screenshot 5.1).
Screenshot 5.1. Post-secondary credit

On this screen, enter the number of credits received or expected for a course that could lead
to post-secondary credit. Enter the relevant data for each course, including all required fields
(date of course completion, type of post-secondary credit, number of hours of credit). The name
of course completed and name of school at which course was completed are not required;
however, as with all nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend completing them whenever
possible to help fully clarify the records that have been entered. When you have entered all
information, click “Add.”
The participant’s post-secondary credit history will populate in the bottom portion of this
screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
post-secondary credit details in the “Post-Secondary Credit” section of the screen, where you can
make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this information.

Recognized credentials

To add recognized credentials for a participant, locate the “Recognized Credentials” tab
(Screenshot 5.2).




Screenshot 5.2. Recognized credentials

The first section of this screen contains a field to indicate the date the participant attained a
high school diploma. Although this field is not required to save a record, it is required for the
record to be counted in the QPR for the high school diploma attainment measure. In the second
section of the screen, you may enter recognized credentials. Enter the relevant data in the three
required fields (“Attainment Date,” “Name,” and “Type”). After you have entered all
information, click “Add.”
The participant’s recognized credentials history will populate in the bottom portion of this
screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
recognized credentials details in the “Recognized Credentials” section of the screen, where you
can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this

Unsubsidized employment during program

To add information about unsubsidized employment that a participant held during the YCC
program, locate the “Unsubsidized Employment during Program” tab (Screenshot 5.3).




Screenshot 5.3. Unsubsidized employment during program

On this screen, enter all data for each job. For your convenience, there is a link to the
O*NET Occupational Listings. When you have entered all information, click “Add.”
The participant’s unsubsidized employment during the YCC program history will populate
in the bottom portion of this screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking
“Edit” will populate the unsubsidized employment during program details in the “Unsubsidized
Employment during YCC Program” section of the screen, where you can make any required
updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this information.

Participant satisfaction

To add yearly satisfaction data for a participant, locate the “Participant Satisfaction” tab
(Screenshot 5.4).
Screenshot 5.4. Participant satisfaction

On this screen, select a “Yes” or “No” response from the drop-down menu for each
applicable year. Remember to click “Save” after you have updated this information.



Post-exit outcomes can be added and updated for a participant by locating a participant in
the PTS using the search function, then selecting the tab titled “Post-Exit Outcomes.” This tab
will be visible only after you have indicated an exit reason and exit date on the “Program Status”
tab for the participant.

Unsubsidized employment

To add or update post-program unsubsidized employment for a participant, locate the
“Unsubsidized Employment” tab (Screenshot 6.1).
Screenshot 6.1. Post-exit unsubsidized employment

On this screen, enter all data for each employment. For your convenience, there is a link to
the O*NET Occupational Listings. When you have entered all information, click “Add.” Only
employment information for unsubsidized jobs that participants are in after they have exited
from the YCC program should be included.
The participant’s unsubsidized employment history will populate in the bottom portion of
this screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
unsubsidized employment details in the “Unsubsidized Employment” section of the screen,
where you can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated
this information.

Post-secondary education

To add or update post-program post-secondary education for a participant, locate the “PostSecondary Education” tab (Screenshot 6.2).




Screenshot 6.2. Post-secondary education

In the top section of the screen, enter all required data for each post-secondary education
field. The post-secondary school name is not required; however, as with all nonrequired fields in
the PTS, we recommend completing it whenever possible to help fully clarify the records that
have been entered. When you have entered all information, click “Add.” Only post-secondary
education information for post-secondary education that participants are in after they have exited
from the YCC program should be included.
The participant’s post-secondary education history will populate in the bottom portion of
this screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
post-secondary education details in the “Post-Secondary Education” section of the screen, where
you can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this

Occupational skills training

To add post-program occupational skills training for a participant, locate the “Occupational
Skills Training” tab (Screenshot 6.3).
Screenshot 6.3. Occupational skills training

On this screen, enter all data for each occupational skills training. For your convenience,
there is a link to the O*NET Occupational Listings. When you have entered all information,




click “Add.” Only occupational skills training information for occupational skills training that
participants are in after they have exited from the YCC program should be included.
The participant’s occupational skills training history will populate in the bottom portion of
this screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
occupational skills training details in the “Occupational Skills Training” section of the screen,
where you can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated
this information.

Registered apprenticeship

To add post-program registered apprenticeships for a participant, locate the “Registered
Apprenticeship” tab (Screenshot 6.4).
Screenshot 6.4. Registered apprenticeship

On this screen, enter all data for each registered apprenticeship. For your convenience, there
is a link to the O*NET Occupational Listings. After you have entered all information, click
“Add.” Only registered apprenticeship information for registered apprenticeships that
participants are in after they have exited from the YCC program should be included.
The participant’s registered apprenticeship history will populate in the bottom portion of this
screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the
registered apprenticeship details in the “Registered Apprenticeship” section of the screen, where
you can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have finished updating
this information.



Grantee information can be added and updated for each grantee by selecting the tab titled
“Grantee” (Screenshot 7.1). This link will be visible only to grantee-level staff.
Screenshot 7.1. Grantee link


Professional development

To add professional development activities for a grantee, locate the “Professional
Development Activities” tab (Screenshot 7.2).
Screenshot 7. 2. Professional development

On this screen, enter all required data for each professional development activity. Activity
name is not required; however, as with all nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend
completing it whenever possible to help fully clarify the records that have been entered. For
example, if an activity occurs multiple times throughout the year, you should include an
identifier (such as “Team Leadership Workshop Fall 2014” or “Team Leadership Workshop
October 2014”). If similar activities are held on different dates across multiple schools, you
should include the school name (for example, “Team Leadership Workshop—Main Street High
School”). When you have entered all information, click “Add.”
The grantee’s professional development activity history will populate in the bottom portion
of this screen. You can edit any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate
the professional development activity details in the “Activity Information” section of the screen,
where you can make any required updates. Remember to click “Save” when you have updated
this information.





Number of high school days

To add the number of school days, locate the “Number of High School Days” tab
(Screenshot 7.3).
Screenshot 7.3. Number of high school days

These data will be used in the calculation of attendance and chronic absence rates. On this
screen, enter the number of school days for each program year, by quarter. Remember to click
“Save” when you have updated this information.


To add schools within a grantee, or to edit a school’s name, locate the “Schools” tab
(Screenshot 7.4). Participants tied to your newly created school will only be visible to grantee
level staff who have access to all schools’ data. See the FAQ section regarding requesting user
access for school-level users whom will need access to the participants’ data in any newly
created school.
Screenshot 7.4. Schools

On this screen, enter all required data for each school. The NCES ID is not required;
however, as with all nonrequired fields in the PTS, we recommend completing it whenever
possible to help fully clarify the records that have been entered. When you have entered all
information, click “Add.”




The grantee’s school listing will populate in the bottom portion of this screen. You can edit
any entry by selecting the “Edit” link. Clicking “Edit” will populate the school details in the
“School Information” section of the screen, where you can make any required updates.
Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this information.

School years

On this screen, the grantee should enter the start and end date for each school year at the
high school level (Screenshot 7.5).
Screenshot 7.5. School years

Remember to click “Save” when you have updated this information.


Accessing the site

I never received an email. How do I set up my account?

Check with your grantee’s main PTS contact person and confirm that your information was
submitted to Mathematica.


If your information was submitted, contact for


If your information was not submitted, the grantee’s main PTS contact should email and include the name, organization, title, telephone
number, email address, and whether you should have access to data from all schools within
the grantee or from specific schools only.

I forgot my password.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link. You will
receive an email with a link to change your password. You must complete the password
change and log in within 15 minutes of receiving the email or the link will become inactive
and your account will be locked.


If you enter the wrong password three times, your account will be locked. After each
unsuccessful log in, you will be reminded of how many attempts remain before you will be
locked out of the system. You will then need to contact Mathematica
( to reset your password. After your password is reset,
you will receive an email with a link to create a new password. You must create the new
password and log in within 15 minutes of receiving the email or the link will become

What if someone else at my site needs to access the system and they don’t have their own
log in?

Your grantee’s main PTS contact should email and
include the name, organization, title, telephone number, email address, and whether you
should have access to data from all schools within the grantee or specific schools only.

What if I want to change a user’s access level within the PTS (for example, changing access
from a subset of schools to all schools within a grantee)?

Contact and include the name of the user and the
appropriate access level.

Data entry in the PTS

What if I’m not sure what to enter for a particular data field?

If you have any questions about definitions for the data elements or how to enter them into
the system, see Appendix A, which contains DOL’s data elements and definitions. If this
does not resolve your issue, please contact DOL at




What if I can’t find a participant but I think there should be a record?

If you entered a participant, but cannot find him or her using the search function, contact with a detailed description of the issue.


In your email, do not include any information that may personally identify the participant.
Please include a telephone number for our support team to call you if we need to collect
more information to identify the participant.

What if the system says there is a duplicate and I can’t tell if it’s the same person?

Make sure you are reviewing all fields on the “Participant Summary” screen and comparing
the participant’s full name, gender, date of birth, student ID, school, and other demographic
information. A match on name alone may not indicate a duplicate, because names
sometimes can be misspelled.

What if I entered a case note I no longer want to be available? Can it be deleted?

Case notes cannot be updated or deleted after they have been saved. We recommend
entering a new note stating which notes should be disregarded. If it is absolutely necessary
to remove a note, contact with the participant’s YCC
ID and the Note ID for the note you would like removed.

I don’t see the “Post-Exit Outcomes” tab for a participant.

This tab will not become visible until you have updated the participant’s “Program Status”
with an exit reason. After this has been done, the “Post- Exit Outcomes” tab will be

I can’t click on the “Group Services/Courses” link to access these screens.

If you wish to access the group services or courses screens, you must hover (move your
mouse over) the link for “Group Services/Courses.” Doing this will cause links for each of
those screens to appear.

The field I want to edit is now locked and won’t allow me to make any updates.

If you need to make an update to a locked field, please contact with the participant’s YCC ID and a description of the issue.


Please contact if you need to update the exit reason for a participant and
provide the reason for the change. DOL then will determine whether the change should be
implemented and will contact the PTS Technical Support Team to implement the change.



Data Element Name

Data Definition

Code Value


All 100s data elements are participant characteristics elements based on status at enrollment

First name

Record the participant's first name

text field



Middle name

Record the participant's middle name. Leave blank if not available.

text field



Last name

Record the participant's last name

text field



Record the NCES ID number for the high school where the participant enrolled in the YCC
Record the name of the high school where the participant enrolled in the YCC program.

numeric value


text field



NCES ID of high school
at enrollment
Name of high school
at enrollment
Student ID

text field



Date of Birth

Record the student identifer used by the participating school or district. This is an optional
data element that grantees can use to track participants.
Record the participant's date of birth.





Record 1 if the individual indicates that he is male.
Record 2 if the individual indicates that she is female.
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify gender.

1 = Male
2 = Female
NA = Individual did not self-identify



Individual with a

Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she has any "disability," as defined in Section
1 = Yes
3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, 0 = No
a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the
NA = Individual did not disclose
person's major life activities. (For definitions and examples of "physical or mental
impairment" and "major life activities," see paragraphs (1) and (2) of the definition of the term
"disability" in 29 CFR 37.4, the definition section of the WIA non-discrimination regulations.).
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not have a disability that meets the
definition above.
Record NA if the individual does not wish to disclose his/her disability status


Category of Disability Record the appropriate number(s) that matches the category of disability from the list below:
1. Autism - means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal
communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely
affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism
are engaging in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental
change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. The term
autism does not apply if the child’s educational performance is adversely affected primarily
because the child has an emotional disturbance, as defined in #5 below.
2. Deaf-Blindness means concomitant [simultaneous] hearing and visual impairments, the
combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and
educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely
for children with deafness or children with blindness.
3. Deafness means a hearing impairment so severe that a child is impaired in processing
linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification, that adversely affects a
child’s educational performance.
4. Developmental Delay for children from birth to age three (under IDEA Part C) and children
from ages three through nine (under IDEA Part B), the term developmental delay, as defined
by each State, means a delay in one or more of the following areas: physical development;
cognitive development; communication; social or emotional development; or adaptive
[behavioral] development.
5. Emotional Disturbance means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following
characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a
child’s educational performance:
(a) An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors.
(b) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and
(c) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances.
(d) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression.
(e) A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school
The term includes schizophrenia. The term does not apply to children who are socially
maladjusted, unless it is determined that they have an emotional disturbance.
6. Hearing Impairment means an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating,
that adversely affects a child’s educational performance but is not included under the
Ethnicity: Hispanic/
1 ifofthe
individual indicates that he/she is a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican,



1 = Autism
2 = Deaf-Blindness
3 = Deafness
4 = Developmental Delay
5 = Emotional Disturbance
6 = Hearing Impairment
7 = Intellectual Disability
8 = Multiple Disabilities
9 = Orthopedic Impairment
10 = Other Health Impairment
11 = Specific Learning Disability
12 = Speech or Language Impairment
13 = Traumatic Brain Injury
14 = Visual Impairment


1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual did not self-identify



Race: American Indian Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original 1 = Yes
or Alaska Native
peoples of North America and South America (including Central America), and who maintains 0 = No
cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
NA = Individual did not self-identify
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.



Race: Asian



Race: Black or African Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the black
racial groups of Africa.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.



South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her ethnicity.

Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original 1 = Yes
peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent (e.g., India, Pakistan,
0 = No
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan). This area includes, for example, Cambodia, NA = Individual did not self-identify
China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual did not self-identify


Data Element Name
Race: Native Hawaiian
or other Pacific

Data Definition

Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original 1 = Yes
peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
0 = No
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
NA = Individual did not self-identify
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.



Race: White

Record 1 if the individual indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original 1 = Yes
peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
0 = No
Record 0 if the individual indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
NA = Individual did not self-identify
Record NA if the individual does not self-identify his/her race.



Eligible Veteran Status Record 1 If the individual is a person who served in the active U.S. military, naval, or air service
for a period of less than or equal to 180 days, and who was discharged or released from such
service under conditions other than dishonorable.
Record 2 If the individual served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days and was
discharged or released with other than dishonorable discharge; or was discharged or released
because of a service connected disability; or as a member of a reserve component under an
order to active duty pursuant to section 167 (a), (d), or (g), 673 (a) of Title 10, U.S.C., served
on active duty during a period of war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign
badge was authorized and was discharged or released from such duty with other than a
dishonorable discharge.
Record 3 If the individual is a person who is:
(a) the spouse of any person who died on active duty or of a service-connected disability;
(b) the spouse of any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who at the time of
application under this part, is listed, pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 101 and the regulations issued
under, by the Secretary concerned, in one or more of the following categories and has been so
listed for more than 90 days:
(i) missing in action;
(ii) captured in the line of duty by a hostile force; or
(iii) forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power; or
(c) the spouse of any person who has a total disability permanent in nature resulting from a
service-connected disability or the spouse of a veteran who died while a disability so
evaluated was in existence.
Record 0 If the individual does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Record NA if the data is not available.

1 = Yes, <= 180 days
2 = Yes, Eligible Veteran
3 = Yes, Other Eligible Person
0 = No
NA = Data not available



Grade at time of

9 = 9th grade
10 = 10th grade
11 = 11th grade


Use the appropriate code to record the highest school grade completed by the individual.
Record 9 if the individual's grade at time of enrollment was 9th grade
Record 10 if the individual's grade at time of enrollment was was 10th grade
Record 11 if the individual's grade at time of enrollment was 11th grade

Code Value



Homeless Individual Record 1 if the participant is a person who lacks a fixed, regular, adequate night time
1 = Yes
and/or runaway youth residence. This definition includes any individual who has a primary night time residence that 0 = No
is a publicly or privately operated shelter for temporary accommodation; an institution
NA = Individual did not disclose
providing temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or a public or
private place not designated for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for
human beings; or a person under 18 years of age who absents himself or herself from home
or place of legal residence without the permission of his or her family (i.e., runaway youth).
This definition does not include an individual imprisoned or detained under an Act of Congress
or State law. An individual who may be sleeping in a temporary accommodation while away
from home should not, as a result of that alone, be recorded as homeless.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Record NA if the participant chose not to disclose.









Record 1 if the participant is a person who either (a) is or has been subject to any stage of the
criminal justice process for committing a status offense or delinquent act, or (b) requires
assistance in overcoming barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or
conviction for committing delinquent acts, such as crimes against persons, crimes against
property, status offenses, or other crimes.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Record NA if individual did not disclose.
Low Income:
Record 1 if the participant is eligible for the free lunch program
Free/Reduced Lunch Record 2 if the participant is eligible for the reduced lunch program
Record 3 if the participant is not eligible for the free or reduced lunch program
Note: If student level data is not available report based on school level
Record NA if not available
Limited English
Record 1 if the participant is a person who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or
Language Proficiency understanding the English language and (a) whose native language is a language other than
English, or (b) who lives in a family or community environment where a language other than
English is the dominant language.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Pregnant or Parenting Record 1 if the participant is a person who is either under 22 years of age and who is
pregnant, or an individual (male or female) who is providing custodial care for one or more
dependents under age 18.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Record NA if participant did not disclose.
Foster Care Youth
Record 1 if the participant is a person who is currently in foster care or has been in the foster
care system at any point during his/her lifetime.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Record NA if participant did not disclose.

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual did not disclose

1 = free lunch program eligible
2 = reduced lunch program eligible
3 = is not eligible for free or reduced lunch
NA = not available
1 = Yes
0 = No

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual did not self identify


1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual did not self identify


Data Element Name
Industry focus in YCC




Data Definition

Code Value


Record the two-digit NAICS code for the industry focus that the student chose in the YCC
program. If the participant's focus is not industry-specific, then leave blank and enter the
occupational focus.
Record "Student Has Not Yet Selected" if the program model allows the student to delay
selection of an industry focus. This item must be updated once the student selects a focus.
Note that industry focus and/or occupational focus must be entered for all participants.

two-digit NAICS code


two-digit O*NET code


Occupational focus in Record the two-digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the occupational
focus that the student chose in the YCC program. If the participant's focus is not occupationspecific, then leave blank and enter the industry-focus.
Record "Student Has Not Yet Selected" if the program model allows the student to delay
selection of an occupational focus. This item must be updated once the student selects a
Note that industry focus and/or occupational focus must be entered for all participants.
Credential expected Record 1 if the participant has a YCC industry or occupational focus that is expected to result
during YCC program in an industry-recognized credential during program participation.
Record 0 if the participant has a YCC industry or occupational focus that is not expected to
result in an industry-recognized credential during program participation.
Date of expected
If the participant is not expected to receive a credential during program participation based on
credential attainment the data element above, record the date when the participant is expected to get a credential
after program completion.
Name of expected
If the participant is not expected to receive a credential during program participation based on
the data element above, record the name of the credential that the participant is expected to
get a credential after program completion.
Date of expected high Record the date (month & year only) in which participant is expected to receive his/her high
school graduation
school diploma

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Individual has not yet selected a focus


text field




Date of expected
Record the date (month & year only) in which participant is expected to complete the YCC
Cohort Completion
All 200s data elements are grantee information




numeric value






Record the local educational agency ID number

202 -205 Enrollment Goals

Record the grantee enrollment goal for each year of the program. This should be entered for numeric value
all four years. Note: enrollment goals are only for new participants that will be enrolled in
each year of the program.
206 - 221 Number of school
Record the number of high school days in each quarter of the program. This should be
numeric value
days in each quarter entered for all 16 quarters of the program. This data is used to calculate the attendance rate
and chronic absence rate performance measures.
Record the date on which a staff member receives formal professional development related YYYYMMDD
Development Activity to the YCC program.
Type of Professional Mark all that apply.
1 = integrated academic and career focused
Development Activity Record 1 if related to integrated academic and career focused learning
Record 2 if related to employer engagement
2 = employer engagement
Record 3 if related to individualized career and academic counseling
3 = individualized career and academic
Record 4 if related to work-based learning and exposure to the world of work
Record 5 if related to program performance and reporting
4 = work-based leaning and exposure to
Record 6 if related to other topics
5 = performance and reporting
6 = other
Name of Professional Record the name of the professional development activity.
text field
Development Activity



numeric value






Number of Staff who Record the number of staff members who attended the professional development activity.
Attended Professional
Development Activity


School year start date Record the date of the start of the grantee's high school year. This should be added as each
year's school calendar becomes available.
School year end date Record the date of the end of the grantee's high school year. This should be added as each
year's school calendar becomes available.
All 300s data elements are participant tracking information during the program

Date of Enrollment

301 -304 Date of Program





Record the date an individual enrolls in the YCC program. Enrollment means a youth has
completed all of the necessary eligibility information and program consent forms and receives
this/her first service funded by the program.
Record the date on which the individual begins receiving his/her first service funded by the
program. This should be entered at the beginning of each school year in order to track
participation in each year they are in the program. An individual may have up to four program
participation dates. This will be used to measure the yearly program retention rate.




Date of Program

Record the date on which the last education/job training activity funded by the program is
received by the participant and the participant has successfully completed all phases of the




Date of Exit

Record the date on which the last service funded by the program is received by the
participant. Any participant that is no longer part of the YCC program, regardless of whether
they successfully completed the program, must have a date of exit.



Data Element Name
Reason for Exit

Data Definition

Code Value


Record 1 if the participant is residing in an institution or facility providing 24-hour support
such as a prison or hospital and is expected to remain in that institution for at least 90 days.
Record 2 if the participant is receiving medical treatment that precludes entry into
unsubsidized employment or continued participation in the program. Does not include
temporary conditions expected to last for less than 90 days.
Record 3 if the participant was found to be deceased or no longer living.
Record 4 if the participant is providing care for a family member with a health/medical
condition that precludes entry into unsubsidized employment or continued participation in
the program. Does not include temporary conditions expected to last for less than 90 days.
Record 5 if the participant is a member of the National Guard or other reserve military unit
and is called to active duty for at least 90 days.
Record 6 if the participant is in the foster care system or any other mandated residential
program and has moved from the area as part of such a program or system (exclusion for
youth participants only).
Record 7 if the participant dropped out of the YCC program but remained enrolled in high
Record 8 if the
participant both dropped out of the YCC program and dropped out of high school.
Record 9 if the participant successfully completed and exited the YCC program.
Record 0 if the participant exited for a reason other than one of the conditions described

1 = Institutionalized
2 =Health/Medical
3 = Deceased
4 = Family Care
5 = Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty
6 = Relocated to Mandated Residential
7 = Dropped out of YCC program but
remained in high school
8 = Dropped out of YCC and high school
9 = Successfully completed YCC program
0 = Other



School attending

When a new participant record is created, this data element will be automatically
numeric value
prepopulated with the NCESID of the high school at enrollment. If a participant changes
schools during the course of the program to another YCC partner school (either a high school
or postsecondary school) and will continue to receive YCC services at that new school, record
the ID of the new school as the school the student is attending.


PTS tracking school

When a new participant record is created, this data element will be automatically
prepopulated with the NCESID of the high school at enrollment. This data element will be used
by the PTS to assign user rights to access the participant's data. When the "School attending"
data element is changed, the PTS will prompt the user to decide whether to shift the PTS
tracking school as well. If user rights to the participants' data should be shifted to the new
school, record the NCESID of the new school.
310 - 325 Number of school
Record the number of school days the individual was absent in each quarter of the program.
days missed in quarter This should be entered for all 16 quarters of the program. This data is used to calculate the
attendance rate and chronic absence rate performance measures.
FAFSA Completion
Record 1 if the participant has completed FAFSA. Record 0 if the participant has not
completed FAFSA.
Record 1 if the participant has completed their initial Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Development Plan
Record 0 if the participant has not completed their initial IDP. An IDP is an individual plan that
address post-secondary preparation, such as planning that includes the completion of the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or continued education/training,
employment, or both. Each participant’s IDP should include career objectives, a program of
study, degree and/or certificate objectives, and work experiences; the IDP is a living document
and should be reviewed and updated regularly throughout participation in the program.

Counseling Date of


Community Service
Learning date of


Mentoring Date of


Work Experience
Activity Date of



numeric value


numeric value


1 = Yes
0 = No
1 = Yes
0 = No


For each quarter, record the date on which the participant received career/academic
counseling. Career and academic counseling is individualized counseling that includes career
and post-secondary awareness and exploration opportunities beyond the high school
experience. This may be entered for up to 16 quarters. Note: while DOL expects this service
will occur more frequently than once per quarter, it is only necessary to enter the first date in
the quarter on which this service occurs.
For each quarter, record the date on which the participant participated in community service YYYYMMDD
learning. Community service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that actively engages
participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities that simultaneously teach
civic responsibility and strengthen communities. Learning activities incorporate participant
reflection and are designed to develop work readiness skills and positive behaviors, such as
leadership, time management, teamwork, and respect for authority and fellow participants.
This may be entered for up to 16 quarters. Note: while DOL expects this service will occur
more frequently than once per quarter, it is only necessary to enter the first date in the
quarter on which this service occurs.
For each quarter, record the date on which the participant participated in mentoring.
Mentoring includes one-on-one, group, and/or service-based mentoring in which program
participants are matched with adult mentors, preferably in the selected high-growth H-1B
industry(ies) or occupation(s). Mentors should have frequent contact with program
participants over a prolonged period of at least one year and should provide guidance in
navigating their identified career pathway. While group mentoring is an acceptable type of
mentoring service, all participants that receive formal mentoring must be assigned a mentor
and also receive one on one mentoring. This may be entered for up to 16 quarters. Note:
while DOL expects this service will occur more frequently than once per quarter, it is only
necessary to enter the first date in the quarter on which this service occurs.


For each quarter, record the date on which the participant participated in a work experience YYYYMMDD
other than an internship. Work experiences may include: job shadowing, exposure to various
aspects of an industry, and other exposures to the world of work. This may be entered for up
to 16 quarters. Note: while DOL expects this service will occur more frequently than once per
quarter, it is only necessary to enter the first date in the quarter on which this service occurs.


Employer Service in
For each quarter, record the date on which the employer provided a service within the High YYYYMMDD
School Date of Service School. An employer service includes services provider directly by the employer in a school
setting, such as career fairs, career exploration talks, mock interviews, etc. This may be
entered for up to 16 quarters. Note: while DOL expects this service will occur more frequently
than once per quarter, it is only necessary to enter the first date in the quarter on which this
service occurs.




Data Element Name
Supportive Service
Date of Service



Data Definition

Code Value


For each quarter, record the date on which the participant received a supportive service.
Support services include; (a) assistance with transportation; (b) assistance with child care and
dependent care; (c) assistance with housing; (d) referrals to medical services; and (e)
assistance with uniforms or other appropriate work attire and work-related tools, including
such items as eye glasses and protective eye gear. This may be entered for up to 16 quarters.
Note: while DOL expects this service will occur more frequently than once per quarter, it is
only necessary to enter the first date in the quarter on which this service occurs.


For each quarter, record the date on which the participant participated in a leadership
Development Service development service. Leadership development services include, but are not limited to,
Date of Service
opportunities that encourage responsibility, employability, and other positive social behaviors
such as: (a) exposure to post-secondary educational opportunities; (b) community and service
learning projects; (c) peer-centered activities, including peer mentoring and tutoring; (d)
organizational and team work training, including team leadership training; (e) training in
decision making, including determining priorities; and (f) citizenship training, including life
skills training such as parenting, work behavior training, and budgeting of resources. This may
be entered for up to 16 quarters. Note: while DOL expects this service will occur more
frequently than once per quarter, it is only necessary to enter the first date in the quarter on
which this service occurs.
Name of Program
Record the name (i.e. description) of the program service.
text field
Internship Date of
For each quarter, record the date on which the participant participated in a paid or unpaid
internship. An internship is a planned and structured learning experience that takes place in
the workplace for a limited period of time. The internship provides the individual with a
monitored or supervised work experience in his or her industry/occupational focus where the
individual has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he or she is learning
throughout the experience. These learning goals can include: academic learning, career
development, and skill development. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Note: while DOL
expects this service will occur more frequently than once per quarter, it is only necessary to
enter the first date in the quarter on which this service occurs.


337 -338 Date Entered Unpaid
339 -340 Date Completed
341-342 Paid or Unpaid


If applicable record the date the participant began their first internship. This should be
entered a second time if the participant participates in two internships.
If applicable record the date the participant completed their first internship. This should be
entered a second time if the participant completes a second internship.
Record 1 if the internship is paid
Record 2 if the internship is unpaid
This should be entered a second time if the participant has a second internship.
Internship Employer Record 1 if the place of internship employment is a formal grantee partner
as Grant Partner?
Record 0 if the place of internship employment is not a formal grantee partner
Industry Code for
Record the two-digit NAICS code for the industry of the internship.
Record 00 if unknown.
Note that industry focus and/or occupational focus must be entered for all participants who
held an internships.
Occupational Code for Record the 0-digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the occupational
focus that the student chose in the YCC program. If the participant's focus is not occupationspecific, then leave blank and enter the industry-focus in item 120.
Record 00000000 if unknown.
Note that industry focus and/or occupational focus must be entered for all participants who
held an internship.
Name of Internship
Record the name of the employer in which the participant enters internship.
Internship Job
Record the decription of the internship job.
348-357 Date began Industry- Record the date the participant began an industry-specific YCC course. This includes a high
specific YCC course
school or post-secondary course taken during the program that is specific to a participant’s
industry focus.This should be entered for each industry-specific YCC course.





1 = Paid
2 = Unpaid


1 = Yes
0 = No




text field


text field




358-367 Completed industryspecific YCC course

Record 1 if the participant completed the industry-specific YCC course
Record 0 if the participant did not complete the industry-specific YCC course
Leave blank if the course is on-going
Record the name of the industry-specific YCC course

1 = Completed
0 = Did not Complete
Blank = Course is on-going
text field


Record 1 if the course attended was specific only to YCC students
Record 0 if non-YCC students also attended the course
Record pertinent information about participant, not captured elsewhere..

1 = YCC only
0 = Not YCC only
text field


1 = Yes
0 = No


1 = Yes
0 = No




368-377 Name of industryspecific YCC course
378-387 YCC-only industryspecific course
388-397 Case Notes




All 400s date elements are short-term indicators
401-404 Participant

Record 1 if the participant was satisfied with the program based on an annual participant
satisfaction survey. Participant satisfaction should be measured each year by survey and
entered for each year the participant was enrolled in the program.
Record 0 if the participant was not satisfied with the program.
405 - 408 Work Readiness
Record 1 if the participant scores as work ready on the work readiness indicator at the
Indicator for
completion of the internship.
Record 0 if the participant does score as work ready on the work readiness indicator. This
should be recorded for each internship that is completed (for both paid and unpaid
Post-Secondary Credit Record the date on which the participant completed a course that could lead to the
Attainment Date
attainment of post-secondary credits

Type of PostSecondary Credit

Record 1 if the course that could lead to post-secondary credit was completed in high school. 1 = Yes
Record 0 if the course that could lead to post-secondary credit was completed in college.
0 = No


Number of Hours of For each date attained post-secondary credit, record the number of credit hours attained or
Post-Secondary Credit the minimum hours of that could be awarded if credit hours were accepted.

numeric value



Data Element Name
Name of Course

Data Definition

Code Value


Record the name of the course completed that could lead to post-secondary credit

text field



School at which
Course was

Record the name of the school at which the course was completed that could lead to postsecondary credit attainment.

School Name



Entered Unsubsidized
Employment During
YCC Program



Date Entered
Employment During
YCC Program
Industry Code of
Employment During
YCC Program
Occupational Code of
Employment During
YCC Program

Record 1 if the participant entered unsubsidized employment during YCC program
1 = Yes
Blank = No
Leave "blank" if the individual has not entered unsubsidized employment during YCC program
Note that each unsubsidized job that the participant obtains that meets the DOL definition
should be recorded in the PTS.
Record the date the participant entered unsubsidized employment during YCC program
participation. Note that this date should fall between the date of YCC program enrollment
and the date of exit from YCC.

Record the two-digit NAICS code for the industry of the unsubsidized employment during YCC 00
program participation.
Record 00 if unknown.


Record the 8-digit occupational code that best describes the individual's employment during 00000000
YCC program participation using the O*Net Version 4.0 (or later versions) classification system.





Record 00 if unknown
Additional Notes: If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as
many digits as are available.


Name of Employer
during YCC Program
Is Unsubsidized
Employment During
YCC Program
Participation a
summer job?
High School Diploma
Attainment Date
Date Attained
Recognized Credential

Record the name of the employer in which the participant enters unsubsidized employment
during YCC program paticipation.





Text field


Record 1 if the unsubsidized employment during YCC program participation is a summer job. 1 = Yes
Record 0 if the unsubsidized employment during YCC program participation is NOT a summer 0 = No

Record the date on which the participant received their high school diploma.



Record the date on which the individual attained an industry-recognized credential. The term YYYYMMDD
credential refers to certification of an individual’s attainment of measurable technical or
occupational skills necessary to obtain employment or advance within an occupation. Industryrecognized credentials are either developed or endorsed by a nationally-recognized industry
association or organization or are sought or accepted by employers within the industry sector
for purposes of hiring or recruitment. The credential must be awarded by a third party, such
as an educational institution or a professional, industry, or employer organization. Industryrecognized credentials demonstrate core competencies and meet industry standards for
specific industry occupations. Examples of industry-recognized credentials include: Associates
and Bachelor’s degrees; Registered Apprenticeship certificates; occupational licenses
(typically, but not always, awarded by State government agencies); industry-recognized or
professional association certifications, also known as personnel certifications; and other
certificates of skills completion for specific skill sets or competencies within one or more
industries or occupations. Note that data should be entered for each recognized credential
that a participant attains.


Type of Recognized

Use the appropriate code to record the type of recognized credential attained.
Record 0 if the individual did not attain a recognized credential.

1 = Occupational License
2 = Occupational Certificate/Credential credit
3 = Occupational Certificate/Credential non-credit
0 = No recognized credential attained


Name of Credential

Record the name of the recognized credential attained.

text field


Entered Unsubsidized Record 1 if the participant entered unsubsidized employment immediately following program
Employment after Exit exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit.
Record 0 if the participant did not enter unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after
the quarter of program exit.
Record NA if information on the participant's employment status in the first quarter after the
quarter of program exit is not yet available
Leave "blank" if the individual has not exited the program
Note that each unsubsidized jobs that the participant obtains that meets the DOL definition
should be recorded in the PTS. These jobs can occur during program participation or upon
completion during the three quarters after exit.
Date Entered
Record the date the participant entered unsubsidized employment immediately following
program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit.
Employment after Exit

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Information not yet available




Industry Code after



All 500s Data Elements are long-term indicators (Post-Exit Outcomes in PTS)



Record the two-digit NAICS code for the industry of the unsubsidized employment
immediately following program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit
Record 00 if unknown.

Data Element Name
Occupational Code
after Exit

Data Definition

Code Value


Record the 8-digit occupational code that best describes the individual's employment
immediately following program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit
using the O*Net Version 4.0 (or later versions) classification system. This information can be
based on any job held after exit from the program.



1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Unknown
Blank = does not apply to individual




numeric value
NA = Unknown



Entered NonRecord 1 if the participant entered unsubsidized employment immediately following program 1 = Yes
exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit in an industry in which individuals 0 = No
Employment after Exit of the participant's gender or race are not commonly employed in.
NA = Unknown
Record 0 if the participant entered unsubsidized employment in an industry in which
individuals of the participant's gender or race are commonly employed in.
Record NA if not known.



Name of Employer
after Exit

Record the name of the employer in which the participant enters unsubsidized employment
immediately following program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit.

Text field



Employer as Grant
Partner after Exit

1 = Yes
0 = No



Entered PostSecondary Education

Record 1 if the place of employment immediately following program exit or in the first quarter
after the quarter of program exit was a "formal" grantee partner that participated in program
work experiences and/or training of participants
Record 0 if the place of employment was not a formal grantee partner
Record 1 if the participant entered post-secondary education immediately following program
exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit. Post-secondray education is a
program at an accredited degree-granting institution that leads to an academic degree (e.g.,
A.A., A.S., B.A., B.S.). Programs offered by degree-granting institutions that do not lead to an
academic degree (e.g., certificate programs) do not count as a placement in post-secondary
Record 0 if the participant did not enter post-secondary education in the first quarter after the
quarter of program exit.
Record NA if information on the participant's post-secondary education status in the first
quarter after the quarter of program exit is not yet available.
Leave "blank" if the individual has not exited the program.

1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Information not yet available


1 = public 4-year (or above)
2 = public 2-year
3 = public less-than-2-year
4 = private, nonprofit 4-year (or above)
5 = private, nonprofit 2-year
6 = private, nonprofit less-than-2-year
7 = private, for-profit, 4-year (or above)
8 = private, for-profit 2-year
9 = private, for profit less-than-2-year
1 = Yes
0 = No
NA = Unknown


text field


Leave "blank" if occupational code is not available




Additional Notes: If all 8 digits of the occupational skills code are not collected, record as
many digits as are available.
Entered TrainingRecord 1 if the employment in which the individual entered immediately following program
Related Employment exit or in the first quater after the quarter of program exit is in the industry or occupation that
after Exit
was the industry/occupational focus of the YCC participant..
Record 0 if the employment in which the individual entered is not in the
industry/occupational focus of the YCC participant.
Record NA if not known.
if thewage
has not completed
the following
program program exit or in the first
Wage at Employment Leave
the hourly
at employment
after Exit
quarter after the quarter of program exit. If employment is based on a sarly, divide the annual
salary by 2,080 hours worked (40 hour work week for 52 weeks)
Number of Hours
Record the number of hours worked in the first full week of unsubsidized employment
Worked in first full
immediately following program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit.
week of Unsubsidized
Employment after Exit


Type of PostSecondary Education




Name of PostSecondary Education
Entered Occupational
Skills Training Program
- Post program


Note: this is only for post-secondary education that is entered following exit from the program
and not as a part of program participation.
Record 1 for a public 4-year (or above)
Record 2 for a public 2-year
Record 3 for a public less-than-2-year
Record 4 for a private, nonprofit 4-year (or above)
Record 5 for a private, nonprofit 2-year
Record 6 for a private, nonprofit less-than-2-year
Record 7 for a private, for-profit 4-year (or above)
Record 8 for a private, for-profit 2-year
Record 9 for a private, for-profit less-than-2-year
Record 1 if the participant required remediation as part of their post-secondary education
Record 0 if the participant did not require remediation
Record NA if unknown
Record the name of the post-secondary education school that participant entered.

Record 1 if the participant entered occupational skills training immediately following program 1 = Yes
exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit. Occupational skills training an
0 = No
organized program of study that provides specific vocational skills that lead to proficiency in
NA = Information not yet available
performing actual tasks and technical functions required by certain occupational fields at
entry, intermediate, or advanced levels. Such training should: (1) be outcome-oriented and
focused on a long-term goal as specified in the Individual Development Plan, (2) be long- term
in nature and commence upon program exit rather than being short-term training that is part
of services received while enrolled in the program, and (3) result in attainment of a certificate.
Record 0 if the participant did not enter occupational skills training in the first quarter after
the quarter of program exit.
Record NA if information on the participant's occupational skills training status in the first
quarter after the quarter of program exit is not yet available.



Note: this is only for occupational skills training that is entered following exit from the
program and not as a part of program participation.

Occupational Skills
Training Code

Record the 8 digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the training
occupation for which the participant entered occupational training.
Record 00000000 or leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or not known.



Data Element Name Data Definition
Name of Occupational Record the name of the provider of the Occupational Skills Training.
Skills Training Provider

Code Value


Text Field



Entered Registered

Record 1 if the participant entered a Registered Apprenticeship immediately following
1 = Yes
program exit or in the first quarter after the quarter of program exit. Registered
0 = No
Apprenticeship is is a unique, flexible training system that combines job-related technical
NA = Information not yet available
instruction with structured on-the-job learning experiences. Upon completion of a Registered
Apprenticeship program, participants receive an industry-issued, nationally-recognized,
portable credential that certifies occupational proficiency. Registered Apprenticeship requires
a written plan designed to move an apprentice from a low- or no-skill entry-level position to
full occupational proficiency. Registered Apprenticeship programs must meet parameters
established under the National Apprenticeship Act.
Record 0 if the participant did not enter a Registered Apprenticeship in the first quarter after
the quarter of program exit.
Record NA if information on the participant's Registered Apprenticeship status in the first
quarter after the quarter of program exit is not yet available.



Name of
Occupational Code for

Record the name of the employer sponsoring the Registered Apprenticeship

Text Field


Record the 8 digit O*Net 4.0 (or later versions) code that best describes the Registered
Apprenticeship occupation for which the participant entered an apprenticeship.
Record 00000000 or leave "blank" if occupational code is not available or not known.




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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-10-20
File Created2014-10-20

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