OMB – 3038-0052
Intentional misstatements or omissions of material fact may constitute federal criminal violations (7 U.S.C. § 13 and 18 U.S.C. § 1001) or grounds for disqualification from designation.
Unless the context requires otherwise, all terms used in this Form DCM have the same meaning as in the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“CEA” or “Act”), and in the General Rules and Regulations of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“Commission”) thereunder.
For the purposes of this Form DCM, the term “Applicant” shall include any board of trade applying for designation as a contract market, any board of trade amending a pending application, or any designated contract market that is applying for an amendment to its order of designation.
This Form DCM, which includes instructions, a Cover Sheet, and required Exhibits (together, “Form DCM”) is to be filed with the Commission by all Applicants, pursuant to Section 5 of the CEA and the Commission’s regulations thereunder. Applicants may prepare their own Form DCM but must follow the format prescribed herein. Upon the filing of an application for designation or a designation amendment in accordance with the instructions provided herein, the Commission will publish notice of the filing and afford interested persons an opportunity to submit written data, views and arguments concerning such application. No application for designation or designation amendment shall be effective unless the Commission, by order, grants such designation or amended designation.
Individuals’ names, except the executing signature, shall be given in full (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name).
Signatures on all copies of the Form DCM filed with the Commission can be executed electronically. If this Form DCM is filed by a corporation, it shall be signed in the name of the corporation by a principal officer duly authorized; if filed by a limited liability company, it shall be signed in the name of the limited liability company by a manager or member duly authorized to sign on the limited liability company’s behalf; if filed by a partnership, it shall be signed in the name of the partnership by a general partner duly authorized; if filed by an unincorporated organization or association which is not a partnership, it shall be signed in the name of such organization or association by the managing agent, i.e., a duly authorized person who directs or manages or who participates in the directing or managing of its affairs.
If this Form DCM is being filed as an application for designation, all applicable items must be answered in full. If any item is inapplicable, indicate by “none,” “not applicable,” or “N/A,” as appropriate.
Under Section 5 of the CEA and the Commission’s regulations thereunder, the Commission is authorized to solicit the information required to be supplied by this Form DCM from any Applicant seeking designation as a contract market and from any designated contract market. Disclosure by the Applicant of the information specified on this Form DCM is mandatory prior to the start of the processing of an application for, or an amendment to, designation as a contract market. The information provided in this Form DCM will be used for the principal purpose of determining whether the Commission should grant or deny designation to an Applicant. The Commission may determine that additional information is required from the Applicant in order to process its application. A Form DCM which is not prepared and executed in compliance with applicable requirements and instructions may be returned as not acceptable for filing. Acceptance of this Form DCM, however, shall not constitute a finding that the Form DCM has been filed as required or that the information submitted is true, current, or complete.
Except in cases where confidential treatment is requested by the Applicant and granted by the Commission pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and the rules of the Commission thereunder, information supplied on this Form DCM will be included routinely in the public files of the Commission and will be available for inspection by any interested person.
Part 38 of the Commission’s regulations requires that if any information contained in this application, or any supplement or amendment thereto, is or becomes inaccurate for any reason, an amendment to Form DCM, or a submission under Part 40 of the Commission’s regulations, in either case correcting such information must be filed promptly with the Commission.
Applicants, when filing this Form DCM for purposes of amending an application, must re-file the Cover Sheet, amended if necessary and including an executing signature, and attach thereto revised Exhibits or other materials marked to show changes, as applicable. The submission of an amendment represents that the remaining items and Exhibits that are not amended remain true, current, and complete as previously filed.
This Form DCM must be filed electronically with the Secretary of the Commission in a format specified by the Secretary of the Commission.
Exact name of Applicant as specified in charter
Address of principal executive offices
If this is an APPLICATION for designation, complete in full and check here.
If this is an AMENDMENT to an application, or to an existing designation, list all items that are amended and check here.
Name under which the business of the designated contract market is or will be conducted, if different than name specified above (include acronyms, if any):
If name of designated contract market is being amended, state previous designated contract market name:
Contact information, including mailing address if different than address specified above:
Number and Street
City State Country Zip Code
Main Phone number Fax
Website URL E-mail Address
List of principal office(s) and address(es) where designated contract market activities are/will be conducted:
_____________________ _____________________________________________________________________
If Applicant is a successor to a previously designated contract market, please complete the following:
Date of succession
Full name and address of predecessor designee
Number and Street
City State Country Zip Code
Main Phone Number Website URL
Applicant is a:
Limited Liability Company
Other form of organization (specify)________________________________
Date of incorporation or formation: ___________________________________________________________
State of incorporation or jurisdiction of organization:_____________________________________________
Applicant agrees and consents that the notice of any proceeding before the Commission in connection with this application may be given by sending such notice by certified mail to the person named below at the address given.
Print Name and Title
Name of Applicant
Number and Street
City State Zip Code
The Applicant has duly caused this application or amendment to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized, this ___________ day of ________________________________, 20_____. The Applicant and the undersigned represent hereby that all information contained herein is true, current, and complete. It is understood that all required items and Exhibits are considered integral parts of this Form DCM and that the submission of any amendment represents that all un-amended items and Exhibits remain true, current, and complete as previously filed.
Name of Applicant
Signature of Duly Authorized Person
Print Name and Title of Signatory
The following Exhibits must be filed with the Commission by each Applicant applying for designation as a contract market, or by a designated contract market amending its designation, pursuant to Section 5 of the CEA and the Commission’s regulations thereunder. The Exhibits must be labeled according to the items specified in this Form DCM.
The application must include a Table of Contents listing each Exhibit required by this Form DCM and indicating which, if any, Exhibits are inapplicable. For any Exhibit that is inapplicable, next to the Exhibit letter specify “none,” “not applicable,” or “N/A,” as appropriate.
Attach as Exhibit A, the name of any person(s) who own(s) ten percent (10%) or more of the Applicant’s stock or who, either directly or indirectly, through agreement or otherwise, in any other manner, may control or direct the management or policies of Applicant.
Provide as part of Exhibit A the full name and address of each such person and attach a copy of the agreement or, if there is none written, describe the agreement or basis upon which such person exercises or may exercise such control or direction.
Attach as Exhibit B, a list of the present officers, directors, governors (and, in the case of an Applicant that is not a corporation, the members of all standing committees grouped by committee), or persons performing functions similar to any of the foregoing, of the designated contract market or of any entity that performs the regulatory activities of the Applicant, indicating for each:
Dates of commencement and termination of present term of office or position
Length of time each present officer, director, or governor has held the same office or position
Brief account of the business experience of each officer and director over the last five (5) years
Any other business affiliations in the derivatives and securities industry
For directors, list any committees on which they serve and any compensation received by virtue of their directorship
A description of:
Any order of the Commission with respect to such person pursuant to Section 5e of the CEA;
Any conviction or injunction against such person within the past ten (10) years;
Any disciplinary action with respect to such person within the last five (5) years;
Any disqualification under Sections 8b and 8d of the CEA;
Any disciplinary action under Section 8c of the CEA; and
Any violation pursuant to Section 9 of the CEA.
Attach as Exhibit C, a narrative that sets forth the fitness standards for the Board of Directors and its composition including the number and percentage of public directors.
Attach as Exhibit D, a narrative or graphic description of the organizational structure of the Applicant. Include a list of all affiliates of the Applicant and indicate the general nature of the affiliation. Note: If the designated contract market activities of the Applicant are or will be conducted primarily by a division, subdivision, or other separate entity, corporation or organization, describe the relationship of such entity within the overall organizational structure and attach as Exhibit D a description only as it applies to the division, subdivision or separate entity, as applicable. Additionally, provide any relevant jurisdictional information, including any and all jurisdictions in which you or any affiliated entity are doing business, and registration status, including pending applications (e.g., country, regulator, registration category, date of registration). Provide the address for legal service of process for each jurisdiction, which cannot be a post office box.
Attach as Exhibit E, a description of the personnel qualifications for each category of professional employees employed by the Applicant or the division, subdivision, or other separate entity within the Applicant as described in Item 4.
Attach as Exhibit F, an analysis of staffing requirements necessary to carry out operations of the Applicant as a designated contract market and the name and qualifications of each key staff person.
Attach as Exhibit G, a copy of the constitution, articles of incorporation, formation or association with all amendments thereto, partnership or limited liability agreements, and existing by-laws, operating agreement, rules or instruments corresponding thereto, of the Applicant. Include any additional governance fitness information not included in Exhibit C. Provide a certificate of good standing dated within one week of the date of this Form DCM.
Attach as Exhibit H, a brief description of any material pending legal proceeding(s), other than ordinary and routine litigation incidental to the business, to which the Applicant or any of its affiliates is a party or to which any of its or their property is the subject. Include the name of the court or agency where the proceeding(s) are pending, the date(s) instituted, the principal parties involved, a description of the factual basis alleged to underlie the proceeding(s), and the relief sought. Include similar information as to any proceeding(s) known to be contemplated by the governmental agencies.
Attach as Exhibit I:
(i) Balance sheet, (ii) Statement of income and expenses, (iii) Statement of cash flows, and (iv) Statement of sources and application of revenues and all notes or schedules thereto, as of the most recent fiscal year of the Applicant, or of its parent company, if applicable. If a balance sheet and any statement(s) certified by an independent public accountant are available, that balance sheet and statement(s) should be submitted as Exhibit I.
Provide a narrative of how the value of the financial resources of the Applicant is at least equal to a total amount that would enable the Applicant to cover its operating costs for a period of at least one year, calculated on a rolling basis, and whether such financial resources include unencumbered, liquid financial assets (i.e. cash and/or highly liquid securities) equal to at least six months’ operating costs.
Attach copies of any agreements establishing or amending a credit facility, insurance coverage, or other arrangement evidencing or otherwise supporting the Applicant’s conclusions regarding the liquidity of its financial assets.
Representations regarding sources and estimates for future ongoing operational resources.
Attach as Exhibit J, a balance sheet and an income and expense statement for each affiliate of the designated contract market that also engages in designated contract market activities as of the end of the most recent fiscal year of each such affiliate, and each affiliate of the designated contract market that engages in swap execution facility activities.
Attach as Exhibit K, the following:
A complete list of all dues, fees and other charges imposed, or to be imposed, by or on behalf of Applicant for its designated contract market services that are provided on an exclusive basis and identify the service or services provided for each such due, fee, or other charge.
A description of the basis and methods used in determining the level and structure of the dues, fees and other charges listed in paragraph (a) of this item.
If the Applicant differentiates, or proposes to differentiate, among its customers, or classes of customers in the amount of any dues, fees, or other charges imposed for the same or similar exclusive services, so state and indicate the amount of each differential. In addition, identify and describe any differences in the cost of providing such services, and any other factors, that account for such differentiations.
Attach as Exhibit L, a narrative and any other form of documentation that may be provided under other Exhibits herein that describe the manner in which the Applicant is able to comply with each core principle. Such documentation must include a regulatory compliance chart setting forth each core principle and providing citations to the Applicant’s relevant rules, policies, and procedures that address each core principle. To the extent that the application raises issues that are novel, or for which compliance with a core principle is not self-evident, include an explanation of how that item and the application satisfy the core principles. Applicant must include a description of how it meets the definition of “Board of Trade” as defined in §1a(2) of the CEA.
Attach as Exhibit M, a copy of the Applicant’s rules (as defined in § 40.1 of the Commission’s regulations) and any technical manuals, other guides or instructions for users of, or participants in, the market, including minimum financial standards for members or market participants. Include rules citing applicable federal position limits and aggregation standards in part 150 or part 151, as applicable, of the Commission’s regulations and any exchange set position limit rules. Include rules on publication of daily trading information with regards to the requirements of Part 16 of the Commission’s regulations. The Applicant should include an explanation, and any other forms of documentation the Applicant thinks will be helpful to its explanation, demonstrating how its rules, technical manuals, other guides or instructions for users of, or participants in, the market, or minimum financial standards for members or market participants as provided in this Exhibit M help support the designated contract market’s compliance with the core principles.
Attach as Exhibit N, executed or executable copies of any agreements or contracts entered into or to be entered into by the Applicant, including third party regulatory service provider or member or user agreements that enable or empower the Applicant to comply with applicable core principles. Identify: (1) the services that will be provided; and (2) the core principles addressed by such agreement.
Attach as Exhibit O, a copy of any compliance manual, and any other documents, that describe with specificity the manner in which the Applicant will conduct trade practice, market and financial surveillance.
Attach as Exhibit P, a description of the Applicant’s disciplinary and enforcement protocols, tools, and procedures and the arrangements for alternative dispute resolution.
Attach as Exhibit Q, a description of the Applicant’s trading system and trade matching algorithm, and examples of how that algorithm works in various trading scenarios involving various types of orders.
Attach as Exhibit R, a list of rules prohibiting specific trade practice violations.
Attach as Exhibit S, a discussion of how trading data will be maintained by the designated contract market.
Attach as Exhibit T, a list of the name of the clearing organization(s) that will be clearing the Applicant’s trades, and a representation that clearing members of that organization will be guaranteeing such trades.
Attach as Exhibit U, any information (described with particularity) included in the application that will be subject to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to § 145.9 of the Commission’s regulations.
Attach as Exhibit V, information responsive to the Technology Questionnaire (link). This questionnaire focuses on information pertaining to the Applicant’s program of risk analysis and oversight. Main topic areas include: information security; business continuity-disaster recovery planning and resources; capacity and performance planning; systems operations; systems development and quality assurance; and physical security and environmental controls.
The information on CFTC Form DCM is being collected pursuant to authority granted in Section 5 of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. § 7] and the CFTC’s regulations thereunder. Under Section 5(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. §7(a)], a board of trade applying to the CFTC for designation as a contract market shall submit an application to the CFTC that includes any relevant materials and records the CFTC may require consistent with the Act.
The information requested in Form DCM is designed to assist the CFTC in determining whether the application for designation should be granted or denied and to maintain the accuracy of registration files.
All information requested on Form DCM must be furnished before the form will be processed. Forms which have not been prepared and executed in compliance with the applicable requirements and instructions may be returned as not acceptable for filing. Acceptance of this form shall not constitute any finding that it has been filed as required or that the information is true, current or complete. Misstatements or omissions of fact may constitute federal criminal violations [7 U.S.C. §13 and 18 U.S.C. §1001] or grounds for disqualification from registration.
This Form DCM is considered by the CFTC to be a public record and will be available for inspection by any interested person. Copies will be maintained by the CFTC, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB Control Number. The time needed to complete and file Form DCM may vary depending upon individual circumstances.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | NZakir |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |