Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
You have been selected to participate in an important study. For the “Study of School Food Authority (SFA) Procurement Practices,” 2M Research (2M) is conducting a survey for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). FNS has commissioned this study to describe and assess SFA practices related to procuring goods (specifically food) and services for the following Child Nutrition programs: The National School Lunch Program (NSLP); School Breakfast Program (SBP); Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP); Summer Food Service Program (SFSP); and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). FNS is seeking to better understand how SFAs make decisions that shape their procurement practices.
The purpose of the SFA Procurement Practices Web Survey (the web survey) is to gather information about your SFA’s procurement practices. This web survey has five sections in regard to (1) the types of solicitations and contracts your SFA uses; (2) your procurement methods; (3) your food sources, including, but not limited to, USDA Foods and food from local sources; (4) planning, decision-making and procurement monitoring; and (5) types of guidance and training used by your SFA, and best practices. Survey findings will describe similarities and differences in how SFAs procure goods (specifically food) and services, which will help FNS understand key issues and experiences of SFAs.
Please answer as openly and honestly as possible. Your answers will be kept private; individual names will not be used in any reports, and only aggregated results will be reported. Your participation in this web survey will not affect your employment or your SFA’s participation in any Child Nutrition programs. We encourage you to work with other staff in your SFA if you do not have answers to some of the questions.
The web survey is designed to be completed in approximately 90 minutes. We encourage you to complete the web survey as soon as possible. As you respond to survey questions, please note the following:
Do not use your browser’s “back” button during the survey. Instead, use the “Back” button at the bottom of each screen if you need to return to a previous question.
Hovering your cursor over highlighted text will show more information about the term.
Please respond to all questions to the best of your ability.
Unless you see the words “select all that apply” after a question, please select only one response for each question.
As you complete survey sections, click “Save & Continue” at the end of each page to save your responses.
After saving, you can exit the survey by closing the browser.
You can return to the survey by using the same link.
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please do not hesitate to contact the help desk at sfaprocurement@2mresearch.com or call toll free at 1-844-250-1911. Thank you for your participation in this important survey.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 90 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
In this section, we want to understand the ways your SFA procures goods (specifically food) and services for Child Nutrition programs (i.e., NSLP, SBP, FFVP, SFSP, and CACFP) for school year (SY) 2017–2018. Please focus on SY 2017-2018 and include solicitations that were newly developed or developed for active contracts, and newly-awarded and active contracts. We are interested in contracts solicited by self-operating SFAs, as well as for Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs) and contracts procured under an intergovernmental/interagency agreement, agent, or third party.
Please indicate the Child Nutrition program(s) in which your SFA participates.
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “none” is selected.)
The next questions are about your procurement solicitation methods.
During SY 2017–2018, what procurement solicitation methods did your SFA use to procure goods (specifically food) and services for Child Nutrition programs at your SFA’s schools? Examples of goods and services include food, equipment, and supplies purchased for use in Child Nutrition programs, or personnel hired to prepare and serve food for Child Nutrition programs.
Select all that apply:
Procurement by sealed bids (i.e., an invitation for bids)
Procurement by competitive proposals (i.e., using a Request for Proposals process)
Procurement by micro-purchasing
Procurement by small purchase procedures
Procurement by noncompetitive proposals
What factors influenced which procurement solicitation methods your SFA used to procure goods (specifically food) and services?
Select all that apply:
Administrative capacity for developing contracts
Amount of time available to plan the procurement
Brands that are available
Complexity of the purchase
Estimated cost
Duration of the contract
Kind/variety of foods available
Local regulations
Pre-approval of vendor by State agency or USDA
Purchase quantity
SFA district size
Specific standards that need to be met for products
Specific standards that need to be met for the Child Nutrition programs
State Regulations
Other (Specify): ______________________________________________________
Other (Specify): ______________________________________________________
Other (Specify): ______________________________________________________
This next set of questions is about the types of contracts your SFA awarded through procurement solicitation methods for SY 2017–2018. SFAs may award different types of procurement contracts, including the following:
Fixed-price contracts provide a stated price that is fixed without any adjustment for the duration of the contract.
Fixed-price contracts with economic price adjustment provide for upward and downward adjustment of the stated contract price that is fixed for a period of time and adjusted based on an economic indicator such as the Consumer Price Index.
Cost-reimbursable contracts reimburse the vendor for costs incurred, and they may (or may not) include a fixed fee for management or administrative services if included in the solicitation language.
Which type(s) of contract(s) did your SFA award for SY 2017–2018 for procured goods (specifically food) and services?
Select all that apply:
Fixed-price contracts
Fixed-price with economic price adjustment contracts
Cost-reimbursable contracts (no fixed fee)
Cost-reimbursable with fixed-fee contracts
Other (Specify): ______________________________________________________
Forward contracts include an agreement between parties to buy a product at a specified price on a future date. For example, an SFA may contract with a farmer or producer to provide a product at a set price before it has been produced. Did your SFA use forward contracts in SY 2017–2018?
Don’t Know/Unsure
Do State or local regulations limit your SFA to using specific types of contracts (e.g., fixed-price, cost-reimbursable, forward contracts)?
Don’t Know/Unsure
What factors influence which contract type your SFA awards for procuring goods (specifically food) and services? Please rank the three most important factors by indicating the most important factor with a “1,” the second most important with a “2,” and the third most important with a “3.”
_____Consistency in product
_____Quality of service
_____Type of service
_____Level of administrative burden and oversight required
_____Level of contract oversight required
_____Level of risk (other than type of pricing such as length of contract)
_____Previous experience
_____Small purchase and micro-purchasing thresholds
_____Type of pricing (fixed, reimbursable)
_____Quantity purchased
_____Estimated cost
_____Other (Specify): ____________________
_____Other (Specify): ____________________
_____Other (Specify): ____________________
The next questions are about formal and informal (including micro- and small purchases) procurement. SFAs utilize formal and informal procurement procedures as described in the table below:
Formal Procurement |
(1) developing the solicitation; (2) publicly announcing/advertising the solicitation; (3) evaluating offers; (4) negotiating and awarding the contract; and (5) managing the contract |
Informal Procurement |
(1) developing the solicitation; (2) identifying potential vendors to obtain more than one bid/offer/quote; (3) evaluating responses; (4) negotiating and awarding the contract; and (5) managing the contract |
Most contracts include specifications for products and services, payment terms, and other required contract provisions and conditions. Please indicate any additional contract provisions that are integrated in your formal or informal procurement (including micro- and small purchases) for school foods by checking the applicable boxes in the list below. (Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column.)
Contract Provision |
Formal Procurement |
Informal Procurement |
Small Business |
□ |
□ |
Minority-owned business |
□ |
□ |
Woman-owned business |
□ |
□ |
Geographic preference |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
Other (Specify) ________________ |
□ |
□ |
The next set of questions is about the availability of various forms, such as “how-to” instructions or recommendations, templates, or lessons learned, that may have been developed by your State Agency.
Does your State Agency provide contract language or templates for FSMC contracts with SFAs?
Don’t Know/Unsure
Does your State Agency provide contract language or templates for SFA contracts with processors, including USDA Foods processors?
Don’t Know/Unsure
Does your State Agency provide contract language or templates for SFA contracts with broadline distributors? Broadline distributors (also known as general-line or full-line distributors) are a type of merchant grocery wholesale company that handles a variety of food and supply products, and other food service materials.
Don’t Know/Unsure
The Buy American provision requires SFAs participating in the NSLP or SBP, to the maximum extent practical, to buy agricultural commodities produced in the United States and to buy food products processed in the United States using agricultural commodities, and at least 51 percent of the final processed product consists of domestically grown agricultural commodities, by weight or volume.
How do you acquire the majority of your products?
What methods/processes does your SFA use to ensure that your SFA complies with the Buy American provision?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “None of the above” or “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select All that Apply:
Include Buy American or “domestic” clause in product specifications for food
Include Buy American or “domestic” clause in bid solicitations for food
Include Buy American or “domestic” clause in requests for proposals for food
Include Buy American or “domestic” clause in purchase orders for food
Include Buy American or “domestic” clause in other procurement documents for food
Request distributors, manufacturers, or suppliers provide certification of the origin of their food products
Have a process for a distributor, manufacturer, or supplier to request permission to substitute a non-domestic food product for a domestic product
Require distributors, manufacturers, or suppliers to provide documentation showing exceptions for supply of non-domestic food products
Examine food product packaging provided by the distributor, manufacturer, or supplier
Inquire with the distributor, manufacturer, or supplier about the origin of the food product
Monitor contractor performance to ensure compliance with “domestic” foods
Require certification of domestic content of food components
Other (Specify): _______________________________________________________
None of the above
Don’t Know/Unsure
How does your SFA verify that the domestic commodity or product that was solicited and awarded is the food received?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Identify people within the SFA responsible for receiving goods (specifically food) and services
Examine goods (specifically food) or services, invoices, and documentation provided by contractor
Request certification identifying the percent of U.S. content in supplied commercially procured foods
Review applicable contractor certification records
Review compliance reports
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
Questions in this section are about procurement management practices with respect to your SFA’s use of FSMCs and/or participation in group purchasing entities (cooperatives, agents, third-party entities).
In the following questions, we want to understand the ways that your SFA may be using an FSMC to procure goods (specifically food) or services for your Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018.
Did your SFA use an FSMC to procure goods (specifically food) or services for your Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018?
No (skip to Question 10)
Did the FSMC(s) manage one, some, or all aspects of procurement for your SFA’s Child Nutrition programs? Please consider all aspects of procurement, such as contracting for meal preparation, program administration, procuring processing for bulk USDA Foods items, and ordering processed USDA Foods, as well as services such as menu planning, and hiring, managing, and supervising personnel. For example, your SFA may contract with an FSMC for meal preparation, but not for procurement services.
Only one aspect
Some, but not all, aspects
All aspects
Don’t Know/Unsure
How long has your SFA used an FSMC in any capacity?
_______________ (number of years)
Don’t Know/Unsure
Did your SFA contract with one FSMC or groups of FSMCs in SY 2017–2018?
Only one FSMC (skip to Question 6)
Groups of FSMCs
How many FSMCs did your SFA contract with for SY 2017–2018?
________________ (number of FSMCs)
Don’t Know/Unsure
Of the NUMBER of FSMCs your SFA contracts with for SY 2017–2018, how many of those contracts include other SFAs?
________________ (number of FSMC contracts that include other SFAs)
Why did your SFA decide to use the services of an FSMC?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
FSMCs coordinate all aspects of the procurement process
FSMCs find year-round availability of key food products
FSMCs coordinate procurement of local foods with regular procurement
FSMCs provide a wider variety of local goods (specifically food) than vendors
FSMCs offer lower prices than vendors
FSMCs offer more consistent prices than vendors
My SFA lacks the kitchen equipment to process/prepare foods
FSMCs help my SFA maintain compliance in procurement regulations and policies
FSMCs provide goods (specifically food) and services on time and resolve any delivery issues
FSMCs procure products that meet SFA specifications, including Buy American requirements
FSMCs hire staff which reduces SFA personnel oversight and costs
My SFA lacks the personnel to administer program operations for break-even or positive cash flow
My SFA is challenged with expertise to plan, prepare, and serve nutritious food and meals
My SFA is challenged with the ability to attract and retain qualified staff to administer and operate the program
My SFA has used an FSMC in the past
The FSMC was already in use when I began working for my SFA
The FSMC is directed by district leadership
Other (Specify): ___________________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
How did your SFA learn about available FSMCs?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
State Agency
Local Education Agency
School officials (e.g., board members, district administrators)
Issued a Request for Information
Advertised solicitation for FSMC services
Other SFAs
Approached by FSMC(s)
Advisory group
The FSMC was already in use when I began working for my SFA
Other (Specify): ___________________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
How does your SFA monitor FSMC performance after award? An example of “performance monitoring” would be monitoring to ensure that the FSMC has provided domestic foods as required by the contract.
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Identify people within the SFA responsible for receiving goods (specifically food) and services
Examine goods (specifically food) or services, invoices, and documentation provided by the FSMC
Request certification identifying the percent of U.S. content in supplied commercially procured foods
Review applicable FSMC certification records
Review compliance reports
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
Please indicate the Child Nutrition program(s) for which your SFA combined the procurement of any food, supplies, equipment or services in SY 2017–2018 by checking the applicable boxes in the table below. An example of combining would be to use the same procurement (e.g., small purchases, micro-purchases, formal IFB/RFP, FSMCs) to obtain milk for both NSLP and SBP, or hire a single FSMC for all food service programs operated.
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column. If they do not select “none” in a column, do not allow respondent to select only one Child Nutrition Program – NSLP, SBP, FFVP, SFSP, CACFP or Other – in a column.)
Child Nutrition Program |
Food |
Supplies |
Equipment |
Services |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Other: _____________ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
In the following questions, we want to understand the ways that your SFA may have used group purchasing entities (cooperatives, group purchasing organizations, group buying organizations, agents, and third-party entities) to procure goods (specifically food) and services for your Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018.
Did your SFA participate in any group purchasing entities (cooperatives, group purchasing organizations, group buying organizations, agents, and third-party entities) to procure goods (specifically food) for any Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018?
Yes (skip to Question 13)
Was your SFA interested in participating in a group purchasing entity but found none available?
Yes (skip to Question 15)
No (skip to Question 15)
Did your SFA voluntarily join any of these group purchasing entities?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Don’t Know/Unsure
Did any of these group purchasing entities procure local products for your SFA in SY 2017-2018?
These next questions ask specifically about interstate group purchasing entities (cooperatives, group purchasing organizations, group buying organizations, agents, third-party entities). An interstate group purchasing entity is usually a group purchasing organization or third-party entity that does not comprise only SFAs and works across States, rather than just within one State. This interstate entity could also be called a “cooperative,” and could be public, private, or a public-private partnership in which the SFA may/may not pay a membership fee or enters into an intergovernmental or inter-entity agreement to purchase common or shared goods and services.
Did your SFA belong to an interstate group purchasing entity in SY 2017–2018?
Yes (skip to Question 17)
Was your SFA interested in joining an interstate group purchasing entity in SY 2017-2018, but found none available?
The next questions ask about your SFA’s participation in group purchasing entities or programs. These include statewide group purchasing entities (including cooperatives) and programs administered by the State’s Office of Child Nutrition and statewide cooperatives that are not administered by the State OCN.
Does your State Office of Child Nutrition offer a statewide group purchasing entity or other statewide purchasing programs?
Please indicate if your SFA participated in statewide purchasing cooperatives or programs in SY 2017–2018.
SFA Participation |
Yes |
No |
Participated in a statewide purchasing cooperative or program administered by your State Office of Child Nutrition |
□ |
□ |
Participated in a statewide purchasing cooperative administered by an agency other than your State Office of Child Nutrition |
□ |
□ |
In the next questions, we are interested in learning what procurement methods were used by your SFA to source products, especially local products, and services for your Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018.
Please check boxes in the grid to indicate whether your SFA has sourced foods locally and/or non-locally for any of the product groups listed in the far-left column, through any of the procurement methods or purchasing entities that you identified earlier which are listed in the top row.
[Programmer Note: Only procurement methods selected in Section 1 Question 3 and Section II Questions 1 and 18 will be displayed.]
Select all that apply:
Procurement and Purchasing Entities |
Food Component Groups |
Source |
Competitive Proposal Methods |
Sealed Bid Methods |
Small Purchases |
Micro-Purchases |
Group Purchasing Entities (cooperatives and agents that procure using Program and government-wide regulations) |
Third Party Group Purchasing Entities (not bound by Program and government-wide regulations) |
Fruits |
Local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Non-local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Vegetables & Vegetable Subgroups (legumes, leafy greens, etc.) |
Local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Non-local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Grains/Grain Products |
Local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Non-local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Meats/Meat Alternatives and Seafood |
Local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Non-local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Dairy/Fluid Milk |
Local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Non-local |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
How does your SFA define “local” for school foods?
Within a certain number of miles
(If checked, within how many miles does your SFA define local? ___________ miles)
Within your county
Within your State
Within your State and adjacent States
Within your FNS region
We do not have a set definition
Don’t Know/Unsure
Please check boxes in the grid to indicate whether your SFA has sourced any of the goods or services listed in the far-left column through any of the procurement methods or purchasing entities that are listed in the top row for Child Nutrition programs at your SFA’s schools for SY 2017–2018.
[Programmer Note: Only procurement methods selected in Section 1 Question 3 and Section II Questions 1 and 18 will be displayed.]
Select all that apply:
Procurement Methods and Purchasing Entities |
Services |
Competitive Proposal Methods |
Sealed Bid Methods |
Small Purchases |
Micro-Purchases |
Group Purchasing Entities (cooperatives and agents that procure using Program and government-wide regulations) |
Third Party Group Purchasing Entities (not bound by Program and government-wide regulations) |
A la carte meal service |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
After-school snacks |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Menu planning |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Preparing meals |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Purchasing vended meals |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing food preparation |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing services for Child Nutrition programs |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing meal services at sites |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Program management |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing and supervising personnel |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing inventory |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Managing safety and sanitation |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Purchasing equipment |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Purchasing goods, specifically food |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Purchasing services |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Purchasing services to convert raw and/or bulk USDA Foods into ready-to-use end products |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Delivery of bulk products for meal preparation |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Delivering meals to sites |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Product storage |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Site cleanup after meals |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Storing vended meals |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Providing nutrition education |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Providing onsite staff to support services |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Ensuring compliance with procurement rules and regulations |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Other (Specify): ___________ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
This section asks about how your SFA sources foods for Child Nutrition programs, including USDA Foods and foods from local sources, in SY 2017–2018.
1. Does your SFA ever divert USDA Foods for processing?
Does your SFA ever purchase processed items from a State contract?
Does your SFA competitively procure services from manufacturers or processors to convert (process and/or package) USDA Foods into ready-to-use end products for Child Nutrition programs?
How does your SFA competitively procure USDA Foods processed end products for Child Nutrition programs? By USDA Foods processed end products, we mean USDA Foods that have been sent to a processor and converted into ready-to-use end products.
Select all that apply:
Procure directly with manufacturers or food processors that have a National processing agreement with USDA
Allow distributors (for example, Sysco or US Foods) to procure finished products
Finished items contracted by the FSMC, cooperative purchasing group, and/or group buying organization
Procure directly with in-state processors
Allow meal vendor (for example, Revolution Foods) to procure finished products
Other food source supplier 1 (Specify)_________________________________________
Other food source supplier 2 (Specify)_________________________________________
Which value pass-through methods does your SFA use to obtain credit for the value of the USDA Foods in processed end-products?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Net-off invoices
Direct discount
Don’t know/Unsure
The following questions ask about your SFA’s procurement of local foods and participation in Farm to School practices in SY 2017–2018.
Of your total food costs for Child Nutrition programs in SY 2017–2018, what percentage of costs were spent on foods from local sources? (Please provide your best estimate.)
[Programmer Note: Insert response to II-19 unless response checked is “We do not have a set definition” or “Don’t Know/Unsure.”]
_______ percent
Don’t Know/Unsure
What is your SFA’s percentage goal for the amount spent on foods from local sources for your Child Nutrition programs?
_______ percent
Our SFA does not have a percentage goal
Don’t Know/Unsure
Please check boxes in the table below to indicate which food purchasing and promotion practices are used by your FSMC (if you contract with one), group purchasing entity (if you participate in one), and your SFA separate from your FMSC or group purchasing entity to support your SFA’s procurement from local sources.
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Only display “Practice used by your FSMC” column if “yes” was selected for Question II-1. Only display “Practice used by your group purchasing entity” column if “yes” was selected for Question II-10. Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column. Do not allow respondent to select any responses in the “Used by your FSMC” column if “we do not contract with an FSMC” is selected in that column. Do not allow respondent to select any responses in the “Used by your group purchasing entity” column if “we do not contract with any group purchasing entities” is selected in that column.)
Food Purchasing and Promotion Practices |
Practice used by your FSMC |
Practice used by your group purchasing entity |
Practice used by your SFA directly (separate from your FSMC and/or group purchasing entity) |
Sourcing products using the geographic preference option |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Direct purchasing from local farmers using small or micro-purchases |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Sourcing products from school gardens |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Promoting garden/agricultural education in the cafeteria |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Creating and tending to school gardens |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Supporting local farms in other ways (Specify): _______________________________________ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Supporting school gardening in other ways (Specify): _______________________________________ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Don’t Know/Unsure |
□ |
□ |
□ |
(Programmer Note: If “none” was selected in all three columns in Question 8, skip to Section IV.)
Does your SFA promote any of the above food purchasing or promotion practices as Farm to School activities or initiatives?
This section asks how your SFA makes decisions to determine its overall procurement process and monitors procurement contracts. You will also be asked for information about your SFA’s internal recordkeeping and accounting, FSMCs, and Buy American provision requirements (if applicable) for your Child Nutrition programs for SY 2017–2018.
The following questions focus on the information your SFA uses for its procurement planning process and the individuals that are involved with planning.
Does your SFA use internal recordkeeping systems that support forecasting and planning (e.g., tracking daily food sales) to make future procurement decisions?
What big-picture priorities shape your SFA’s approach to procurement?
Select all that apply:
Food service staffing needs
Food service staffing costs
Food service equipment and supply needs
Food service equipment and supply costs
Food service operations
Program management/administration needs
SFA or school size
Child Nutrition Program participation rates
Menu items/variety
Local wellness policies and nutrition goals
Input from State Agency and/or State Distributing Agency
Input from other SFAs
Input from an advisory council
Input from the student body
Input from the community
Storage capacity
Regulatory meal pattern requirements
School board
Other (Specify): _______________________________________________________
Please rank the three most important sources of information your SFA uses to determine its overall methods for procurement by indicating the most important item with a “1,” the second most important with a “2,” and the third most important with a “3.”
[Programmer Note: Only the selected sources of information in Section IV Question 2 will be displayed.]
______ Food service staffing needs
______ Food service staffing costs
______ Food service equipment and supply needs
______ Food service equipment and supply costs
______ Food service operations
______ Program management/administration needs
______ Child Nutrition Program participation rates
______ Menu items/variety
______ Local wellness policies and nutrition goals
______ Input from State Agency and/or State Distributing Agency
______ Input from other SFAs
______ Input from an advisory council
______ Input from the student body
______ Input from the community
______ Storage capacity
______ Regulatory meal pattern requirements
______ School board
Please indicate all staff involved in procurement planning for your Child Nutrition programs during SY 2017–2018 by selecting the corresponding box in the list below.
Select all that apply:
SFA nutrition director
SFA food service director or manager
SFA head cook or kitchen/cafeteria manager
Non-managerial food service staff
District business office or purchasing department official
District superintendent
District school board
State Agency Child Nutrition director or staff
FSMC liaison
Governing or advisory board
Sales broker
Group purchasing entity (cooperative, agent, or third-party service)
Cooperative that only includes Child Nutrition Program operators
Chief Financial Officer or SFA business office
Other (Specify): __________________________________________________________
(Programmer Note: Skip to Question 7 if no response options were selected in Question 4.)
The following questions ask about your SFA’s monitoring processes for contract evaluation and awards.
What oversight mechanisms (records, documentation, and mechanisms) does your SFA use to monitor staff as they make procurement-related decisions?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Our SFA does not monitor staff as they make procurement-related decisions” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
FSMC monitoring forms
Cost records
Revenue records
Invoice records
Meal production records
Meal count records
Meal claim records
RFP or IFB documentation
Email communications
Telephone communications
Site visits
Procurement plan
Code of Conduct
Other (Specify): _________________________________________________________
Our SFA does not monitor staff as they make procurement-related decisions
What oversight mechanisms (records, documentation, and mechanisms) does your SFA use to monitor staff as they make contract award decisions?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Our SFA does not monitor staff as they make contract award decisions” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
RFP or IFB evaluation criteria and results
Meetings/negotiation phase, if applicable (RFP only)
Procurement plan
Code of Conduct
Other (Specify): _________________________________________________________
Our SFA does not monitor staff as they make contract award decisions
The following questions ask about your SFA’s internal recordkeeping and accounting, and monitoring contractor performance.
What records or methods does your SFA use to track discounts, rebates, and credits for commercially purchased foods in cost-reimbursable contracts?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Electronic accounting system
Velocity reports (a velocity report provides the SFA the quantity, the date of purchase, and other information about the purchase of food products from a vendor) or current and historical sales information
Invoices for expenses
Profit and loss statements
Defined procedures in contract
Recordkeeping method of the broker or manufacturer
Other (Specify): _________________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
What method does your SFA use to identify accounting errors when tracking discounts, rebates, and credits for commercially purchased foods and cost-reimbursable contracts?
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Use an electronic accounting system
Maintain receipt records in which the contractor identified costs
Review bills and invoices that individually identify discounts, rebates, and applicable credits
State Agency reviews the costs, discounts, rebates, and applicable credits maintained by the contractor
Local education agency reviews the costs, discounts, rebates, and applicable credits maintained by the contractor
Review profit and loss statements
Review the methods contractors use to track discounts, rebates, and other applicable credits
Monitor revenues and expenses based on the accounting method of the contractor
Determine if the vendor is compliant with contractual disclosure method
Other (Specify): __________________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
How does your SFA monitor contractor performance after award? An example of “contractor performance” would be monitoring to ensure that the contractor has provided all foods as required by the contract.
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Select all that apply:
Identify people within the SFA responsible for receiving goods (specifically food) and services
Examine goods (specifically food) or services, invoices, and documentation provided by contractor
Request certification identifying the percent of U.S. content in supplied commercially procured foods
Review applicable contractor certification records
Review compliance reports
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________________
Don’t Know/Unsure
This section contains questions about whether your SFA uses any guidance or templates when developing solicitations for procurement of goods (specifically food) and services, as well as your thoughts on their usefulness. By guidance, we are referring to assistance or information provided by any State or local government entity. This section also includes questions about any trainings your State Agency and local education agency provide related to procurement. We begin with questions about guidance.
Does your State Agency or local education agency require your SFA to use any of the following guidance for developing procurement contract solicitations?
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select response options 1, 2, or 3 if they select response option 4. Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Yes, FNS-provided guidance
Yes, State Agency-provided guidance
Yes, local education agency-provided guidance
No, my State Agency and local education agency do NOT require my SFA to use any guidance for developing procurement contract solicitations
Don’t Know/Unsure
Please check boxes in the table below to indicate which guidance FNS or your State Agency has provided to your SFA and which guidance has your SFA explicitly used for developing procurement solicitations.
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column. Do not allow respondent to select any responses in the “Used by your SFA” column if “none” is selected in the “Provided by FNS or your State Agency” column.)
Type of Guidance for Developing Procurement Solicitations |
Provided by FNS or your State Agency |
Used by your SFA |
Memos from FNS |
□ |
□ |
Issue briefs from FNS |
□ |
□ |
Manuals from FNS |
□ |
□ |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from FNS |
□ |
□ |
Institute of Child Nutrition online courses (e.g., “General Requirements and Responsibilities,” “How Procurement Works: Planning, Executing, and Administering a Competitive Procurement”) |
□ |
□ |
Institute of Child Nutrition in-person trainings (e.g., “Procurement in the 21st Century”) |
□ |
□ |
USDA training (e.g., webinars, pamphlets, in-person training) |
□ |
□ |
Memos from your State Agency |
□ |
□ |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from your State Agency |
□ |
□ |
State-sponsored training |
□ |
□ |
One-on-one guidance |
□ |
□ |
Weekly correspondence/communication |
□ |
□ |
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________________ |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
Don’t Know/Unsure |
□ |
□ |
Have any members of your SFA staff, including you, completed any of the following Institute of Child Nutrition online courses related to procurement contract solicitation?
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “none of our SFA staff members …” is selected.)
Financial Management: A Course for School Nutrition Directors
Food Production Records
Inventory Management and Tracking
Quality in Value Added Products
USDA Foods: Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - The Basics
USDA Foods: Life Cycle of USDA Foods
USDA State Agency Guidance to Procurement Topic 1: General Requirements and Responsibilities
USDA State Agency Guidance to Procurement Topic 2: How Procurement Works: Planning, Executing, and Administering a Competitive Procurement
USDA State Agency Guidance to Procurement Topic 3: Special Considerations
Procurement in the 21st Century
Other (Specify) ___________________________________________________________
None of our SFA staff members have completed any Institute of Child Nutrition online courses related to procurement contract solicitation
Please check boxes in the table below to indicate which kind of guidance your local education agency has provided to your SFA and which kind of guidance your SFA has explicitly used for developing procurement solicitations.
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column. Do not allow respondent to select any responses in the “Used by your SFA” column if “none” is selected in the “Provided by your local education agency” column.)
Type of Guidance for Developing Procurement Solicitations |
Provided by your local education agency |
Used by your SFA |
Memos |
□ |
□ |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |
□ |
□ |
Issue briefs |
□ |
□ |
Manual/handbooks |
□ |
□ |
Local procurement requirements |
□ |
□ |
Slide decks |
□ |
□ |
Informational web pages |
□ |
□ |
One-on-one guidance |
□ |
□ |
Group training |
□ |
□ |
Weekly correspondence/communication |
□ |
□ |
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________________ |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
Don’t Know/Unsure |
□ |
□ |
The next questions ask about FNS-, State Agency-, and local education agency-provided templates.
Does your State Agency or local education agency require your SFA to use any templates when developing procurement contract solicitations?
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select response options 1, 2, or 3 if they select response option 4. Do not allow respondent to select any other responses if “Don’t Know/Unsure” is selected.)
Yes, FNS-provided templates
Yes, State Agency-provided guidance
Yes, local education agency-provided templates
No, my State Agency and local education agency do not require my SFA to use templates for developing procurement contract solicitations.
Don’t Know/Unsure
Please check boxes in the table below to indicate which templates FNS, your State Agency, or your local education agency has provided to your SFA and which templates has your SFA explicitly used to develop procurement solicitations.
Select all that apply:
(Programmer Note: Do not allow respondent to select any other responses in a column if “none” is selected in that column.)
Type of Template for Developing Procurement Solicitations |
Provided by FNS |
Provided by Your State Agency |
Provided by Your Local Education Agency |
Used by Your SFA |
Solicitation templates for competitive sealed bids, IFBs |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Solicitation templates for competitive proposals, RFPs |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Solicitation templates for small purchases |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Other (Specify) ______________________________________________ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
None |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Don’t Know/Unsure |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Does your State Agency make training available to SFAs on procurement issues, including training provided by another party?
What training topics does your State Agency make available to your SFA about procurement?
Select all that apply:
Updates and changes to federal procurement policies and regulations
Updates and changes to State procurement policies and regulations
Products and specifications
Proposal/bid evaluations
Food and supply orders
Group purchasing efforts
Solicitations for contracts with FSMCs
Farm to School activities and initiatives
Procurement of local foods and geographic preference
USDA Foods Processing
Developing solicitations and contracts
Code of Conduct
Procedures for conducting procurement
Allowable procurement methods to use
Buy American
Other (Specify): ________________________________________________________
Best practices help your SFA understand what works well for implementing particular aspects of procurement. They may be available in various forms, such as “how-to” instructions or recommendations, templates, or lessons learned, and may have been developed by your SFA or State Agency. Best practices are generally internal materials that supplement federal, State, and local procurement guidance and resources used to help your SFA comply with procurement regulations.
Does your SFA have best practices related to the following topics?
Yes |
No |
Templates or standard contract language for contracts with FSMCs |
□ |
□ |
Templates or standard contract language for contracts with processors (including, but not limited to, USDA Foods processors); |
□ |
□ |
Templates or standard contract language for contracts with broadline distributors |
□ |
□ |
Including the Buy American provision in contract solicitations |
□ |
□ |
Including the Buy American provision in contracts |
□ |
□ |
Maximum durations in procurement contracts |
□ |
□ |
Publicly announcing/advertising IFBs |
□ |
□ |
Publicly announcing/advertising RFPs |
□ |
□ |
Direct solicitation from contractors for IFBs |
□ |
□ |
Direct solicitation from contractors for RFPs |
□ |
□ |
Small purchase procedures |
□ |
□ |
Product specifications |
□ |
□ |
Local bonding requirements (federal bonding requirements apply to construction and SFSP contracts only) |
□ |
□ |
Procurement of local products |
□ |
□ |
Managing procurement process timeframes |
□ |
□ |
Other:____________________________ |
□ |
□ |
Other:____________________________ |
□ |
□ |
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Thank you for completing this survey! If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the help desk at sfaprocurement@2mresearch.com or call toll free at 1-844-250-1911.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Molly Matthews-Ewald, PhD, MS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |