National Center for Education Statistics
Volume II
Instruments and Communication Materials
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) Integrated Data Product Documentation Customer Feedback (IDPF) 2018
OMB# 1880-0542
September 2018
revised October 2018
The voluntary participation and Paperwork Reduction Act statement provided below will be included on the IDPF survey login screen.
Voluntary Participation and Paperwork Burden Statement
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will not be identified with your name in any information released from this survey.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1880-0542. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average thirty minutes. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your submission of this form, please write to: Sample Surveys Division, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.
The {fill agency name} would like to have your feedback about your experience using {fill in the integrated statistical product name}. Your participation is important because it will help federal statistical agencies better support users like yourself.
While this survey does ask questions about your assessment of the statistical product, the majority of the survey’s questions ask about your assessment of the product’s documentation. The purpose of the questions is to help federal agencies better understand what consumers need in product documentation.
{name of product} was selected as the topic for these questions because it is an “integrated” data product. An integrated data product is one that merges, mixes, or combines information from different source data to produce a new product (such as a database or an estimate). Examples of these products include national accounts (statistics focusing on the structure and evolution of economies), databases that result from linking survey data to administrative data, or databases created by combining information from multiple surveys.
This survey is administered by General Services Administration (GSA) on behalf of {fill agency name} and should take 30 minutes to complete. You have been provided a unique survey link and can enter the survey as many times as needed until submitted. You have two weeks to fill out this survey before the window closes. Please respond by {fill date due}.
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will not be identified with your name in any information released from this survey.
A1. Have you used or cited results from {name of product}?
No Go To End
A2. Were you aware that {name of product} combined information from different sources of information or data?
These next questions refer to various dimensions of quality of {name of product}. Please use a 5-point scale to respond where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
How would you rate {name of product} in terms of:
A3. Relevance to your research or reporting needs __________
A4. Accuracy of information. That is, does it effectively measure the issue
for which you need data __________
A5. Whether the information is reliable in terms of being based on scientific
criteria used to selected data sources and statistical methods __________
A6. Time between when information in {name of product} was collected and
when it was available to you __________
A7. Time between when the information was scheduled to be available to you
(target date) and the time it actually became available __________
A8. Consistency with other information that you know about the topic you
needed {name of product} to study __________
A9. Comparability - or whether information about a topic from one source
of information in {name of product} was comparable to information about
that topic from another source of data used in {name of product} (e.g., pricing
data from different sources were for comparable units of a product). This
includes comparability to previous releases of {name of product}. __________
A10. Ease of accessing {name of product} __________
A11. Overall, how confident are you in the data or the statistics that you obtain from {name of product}?
confident Somewhat confident Neither confident nor unconfident
Somewhat unconfident Very unconfident
These next questions refer to various dimensions of quality of the documentation for {name of product}. Most of the rest of this survey will focus on the documentation.
A12. Have you read documentation for, or contacted the agency to obtain information about {name of product}? Examples of documentation include a stand-alone technical report describing the data, appendixes or technical notes to other documents that use the data, web-pages about the data, or contacts with agency staff?
No Go To End
only read documentation
read documentation and contacted agency staff
only contacted agency staff
A13. Did you use information in the documentation to determine whether {name of product} fits your research or reporting needs?
A14. Did you get information about {name of product} from more than one source of documentation?
No, there was just one source of data documentation Go To A16
A15. How many different sources of documentation did you read to evaluate and use {name of product}? ____ [please fill in a number]
Using a 5-point scale, where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied” please rate the data documentation for the listed characteristics. If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
A16. Clarity of the writing style __________
A17. Clarity of tables and graphics, including maps __________
A18. Completeness in terms of being able to evaluate the product for your needs __________
A19. How did you use the data documentation or other information provided by the agency to inform or address your information needs?
Integrated data merge, mix or combine data from separate sources. The following questions are about the documentation about how different sources of data were integrated into {name of product}.
B1. Did the data documentation provide information about the different sources of information that were
integrated into {name of product}?
B2. Did you use the information about the different data sources to evaluate whether {name of product} was sufficient to meet your information needs?
Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. Again, “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
B3. Detail with which the {agency name} identified available sources of __________
information for integration into the product
B4. Detail with which the {agency name} evaluated the quality (.e.g.,
population coverage, measurement and sampling error, time period
covered, etc.) of information for integration into the product __________
B5. Detail with which the {agency name} explained the purpose for which
the source information was collected initially __________
B6. References to find out more about the source data beyond what
was included in the {agency name}’s documentation __________
B7. What information on data sources used in {name of product} did you find useful? ________________________________________________________________________
B8. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about source selections made for {name of product}? ________________________________________________________________________
Please evaluate documentation for how data or information from different sources were integrated into {name of product}.
Integration includes linking procedures and other approaches to linking unit records across sources, modeling information based on different sources resulting in an estimate or a set of estimates, and other approaches to combining across information sources to produce a data set or statistical product.
C1. Did the data documentation provide information about how {name of agency} evaluated the quality of the integrated data used for {name of product}?
C2. Did you use the information on the quality of {name of product} to determine whether it was sufficient to meet your information needs?
Again, please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
C3. Detail about how the sources of information were integrated into
{name of product} __________
C4. Detail about the effectiveness of the integration procedures __________
C5. Detail about how the integration was evaluated __________
C6. Detail about procedures used when one approach did not
prove successful such as when some cases could not be matched or
linked across sources __________
C7. Detail about how missing data were treated during integration __________
C8. Detail about decision rules when more than one source had
relevant data for a given concept __________
C9. Detail about how data with differing time frames were integrated
in {name of product} __________
C10. Detail about how data with different geographic specificity were
integrated in {name of product} __________
C11. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about procedures used to integrate information from different sources into {name of product}? ___________________________________________________________________________
These next questions are about how well the available documentation for {name of product} discussed how to use and interpret information from {name of product}.
D1. Did the data documentation provide information for how to properly interpret or use {name of product}?
D2. Did you use the information about proper interpretation or applications of {name of product} to
determine whether {name of product} met your information needs?
Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
D3. Detail about how the product is to be adjusted to be
representative of the population or concept of inference __________
D4. Detail about remaining population coverage limitations __________
D5. Detail about how errors from each data source affect
the overall error for the product __________
D6. Detail about how to produce accurate estimates of variance for
{name of product} __________
D7. Detail about how the product was adjusted to prevent
disclosure of respondent or subject identity __________
D8. Detail about how disclosure prevention methods affect the
interpretation of results from the product __________
D9. Detail about how changes in source data might affect
interpretation of information derived from the product __________
D10. Detail about how changes in integration procedures might affect
interpretation of information derived from the product __________
D11. Overall, are you satisfied with the amount of detail provided about {name of product} __________
D12. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about how to properly use the product? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
These next questions ask about your experience with contacts you have had with agency or agency supported experts about how {name of product} was developed and can be interpreted.
Have you contacted the agency or agency supported experts about how
{name of product} was developed or how to interpret information from
{name of product}?
No Go To F1
Thinking about the information provided about {name of product}, please evaluate how satisfied you were with information about how the {name of product} was developed or how to interpret {name of product}. Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. Again, “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
E2. The information provided effectively addressed questions about
{name of product} __________
E3. Detail about how the {agency name} evaluated the quality (.e.g.,
population coverage, measurement and sampling error, time period
covered, etc.) of information for integration into the product __________
E4. Detail with which the {agency name} explained the purpose for which
the source information was collected initially __________
E5. References to find out more about the source data beyond those used in
{name of product} __________
E6. Detail about how the sources of information were integrated into
{name of product} __________
E7. Detail about the effectiveness of the integration procedures __________
E8. Detail about how the integration was evaluated __________
F1. In contrast to improving documentation, do you have suggestions for improving the statistical product itself or its quality?
For ERS respondents:
G1. Using only the public documentation enclosed with this survey (that is, relying on Muth et al. Understanding IRI Household-Based and Store-Based Scanner Data (2016) alone, and excluding other, non-public documentation that may be available to you as a user authorized to access confidential IRI data), how confident are you that the documentation would be adequate for you to determine the appropriateness of using the IRI data for a future research project?
Please use a 5-point scale to respond where “1” is “Very unconfident”, “2” is “Somewhat unconfident”, “3” is “Neither confident nor unconfident”, “4” is “Somewhat confident” and “5” is “Very confident.” If you do not know the answer, please indicate not applicable “NA.”
G2. What issues or questions related to the quality or statistical properties of the IRI data—or the appropriateness of using them for specific areas of research—are not currently addressed in the enclosed documentation that would be useful to potential IRI users?
For NCSES respondents:
G1. Please evaluate the Secure Data Access Facility in terms of its usefulness in accessing SESTAT data.
Please rate its usefulness using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “Very dissatisfied”, “2” is “Somewhat dissatisfied”, “3” is “Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied”, “4” is “Somewhat satisfied” and “5” is “Very satisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate not applicable “NA.”
END Thank you for your time and effort in responding to this survey.
The {fill agency name} would like to have your feedback about your experience using {fill in the integrated statistical product name}. Your participation is important because it will help federal statistical agencies better support users like yourself.
While this survey does ask questions about your assessment of the statistical product, the majority of the survey’s questions ask about your assessment of the product’s documentation. The purpose of the questions is to help federal agencies better understand what consumers need in product documentation.
{name of product} was selected as the topic for these questions because it is an “integrated” data product. An integrated data product is one that merges, mixes, or combines information from different source data to produce a new product (such as a database or an estimate). Examples of these products include national accounts (statistics focusing on the structure and evolution of economies), databases that result from linking survey data to administrative data, or databases created by combining information from multiple surveys.
This survey is administered by General Services Administration (GSA) on behalf of {fill agency name} and should take 30 minutes to complete. You have been provided a unique survey link and can enter the survey as many times as needed until submitted. You have two weeks to fill out this survey before the window closes. Please respond by {fill date due}.
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will not be identified with your name in any information released from this survey.
A1. Have you used or cited results from {name of product}?
No Go To End
A2. Were you aware that {name of product} combined information from different sources of information or data?
These next questions refer to various dimensions of quality of {name of product}. Please use a 5-point scale to respond where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
How would you rate {name of product} in terms of:
A3. Relevance to your research or reporting needs __________
A4. Accuracy of information. That is, does it effectively measure the issue
for which you need data __________
A5. Whether the information is reliable in terms of being based on scientific
criteria used to selected data sources and statistical methods __________
A6. Time between when information in {name of product} was collected and
when it was available to you __________
A7. Time between when the information was scheduled to be available to you
(target date) and the time it actually became available. __________
A8. Consistency with other information that you know about the topic you
needed {name of product} to study __________
A9. Comparability - or whether information about a topic from one source
of information in {name of product} was comparable to information about
that topic from another source of data used in {name of product} (e.g., pricing
data from different sources were for comparable units of a product). This
includes comparability to previous releases of {name of product}. __________
A10. Ease of accessing {name of product} __________
A11. Overall, how confident are you in the data or the statistics that you obtain from {name of product}?
Very confident Somewhat confident Neither confident nor unconfident
Somewhat unconfident Very unconfident
These next questions refer to various dimensions of quality of the documentation for {name of product}. Most of the rest of this survey will focus on the documentation.
A12. Have you read documentation for, or contacted the agency to obtain information about {name of product}? Examples of documentation include a stand-alone technical report describing the data, appendixes or technical notes to other documents that use the data, web-pages about the data, or contacts with agency staff?
No Go To End
only read documentation
read documentation and contacted agency staff
only contacted agency staff
A13. Did you use information in the documentation to determine whether {name of product} fits your research or reporting needs?
A14. Did you get information about {name of product} from more than one source of documentation?
No, there was just one source of data documentation Go To A16
A15. How many different sources of documentation did you read to evaluate and use {name of product}? ____ [please fill in a number]
Using a 5-point scale, where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied” please rate the data documentation for the listed characteristics. If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
A16. Clarity of the writing style __________
A17. Clarity of tables and graphics, including maps __________
A18. Completeness in terms of being able to evaluate the product for your needs __________
A19. How did you use the data documentation or other information provided by the agency to inform or address your information needs?
Integrated data merge, mix or combine data from separate sources. The following questions are about the documentation about how different sources of data were integrated into {name of product}.
B1. Did the data documentation provide information about the different sources of information that were integrated into {name of product}?
No Go To C1
B2. Did you use the information about the different data sources to evaluate whether {name of product} was sufficient to meet your information needs?
Thinking about the documentation for {name of product}, please evaluate the information provided about the different sources of data used by the statistical agency for {name of product}. If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate “Don’t know” or “Not applicable (NA).”
B3. Are you satisfied with the description of the data sources used in {name of product}
B4. What information on data sources used in {name of product} did you find useful? ________________________________________________________________________
B5. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about source selections made for {name of product}? ________________________________________________________________________
These next questions ask whether the information provided by {name of agency} on the quality of the integrated data used for {name of product} was sufficient for your needs.
C1. Did the data documentation provide information about how {name of agency} evaluated the quality of the integrated data used for {name of product}?
No Go To D1
C2. Did you use the information on the quality of {name of product} to determine whether it was sufficient to meet your information needs?
Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 4-point scale where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “4” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate “Don’t know” or “Not applicable (NA).”
C3. Detail about the quality of {name of product}. __________
C4. Detail about how the integration was evaluated __________
C5. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about procedures used to integrate information from different sources into {name of product}? ___________________________________________________________________________
These next questions are about how well the available documentation for {name of product} discussed how to use and interpret information from {name of product}.
D1. Did the data documentation provide information for how to properly interpret or use {name of product}?
No Go To E1
D2. Did you use the information about proper interpretation or applications of {name of product} to determine whether {name of product} met your information needs?
Please evaluate documentation for {name of product} in terms of how to use and interpret information from {name of product}. Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 4-point scale where “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “4” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate “Don’t know” or “Not applicable (NA).”
D3. Are you satisfied with the amount of detail provided about {name of product} __________
D4. What suggestions do you have for how to improve documentation about how to properly use the product? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
These next questions ask about your experience with contacts you have had with agency or agency supported experts about how {name of product} was developed and can be interpreted.
Have you contacted the agency or agency supported experts about how
{name of product} was developed or how to interpret information from
{name of product}?
No Go To F1
Thinking about the information provided about {name of product}, please evaluate how satisfied you were with information about how the {name of product} was developed or how to interpret {name of product}. Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. Again, “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
E2. The information provided effectively addressed questions about
{name of product} __________
E3. Detail about how the {agency name} evaluated the quality (.e.g.,
population coverage, measurement and sampling error, time period
covered, etc.) of information for integration into the product __________
E4. Detail with which the {agency name} explained the purpose for which
the source information was collected initially __________
E5. References to find out more about the source data beyond those used in
{name of product} __________
E6. Detail about how the sources of information were integrated into
{name of product} __________
E7. Detail about the effectiveness of the integration procedures __________
E8. Detail about how the integration was evaluated __________
Thinking about the documentation for {name of product}, please evaluate the information provided about how different sources of data were selected by the statistical agency for {name of product}. Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. Again, “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
F1. Detail about how the {agency name} evaluated the quality (.e.g.,
population coverage, measurement and sampling error, time period
covered, etc.) of information for integration into the product __________
F2. Detail with which the {agency name} explained the purpose for which
the source information was collected initially __________
F3. References to find out more about the source data beyond what
was included in the {agency name}’s documentation __________
G1. Did the data documentation provide information about how different sources of data were integrated into {name of product}?
No Go To End
G2. Did you use the information for how data sources were integrated to evaluate whether {name of product} was
sufficient to meet your information needs?
No Go To End
Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
G3. Detail about how the sources of information were integrated into
{name of product}. __________
G4. Detail about the effectiveness of the integration procedures __________
G5. Detail about how the integration was evaluated __________
Please evaluate documentation for {name of product} in terms of how to use and interpret information from {name of product}. Please rate the following aspects of the documentation using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “very satisfied,” “2” is “somewhat satisfied,” “3” is “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” “4” is “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “5” is “very dissatisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate don’t know “DK” or not applicable “NA.”
H1. Detail about how representative information from {name of product}
is of the population or concept you are using it to study __________
H2. Detail about how errors from each data source might affect
interpretation of information from {name of product} __________
H3. Detail about how changes in source data might affect
interpretation of information derived from the product __________
H4. Detail about how changes in integration procedures might affect
interpretation of information derived from the product __________
For ERS respondents:
I1. Using only the public documentation enclosed with this survey (that is, relying on Muth et al. Understanding IRI Household-Based and Store-Based Scanner Data (2016) alone, and excluding other, non-public documentation that may be available to you as a user authorized to access confidential IRI data), how confident are you that the documentation would be adequate for you to determine the appropriateness of using the IRI data for a future research project?
Please use a 5-point scale to respond where “1” is “Very unconfident”, “2” is “Somewhat unconfident”, “3” is “Neither confident nor unconfident”, “4” is “Somewhat confident” and “5” is “Very confident.” If you do not know the answer, please indicate not applicable “NA.”
I2. What issues or questions related to the quality or statistical properties of the IRI data—or the appropriateness of using them for specific areas of research—are not currently addressed in the enclosed documentation that would be useful to potential IRI users?
For NCSES respondents:
I1. Please evaluate the Secure Data Access Facility in terms of its usefulness in accessing SESTAT data.
Please rate its usefulness using a 5-point scale. A “1” is “Very dissatisfied”, “2” is “Somewhat dissatisfied”, “3” is “Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied”, “4” is “Somewhat satisfied” and “5” is “Very satisfied.” If you do not know the answer or an item does not apply to you, please indicate not applicable “NA.”
END Thank you for your time and effort in responding to this survey.
Appendix A. Participant Communications
Survey Coming Announcement
Sent from: GSA on behalf of Agency
To: {fill participant name}
Re: COMING SOON! Customer Survey for {fill in the integrated statistical product name}
Date: {fill date}
Hello {fill name},
The {fill agency name} will be sending you a survey on {fill in the integrated statistical product name}. This survey will be coming from the General Services Administration (GSA).
Please do not delete the survey, the {fill agency name} has identified you as an important customer and contributor to improving the {fill in the integrated statistical product name}.
Please expect the survey on {day/date}. Once the survey is received, you will have two weeks to complete it.
Best Regards,
{sender name and agency}
Take the Survey
Sent from: GSA on behalf of Agency
To: {fill name}
Re: Please take the Customer Survey for {fill in the integrated statistical product name}
Date: TBD
Hello {fill name},
The {fill agency name} would like your feedback about your experience using the {fill in the integrated statistical product name}. Your response to this survey is important and will inform how federal statistical agencies improve their support to statistical product users, like yourself.
{name of product} was selected as the topic for these questions because it is an “integrated” data product. An integrated data product is one that merges, mixes, or combines information from different source data to produce a new product (such as a database or an estimate). Examples include national accounts (statistics focusing on the structure and evolution of economies), databases that result from linking survey data to administrative data, and databases created by combining information from multiple surveys.
Requested Action: Click here to take the survey. You can enter and exit the survey as necessary until it is submitted. The survey itself should take 30 minutes to complete. Please submit your response by {day/date}. Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will not be identified with your name in any information released from this survey.
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1880-0542. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average thirty minutes. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your submission of this form, please write to: Sample Surveys Division, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202
Best Regards,
{sender name and agency}
Reminder 1 for Survey
Sent from: GSA on behalf of Agency
To: {fill name}
Re: 1 Week Left! Customer Survey for {fill in the integrated statistical product name}
Date: TBD
Hello {fill name},
are following up on the survey from {fill agency name} about {fill in
the integrated statistical product name}. Your response to this
survey is important and will inform how federal statistical agencies
improve their support to statistical product users, like yourself.
To complete this 30 minute survey, please click on the
unique survey link below. Please submit your response by {day/date}.
Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will
not be identified with your name in any information released from
this survey.
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1880-0542. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average thirty minutes. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your submission of this form, please write to: Sample Surveys Division, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202
Best Regards,
{sender name and agency}
Reminder 2 for Survey
Sent from: GSA on behalf of Agency
To: {fill name}
Re: 1 Day Left! Customer Survey for {fill in the integrated statistical product name}
Date: TBD
Hello {fill name},
are following up on the survey from {fill agency name} about {fill in
the integrated statistical product name}. Your response to this
survey is important and the information will inform how federal
statistical agencies improve their support to statistical product
users, like yourself.
To complete this 30 minute survey,
please click on the unique survey link below. Please submit your
response by {day/date}. Your participation is voluntary and the
information you provide will not be identified with your name in any
information released from this survey.
The information you share with us will be used only to develop recommendations for how to improve documentation provided for {fill in the integrated statistical product name} and for other federal integrated data products. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1880-0542. The time required to complete this survey is estimated to average thirty minutes. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this survey, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your submission of this form, please write to: Sample Surveys Division, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), PCP, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202
Best Regards,
{sender name and agency}
Thank You
Sent from: GSA on behalf of Agency
To: {fill name}
Re: Thank you for taking the Customer Survey for {fill in the integrated statistical product name}
Date: TBD
Hello {fill name},
The {fill agency name} would like to thank you for taking the survey about {fill in the integrated statistical product name}. Your response is valuable and appreciated.
Best Regards,
{sender name and agency}
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |