GRASP User Guide and Screenshots

GRASP Users Guide (11-2014) .pdf

Grant Request Automated Submissions Program (GRASP)

GRASP User Guide and Screenshots

OMB: 1405-0036

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Version 3.3.2 (Windows)
September 2011

United States Department of State
Office of Overseas Schools
A/EX/Information Resource Management


User’s Guide

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GRASP & Grant Program Descriptions ........................................................................................................................5
GRASP & Grant Program Flow Chart ..........................................................................................................................6
GRASP/GRASPOST User Guide..................................................................................................................................7
GRASP/GRASPOST Process ........................................................................................................................................7
System Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................8
Computer System ......................................................................................................................................................8
Monitor ......................................................................................................................................................................8
Printer ........................................................................................................................................................................8
Media Storage Devices ..............................................................................................................................................8
Software .....................................................................................................................................................................8
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................9
The GRASP/GRASPOST Environment ....................................................................................................................9
Using the Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 10
GRASP/GRASPOST Installation ................................................................................................................................ 11
Getting Started in GRASP ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Accessing GRASP for the first time ........................................................................................................................ 12
Routine Operation.................................................................................................................................................... 12
The Main Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................ 13
GRASP Survey Form Description ........................................................................................................................... 13
Entering the Data into the Survey Forms ................................................................................................................. 14
GRASP Survey Forms ................................................................................................................................................. 15
School Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 15
School Administration ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Governing Board ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Request Assistance .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Background & Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 22
Categories & Estimated Costs ......................................................................................................................... 23
Faculty Information ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Student Information ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Student Body ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Grade Levels ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
OSAC .................................................................................................................................................................. 32
School Budget.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Receipts ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
Receipts – Annual Tuition Rates ......................................................................................................................... 39
Receipts – Gifts and Contributions ...................................................................................................................... 40
Expenditures ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
GRASP Reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
Survey ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Printer Selection .................................................................................................................................................. 48
Preview/Print Buttons .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Administration ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Export Survey Data ................................................................................................................................................. 49
Import Survey Data ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Create New Grant Request Year .............................................................................................................................. 53
Delete Grant Request Year ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Select Grant Request Year ....................................................................................................................................... 54
Change Survey Year ................................................................................................................................................ 55
Change School Code ............................................................................................................................................... 55
HELP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Getting Started in GRASPOST ................................................................................................................................... 60
Process ..................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
Administration ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
Select A School ....................................................................................................................................................... 61

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Delete A School ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
Create A School ....................................................................................................................................................... 63
Enter Post Comments .............................................................................................................................................. 64
Edit ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Print ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Export Survey Data ................................................................................................................................................. 65
Import Survey Data ................................................................................................................................................. 65
Change Survey Year ................................................................................................................................................ 65
Change School Code ............................................................................................................................................... 65
Create New Grant Request Year .............................................................................................................................. 66
Delete Grant Request Year ...................................................................................................................................... 66
Select Grant Request Year ....................................................................................................................................... 66
HELP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 66


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The Office of Overseas Schools
GRASP & Grant Program Descriptions
NOTE: Throughout this document, the word POST refers to the Embassy, Consulate General or
Consulate of the United States.
The Department of State, Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS), assists approximately 197 schools in
137 countries. The Grant Request Annual Submissions Program (GRASP) is the tool used by these
schools to request an annual assistance award (grant) and to provide information on the school and its
programs. Schools abroad obtain the grant assistance (a) to provide adequate education for U.S.
government dependents, other Americans, and foreign nationals and (b) to demonstrate to foreign
nationals the philosophy and methods of American education. A second portion of the GRASP program,
called GRASPOST, was developed specifically to allow a post to review and edit school data and add
recommendations to grant requests submitted by schools associated with that post.
The schools receiving assistance must meet the policies and criteria set out in the Foreign Affairs Manual
(2 FAM Chapter 600 Overseas Schools Program). All eligible schools that wish to receive assistance
must complete GRASP on an annual basis. The GRASP solicits information about a school's student
body, governing board, finances, budget, faculty, and other relevant data. Annual notices are sent out to
posts and eligible schools in the fall, providing instructions and the due date for submission of the
GRASP. After each school completes the GRASP, it is sent to the appropriate post for their review. Each
post then writes a recommendation on the request and sends all school data to the Office of Overseas
Schools for review and analysis.
The survey data is used to tabulate totals and percentages of school information to assist the Office of
Overseas Schools in determining appropriate grant assistance, satisfying public requests, and producing
annual publications containing information about the school (i.e., address, telephone number, opening
and closing dates, organization, curriculum, faculty, enrollment, facilities, and finances). Additionally, the
statistical summaries assist the Office of Overseas Schools' Regional Education Officers (REO‟s) in
providing assistance to schools and posts that may include but is not limited to: 1) improving the general
quality of educational programs, 2) aiding in the recruitment and support of qualified U.S. - citizen
educational leaders and teachers, 3) developing in-service training activities, 4) providing up-to-date
instructional materials, 5) supporting special educational programs, including workshops, seminars, U.S.








association development, and 6) assisting with community and board relations.
The Office of Overseas Schools then prepares the Federal Assistance Award (grant) and e-mails it to the
post and school director for signature. The school then returns a signed copy of the grant to the Office of
Overseas Schools and the post. Upon execution (signature) of the grant, the funds are available for use
on a reimbursable basis through the submission of receipts to the post Management Officer.

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The Office of Overseas Schools
GRASP & Grant Program Flow Chart


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This GRASP/GRASPOST User‟s Guide contains information on the Grant Request Annual Submissions
Program (GRASP), which provides overseas schools with the ability to automate data entry and data
collection. In addition, this guide contains information on the GRASPOST program, which provides a post
with the ability to review and edit the data provided by the schools and to enter a recommendation on
appropriate U.S. government support to individual schools. Post has the option to use the GRASPOST
program or send its recommendation by e-mail or hardcopy.

1. The Office of Overseas Schools distributes packets of the GRASP/GRASPOST materials (CDs and
copies of the User's Guide) to assisted schools and U.S. government posts. The school installs the
application as GRASP on its computer and begins entering information into the program according to
the instructions provided in the User's Guide.
2. School personnel review the data to certify that all required information has been entered. After this
data has been entered and verified for completeness and accuracy, the school prints a hard copy of
the GRASP Submission Report, which includes: the GRASP survey forms, signature page,
Debarment Certification Statement and checklist. Appropriate school officials sign the signature page
and Certification Statement.
3. The school exports the GRASP data to a CD which is sent to the post with the GRASP Submission
Report. The checklist should be used as the cover sheet for the complete package. The school can
also include any updated by-laws or library materials. OR
4. The school e-mails the .psr files and 2 signed forms to the Office of Overseas Schools. The school
then sends a printed copy of the GRASP submission report to the post Management Officer for review.
The school should also notify the post that they have sent all other materials directly to the Office of
Overseas Schools.
To send the files by e-mail:
On your C drive where you updated the GRASP locate: C:\Program Files\Grasp\Data\School
Code\Survey Year. Just copy these files and paste them in a return e-mail.
5. The post then reviews the printed copy of the GRASP Submission Report and writes a
recommendation, which is then forwarded (e-mail or fax) to the Office of Overseas Schools.
6. If the post reviews the submission on the computer, the post installs the application as GRASPOST on
its computer.
7. The post loads the individual school's information into GRASPOST, reviews the data from that school,
and enters the Post Recommendation.
8. The post prints out and signs a hard copy of the Post Recommendation. The Post Recommendation
and the data for each individual school are then exported to a separate CD.
9. The post ensures that the school has submitted all required materials (see checklist). It then forwards
to the Office of Overseas Schools the school's materials including the school's GRASP CD, the post‟s
GRASPOST disk with re-exported data, and the signed Post Recommendation. The checklist should
be used as the cover sheet.
9. In future years, much of the data entered by the schools for the first time will be "rolled over," thus
eliminating the need to enter static data every year.


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System Requirements
FOR POST ONLY: GRASP was approved for use by the A/EX/ITS Local CCB. Anti-virus software must
be installed and active on the GRASP workstation. POST meets standard DOS requirements as
equipment is issued per GITM requirements.

Computer System
The GRASP application has been designed to work on a Windows PC and will not accommodate
Macintosh files.
The minimum computer requirement to run GRASP/GRASPOST is a computer with the following

486SX or higher (Pentium recommended)
16 MB (24 MB recommended) RAM
15 MB hard drive, plus space required for data (approximately 1 MB per school)

VGA monitor, minimum of 800x600, up to 1280X1024 resolution may be used to see full screen.

A hard copy of GRASP/GRASPOST reports and post recommendation can be produced on any type of

Media Storage Devices
The following data storage devices can store and load GRASP/GRASPOST data:

15 MB hard drive (with a minimum of 10 MB free)

The GRASP/GRASPOST 3.3.2 software has been developed in a Windows-based environment and can
be used on Windows 95 or higher. The features are consistent with other Windows applications and
therefore are probably familiar to you, e.g., menu bar, window, title, mouse pointer, etc.


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The GRASP/GRASPOST Environment
GRASP/GRASPOST is a Windows-driven application. It allows you to enter data simply by clicking on the
section you wish to edit. There is no need to remember a long list of sections or commands because they
are all on the screen. Data entry is made easy by displays on the screen. You can see the question being
asked, and you can see your answer as you enter it.
On a number of screens, GRASP automatically calculates the figures, thus reducing the amount of time
spent completing a grant request application. This feature is especially helpful when entering the budget
Across the top of the GRASP/GRASPOST screen is a menu bar. The bar is used to select sections to edit
and review, print hard copies, import/export data to a CD, exit the program, and get on-line help. The
larger menus open up to reveal smaller files (sub-menus). Some of these open up to reveal still smaller
menus. The smaller the menus, the more specific they are. The following is a schematic of the menus you
will see when using GRASP/GRASPOST (words in bold represent the main menu choices):



Survey Forms

Survey Forms

School Summary
School Administration
Governing Board
Request Assistance
Faculty Information
Student Information
Student Body
Grade Levels
School Budget
Receipts – Annual Tuition Rates
Receipts – Gifts and Contributions

School Summary
School Administration
Governing Board
Request Assistance
Faculty Information
Student Information
Student Body
Grade Levels
School Budget
Receipts – Annual Tuition Rates
Receipts – Gifts and Contributions


Export Survey Data
Import Survey Data
Change Survey Year
Change School Code
Create New Grant Request Year
Delete Grant Request Year
Select Grant Request Year

Select a School
Delete a School
Create a School
Enter Post Comments
Export Survey Data
Import Survey Data
Change Survey Year
Change School Code
Create New Grant Request Year
Delete Grant Request Year
Select Grant Request Year


Help Topics


Help Topics

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¹NOTE: The Post Administration menu and its menu choices are available only through GRASPOST.
Therefore, it can only be accessed if you first selected GRASPOST from the Installation Choice menu. If
you selected GRASP, the Post Administration menu will not be displayed.
The menu bars in both GRASP and GRASPOST also include the FILE, EDIT, VIEW, and WINDOW

Using the Menu Bar
Each item of the menu bar can be selected by using the mouse. Alternatively, you may use the following
keys to access your selection:
Pressing [ALT] will highlight the first selection on the main menu bar. Pressing the [RIGHT/LEFT
ARROW] keys will allow you to make a main menu selection.
When the main menu selection is chosen, press [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys or the letter of the menu item,
which is underlined, to display the sub-menu selection.
You may also use shortcut keys to quickly access a specific menu or sub-menu. Simply press the [ALT]
key and the underlined letter (at the same time) from the main menu to select and display menus with the
available sub-menu topics:
Example: [ALT + S] = Survey Forms
To select an item in the sub-menu, use the [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] keys to move through the
drop-down sub-menu. Press [ENTER] to activate the sub-menu selection.
The symbol  will appear on the right side of a main menu selection when an additional sub-menu is
available within a selection.
= The DROP-DOWN LIST BOX is represented by a box with a down arrow inside the box. The
window displays a vertical listing of possible category choices. The [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW]
keys are used to navigate inside the window. Clicking with the mouse or pressing [ENTER] will select a
chosen category.

See Appendix A for a detailed list of keyboard definitions and screen symbol definitions.


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GRASP/GRASPOST Installation
1. Start Windows.
2. The current version of GRASP on the computer must be uninstalled before installing
GRASP 3.3.2. Do not delete the data entered into the prior version; data will automatically
be available when Version 3.3.2 is installed. If the old version of GRASP is not uninstalled
before GRASP 3.3.2 is installed, the application will not work properly.
3. Insert the GRASP program CD into your computer.
4. Install GRASP as follows:

Click on the START button; select RUN and type in the following: d:\setup.exe


The first two characters represent the letter of the drive that contains GRASP program
CD (this is usually d:).


The second is the installation executable.

5. Upon completion of the installation procedure, you will be brought back to the main Windows
6. Remove the GRASP installation CD and store it in a safe location.
7. The installation placed an icon on your desktop that will allow you to run the program. You may
alternatively run GRASP Version 3.3.2 by choosing GRASP from your „PROGRAMS menu
8. The first time you run GRASP, the INSTALLATION CHOICE window will appear. This prompts
you to select the option of running either GRASP (school) or GRASPOST (Embassy/Consulate).

9. Click on the GRASP (school) or GRASPOST (post) button, and then click [OK] to begin your
GRASP or GRASPOST session. A password (to be provided by the Office of Overseas Schools)
is required to enter GRASPOST.
10. After GRASP 3.3.2 has been installed, the data entered in the previous GRASP version will
automatically be available in the 3.3.2 version.
11. For further information, see the appropriate GETTING STARTED section for GRASP (Page 12)
or GRASPOST (Page 60).


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Getting Started in GRASP
Now that you have installed GRASP onto your computer, you are ready to begin using the application.
Click on GRASP under PROGRAM FILES or click on the GRASP icon on your desktop.

Accessing GRASP for the first time
The first time you enter the GRASP application after the program is installed, you will see the NEW
SCHOOL IDENTIFICATION screen. It is here that the program will ask you to enter basic school
identification. This data will be stored permanently, so you need not enter it again.
The first data entry screen will display the following fields:

The SCHOOL must enter information in all fields. To input data, click to highlight each field or use the
[TAB] key to move from one field to the next. Please enter full names. Do not use abbreviations.

The POST NAME is the name of the city in which the U.S. Embassy, Consulate General, or
Consulate responsible for your school‟s grant activities is located.


The SCHOOL CODE for your school is contained in the cover memorandum that accompanied the
installation CD and User's Guide.


Select the COUNTRY by clicking on the arrow in the drop-down box. Countries are listed in
alphabetical order.


Enter the “correct” year. This is the year for which data is being reported. Example: if you are
entering data on September 1, 2011 or January 3, 2012 for the 2011/2012 school year, you would be
entering statistics as of September 15, 2011 and therefore, the survey year would be 2011. NOTE:
Throughout GRASP, the terms GRANT REQUEST YEAR and SURVEY YEAR are

Click on [OK] when all fields have been completed.

Routine Operation
On all subsequent times when you start GRASP, the program will skip the NEW SCHOOL
IDENTIFICATION screen and prompt you to select a year for editing. To select a year from the window,
use the [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys to navigate to each item, or click on your selection with the mouse. If

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the year you want is not listed, you will use the CREATE NEW GRANT REQUEST YEAR function under
the ADMINISTRATION section in the menu bar. However, you must first select the year that most
recently exists for your school. Then go to the ADMINISTRATION section and click on CREATE NEW
GRANT REQUEST YEAR. At the prompt, type in the year you want to add and click [OK]. The previous
year‟s data will be rolled over, allowing you to delete, add, change, or enter data.

The Main Menu Bar
From this point on, all selections will be made from the main GRASP menu bar as described earlier. To
navigate through the menu, use the [ALT], [ARROW], or [ENTER] keys or click on your selection using
the mouse.

Top Row of Main Menu Bar:


Make a selection with the mouse on the top row of the main menu bar, by pointing and
clicking. When the main menu selection is chosen, click the left mouse button to display
the menu options available. Point to a menu option and click to activate the selection.


Or press [ALT] to highlight the first selection of each menu item on the main menu bar.
Use the [RIGHT ARROW] and [LEFT ARROW] keys to move through the main menu
options, or press the underlined letter of your choice on the keyboard. When the option
you want to select is highlighted, press [ENTER] to display the sub-menu options. To
select an item in the sub-menu, use the [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] keys to
move through the list.

Bottom Row of Main Menu Bar:
The bottom row of the main menu bar consists of options such as SAVE, PRINT, ADD, etc. Valid
options for the currently active window are highlighted in black.

GRASP Survey Form Description
There are 4 categories of Survey Forms, School Summary, Faculty Information, Student Information and
Student Body. Faculty Information is a standalone category, with only 1 form. All others include 3 to 4
forms that will need to be completed. The form that the school will use to request their grant funding is

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titled Request Assistance and is found under the School Summary category. For a complete listing of all
forms, please refer to Page 9.

Entering the Data into the Survey Forms
The school does not have to enter data in this program in any particular order. You can select any topic
from the menu and/or sub-menu and begin to enter data. This user's guide is arranged in the order shown
in the Overview on Page 9. Each new section starts with a "menu topic box," containing the name of the
main menu and sub-menu topics. These are listed in hierarchical order, with the main menu highest and
the current sub-menu lowest. NOTE: Throughout GRASP, the terms GRANT REQUEST YEAR and
SURVEY YEAR are interchangeable.

Example: School Summary (Main Menu)

Request Assistance (Current Menu Selection)


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GRASP Survey Forms
School Summary
The School Summary sections consist of general information about the school (e.g., address, grade
levels, phone numbers, etc.), its administration, the governing board, and the school's request for grant

School Summary
School Administration
When first selected, this screen will contain the information already entered on the school identification
screen: Post Name, School Name, School Code, Country, and Survey Year.
NOTE: Use [TAB], scroll bar, and/or mouse to navigate between fields and to advance to the next
"page.” Use [ARROW] keys and/or mouse to open and navigate within the drop-down boxes.
NOTE: Maximize this screen to see all fields at one time, if desired.

School Fiscal Year:
The school needs to enter the appropriate school fiscal year information. Enter the beginning and
ending dates to the school‟s fiscal year in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Local Address:
Enter the school's address. Include the city and country. Do not use a PO Box number. This
address may be used for overnight mail delivery. The school‟s name should not be reentered.


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Phone Number:
Enter the school's main office phone number. Do not enter more than one phone number. Include
country code and city code to be used when dialing from the U.S. Example: 33-5-2222-2222
Fax Number:
Enter the school's office fax number. Include country code and city code to be used when dialing
from the U.S. Example: 33-5-2222-2222
E-mail Address:
Enter the school's E-mail address.
Web Address:
Enter the school's Web address.

U.S. Correspondence Mailing Address:
Enter the complete mailing address for all correspondence to the school from the U.S. This
address will be published in the Office of Overseas Schools directory. The school‟s name should
not be reentered.
Chief School Administrator:
Enter the name of the chief school administrator. This name must coincide with the faculty
member designated as the Chief Administrator in the Faculty Information section of GRASP.
Home Phone:
Enter chief school administrator's home phone number. Include country code and city code to be
used when dialing from the U.S. Example: 33-5-2222-2222
Home Phone in the U.S.
Enter the phone number where the chief school administrator can be reached when in the U.S.
Include area code.

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Governing Board Representative Reviewing Report:
Enter full name and title of the governing board representative reviewing the survey.

Official at Foreign Service Post Responsible for Coordinating Post's Interest in the School
Enter the full name and title of the Foreign Service official responsible for coordinating post's
interest in the school.
Grades included in the school
Indicate a range of grade levels included in the school‟s regular program only. Example: PK-12
Does school offer boarding facilities?
Select YES or NO by using the [ARROW] keys or typing in the letter [Y] or [N].
What levels?
If the above answer is YES, indicate grade levels for which boarding facilities are offered.
Indicate school organization:
School organization can be broken down into 3 categories. Example: elementary, middle and
high school. NOTE: You must complete at least line A in order to continue inputting data.

1 field:
2 field:
3 field:

Enter category. Example: primary, high
Enter the lowest grade for this particular category. Example: K, 1
Enter the highest grade for this particular category. Example: 8, 12

Indicate grades in which supervised correspondence work is offered instead of regular
Enter grades in which supervised correspondence work is offered in place of regular instruction. If
none, type "none" or “N/A.”

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List special education services offered by school or within community:
Enter special education services offered. Example: Learning Disabilities, Remedial Reading,
Speech Therapy, ESL, Blind, Deaf, etc.
Opening and Closing dates of each school term:
Provide opening and closing dates for each school term, semester, or quarter. If the school year
is divided into 2 or 3 terms, enter dates into the data fields for the first 2 or 3 terms and leave the
rest blank. Be sure that the value entered in the closing date field is greater than the opening date
value. The opening date of a term must also be greater than the closing date of the preceding
term. (Up to 4 terms may be entered.)

Term 1: 06/01/2011 - 08/31/2011
Term 2: 09/01/2011 - 12/31/2011
Term 3: 01/02/2012 - 04/01/2012
Term 4: 04/02/2012 - 05/30/2012

Total number of days of instruction:
Indicate the total number of days of instruction, excluding holidays, in the regular school year.
Average Class Size:
Enter the average class size in your school, including pre-school. Example: 18
Is the school accredited by a U.S. regional accrediting agency?
Select YES or NO by using the ARROW keys or typing in the letter [Y] or [N].
If Yes, give name of accrediting organization and date of accreditation.
If No, what steps have been taken toward securing accreditation?
If YES, enter accrediting organization and the grade levels accredited. If NO, describe briefly the

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steps taken toward securing accreditation.

Date accredited:
If above answer is YES, enter date in format mm/dd/yyyy.
Is the school accredited or approved by local authorities?
Select YES or NO by using the [UP/DOWN] arrows or typing „Y‟ or „N‟.
Describe nature of accreditation.
If above answer is YES, enter name of accrediting authority and other appropriate accrediting
Date of the most current BY-LAWS and CONSTITUTION:
Enter dates in format mm/dd/yyyy. Attach copies of the most recent revisions to these
To move to the next section, close School Administration by clicking on either the “X” in the School
Administration window or on “Close” on the bottom menu bar. You will be prompted to save the data
which you have entered. Selecting YES saves the data and closes this window. Selecting NO closes this
section without saving data.


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School Summary
Governing Board
If you are accessing the Governing Board section for the first time, you will receive 2 prompt boxes,
indicating that no data currently exists in this section and providing instructions on how to begin entering
data. If you have already entered data or if you have converted data from a prior version of GRASP, you
will automatically receive a listing of Board members already in GRASP. Click on the name of one of the
members. You will be brought back to the Governing Board data entry screen.

Update information on all members of the governing board. After you have updated all data for one
member, click on the NEXT button on the bottom menu bar to update data on the next member. If you are
entering data for a governing board member for the first time or are adding a member to an already
existing list, click on the ADD button on the bottom menu bar to enter data on that member. A drop-down
box will allow the selection of a nationality. Another drop-down box allows you to indicate whether the
board member is a U.S. citizen, a host country national (HCN), or a third-country national (TCN). The
relation drop-down box allows you to select Employee, Dependent or Spouse. Another drop-down box will
allow you to select an employment category for each board member (U.S. Government, Host
Government, Third Country Government, and Business Firm, Other). To access the drop-down box,
highlight the box by using [TAB] or the cursor. After the box is highlighted, make a selection by using the
[ARROW] keys or typing the first letter of the name of your selection. [TAB] to the next field.
After you have entered data for one or more board members, click on the „Save‟ button on the bottom
menu bar or the „File\Save‟ menu option. If you close the window without saving, a dialog box will be
displayed, prompting you to save your data.

First Name:
Enter first name of board member.

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Last Name:
Enter last name of board member.
Using the drop-down box select the appropriate title of the Governing Board member (i.e.,
Chair/President, Ex-Officio, Member.
Using the drop-down box, select the nationality of the board member (i.e., France, Italy, etc.).
Using the drop-down box, select the citizenship category of the board member (i.e., U.S., host
country, third country).
Regular Work Affiliation:
Enter the name of the board member's employer. Identify by name (i.e., Dow Chemical) rather
than by type (i.e., corporation). If regular employer is a government, enter the agency.
Board members should be identified by employment affiliation. If board member has no regular
work affiliation in his/her own right, please use the employment status of his/her nearest
employed relation to assign an employment category. Use the "Relation" section on the screen to
identify the exact relationship, (i.e., Employee, Spouse or Dependent). Select "Employee" to
indicate that the board member is the employee described in the "Work Affiliation" window.
Using the drop-down box, select the specific employment affiliation. Choose from the following
categories: [A] U.S. Government, [B] Host Government, [C] Third Country Government, [D]
Business Firm, [E] Other.
U.S. Company:
Only for board members who are category "[D] Business Firm" indicate whether the board
member works for an U.S. company or a non - U.S. company. You can only access this field by
selecting category "D. " Select YES or NO by using the [ARROW] keys or type the letter [Y] or
Date Term Began: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date board member's term began. This date value must be less than the date that the term
expires. Example: 11/23/2011.
Date Term Expires: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date board member's term expires. This date value must be greater than the date that the term
began. NOTE: If the board member has an indefinite term, this field can be left blank.
Example: 11/23/2011.


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School Summary
Request Assistance
This section asks for information concerning the school's request for grant assistance. Information to be
entered is broken down into 2 categories: Background and Objectives and Categories of Assistance

School Summary
Request Assistance
Background & Objectives
Enter a narrative description of the educational plans and programs for your school. The screen scrolls up
to provide as much space as is needed for data entry. If you have already entered data into a word
document and wish to copy the information to GRASP, select the desired text in your word document,
press [CNTL] + [C] to copy the data, minimize MS Word, and paste the data into the Background and
Objectives section by pressing [CNTL] + [V]. After copy is complete, maximize your word document and
close the document.

The narrative should include the following:
1. A summary statement describing the extent to which the school now meets the dual objectives
of the overseas schools program as stated in 2 FAM 600:
(a) Providing educational facilities for U.S. government dependents overseas.
(b) Demonstrating U.S. education abroad and otherwise increasing mutual understanding.
2. A brief statement of the school's long-range objectives and development plans.
Click on [SAVE] and [CLOSE] (in the menu bar above the Request Assistance window) to save and close
this window.

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School Summary
Request Assistance
Categories & Estimated Costs
This section breaks down the request for financial aid into specific categories (i.e., Salary and Related
Costs, Educational Materials, and Special Educational Projects, School-to-School and Other Activities
such as in-service training, consultants, workshops, community relations projects, area studies, etc.).
Each category requires the user to input the dollar amount (in whole dollar amounts only) being
requested for each category, a description/justification for each item for which funding is being requested,
and an indication of the priority that the school assigns for each item. Use [TAB] key, scroll bar, or
mouse to move from one field to the next. The system automatically calculates the grand total.

Support of salaries for U.S. professional staff:
Enter information to request support for salaries of U.S. professional staff. The justification should
include a breakdown of individual staff for which support is being requested.
Example: Director - $ 10,000; Special Needs Teacher - $6,000 [PRIORITY 1]
U.S. Educational materials and equipment:
Enter information to request funds for purchase of U.S. educational materials and equipment for
the school.
Scholarships for host country nationals:
No funds are available so you will be unable to enter data in this field.
Construction and equipment:
No funds are available so you will be unable to enter data in this field.


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Special educational projects:
School-to-School & University-to-School project:
Enter information concerning financial assistance being requested for projects to be conducted
between the overseas school and U.S. educational institutions. Because school-to-school and
university-to-school projects involve formal steps that need to be taken for implementation,
special regulations are outlined in 2 FAM 600.
Enter information on financial assistance being requested for staff development, U.S. consultants,
workshops, community relations‟ projects, area studies, and other special projects.


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Faculty Information
If you are accessing the Faculty Information section for the first time, you will receive prompt boxes,
indicating that no data currently exists in this section and providing instructions on how to begin entering
data. If you have already entered data or if you have converted data from a prior version of GRASP, you
will automatically receive a listing of faculty members already in GRASP. Highlight the name of one of the
faculty members and click on [OK]. You will be brought back to the Faculty Information data entry screen.

Update data concerning each professional staff member. After you have updated data for one faculty
member, click on the NEXT button on the bottom menu bar to enter data on the next faculty member. If
you are entering data for a faculty member for the first time or are adding a member to an already existing
list, click on the ADD button on the bottom menu bar to enter data on that member. The Faculty
Information data entry window requests general information on each faculty member. Additional
information on education (Highest Degree Earned), Current Duties, and Salary should also be entered, as
described below. There is a "drop-down list box" for the school's use in entering information on the
teachers' employment status by nationality category. NOTE: Maximize this screen to see all fields at one
time, if desired.


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First Name:
Enter first name and middle initial, if any, of the faculty member.
Last Name:
Enter last name of the faculty member.
Using the drop-down box, select the nationality of the faculty member (i.e., Canada, Italy, etc.).
Enter the position that the faculty member holds (i.e., Librarian, Teacher/High School PE, etc.).
For teachers, be sure to include grades being taught.
Citizenship Category:
This field describes the category into which the employee can be placed, based on citizenship
and employment status. Select only one category for each employee.
A. U.S. citizen recruited specifically for service in the school and residing in the country for the
sole purpose of employment in the school.
B. U.S. citizen, dependent of an U.S. citizen, U.S. government employee, including contract
employee, residing in the country primarily as a dependent.
C. Other U.S. citizen
G. Local national
J. Third country national
NOTE: NATIONALITY and CITIZENSHIP CATEGORY must be compatible. If not, you may
receive an error message, asking you to reselect CITIZENSHIP CATEGORY.
Teaching in field of academic preparation? Yes or No.
Select YES if faculty member is teaching in academic career field. Select NO if faculty member is
teaching in a field other than that of his/her academic specialization. Make selection, using
[ARROW] keys or typing the letter [Y] or [N].
High Degree:
Using the drop-down box, enter the highest degree earned. Example: Bach., Masters, etc.
Year of degree:
Enter the year in which the highest degree was conferred.
Enter the name of institution where degree was received. If not in the U.S., include name of
country where institution is located (e.g., McGill Univ., Canada).
Year Certified:
Enter the year faculty member received teaching certification.
State/Jurisdiction of Certification:
Enter name of jurisdiction that awarded the teaching certification. (Specify U.S. state or foreign
Indicate the current duties of the staff member by selecting one or more of the following
categories: Chief Administrator, administrative staff, instructional staff, special education,
specialized staff (counselor, librarian, etc.). To select a category, click in the box next to the
category. If a faculty member is assigned duties in more than one category, select all applicable

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Only one faculty member may be designated as the Chief Administrator. Once a Chief
Administrator is selected and saved, the check-box for the Chief Administrator will be disabled. If
a new Chief Administrator is hired, you must change the designation of the current Chief
Administrator before reassigning the designation to the new Chief Administrator.
Enter salary/compensation information on each employee. Please enter all information in terms
of U.S. dollars only, rounded to the nearest whole U.S. dollar.
Annual Salary:
Enter annual gross salary for the current year. Round to the nearest whole U.S. dollar.
Example: 26,751
Value of Other Allowance/Benefits:
Enter total value of housing, utilities, international travel, shipment of household effects,
retirement, health insurance, etc. provided in addition to the annual salary. (Annual basis only)
If an employee is part of an overseas hire "teaching couple," the housing and utilities
compensation information as well as the information on costs of international travel, goods
shipped, and the value of other allowances (e.g., tuition for dependents, R&R, auto, etc.), can be
totaled and entered under the name of only one spouse if it is easier for the school to provide the
information in that format. It does not have to be prorated between the 2 employees unless the
school prefers to separate the data. Either format is acceptable.
% of Compensation paid in U.S. Dollars:
Enter information on the percent of total compensation paid to the employee in U.S. dollars.
Example: 25%
% of Compensation Covered by U.S. Grants:
Enter information on the percentage of compensation to the employee that is covered by U.S.
government grants. Example: 25%.
Employment Status: (Full-time or Part-time).
Indicate if the faculty member is a Full-time employee or Part-time employee. After highlighting
this data field, press the [ARROW] keys to toggle between the Full-time and Part-time.
If part time, show percentage:
This field is accessible only if you have indicated that an individual employee is part-time. Indicate
approximately what percentage of a normal workweek the employee is on duty. Example: 25%.
Name of U.S. Government Agency:
This field is accessible only if you have indicated that the employee is a category "B" employee
(U.S. citizen dependent of a U.S. citizen, U.S. government employee, including contract
employee, residing in the country primarily as a dependent). Enter the name of the U.S.
government agency with which the teacher's spouse is affiliated. Example: Department of State.
To move to the next section, close Faculty Information by clicking on either the “X” in the Faculty
Information window or on “Close” on the bottom menu bar. You will be prompted to save the data which
you have entered. Selecting YES saves the data and closes this window.
NOTE: Selecting NO closes this section without saving data.


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Student Information
This portion of GRASP requests information on the student body, as of September 15 in the year for
which information is being provided. The school should provide information on each student according to
the category of one parent's employment affiliation, broken down by student nationality. Each student
should be counted only once. Within this topic, there are 3 sub-categories titled Student Body, Grade
Levels, and OSAC.

Student Information
Student Body
This section requests information on the nationality of the parents of the students. Using statistics as of
September 15, provide information on the parent‟s nationality by selecting one of 6 different nationality
categories (see below). U.S. citizens are broken down into 4 categories, depending on the parent‟s place
of employment. In the event of dual U.S. citizenship, please select U.S. as the primary nationality. For all
other dual citizens, the school can use its discretion.

NOTE: Totals on this screen should match the total of STUDENT BODY COUNT BY AFFILIATION OF
PARENTS under the OSAC section. If data has not yet been entered into or is different from the OSAC
section, when exiting the screen you will get a message advising that the totals on the current screen do
not match OSAC totals. You should continue entering data. If totals still do not match after data is entered
in OSAC, review the data entered.
If you are accessing a category within Student Body Count section for the first time, you will receive 2
prompt boxes, indicating that no data currently exists in this section and providing instructions on how to
begin entering data by using the ADD function. If you have already entered data or if you have converted
data from a prior version of GRASP, you will automatically receive a listing of data already in GRASP.
Highlight one line of the data and click on [OK]. You will be brought back to the data entry screen for the
category you have selected.

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U.S. Citizens


Dependents of direct-hire U.S. government employees, except Department of Defense.
This category includes students whose parents are U.S. citizens working for the
Department of State, Peace Corps, USAID, Agriculture, Commerce, Treasury, etc. The
data is requested by sub-category, listing total number of U.S.-citizen students by agency
affiliation. If school is unable to identify agency affiliation of parents, the Foreign Service
Post official can provide the information. Detailed information on non-U.S. citizens whose
parents work for the U.S.G. is requested in the OSAC section.


Dependents of U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) employees, including civilian
employees. This includes students whose parents are U.S. citizens, working for the U.S.
Armed Forces (Air Force, Navy, Army, Military Attaches, MAAG, etc.). The data is
requested by sub-category, listing total number of students by DOD affiliation. Detailed
information on non-U.S. citizens whose parents work for the DOD/USG is requested in
the OSAC section.


Dependents of U.S. personnel contracted to U.S. government agencies. This category
includes students whose parents are employed by a company on a U.S. government
contract. The data is requested by sub-category based on contracting agency. Data
should be provided by the name of the U.S. government agency that issued the contract.
These U.S. students should not also be reported under category A-4. Data on
non-U.S. citizens whose parents are employed by U.S.G. contractors is requested in the
OSAC section.


Dependents of other U.S. citizens. This includes all other students whose parents are
U.S. citizens and are not employed by the U.S. government. There is no sub-category in
this section - only totals. NOTE: Additional information on parent employer affiliation is
requested in the OSAC section. The A-4 total from the OSAC section will also appear on
this screen as a double-check for the school to ensure that the A-4 totals are the same in
all sections.


Host Country Nationals. This section requests information on the total number of
students whose parents are citizens of the country in which the school is located. NOTE:
Additional information on parent employer affiliation is requested in the OSAC section.
The B total from the OSAC section will also appear on this screen as a double-check for
the school to ensure that the B totals are the same in all sections.


Third Country Nationals. This section requests information on the total number of
students by nationality whose parents are citizens of a "third country." (This includes all
students whose parents are neither citizens of the country in which the school is located
nor U.S. citizens.) NOTE: Additional information on parent employer affiliation is
requested in the OSAC section. The C total from the OSAC section will also appear on
this screen as a double-check for the school to ensure that the C totals are the same in
all sections.


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When you select one of the above categories, if no data has been previously entered, you will see prompt
boxes instructing you how to enter the data. If data has been previously entered, a window will appear
with a list of records previously entered. Highlight the one you wish to edit or view and press the [OK]
button. You will be brought to the data entry screen (see example below). The same window format is
used for all categories.
Use the [TAB] key to move between fields.

Select Organization:
Select a specific agency by highlighting the drop-down list box.
IMPORTANT: Enter each organization separately, except in categories A-4 and B. For example, if
you have A-1 children from both the Peace Corps and USAID, you must enter the total for each
organization individually. Do not enter a grand total of all children in the A-1 category.
After you have updated one record, highlight the NEXT record to update the data. Continue until all
federal agencies from which you have children enrolled have been updated. To add a new organization
within the same sub-category, click on the ADD button. When you are done entering the new data, click
on SAVE to store your changes. GRASP will automatically generate a grand total for each category.
Similarly, you must enter each agency separately for A-2 and A-3 students enrolled in your school. When
entering or updating records in category C (third country nationals) enter each country separately,
selecting country names from the drop-down list box. Click on the ADD button on the bottom menu bar or
the EDIT/ADD ROW menu option to add each individual country.
If you must remove a record for any reason, highlight the record. Click on the DELETE button on the
bottom menu bar or the EDIT/DELETE ROW menu option to delete the record. GRASP will ask you to
reconfirm your decision to delete.
NOTE: Double-check that the final totals in the Student Body section match those entered for A-4,
B, and C category children in the OSAC section of GRASP. Totals from the OSAC section will be
shown on the Student Body Count by Parent’s Affiliation screen as a double-check for the school
to ensure that A-4, B and C totals match in all sections. If totals do not match, you MUST return to
the appropriate screens to reconcile all entries.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, close the Student Body section by clicking on either the “X” in the Student
Body Count by Parent‟s Affiliation window or “Close” button on the bottom menu bar.

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Student Information
Grade Levels
This section requests information on the number of U.S. government, other U.S., host country and third
country students by grade level.
Provide a breakdown, by grade level, of the number of students enrolled in the school broken down into 4
different nationality categories: U.S. citizen dependents of U.S. government employees, other U.S.
citizens, host country nationals and third country nationals.

The data field immediately above the “K” in the left column is provided for you to indicate any grade
offered by the school prior to kindergarten (“K”), such as PK, PS, N, etc.
Press the [TAB] key to move to another grade level and/or column. Insert data in the appropriate grade
level. GRASP will automatically calculate the total per column and row and display those totals when you
exit each field.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, close the Grade Levels section by clicking on either the “X” in the Grade
Levels window or on “Close” on the bottom menu bar.


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Student Information
This section requests information on the employment of the parents of students by category and
nationality. The data is used to generate support for the overseas schools from the business community.
Provide information on the employment affiliation of parents by selecting one of 7 different employment
categories (see box below). DO NOT use abbreviations or symbols unless they are an accepted part of
the name of an organization.

NOTE: Totals on this screen should match the totals of STUDENT BODY COUNT BY PARENT'S
AFFILIATION under STUDENT BODY. If data has not yet been entered into or is different from the
STUDENT BODY section, when exiting this screen you will get a message advising that the totals on the
current screen do not match the STUDENT BODY totals. You should continue entering data. If totals still
do not match after data is entered in STUDENT BODY, review the data entered.
If you are accessing a category within OSAC for the first time, you will receive 2 prompt boxes, indicating
that no data currently exists in this section and providing instructions on how to begin entering data by
using the ADD function. If you have already entered data or if you have converted data from a prior
version of GRASP, you will automatically receive a listing of data already in GRASP within each specific
category. Highlight one line of the data and click on [OK]. You will be brought back to the data entry
screen for that category.
Names of U.S. and U.S. Affiliated Business Firms
Enter the name of the local company and the name of the U.S.-affiliated organization (U.S. parent
company name). A "U.S.-affiliated organization" is defined as a company incorporated or
headquartered in the U.S. Enter the total number of students whose parents work for that
employer by nationality category (i.e. A-4, B, and C).


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Names of Other Non-U.S. Business Firms
Enter the name of the local non-U.S.-affiliated company. Enter the total number of students
whose parents work for that employer by nationality category (i.e., A-4, B, and C).
Religious Organizations
Enter the total number of students whose parents are affiliated with religious organizations by
nationality category (i.e., A-4, B, and C). The name “Religious Organizations” has been
preselected. Religious organizations are not to be entered individually.
U.N. and U.N. Agencies
Enter the total number of students whose parents are affiliated with UN agencies by nationality
category (i.e., A-4, B, and C). The name “UN and UN Agencies” has been preselected. UN
agencies are not to be entered individually.
Fulbright Grantees (A-4 only)
Enter total number of students whose parents are Fulbright Grantees. Please note that only U.S.
citizens can be entered for this category since only U.S. citizens may receive Fulbright grants.
The name “Fulbright Grantees” has been preselected.
Government Affiliation (Include B and C)
Enter total number of students whose parents are affiliated with a government agency. This
category includes students of any nationality (including U.S.) whose parents are employed by
host or third country government agencies; and non-U.S. citizens employed by the U.S.
government. (Information on dependents of U.S. citizens employed by the U.S. government is
provided under the Student Body section). The data is broken down by nationality category (i.e.
A-4, B, and C). The name “Government Affiliation” has been preselected. Government agencies
are not to be entered individually. Students listed previously in categories A-1, A-2 and A-3 in the
Student Body Count section are not to be included here.
Others (by occupational affiliation)
Enter data on students whose parents do not fall in any of the other available categories. Enter
data by name of organization and numbers of students in categories A-4, B, and C.

When you select one of the above categories, if no data has been previously entered, you will see prompt
boxes, instructing you how to enter data. If data has been previously entered, a window will appear with a
list of records previously entered. Highlight the one you wish to edit or view and press the [OK] button.
You will be brought to the data entry screen (see example below). The same window format is used for all
categories. Use the [TAB] key to move between fields.


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Update the company or organization and parent company, if needed. When the necessary updates have
been completed, click the NEXT button to move to the next company/organization. Continue until all
companies/organizations from which you have children enrolled have been updated. Click on the ADD
button on the bottom menu bar to enter data on a new company/organization in that category. The
process is similar to that used to enter the student body information.
Totals in column A-4 should reflect the number of students whose parents are U.S. citizens working for an
individual company or organization. Totals in column B should reflect the number of students whose
parents are host country national citizens working for an individual company or organization. Totals in
column C should reflect the number of students whose parents are third country nationals working for an
individual company or organization. Do not enter a grand total for A-4, B, or C students. It is
important that each company or agency be entered individually.
NOTE: Double-check that the final totals in the OSAC section match those entered for A-4, B, and
C category children in the Student Body section of GRASP. Totals from the Student Body section
will be shown on the OSAC-Affiliation of Parents screen as a double-check for the school to
ensure that A-4, B and C totals match in all sections. If totals do not match, you MUST return to
the appropriate screens to reconcile all entries.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, close the OSAC section by clicking on either “X” in the OSAC-Affiliation of
Parents window or the “Close” button on the bottom menu bar.


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School Budget
This section requests budget data about 4 separate categories: Receipts, Annual Tuition Rates, Gifts and
Contributions and Expenditures. All data in this section should be reported in terms of U.S. dollars ($).
The school should use the same exchange rate entered at the top of the RECEIPTS screen to convert
local currency to U.S. dollars and then enter data as appropriate.
Data should reflect the actual receipts/expenditures at the end of the school's last fiscal year.

School Budget
If possible, an entry should be made for all items. If there are no receipts for a particular line item, the
system defaults to zero (0) for the first time through the program. Once a number has been entered into a
data field, that field will no longer default to zero (0). At that point, the program will require that you enter a
number (including 0) before continuing to the next data field. Only monetary receipts should be entered.
Goods or services received in-kind are discussed later in the RECEIPTS section.
Use the [TAB] key to move through the data entry fields in each screen. Use the scroll bar on the right
side of the window to advance to the next "page." GRASP will automatically calculate totals in all
categories. NOTE: Screen can be maximized to see more of the data fields at one time.

Current Exchange Rate:
Enter the current amount of local currency equal to one U.S. dollar and the currency name. This
is a required field. Example: 1234.56 Pesos or .57 Pounds. If you processed the
EXPENDITURES section first and entered the exchange rate there, it will be carried over to this

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Enter amount received from school tuition, broken down into Regular Day School Tuition and
Other Tuition. Additional data on tuition levels and fees should be entered under „School
Budget/Receipts – Annual Tuition Rates‟
Total Tuition: GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Tuition.
Tuition paid in U.S. Dollars? Yes or No
Enter YES if tuition can be paid in U.S. dollars. Use the [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys to change the
If Yes, what percentage?
Enter the percentage of the amount paid in U.S. dollars. Example: 82%.
Does the school assess other fees? Yes or No
Use the [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys to change the field. If YES, enter explanation in the „Receipts
- Annual Tuition Rates‟ menu item. Examples: capital levy, bus fee, registration fee, etc.
School Bus Service Fees:
Enter the amount received by the school in transportation fees.

Other Revenues:
Earnings From:
Permanent Funds and Endowments:
Enter amount of earnings from permanent funds and endowments.

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Temporary Deposits and Investments:
Enter total earnings from temporary deposits and investments (including interest on short-term
CDs, etc.)
Net Receipts from Revolving Funds and Clearing Accounts:
Enter net earnings from revolving funds and clearing accounts (i.e. checking account interest).
Drawing School Reserve Funds:
Enter total earnings from reserve funds. Reserve funds include the general reserve fund or
special funds, (i.e., building fund or capital reserve fund).
Rent from:
School Facilities Only:
Enter amount received from rental of school facilities.
Property other than School Facilities:
Enter amount received from rental of other property that is owned by the school (i.e., sports
equipment, audio-visual equipment, etc.).
Gifts, Contributions, and Bequests in Cash:
Data in these fields is entered under SCHOOL BUDGET/RECEIPTS - GIFTS AND
CONTRIBUTIONS. GRASP will automatically transfer the totals to this main data entry screen.

Miscellaneous Revenue from Local Sources:
Enter information about miscellaneous revenue.
Registration Fees: Enter amount received from registration fees.


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Book Fees: Enter amount received from rental or sale of books.
Other Miscellaneous Revenues: Enter amount received from other charges, including
receipts from fees not recorded elsewhere (i.e., boarding fees, summer school, etc.).
Miscellaneous Revenue Total: GRASP automatically calculates the total for all
Miscellaneous Revenue.
Other Revenue Total:
GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Other Revenues.
Sale of Bonds:
Enter amount received by the school for sale of bonds.
Enter amount received from loans from other institutions.
Sale of School Property and Insurance Adjustments:
Enter amount received from the sale of school property and insurance adjustments.
Disbursements of U.S. Government Grants:
Enter total funds from U.S. government grants disbursed by the school during the last school year
from U.S. government grants. This sum may or may not coincide with the total of U.S.
government grants available to the school at the beginning of the last school year, only the
amount disbursed from the total available should be shown.
Total Receipts (U.S. Dollars):
GRASP automatically calculates the total of all Receipts (Tuition Total + Gifts and Contributions
Total + Miscellaneous Revenue Total).
School Reserve Funds:
Enter amount of the school's operating reserve funds.
Enter amount of the capital reserve funds.
Percentage of total received in local currency:
Enter the percentage of total school income received in local currency.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, click on either the “Close” button on the bottom menu bar or the “X” in the
School Budget-Receipts window.


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School Budget
Receipts – Annual Tuition Rates
Enter information on the amount charged by the school for tuition, broken down by grade level. Do not
include the dollar sign with entry. Move through the screen by using the [TAB] key to move to the next
field and the [LEFT/RIGHT ARROW] keys to move within a field.

The data field immediately above the “K” in the left column is provided for you to indicate any grade
offered by the school prior to kindergarten (“K”), such as PK, PS, N, etc.
Additional Tuition Information
Enter additional information the school wishes to provide on other charges. Do NOT include those
fees charged to guarantee a space in the school, regardless of what those fees are called.
Other Fees Assessed by School
Enter additional information the school wishes to provide on other fees. Examples: capital levy,
bus fee, etc.). Information on fees required to guarantee a space in the school should be reported
in this section and identified as such.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, click on either the “Close” button on the bottom menu bar or the “X” in the
Receipts-Annual Tuition Rates window.

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School Budget
Receipts – Gifts and Contributions
To access each category, click on the number box beside the category. For U.S. Business Firms and U.S.
Foundations (category 1 & 2) you may enter each organization separately, by clicking on the ADD button
or EDIT/ADDROW menu option. For all other categories (category 3 – 7), enter the total amount for each
category. Example: all individual gifts $3,000 or all host country organizations $3,000.

U.S. Business Firms:
Enter amount of donations made by U.S. Business Firms, listing each business firm separately.
U.S. Foundations:
Enter amount of donations made by U.S. Foundations, listing each foundation separately.
Individual Gifts:
Enter the total amount of donations made by individuals.
Host Government:
Enter the total amount of donations made by the host government.
Host Country Organizations:
Enter the total amount of donations made by host country organizations.
Business Firms:
Enter the total amount of donations made by host country business firms.
Enter amount of donations made by others not listed above, such as third country businesses and
If you are accessing a category in the Gifts and Contributions section for the first time, you will receive 2
prompt boxes, indicating that no data currently exists in this section and providing instructions on how to
begin entering data by using the ADD function. If you have already entered data or if you have converted

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data from a prior version of GRASP, you will automatically receive a listing of organizations already in
GRASP within each specific category. Click on the name of one of the organizations and click on [OK].
You will be brought back to the data entry screen for the category you have selected.
The following is an example of the data entry window for gifts, contributions and bequests.

Name of Donor:
Name of donor organization, firm, or individual. Use the ADD button or EDIT/ADD ROW menu
option to add each new donor listing.
Type of Donation:
(Cash) or (In-kind) - Select type of donation by pressing [UP/DOWN ARROW] keys or by typing in
the letter [C] or [I].
Description of Donation:
If you select the "IN-KIND" donation, you should enter an identification of the type of donation
(i.e., computer, sports equipment, etc.).
Amount of Donation:
Amount received per donor last year.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, click on either the “Close” button on the bottom menu bar or the "X” in the
Receipts - Gifts and Contributions window.


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School Budget
If possible, an entry should be made for all items. If there are no expenditures for a particular line item,
the system defaults to zero (0) for the first time through the program. Once a number has been entered
into a data field, that field will no longer default to zero (0). At that point the program will require that you
enter a number (including 0) before continuing on to the next data field. Only monetary expenditures
should be entered.
Use the [TAB] key to move through the data entry fields in each screen. Use the scroll bar on the right
side of the window to advance to the next “page.” GRASP will automatically calculate totals in all
categories. NOTE: Screen can be maximized to see more data fields at one time.

Current Exchange Rate:
Enter the current amount of local currency equal to one U.S. dollar and the currency name. This
is a required field. Example: 1234.56 Pesos or .57 Pounds. If you processed the RECEIPTS
section first and entered the exchange rate there, it will be carried over to this entry.
Enter data on gross salaries for Administration.
Contracted Services:
Enter amount of expenses for contracted services, such as school guards.
Other Expenses:
Enter amount for other administrative expenses incurred, such as admin. travel to recruit staff.
Special Costs for U.S. Recruited Staff:
Enter data to reflect special expenditures for transportation, housing, allowances, etc., required to
secure the services of U.S. administrative staff because the school is located outside the U.S.
Special costs related to instructional staff is entered in another section.

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Total Administration:
GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Administration.
Provide information on amount expended for salaries of teachers, aides, librarians, and other
faculty members.
Principals: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.
Consultants & Supervisors: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.
Teachers: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.

Other Instruction Staff: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.
Secretarial & Clerical: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.
Other Salaries for Instruction: Enter amount expended for annual salaries.
Total Salaries: GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Salaries.
Enter amount expended for textbooks.
School Libraries & Audio-Visual Materials:
Enter the amount expended for library and audio-visual materials.
Teaching Supplies:
Enter amount expended providing teaching supplies to the faculty.
Other Expenses:
Enter amount expended by the school for other expenses for instruction, including costs for
shipments of materials and equipment.

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Special Costs for U.S. Recruited Staff:
Enter amount of costs to secure the services of U.S. citizens to fill staff positions. See the similar
section under "Administration-Special Costs" discussed previously.
Total Instruction:
GRASP program automatically calculates the total for all Instruction.
Health Services:
Enter amount expended for providing health services.
Pupil Transportation Services:
Enter amount expended for transportation of school students.
Operation of Plant:
Enter amount expended by the school for operation of the school's facilities.
Maintenance of Plant:
Enter amount expended by the school for maintenance of the school facilities.

Fixed Charges:
School Contributions to Employee Retirement:
Enter total amount expended concerning the school's contribution to the employees' retirement
fund, including both administrative and instructional staff.
Insurance & Judgments:
Enter amount expended by the school for insurance costs and any judgments against the school.
Rental of Land & Buildings:
Enter amount expended for the school's rental costs for both land and buildings.
Interest on Current Loans:
Enter amount expended in interest for current loans against the school.

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Other Fixed Charges:
Enter amount expended for all other fixed charges levied against the school, except direct taxes.
Direct Taxes on School:
Enter amount expended in taxes levied against the school. This field will be automatically added
to the Other Fixed Charges field.
Total Fixed Charges:
GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Fixed Charges.
Food Services:
Enter amount expended by the school for providing dining services.
Student Body Activities:
Enter amount expended by the school to assist in student body activities.
Community Services:
Enter amount expended by the school for providing community services such as: a) training and visits
involving local education, b) special student exchanges, c) programs to foster the English language (do
not include costs associated with ESL services provided to students enrolled in the school), d)
providing community access to the school library, e) providing community use of school's recreational
facilities, f) scholarship expenditures, etc.
Capital Outlay:
Enter total amount expended on maintenance and upkeep of school grounds.
Enter total amount expended on maintenance and of school buildings.

Enter total amount expended by the school for equipment maintenance.

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Total Capital Outlay:
GRASP automatically calculates the total for all Capital Outlay.
Debt Service from Current Funds:
Enter amount expended in debt services from current funds.
Total Expenditures:
GRASP automatically calculates the total of all Expenditures:
Administration Total + Instruction + Health Services Total + Pupil Transportation Services Total + Plant
Operation Total + Plant Maintenance Total + Fixed Charges Total + Food Services Total + Student Body
Activities Total + Community Services Total + Capital Outlay Services + Debt Service Total.
Percentage in local currency:
Enter percentage of expenditures that are made in local currency.
Government Grants:
Provide information on U.S. government grants.
Clearing Accounts:
Balance of Grant Funds available at Beginning-of-School Fiscal Year: Enter the
amount of unused U.S. grant funds available to the school at the beginning of the
school's fiscal year.
Funds Disbursed during School's Fiscal Year: Enter the amount of grant funds
expended during the school's fiscal year.
Difference: GRASP automatically calculates the difference between funds available and
funds dispersed.
Expenditures for Scholarships
Financed from U.S. Government Grants: Enter the amount expended from U.S.
government grants on scholarships.
From School Budget Excluding U.S. Grants: Enter the amount expended from the
school budget on scholarships.
Total Expenditures for Scholarships: GRASP automatically calculates the total for all
Scholarship Expenditures.
Click on the SAVE button to save all data that has either been updated or added.
To move to the next section, click on either the “Close” button on the bottom menu bar or the “X” in the
School Budget-Expenditures window.


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GRASP Reports
This function will generate various reports, using the data you have entered, and display them on the
screen and/or print the reports on paper (hard copy).

This function will produce screen and/or hard copy printouts of the various parts of the Grant Request
Annual Submissions Program for the year indicated in the Survey Year box at the top of the window.

If you plan to print the entire GRASP package, do not change the default settings. If, however, you only
want to print specific reports, click on the DESELECT ALL button to clear the default settings. Next click
on the particular report(s) you wish to view or print. All reports marked with the „check-mark‟ will be
available for viewing or printing. In order to select a specific report; use the [TAB] to navigate to the item
to be selected. Press [SPACE BAR] to place or remove a „check-mark‟ beside a particular item. You may
also click on specific items using the mouse.
Faculty Information Report: When printing the "Faculty Information" report, you have the option of
printing all the records, sorted either by name or by category.
Request for Assistance Report: The Request for Assistance Section is composed of a total of 6
reports. You can elect to preview/print all 6 reports or a specific range. When you select the Request for
Assistance report, GRASP will display a screen prompting you to select either all of the 6 reports to
preview/print or to select a specific report.
After you have selected the specific report(s) you wish to preview/print, click on [OK]. GRASP will either
display or print your selections.

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IMPORTANT: A signed Debarment Certification Statement and signature page, along with the checklist
must accompany the GRASP package sent to the Office of Overseas Schools.

Printer Selection
Reports will be sent to your default printer.

Preview/Print Buttons
Use these buttons on the Survey Report window either to view or to print the data. If you want to view the
information on the screen, use the [TAB] key to select the "Preview" button and press [ENTER] or click on
the "Preview" button. All reports marked with the „check-mark‟ will be available for viewing. Move from
one page of the report to the other by using the 4 buttons at the top of the window. The double-arrow
pointing left moves you to the first „page‟. The single-arrow pointing left moves you to a prior „page‟. The
single-arrow pointing right moves you to the next „page‟. The double-arrow pointing right moves you to the
last „page‟. If the boxes do not show an arrow, there are no other pages to be viewed.
When you are ready to print the reports, click on the "Print" button on the Survey Report screen. GRASP
will print all reports you have selected in the "Report Options" section.


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The ADMINISTRATION section assists you in maintaining system integrity and in exporting the stored
data. The ADMINISTRATION section contains 7 functions for GRASP (as discussed below)
School version of the Administration menu options:

Export Survey Data
After the Request for Assistance and the Certification Statement have been printed and signed by the
required individuals, the school will be ready to export the data to a CD for forwarding to the Office of
Overseas Schools and the post.
This selection is ONLY USED when the school is ready to export the GRASP information to a CD. Only
data for the year that is displayed in the title bar of the main screen will be exported to the CD. Make sure
that you have "selected" the appropriate grant request year before exporting the data (see SELECT
NOTE: Be sure that the CD does NOT contain important data. This procedure will erase all existing
files on the disk!
Upon completion of the export procedure, the following information must be placed on CD label:
Name of School
Name of Post
Survey Year on Disk
Date data was exported

Lincoln School

The CD containing the exported data, along with a printout of the Request for Assistance, signature page,
checklist and Certification Statement, are to be forwarded to the appropriate post for their review and
forwarding to the Office of Overseas Schools in Washington, DC. Instructions for sending the GRASP
package to the Office of Overseas Schools by e-mail can be found on Page 7.

To start exporting data, select Export Survey Data from the main ADMINISTRATION menu. You will get a
screen showing the school name and the survey year to be copied. You will need to verify this information
is correct before proceeding. Click OK to continue.


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You will get a screen asking where you wish to have the data copied to. Select the appropriate drive for
exporting the data. After you have selected the target drive, click on the [OK] button to begin the export

You will be given a prompt asking if you want to continue. Click on the [OK] button and the export process
will start.

When the prompt EXPORT DATA PROCESS COMPLETED appears, click [OK] to return to the main
menu. Click on the [CANCEL] button to cancel the export procedure and return to the main menu.


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Import Survey Data
This selection is used by the school to add current year data from a CD if GRASP becomes corrupted on
the computer. If GRASP becomes corrupted, you must first uninstall GRASP and then reinstall it from the
GRASP 3.3.2 install CD. Instructions for installation can be found on Page 11.
WARNING! This procedure will overwrite EXISTING GRASP data for the current survey year.
Reinstalling GRASP will not restore previous year data (psr files). The only way to restore those files is to
re-import them from a backup copy (such as a flash drive or CD). The Office of Overseas Schools may
also be able to assist you in obtaining any old data.
To start importing data, select IMPORT SURVEY DATA from the main ADMINISTRATION menu. After
the IMPORT SURVEY DATA window is opened, click on the [OK] button to begin the import procedure.
Click on the [CANCEL] button to cancel the import procedure and return to the main menu.

You will be asked to select the Source Path for the Import Files. This is the location of the files to be
imported. Select the appropriate drive.

You will be given a prompt asking if you want to continue. Click on the [OK] button and the import process
will start.

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When the import process is done, click on [OK] to return to the main menu.
The IMPORT SURVEY DATA process will automatically create a sub-directory in GRASP that stores the
school's name, code, and the date imported to the system using the school's code as the naming
convention. This is done without any input from the user.
After the IMPORT SURVEY DATA function is completed, you will be returned to the main menu. You then
select the school, using the SELECT A SCHOOL option, to continue the review and comment process.
NOTE: The IMPORT SURVEY DATA function will only allow you to add data from a CD containing
current survey year data for a school with the same school code as the school currently selected.


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Create New Grant Request Year
This selection is used to add a new grant request year.

NOTE: This is the function that the school must use each year to "roll over" the static data from
the prior year and to begin entering new data for the next grant request year.

First, be certain that you have selected the most recently existing survey year for your school. Next, click
on CREATE NEW GRANT REQUEST YEAR under the ADMINISTRATION menu option. After the above
grant survey year screen appears, enter the new Grant Request Year. You cannot enter a grant request
year that already exists. This procedure automatically deletes information, which routinely changes each
year and maintains information that remains static from year to year. For example, a teacher's name and
education history "roll over," while salary information, etc., is deleted.


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Delete Grant Request Year
This selection is used to delete a grant request year. This function is used to delete a survey year which
currently exists in the system. It will remove all data related to the selected school for the selected survey

Select Grant Request Year
This selection is used to select a grant request year that is not currently “open.” Select the desired year
and click on the [OK] button. After you have retrieved the selected year‟s data, the year will be displayed
in the title bar at the top of the screen. The Office of Overseas Schools suggests maintaining 3 years of
data on your computer, if possible.


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Change Survey Year
This selection is used to edit the survey year if the wrong survey year was entered when GRASP was
initiated or if there is duplicate survey year already in the program.

When this option is selected, a Change Survey Year box appears on the screen with 2 entry fields. Enter
the correct survey year in the "New Survey Year" field and click on the [OK] button. If you decide not to
edit the survey year after entering a new code, use the [CANCEL] button to exit the screen without
making any changes.

Change School Code
This selection is used to edit the school code if the wrong code was entered when GRASP was initiated.
This option does not create a new school, nor is it used to roll over data from another school.
When this option is selected, a Change School Code box appears on the screen with 2 entry fields. Enter
the correct school code in the "New School Code" field and click on the [OK] button. If you decide not to
edit the school code after entering a new code, use the [CANCEL] button to exit the screen without
making any changes.


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The Help window contains general information about the GRASP application. The selection is located on
the main menu bar. To access, click on Help and select from Help Topics the item you wish to view by
clicking on the appropriate topic. Use the [ARROW] keys to navigate within the Help window. After you
have highlighted your selection, press [ENTER] to activate your selection. Close Help by clicking on the
“X” in the Help window or by selecting the [FILE/EXIT] function on the main menu bar.
The Help Topics are also available inside all the GRASP data windows by clicking on the Help button on
the main menu bar.

Click on the Help Topics button.


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Scroll to the topic and Highlight it or enter a topic in the top then click on the topic when it
appears and click the Display button and the topic will appear in the Help window.


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Instructions for


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Getting Started in GRASPOST
1. When a school submits a CD with GRASP 3.3.2 information, the post loads the data using the IMPORT
SURVEY DATA function (see IMPORT SURVEY DATA section on Page 51 for detailed instructions).
Repeat this process for each school from which the post has received a GRASP CD.
2. If the post wishes to review and edit data provided by the school, the post clicks on the SELECT A
SCHOOL function under the ADMINISTRATION section. GRASPOST will display a list of all the
schools that have been added to your system. Select the one you wish to review, and click [OK].
Press [ALT + S] to highlight the SURVEY FORMS section and
Click [OK]. You will see the same "Survey Reports" screen as
in the GRASP version.
3. When the post is satisfied with the accuracy of the data, the post uses the ENTER POST COMMENTS
section (located under ADMINISTRATION) to enter the Post Recommendation and to print out a hard
4. The post uses the ADMINISTRATION section to re-export the school's data and Post
Recommendation to a separate CD and forwards both the GRASP and GRASPOST export CDS and
the completed package (see checklist) to the Office of Overseas Schools.
5. The post can maintain information on all schools associated with it for multiple survey years within the
GRASPOST program. After a school has been "added" to the post's system, the post can enter new
data each year by using the IMPORT SURVEY DATA function. This function will add a new survey
year folder for a particular school when the data is imported.

The post must use Version 3.3.2 to review the school‟s data.
Follow the installation instructions found on page 11. Select GRASPOST and enter the PASSWORD that
is contained in the cover memorandum that accompanied the installation CD. Then press [ENTER] or
click [OK].


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The ADMINISTRATION section provides access to the functions requiring post action and assists you in
maintaining system integrity and in exporting the stored data. The ADMINISTRATION section contains 11
functions for GRASPOST (as discussed below).
When ADMINISTRATION is selected on the GRASPOST menu bar, a list of items for selection will be
displayed. With the exception of the IMPORT SURVEY DATA function, the post must use the SELECT
A SCHOOL function to select a school before it can proceed with any other actions. After a school has
been selected, all of the GRASPOST menu bar items become active. SURVEY FORMS and REPORTS
cannot be accessed unless a school name is selected. The following is a breakdown of the items available
for selection in the ADMINISTRATION drop-down menu:

Select A School
This selection permits a post to select a school to view, edit, print, and add comments. The [UP ARROW]
and [DOWN ARROW] and the mouse are used to move from one item to the next. Choose a school by
selecting the school code and clicking [OK]. When a school code is highlighted, its name, school code, and
the last date data was imported will be displayed. Click [OK] and the program returns you to the main
GRASPOST screen, and the school's name and survey year will appear in the title bar. To enter post
comments, see the POST COMMENTS section on Page 64. For instructions on viewing and editing the
school's data, refer to the SURVEY FORMS section on Page 14.


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Delete A School

This selection is used to delete a school which already exists in the post's system. When DELETE A
SCHOOL is chosen, highlight the school to be deleted and press [ENTER] or click [OK]. You will receive a
message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the highlighted school. Click [OK] to continue or
[CANCEL] to change your mind. PLEASE NOTE: this function will delete a school entirely.
If you wish only to delete one survey year for that school, you will need to go to:
C:\Program Files\GRASP\Data\(school code)\(survey year to be deleted).






NOTE: This procedure will delete all data concerning the school, including the
sub-directory. If the post wishes to keep a record of data, select EXPORT SURVEY DATA from
the main menu under ADMINISTRATION, and make a floppy disk before deleting the school.
Two messages will be displayed during the delete process to permit a user to abort the delete process.

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Create A School
This selection allows a post to enter data from a school which has been unable to prepare an export disk
and which has provided only a hard copy version of its data. In such instances, post may wish only to
review the hard copy data, append its Post Recommendation, and forward the whole package to the
Office of Overseas Schools. This alternative was added to the program for those posts which wish to
maintain a computer copy of the information submitted on behalf of a school.
Instructions for completing the New School Identification screen are found on Page 12. Instructions for
completing the submission begin on Page 15 under Survey Forms.


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Enter Post Comments
This selection is used by a post to provide a recommendation on a school‟s request for assistance and to
print out a copy of its recommendation. The POST COMMENTS section has 2 sub-menus: EDIT and
PRINT. A post must first use the SELECT SCHOOL function to choose a school to review and enter
comments. The POST COMMENTS function cannot be used until a school has been selected.

Enter Post Comments
The data in this section is entered by the post official who is responsible for coordinating school activities
at the post (see 2 FAM 600). The principal officer, or the officer responsible for coordinating school
activities at the Foreign Service post, should ensure that the request for assistance is in agreement with
policies and criteria for granting assistance set forth in 2 FAM 600 and is justifiable in terms of these
policies and criteria. The comments should contain the Recommendation of the post reviewing official
regarding the request for funding that is being made by the school in the menu selection under Survey
Forms/School Summary/Request for Assistance/Background and Categories.

Name of Post Reviewing Official:
Enter full name.
Post Recommendation:
Enter the post's recommendation concerning the school‟s request for assistance.
After completing comments, SAVE and CLOSE to continue.

Enter Post Comments
After the post has completed its review of each school's data and entered its recommendation, this
section is used to print the post comments for the school currently displayed in the title bar. The survey
year will also be displayed.

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A hard copy of the Post Recommendation must be printed out and signed by the appropriate reviewing
official at the post. The signed hard copy of the Post Recommendation must accompany the EXPORT CD
that is sent to the Office of Overseas Schools.
NOTE: This is the only menu selection from which the post can print the recommendation.
If the post had reviewed or edited data originally provided by the school and wishes to keep a hard copy
of the school's data, use the REPORTS section to print copies of the GRASP data provided by the

Export Survey Data
This selection is only used when the post is ready to export the GRASPOST information to a floppy disk.
The post should send to A/OPR/OS both the GRASP export disk prepared by the school and the
GRASPOST export disk. See ADMINISTRATION-Export Data on Page 49.

Import Survey Data
This selection is used to add a school to the post's system (GRASPOST).
The IMPORT SURVEY DATA process will automatically create a sub-directory in GRASPOST that stores
the school's name, code, and the date imported to the system using the school's code as the naming
convention. This is done without any input from the user. After the IMPORT SURVEY DATA function is
completed, you will be returned to the main menu. You then select the school, using the SELECT A
SCHOOL option, to continue the review and comment process.
If the post already has GRASP data on its system from a school that it is attempting to add to the system,
a prompt will appear instructing the user that the program is importing the data into a folder named for the
survey year being added to the system. See ADMINISTRATION-Import Survey Data on Page 51.

Change Survey Year
This selection is used to edit the survey year if the wrong survey year was entered when GRASP was
initiated or if there is duplicate survey year already in the program. THIS


Change School Code
This selection is used to edit the school code if the wrong code was entered when GRASP was initiated.
This option does not create a new school, nor is it used to roll over data from another school. See
ADMINISTRATION-Change School Code on Page 55.


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Create New Grant Request Year
This selection is used to add a new grant request year. This function is used annually to "roll over"
static data from the prior year and to begin entering new data for the next grant request year. See
ADMINISTRATION-Create New Grant Request Year on Page 53.

Delete Grant Request Year
This selection is used to delete a grant request year that is currently in the system. See
ADMINISTRATION-Delete Grant Request Year on Page 54.

Select Grant Request Year
This selection is used to select a grant request year that is not currently “open. See ADMINISTRATIONSelect Grant Request Year on Page 54.

The Help window contains general information about the GRASP application. The selection is located on
the main menu bar. To access, click on Help and select from Help Topics the item you wish to view by
clicking on the appropriate topic. Use the [ARROW] keys to navigate within the Help window. After you
have highlighted your selection, press [ENTER] to activate your selection. Close Help by clicking on the
“X” in the Help window or by selecting the [FILE/EXIT] function on the main menu bar. See
The Help Topics are also available inside all the GRASP data windows by clicking on the Help button on
the main menu bar. See ADMINISTRATION-Help on Pages 56 and 57.


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleOverseas Schools Project Description
AuthorLori Smith
File Modified2011-09-22
File Created2011-09-22

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