GE Disclosure Template - Individual

Gainful Employment Disclosure Template

Gainful Employment Disclosure Template Quick Start Guide

GE Disclosure Template - Individual

OMB: 1845-0107

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Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE)

Gainful Employment Disclosure
Template Quick Start Guide
January 2018

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................3
1.1 Changes in 2018 ............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Gainful Employment Disclosure Process Overview ............................................. 4
1.3 Section 508 Compliance ............................................................................................... 7
1.4 Browser Compatibility .................................................................................................. 7
1.5 JavaScript.......................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Hints and Tips ................................................................................................................ 9

2 Using the GE Template..................................................................................... 10
2.1 Institution OPE ID ..................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Program Information .................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Cost ................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 Completion .................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 Debt ................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6 Performance .................................................................................................................. 20
2.7 Job Placement ............................................................................................................... 21
2.8 Licensure Requirements ............................................................................................. 24
2.9 Context ........................................................................................................................... 26

3 Save and Extract the File ................................................................................... 27
4 Uploading the Disclosure .................................................................................. 32
5 Glossary of Terms............................................................................................... 33




1 Introduction
The purpose of this guide is to provide assistance with using the U.S. Department of Education’s gainful employment
disclosure template at to configure and host a customized web page on the
institution’s website that meets the gainful employment disclosure requirements.

As part of the Gainful Employment final regulations published in the Federal Register on October 31, 2014
(79 FR 64890), as corrected on December 4, 2014 (79 FR 71957) (Final Regulations) disclosure
requirements with which institutions must comply beginning January 1, 2017 have been established in
§668.412. Under the current disclosure requirements, an institution must provide current and prospective
students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a
recognized occupation (GE programs) using a disclosure template provided by the Secretary.
Generally, GE Programs include:
• At public and private not-for-profit institutions: Title IV-eligible non-degree programs
(e.g., certificate and diploma programs).
• At for-profit institutions: All Title-IV eligible instructional programs, degree and nondegree.
The disclosure of information about a gainful employment program on the institution’s Web site will
provide useful information to prospective students and their families. The intent of the provisions in
§668.412 is to enable students to make an informed choice about a gainful employment program by making
the disclosures clear, timely, meaningful, and comparable. These disclosures will allow students to easily
view the amount of student indebtedness incurred by students who completed the gainful employment
program, the average costs of attending the program, percent of students completing the program within
normal time, and job placement rates.
To assist institutions in meeting their disclosure obligation, ED designed and developed a Gainful
Employment Disclosure Template (GEDT) for use by all Title IV postsecondary institutions and eligible
programs. The purpose of the template is to ensure the required data is disclosed to prospective students in
a consistent and consumer-friendly format. The GEDT allows institutions to quickly and easily create a web
page containing the required gainful employment disclosure information for each of their eligible
educational programs.
To use the template, institutions must enter the required data for each GE Program into the application’s
online data entry form. An HTML output file containing the required information will then be generated
for posting on the educational program’s homepage.


Institutions must update their GE program disclosure information annually. They must make it
prominently available in their promotional materials and make it prominent, readily accessible, clear,
conspicuous, and directly available on any Web page containing academic, cost, financial aid, or admissions
information about the GE program.

! Critical Information - An institution that offers a GE program in more than one program length must publish a separate
disclosure template for each length of the program. Similarly, an institution that offers a GE program in more than one location
or format (e.g., full-time, part-time, accelerated) may publish a separate disclosure template for each location or format if doing so
would result in clearer disclosures.

Additional information related to the GE regulations is available on ED’s Gainful Employment
Information Page ( This page
includes published regulations and Federal Register notices, answers to frequently asked questions, and
guidelines for determining which educational programs are subject to the gainful employment regulations.

1.1 Changes in 2018
This Quick Start Guide reflects the current requirements for the GEDT, however modifications from the
2017 disclosure requirements are outlined below:
• Institutions are no longer required to provide room and board charges.
• The unsubsidized interest rate will be prefilled based on the selected credential level.
• Institutions will not be required to report median earnings data this year.
• Institutions must still disclose whether a program has failed the debt-to-earnings (D/E) rates
measure within 30 days of receiving a GE program’s final D/E rates from the Department. Once
an institution has indicated that a warning is required on the disclosure template input, the output
screen will be prepopulated with the student warnings required under §668.410 of the Final
• Institutions will be permitted to add more than one accreditor job placement rate.
• The format for reporting licensure requirements was changed; and “Foreign Country” was added
to the list of States.
A complete list of input elements is available in 1.2 Gainful Employment Disclosure Process Overview.

1.2 Gainful Employment Disclosure Process Overview
ED’s GE Disclosure Template (GEDT) template guides users through a simple step-by-step process for
entering the information required for the GE program disclosure. This template only allows users to enter
information for one GE program at a time.
ED’s GEDT is comprised of two components; they include:


1. Data Entry: Institutions input the required information into the online data entry form or the
bulk upload tool data file (when available). The disclosure must be completed for each program
subject to the gainful employment regulations. The information that is entered by institutions will not
be collected and saved by ED. This includes the following information for each of the institution’s
GE Programs:
Institution OPE ID

Input Requirements
• The institution’s 6-digit Department of Education assigned OPE ID.


• The 6-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for
the GE Program;
• The institution’s name for the program (if different from the CIP
Program Name);
• The credential level for the program;
• The normal time to complete the program, as published in the
institutional catalog or other publications; and
• The occupations for which the program prepares students.


• The in-state tuition and fees the institution charges a student for
completing the program within normal time;
• The out-of-state tuition and fees the institution charges a student for
completing the program within normal time (if applicable);
• The typical costs for books and supplies for a student for
completing the program within normal time;
• Any additional fees or expenses (optional); and
• The URL for other program cost information available on the
institution’s website pursuant to Sec. 668.43(a).


• The number of students who first enrolled in the program version
between July 1 and June 30 of the specified years; and
• Of the students who began enrollment in the specified award year,
those that completed the program version within normal time.


• The median loan debt incurred by Title IV students who completed
the program;
• The applicable interest rate used by the Department of Education to
amortize the median loan debt for the program (pre-filled based on
credential level);



Input Requirements
• The program’s most recently issued debt-to earnings rates measure

Job Placement

• The job placement rate for students completing the program as
reported to the institution’s accrediting agency and/or state (if


• The states that require licensure for the program’s target occupation
and whether the program satisfies all educational prerequisites.

 Tip - No information is saved or retained online when using either the template or bulk upload tool. Institutions may wish to
use the screenshots in this Quick Start Guide to view the screens and prepare the necessary data before completing the GEDT
data entry form.


2. Output File: Based on the data entered by the institution, a customized HTML file is generated
for use on the institution’s website. This output file contains the required information to be disclosed
for the relevant GE Program, as input by the institution. It is presented in a consistent, consumerfriendly format and displays the following information:
• Percent of students graduating on time
• Program Costs
• Median debt of borrowers
• Typical monthly loan payment
• State/Accreditor job placement rates
• Fields that employ program graduates
• Licensure requirements
In addition to the HTML version of the disclosure, an additional print version will be downloaded
in order for students to print the posted disclosures and for use in promotional materials.

! Critical Information - If the HTML code within the output files is modified in any way, please be aware that the institution
will no longer be in compliance with the GE Program regulatory requirements.

1.3 Section 508 Compliance
ED’s GEDT complies with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794d).
The current amendment went into effect June 21, 2001 and requires Federal agencies make their electronic
and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. The GEDT was designed to fully integrate
with any additional adaptive equipment or software that may be required.

1.4 Browser Compatibility
The GEDT is designed to work with Internet Explorer 10.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 42.0 and above, and
Chrome 46.0 and above.


1.5 JavaScript
In order to use the GEDT data entry form, you must have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Instructions
for this process are available for three browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.
Internet Explorer

To enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer, please follow the instructions below:
1. Click the Tools menu.
2. Select Internet Options.
3. Click the Security tab.
4. Click the Custom Level button.
5. Scroll down until you see the “Scripting” section.
6. Select the “Enable” radio button under “Active Scripting.”
7. Click the OK button.
Mozilla Firefox

To enable JavaScript in Mozilla Firefox, please follow the instructions below:
1. Click the Tools drop-down menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Check the boxes next to Block pop-up windows, Load images automatically, and Enable JavaScript.
4. Refresh your browser by right-clicking anywhere on the page and selecting Reload, or by using the
Reload button in the toolbar.
Google Chrome

To enable JavaScript in Google Chrome, please follow the instructions below:
1. On the "Settings" page, click the Show advanced settings.
2. Click the Chrome menu icon on the browser toolbar.
3. Select Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended) in the "JavaScript" section.


1.6 Hints and Tips
Below are some helpful hints and tips for completing the GEDT. Detailed tips relating to specific functions
within the application can be found in the corresponding sections of this guide.
• For assistance with any questions or problems related to system usage, refer to the GEDT Help
Desk contact information located at the top of the screen. The Help Desk for this template is
available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST and may be reached toll-free at
1-855-359-3697 or at
• Use the

button at the top right of the screen to access additional information and resources.

• When applicable, you may click

to return to the previous page and review earlier responses.

• As you move through the template, a progress bar will display the current screen in

• The Bulk Upload Tool is not available at this time.




2 Using the GE Template
This chapter contains detailed instructions for completing the GEDT at

2.1 Institution OPE ID
The GEDT website opens to the Institution OPE ID screen. To begin, enter the institution’s 6-digit
ED assigned OPE ID:

The OPE ID will be used to look up the institution name as reported to Federal Student Aid (FSA).
Once the OPE ID has been provided, click

to continue.


2.2 Program Information
On the Program Information screen, provide information about the specific GE program you are
disclosing. The initial screen is shown below:

Step 1 – CIP Code
First, enter the 6-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for the gainful
employment program for which data are being provided.


If needed, click the “Search CIP” link to search by partial CIP code and browse a list of potential
matches, as shown below. Select a program name from the list to insert it into the CIP code field.

If the official name of the program at the institution differs from the CIP program name, enter the
institution’s name for the program in the designated text box.

Step 2 – Credential Level
Next, select the credential level for this program from the drop-down menu provided. Options
include Undergraduate certificate, Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Post baccalaureate
certificate, Graduate certificate, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree, and First professional degree.


Step 3 – Program Length
Then, enter the normal time to complete the program as published in your institutional catalog or
other publications. Enter the numerical value in the field provided, then select either weeks, months,
or years.

Step 4 – SOC Codes
Once a CIP code is provided and verified, an additional section is displayed for providing the
“Occupations for which this program prepares students”.


Click on the link to choose from a list of Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes
commonly associated with this program’s CIP code. Check all that apply and click the save icon
( ), or close the window to enter a custom SOC code.

To provide a custom SOC code for an occupation not on the list provided, choose the “click here”
link and enter the SOC code and occupation for which the program prepares students in the correct
format, as shown below. The custom SOC code will be verified upon entry.

! Critical Information - Only enter a custom SOC code if there are no SOC codes commonly associated
with this program’s CIP code.

At least one related occupation must be selected or provided in order to continue.

 Tip - The on-screen text provides valuable information regarding what data to include and/or exclude. The OPE ID, CIP
code, and SOC code identify the institution, the selected GE Program, and the relevant occupations for which this program
prepares students. Therefore, it is important to verify that complete and correct information for the institution’s selected GE
Program has been entered.

Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click


to continue.

2.3 Cost
On the Cost screen, provide the published current or projected costs for the entire length of the program
assuming normal time to completion.


Step 1 – Tuition and Fees
First, enter the total in-state and out-of-state tuition and required fees and the total estimated books
and supplies in whole dollars.

If the institution only offers one tuition rate, check the designated box and provide the tuition and
required fees in the first box.

Step 2 – Books and Supplies
Next, enter the total estimated costs for books and supplies in whole dollars.

Step 3 – Other Costs
Then, enter any additional fees or expenses other than those entered above. A maximum of 2,000
characters is allowed.

Step 4 – URL for Other Program Cost Information
Finally, provide the URL for other program cost information available on the institution’s website
pursuant to Sec. 668.43(a).

Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click

to continue.

2.4 Completion
On the Completion screen, enter the number of students who received Title IV aid at any point for
attendance in the program that began enrollment in a certain time frame; and the number who completed
the program on time. The enrollment cohort will differ based on the previously entered program length, as
outlined below:
• For programs up to one year, enter the number of students (both full-time and part-time) who
began enrollment in the program between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, who received Title IV
aid at any point for attendance in the program.
• For programs greater than one year but no more than two years, enter the number of students
(both full-time and part-time) who began enrollment in the program between July 1, 2014 and June
30, 2015, who received Title IV aid at any point for attendance in the program.
• For programs greater than two years but no more than three years, enter the number of students
(both full-time and part-time) who began enrollment in the program between July 1, 2013 and June
30, 2014, who received Title IV aid at any point for attendance in the program.
• For programs greater than three years but no more than 4 years, enter the number of students (both
full-time and part-time) who began enrollment in the program between July 1, 2012 and June
30, 2013, who received Title IV aid at any point for attendance in the program.
• For programs greater than four years, the number of students (both full-time and part-time)
who began enrollment in the program is not required.


Step 1 – Number Enrolled
First, enter the number of students who began enrollment in the cohort year specified.

Step 2 – Completers Within Normal Time
Next, identify the number of enrolled students that completed the program in normal time. Normal
time should be based on the program length entered previously.
NOTE: If the institution reported fewer than 10 students enrolled in the program, this question
will be disabled in order to preserve the confidentiality of those students.

The system will use the two numbers entered to calculate the percent of students who completed the
program within the specified program length. This percentage will appear on the final disclosure.
Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click


to continue.

2.5 Debt
On the Debt screen, enter the median cumulative amount of debt for all Title IV students (both in-state
and out-of-state) who completed the program in normal time. The number of completers in normal time
is preloaded from the previous screen for your reference. This includes private, institutional and Federal
student debt for students who received Title IV aid at any point for attendance in the program.
The interest rate used by the U.S Department of Education to amortize the median loan debt for the
program will be prefilled based on the credential level selected on the Program Information screen. The
interest rate for Undergraduate certificates, Associate’s degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, and Post baccalaureate
certificates is 4.45% and the interest rate for Graduate certificates, Master’s degrees, Doctoral degree, and
First professional degrees is 6.0%.
The system will use the two numbers to calculate the amount a typical graduate pays per month in student
loans. This amount will appear on the final disclosure.
NOTE: If the institution reported fewer than 10 completers, the student loan debt fields are disabled in
order to preserve the confidentiality of the loan recipients.

Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click


to continue.

2.6 Performance
Under the GE Regulations, institutions must provide warnings for programs that could become ineligible
for Title IV aid based on the next round of final D/E rates. Loss of eligibility results after receiving overall
fail ratings in any 2 out of 3 consecutive award years for which rates are calculated or after receiving a
combination of fail and zone ratings for 4 consecutive award years for which rates were calculated. Warning
requirements are temporarily suspended for programs with an alternate earnings appeal under consideration.
Following the first year of D/E rates, warnings are required for programs with an overall fail rating without
a pending alternate earnings appeal. Following the withdrawal or rejection of a program’s appeal, the
institution has 30 days to revise their GE disclosure template to include the warning language.
• Pass: Annual debt-to-earnings rate is less than or equal to 8% OR the discretionary income debtto-earnings rate is less than or equal to 20%
• Zone: Annual debt-to-earnings rate is greater than 8% but less than or equal to 20% OR
discretionary income debt-to-earnings rate is greater than 20% but less than or equal to 30%

Fail (warnings are required): Annual debt-to-earnings rate is greater than 12% AND
discretionary income debt-to-earnings rate is greater than 30%

On the Performance screen, select whether warnings are required for this program.

Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click


to continue.

2.7 Job Placement
On the Job Placement screen, indicate whether the institution is required to calculate a job placement rate
for the program completers by its state and/or its accrediting agency by selecting the applicable option. An
additional option is available for those who are not currently required to calculate a job placement rate for
program completers.

Once Accrediting Agency, State, or both is selected, additional applicable sections are displayed for
providing job placement information. These are described in detail below.


Accrediting agency
If the institution is required to calculate a job placement rate for its Accrediting Agency, then the
institution must enter its accrediting agency name, job placement rate, placement rate methodology
URL, the types of jobs students were placed in, positions that recent completers were hired for, how
long after the program completion date the job placement rate is based, and how the information
was tracked.
If the program does not yet have enough completers to calculate a placement rate as required by the
accreditor, check the designated box. If the box is checked, no additional information will be required
for the Accreditor Rate.

If more than one accreditor (such as programmatic accreditor and institutional accreditor) requires a rate,
click on the link to add another accreditor rate and provide the required information.


If the institution is required to calculate a job placement rate for its State, then the institution must
enter its state name, job placement rate, placement rate methodology URL, the types of jobs students
were placed in, positions that recent completers were hired for, how long after the program
completion date the job placement rate is based, and how the information was tracked.
If the program does not yet have enough completers to calculate a placement rate as required by the
state, check the designated box. If the box is checked, no additional information will be required for
the State Rate.

Both (Accrediting Agency and State)
If the institution is required to calculate a job placement rate for both its Accrediting Agency and
State, then the information described in the sections above will be required for both. If the calculated
job placement rate (and the related methodology) calculated for the state is the same as the
information entered for the accreditor rate, a check box is available for copying the information
entered in the accrediting agency component to the state component. If the check box is used, the
state name will still be required.
Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click

to continue.

2.8 Licensure Requirements
On the Licensure Requirements screen, your institution is required to provide information about whether
this program meets licensure requirements for any states in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) in which
the institution is located, as well as for any states for which the institution is aware of whether the program
satisfies all educational prerequisites to qualify a student for licensure. This includes states that meet any of
the following criteria:
• The state(s) in which your institution is required to obtain state authorization pursuant to 34 CFR
• All states in the metropolitan statistical area(s) (MSA) in which your program is offered
• Any other states for which you have determined that your program does or does not meet
licensure requirements
NOTE: For programs at foreign schools with clinical sites in the United States, select the state(s) in the
MSA for where the clinical site(s) are located. For other programs at foreign schools, select Foreign Country
as the state.
For each of the options below, select all applicable states from the drop-down list provided:
• Program meets licensure requirements of this State
• Program does not meet licensure requirements of this State
• Program qualifies students to sit for licensure exam in this State
• Program does not qualify students to sit for licensure exam in this State
• State does not have licensure requirements for this profession.


Once all entries on this screen have been reviewed, click


to continue.

2.9 Context
Step 1 – Additional Information
On the Context screen, enter any additional information that should be included on the disclosure to
provide information and/or context to students related to this program and the information provided. A
maximum of 2,000 characters is allowed.

 Tip - Was all information reviewed to ensure that it is accurate and complete? The output file contains a custom web page
for hosting on the institution’s website. It is important to carefully review the provided information for spelling, grammatical
errors, and content.

Step 2 – Download Template
Once all screens have been completed and reviewed, click
to generate a ZIP file containing
two versions of the disclosure in HTML format, one for the web and the other for printing. Clicking the
button will erase all data entered in the template.

! Critical Information - The downloaded file constitutes the only copy of the created disclosures. No information will be saved
in your web browser.




3 Save and Extract the File
Your download is a ZIP file, also called a compressed folder, containing the HTML code needed to run
the customized GEDT on your institution’s website. You must save this file to your computer and extract
the file before attempting to upload it to your institution’s website.

! Critical Information - The ZIP file downloaded in this step constitutes the only copy of the output file with the institution’s
data. This data is not retained anywhere, so make sure this file is saved locally and its location noted before closing the GEDT data
entry form.

Step 1 – Save File
The first step is to save the GEDT ZIP file. When saving the file, enter the desired file name and destination;
then click “Save.” The browser may be set to automatically save downloaded content to a default location.
Though your steps may change based on your browser settings, general instructions for downloading the file
are available below for three browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.
Internet Explorer

After clicking the button to save the disclosure, you may receive the prompt shown below. Click
“Save” to save the ZIP file to the computer’s hard drive.

If you do not know where the download is located on your computer, you may click on the “Tools”
menu in your browser then click on “View Downloads” (Ctrl+J).


Mozilla Firefox

After clicking the button to save the disclosure, click “Save File” to save the ZIP file to the
computer’s hard drive; then click “OK” to continue.

Google Chrome

After clicking the button to save the disclosure, you may see the prompt shown below. Click the file
to download the GEDT ZIP file.

If you do not receive the prompt, click the menu icon in your browser and choose “Downloads.”
 Tip - A print version of the template with no clickable links is also available in the downloaded ZIP file. When printing
this version, please make sure that the “Print Background (colors & images)” option is enabled in the browser’s Page Setup.

Step 2 – Extract File
To extract the folder, right-click the folder name and click “Extract All” or a similar option depending on
the programs available on your computer. A new extracted or “unzipped” file will be created.


Step 3 – Preview Disclosure
The folder will contain two files: one for normal browser viewing and the other for the print version.
 Tip – For a paper copy of your disclosure, open the “GedtPrint.html” file and print the page. For a PDF copy of your
disclosure, open the “GedtPrint.html” file and choose “Print to PDF.”

Preview a local version of the GE Program’s customized web page by double-clicking the HTML document
that appears as a browser link within the extracted folder. The file names will include the CIP code entered
on the Program Information screen.

 Tip - If the output page is not appearing as expected, try clicking the “Allow Blocked Content” button in the browser.

To edit the data provided for the GE Program or to create additional disclosures, repeat the process outlined
in this guide. This will generate a new version of the disclosure template with the new or updated


An example of the output page is displayed below:


An additional example is displayed below for an output page of a program that failed its final debt-toearnings rates measure determination and has no completers:




4 Uploading the Disclosure
This chapter contains detailed instructions for how to upload the GEDT to your institution’s website.

Once the necessary files have been downloaded and extracted, they can be hosted on your institution’s

Step 1 – Create a New Web Folder
To begin, create a new folder for the output file within the specific GE Program’s home directory on the
institution’s website.
The name chosen for this folder will be included in the link used to access the application, so a detailed
name more closely related to the specific GE Program, such as “ComputerandInformationSciences_2year”
is recommended.

Step 2 – Upload the Files
Move the extracted files (both HTML files) from their previous destination to this new folder.

! Critical Information - All files must be contained within the same folder for the print function to work.
Step 3 – Verify the Application
The GE program’s customized web page should now be accessible on the institution’s website! Verify this
by entering the URL into the web browser as follows:
http://[Homepage URL]/[Folder Name]/[File Name]
For example, in the case illustrated above, the URL would look like this:
 Tip - To change the URL above, rename the folder created within the home directory, or rename the HTML file within
that folder. Be sure to preserve the structure of the directory when making these changes.

Please remember that a unique output file must be generated for each program at the institution that is subject
to the gainful employment regulations.




5 Glossary of Terms
This section defines and explains some of the more common terms found in the system. In addition, you may access the
online IPEDS Glossary at to find definitions for nearly 500
postsecondary-related terms used in the collection of IPEDS data.

Board charges

Charges assessed students for an academic year for meals.

Books and supplies

The average cost of books and supplies for a typical student for an entire
academic year (or program). Does not include unusual costs for special groups
of students (e.g. engineering or art majors), unless they constitute the majority
of students at an institution.

CIP code

A six-digit code in the form xx.xxxx that identifies instructional program
specialties within educational institutions.


A student who receives a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award.
For GE reporting and disclosure purposes: a student is considered to have
completed an educational program when the student has satisfied all of the
academic requirements of the program, regardless of whether the degree,
certificate, or other institutional credential has been awarded to the student.

Loans to students

Any monies that must be repaid to the lending institution for which the
student is the designated borrower. Includes all Title IV subsidized and
unsubsidized loans and all institutionally- and privately-sponsored loans. Does
not include PLUS and other loans made directly to parents.


In probability theory and statistics, a median is described as the numerical value
separating the higher half of a sample or population from the lower half. The
median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all of the
observations from lowest value to highest value and selecting the middle one.
If there is an even number of observations, then there is no single middle value;
the median is then typically defined as the average of the two middle values.


Normal time to

The amount of time necessary for a student to complete all requirements for
a degree or certificate according to the institution's catalog. This is typically 4
years (8 semesters or trimesters, or 12 quarters, excluding summer terms) for
a bachelor's degree in a standard term-based institution; 2 years (4 semesters
or trimesters, or 6 quarters, excluding summer terms) for an associate's degree
in a standard term-based institution; and the various scheduled times for
certificate programs.


A program of study consisting of one or more courses, designed to provide
the student with sufficient knowledge and skills to perform in a specific


Identification number used by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of
Postsecondary Education (OPE) to identify schools that have Program
Participation Agreements (PPA) so that its students are eligible to participate
in Federal Student Financial Assistance programs under Title IV regulations.
This is a 6-digit number followed by a 2-digit suffix used to identify branches,
additional locations, and other entities that are part of the eligible institution.

Other expenses

The amount of money (estimated by the financial aid office) needed by a
student to cover expenses such as laundry, transportation, and entertainment.

Private for-profit

A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in control receives
compensation other than wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption of

Private not-for-profit

A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in control receives no
compensation, other than wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption
of risk. These include both independent not-for-profit schools and those
affiliated with a religious organization.


A combination of courses and related activities organized for the attainment
of broad educational objectives as described by the institution.

Public institution

An educational institution whose programs and activities are operated by
publicly elected or appointed school officials and which is supported primarily
by public funds.

Required fees

A fixed sum charged to students for items not covered by tuition and required
of such a large proportion of all students that the student who does not pay
the charge is an exception.

Room charges

The charges for an academic year for rooming accommodations for a typical
student sharing a room with one other student.



The amount of money charged to students for instructional services. Tuition
may be charged per term, per course, or per credit.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleGainful Employment Disclosure Template Quick Start Guide
SubjectUsing the GEDT
AuthorUnited States Department of Education
File Modified2018-01-23
File Created2018-01-15

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