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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 106 / Monday, June 5, 2017 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, nor any of their contractors,
subcontractors or their employees,
makes any warranty, express or implied,
or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or any third party’s use or
the results of such use of any
information, apparatus, product, or
process disclosed, or represents that its
use would not infringe privately owned
rights. Reference in the draft version of
the Energy-Water Nexus State Policy
Database to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade
name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise, does not necessarily
constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the
United States Government or any
agency thereof or its contractors or
subcontractors. This RFI is solely an
effort to gather information from
stakeholders to help inform DOE–EPSA
on whether a finalized version of such
a database would be useful and how it
might be designed.
Request for Information Categories and
DOE is particularly interested in
receiving comments and data on the
1. Quality and Completeness of
Information. Are the policy descriptions
accurate and complete? Are they
current? Are the key functional pieces of
the policy easily accessible? What
additional information would be useful?
How could the descriptions be
streamlined? What other policies should
be included?
2. Functionality. How could the
functionality be improved in areas such
as user interface, search functionality,
sorting functionality, site structure, etc.?
3. Uses. How might you or your
organization use the database? What key
important questions could the database
help to answer? What visualizations
might you or your organization consider
using the database to develop?
4. Connection to Other Data Sources
or Initiatives. Are there other data
sources in industry, government,
academia, or other sectors that could be
connected to this database? If so, what
are these data sets and how might they
be beneficially connected or
coordinated with the database?
5. Users. Which stakeholder groups—
including groups in industry,
government, academia, etc.—might find
the database most useful and for what
6. Maintenance. How should policy
developments be tracked and at what
frequency to keep the database current
and useful?
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Request for Information Response
(7) why disclosure of the information
would be contrary to the public interest.
Responses to this RFI must be
submitted electronically to no later
than 11:59 p.m. (ET) on August 4, 2017.
Responses must be provided as
attachments to an email. It is
recommended that attachments with file
sizes exceeding 25MB be compressed
(i.e., zipped) to ensure message delivery.
Responses must be provided as a
Microsoft Word (.docx) or Microsoft
Excel (.xslx) attachment to the email.
Only electronic responses will be
Please identify your answers by
responding to a specific question or
topic if applicable. Respondents may
answer as many or as few questions as
they wish. DOE–EPSA will not respond
to individual submissions or publish
publicly a compendium of responses. A
response to this RFI will not be viewed
as a binding commitment to develop or
pursue the project or ideas discussed.
Respondents are requested to provide
the following information at the start of
their response to this RFI:
• Company/institution name;
• Company/institution contact;
• Contact’s address, phone number,
and email address.
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 9, 2017.
Carol Battershell,
Acting Director, Office of Energy Policy and
Systems Analysis.
Confidential Business Information
Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any
person submitting information that he
or she believes to be confidential and
exempt by law from public disclosure
should submit via email two wellmarked copies: One copy of the
document marked ‘‘confidential’’
including all the information believed to
be confidential, and one copy of the
document marked ‘‘non-confidential’’
with the information believed to be
confidential deleted. DOE will make its
own determination about the
confidential status of the information
and treat it according to its
Factors of interest to DOE when
evaluating requests to treat submitted
information as confidential include: (1)
A description of the items; (2) whether
and why such items are customarily
treated as confidential within the
industry; (3) whether the information is
generally known by or available from
other sources; (4) whether the
information has previously been made
available to others without obligation
concerning its confidentiality; (5) an
explanation of the competitive injury to
the submitting person that would result
from public disclosure; (6) when such
information might lose its confidential
character due to the passage of time; and
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[FR Doc. 2017–11547 Filed 6–2–17; 8:45 am]
U.S. Energy Information
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), Department of
ACTION: Notice and request for OMB
review and comment.
The EIA has submitted an
information collection request to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for extension under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. The information collection
requests a three-year extension of its
CIPSEA Confidentiality Pledge
Revision, OMB Control Number 1905–
0211. The proposed collection will
make permanent the modification to the
confidentiality pledge that was
approved on January 12, 2017, under
the emergency clearance under OMB
Control Number 1905–0211.
DATES: Comments regarding this
proposed information collection must
be received on or before July 5, 2017. If
you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, please
advise the DOE Desk Officer at OMB of
your intention to make a submission as
soon as possible. The Desk Officer may
be telephoned at 202–395–4718.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the DOE Desk Officer, Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10102,
735 17th Street NW., Washington, DC
And to or
Jacob Bournazian, U.S. Energy
Information Administration, Mail Stop
EI–23, Forrestal Building, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20585 (Email is
Jacob Bournazian, U.S. Energy
Information Administration, 1000
Independence Avenue SW.,
asabaliauskas on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 106 / Monday, June 5, 2017 / Notices
Washington, DC 20585, phone: 202–
586–5562 (this is not a toll-free
number), email: jacob.bournazian@ Because of delays in the receipt
of regular mail related to security
screening, respondents are encouraged
to use electronic communications. The
survey forms and instructions are
available on the Internet at https://
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No. 1905–0211; (2) Information
Collection Request Title: CIPSEA
Confidentiality Pledge Revision; (3)
Type of Request: Three-year extension;
(4) Purpose: Under 44 U.S.C. 3506(e),
and 44 U.S.C. 3501 (note), EIA revised
the confidentiality pledge(s) it provides
to respondents for surveys that protect
information under the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 (note))
(CIPSEA). EIA’s CIPSEA confidentiality
pledge needed to be modified to be
consistent with provisions of the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–11, Division N,
Title II, Subtitle B, Sec. 223), which
permit and require the Secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) to provide Federal civilian
agencies’ information technology
systems with cybersecurity protection
for their Internet traffic. In 2004, EIA’s
original CIPSEA confidentiality pledge
stated that the information respondents
provide will be seen only by EIA
personnel or their sworn agents, and be
used only for statistical purposes. As
part of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act for Fiscal Year 2016 signed on
December 17, 2015, the Congress
included the Federal Cybersecurity
Enhancement Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–
11, Division N, Title II, Subtitle B, Sec.
223). This Act, among other provisions,
permits and requires DHS to provide
Federal civilian agencies’ information
technology systems with cybersecurity
protection for their Internet traffic. The
technology currently used to provide
this protection against cyber malware is
known as Einstein 3A; it electronically
searches Internet traffic in and out of
Federal civilian agencies in real time for
malware signatures. When such a
signature is found, the Internet packets
that contain the malware signature are
moved to a secured area for further
inspection by DHS personnel. Because it
is possible that such packets entering or
leaving a statistical agency’s information
technology system may contain a small
portion of confidential statistical data,
statistical agencies no longer promise
their respondents that their responses
will be seen only by statistical agency
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personnel or their sworn agents.
However, EIA does promise, in
accordance with provisions of the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act
of 2015, that such monitoring will be
used only to protect information and
information systems from cybersecurity
risks, thereby, in effect, providing
stronger protection to the integrity of the
respondents’ submissions. Since it is
possible that DHS personnel may see
some portion of those confidential data
in the course of examining the
suspicious Internet packets identified by
Einstein 3A sensors, EIA revised its
confidentiality pledge on January 12,
2017, under an emergency clearance, to
reflect this process change. The
submission of this request to OMB
makes the change in EIA’s CIPSEA
confidentiality pledge permanent for all
surveys that EIA protects under the
CIPSEA statute. Therefore, EIA provides
this notice to alert the public of this
permanent change in its confidentiality
pledge in an efficient and coordinated
Statutory Authority: Section 13(b) of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974,
Pub. L. 93–275, codified as 15 U.S.C. 772(b)
and the DOE Organization Act of 1977, Pub.
L. 95–91, codified at 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 8, 2017.
Nanda Srinivasan,
Director, Office of Survey Development and
Statistical Integration, U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2017–11549 Filed 6–2–17; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. CP16–496–000]
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company,
L.L.C.; Notice of Availability of the
Environmental Assessment for the
Proposed Lone Star Project
The staff of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC or
Commission) has prepared an
environmental assessment (EA) for the
Lone Star Project, proposed by
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC
(Tennessee) in the above-referenced
docket. Tennessee requests
authorization to construct and operate
two new compressor stations in San
Patricio and Jackson Counties, Texas.
The EA assesses the potential
environmental effects of construction
and operation of the Lone Star Project
in accordance with the requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act.
The FERC staff concludes that approval
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of the proposed project, with
appropriate mitigating measures, would
not constitute a major federal action
significantly affecting the quality of the
human environment.
The proposed Lone Star Project
includes the following facilities:
• One new bi-directional enclosed
Compressor Station 3A in San Patricio
County, Texas, consisting of one 10,915
horsepower (hp) International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)
rated Solar Taurus 70 turbine/
compressor unit and associated
appurtenances; and
• one new bi-directional enclosed
Compressor Station 11A in Jackson
County, Texas, consisting of one 20,500hp ISO rated Solar Titan 130 turbine/
compressor unit and appurtenances.
The FERC staff mailed copies of the
EA to federal, state, and local
government representatives and
agencies; elected officials; Native
American tribes; potentially affected
landowners and other interested
individuals and groups, including
commenters; newspapers and libraries
in the project area; and parties to this
proceeding. In addition, the EA is
available for public viewing on the
FERC’s Web site ( using
the eLibrary link. A limited number of
copies of the EA are available for
distribution and public inspection at:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Public Reference Room, 888 First Street
NE., Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426,
(202) 502–8371.
Any person wishing to comment on
the EA may do so. Your comments
should focus on the potential
environmental effects, reasonable
alternatives, and measures to avoid or
lessen environmental impacts. The more
specific your comments, the more useful
they will be. To ensure that the
Commission has the opportunity to
consider your comments prior to
making its decision on this project, it is
important that we receive your
comments in Washington, DC on or
before June 26, 2017.
For your convenience, there are three
methods you can use to file your
comments with the Commission. In all
instances please reference the project
docket number (CP16–496–000) with
your submission. The Commission
encourages electronic filing of
comments and has expert staff available
to assist you at 202–502–8258 or
(1) You can file your comments
electronically using the eComment
feature located on the Commission’s
Web site ( under the link
to Documents and Filings. This is an
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-06-03 |
File Created | 2017-06-03 |