Program for International Student Assessments (PISA) 2012 Main Study Change Request
Agency/Subagency U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences |
OMB Control Number 1850-0755 v.13 |
Current Record |
New Record |
Agency form number(s) |
NA |
NA |
Annual reporting and record keeping hour burden |
Number of respondent |
14,476 |
13,180 |
Total annual responses |
15,744 |
14,381 |
Percent of these responses collected electronically |
1.4% |
1.4% |
Total annual hours |
8,888 |
8,194 |
Difference |
-694 |
Explanation of difference
This request for OMB approval reflects a decrease in burden, because the last approval for the PISA 2012 main study contained an error. |
Program change |
0 |
Adjustment |
-694 |
Annual reporting and record keeping cost burden (in thousands of dollars) |
Total annualized capital/startup costs |
NA |
NA |
Total annual costs (O&M) |
NA |
NA |
Total annualized cost requested |
NA |
NA |
Difference |
NA |
Explanation of difference
Program change |
NA |
Adjustment |
NA |
Other change** The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international assessment that focuses on 15-year-olds' capabilities in reading, mathematics, and science literacy. It was first implemented by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in 2000 and has been administered every 3 years since. The PISA 2012 Main Study OMB clearance request was approved on July 30, 2011 (1850-0755 v.12). As in 2003, in PISA 2012, mathematics will be the major subject domain. The field test will also include computer-based assessments in reading, science, and general problem solving, and an assessment of financial literacy in a paper-and-pencil format. In addition to assessment data, PISA provides background information on school context and student demographics to benchmark performance and inform policy. School recruitment for the field test will begin in September 2011 with data collection beginning in September 2012. This change request is to submit the final U.S. versions of the main study questionnaires, which have been approved by the PISA Governing Board and PISA international consortium; update burden estimates to correct an error in the previous table and to reflect that three states will participate in PISA to receive state-level estimates; and describe two minor changes to how the study is being carried out, per the international consortium. |
Signature of Senior Official or designee:
March 8, 2012 |
For OIRA Use
_________________________________ |
**This form cannot be used to extend an expiration date
OMB 83-C
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | I.R.G. |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |