Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Special Nutrition Program Operations Study (SNPOS)
Sponsored by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food and Nutrition Service
This survey is being conducted for the Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of a study of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) as well as other USDA food programs throughout the country. All responses will be treated in strict confidence; no names will be used in our reports, and only aggregated results will be reported. Participation is completely voluntary. Choosing not to participate will not affect your employment or your state’s participation in school meal programs.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.75 hours per respondent, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Research and Analysis, Room 1014, Alexandria, VA 22302. Attn: Mr. John Endahl.
We thank you for your cooperation and participation in this very important study.
Please answer all questions.
Unless you see the words CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY after a question, please circle only one answer for each question.
If you have any questions about the study or about completing this survey, please contact the Westat survey helpline at 1-888-202-1565 or by email:
School District Name(s):
Contact information for the SFA Director
State: ZIP Code
Telephone: (_______) EXTENSION__________
Name and address of person filling out this survey if other than the SFA Director
State: ZIP Code
Telephone: (_______) EXTENSION__________
1.1 How would you characterize your School Food Authority (SFA)? Is your SFA responsible for a school district, several school districts, or an individual school?
One school district with multiple schools 1
Several school districts 2
One individual school 3
Other 4
1.2 Does your school district have a Pre-K program?
1.3 Do the children that participate in the Pre-K program have access to school meals?
NO 2
The next few questions are about the number of schools in your SFA participating in the school breakfast and lunch programs during the 2010-2011 school year.
2.1 For this question, please record your responses separately for Elementary (i.e., schools composed of any span of grades from Kindergarten through 6th grade); Middle or Junior High (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 6 and no grade higher than 9); or High School (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 9 and continue through grade 12). If any school does not meet the Elementary, Middle or Junior High, or High School definition, please include them in the “Other school” column and describe them briefly in Question 2.1.1.
Please answer the following questions for the 2010-2011 School Year:
Number of Schools |
1. Elementary School |
2. Middle or Junior High |
3. High School |
4. Other school |
5. Total |
a. Total Number of schools in the school district |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
b. Number participating in both the School Breakfast Program (SBP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
c. Number participating in SBP only |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
d. Number participating in NSLP only |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
e. Number NOT participating in either SBP or NSLP |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
2.1.1 Please list the grades included in schools listed under “other.”
2.2 For the 2010-2011 school year, how many schools participate in the School Breakfast Program as severe need schools?
1. Elementary School |
Middle or |
High |
Other |
5. Total |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
The next few questions are about the number of children enrolled in the school(s) you serve and their participation in the school breakfast and lunch programs during the 2010-2011 school year.
3.1 For this question, please record your responses separately for Elementary (i.e., schools composed of any span of grades from Kindergarten through 6th grade); Middle or Junior High (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 6 and no grade higher than 9); or High School (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 9 and continue through grade 12). If any school does not meet the Elementary, Middle or Junior High, or High School definition, please include them in the “Other school” column.
Please answer the following questions for the 2010-2011 School Year:
Number of Students |
1. Elementary School |
2. Middle or Junior High |
3. High School |
4. Other school |
5. Total |
a. Total Number of students enrolled in the 2010-2011 School Year as of October 1st |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
b. Number approved to receive free meals |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
c. Number approved to receive reduced price meals |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
d. Number of students included in the “Total Student Enrollment” without access to the SBP* |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
e. Number of students included in the “Total Student Enrollment” without access to NSLP* |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
f. What was the average daily attendance for the month of October 2010 |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
______ |
* Kindergarten students who attend school half day and do not have access to meals or a school that does not have the NSLP or the SBP should be included in this count
The next section asks about food services that may be available in your school district.
4.1 What types of meal service systems do you currently use in the schools? Do you use...
Yes No
a. Traditional cafeteria line 1 2
b. Food court concepts where students select from various specialty stations, such as burger bars, salad bars, etc 1 2
c. Window service where students can walk-up and obtain food from a limited menu 1 2
d. Speed lines where multiple points of service are offered including pre-wrapped products, such as chef salads, standard bagged lunches, etc 1 2
e. Kiosks that offer food for faster service at small, free-standing carts 1 2
f. Packaged, reimbursable meals at a pick-up and go setting 1 2
g. Food boutiques and convenience stores which are similar in appearance to retail stores with specialized food choices 1 2
h. Emphasis on visual display (Marche concepts) 1 2
i. Other 1 2
4.2 Do you give elementary school students the ‘offer vs. serve’ option for the NSLP?
NO 2
4.3 Which of the following types of alternatives to SBP and NSLP meals are available in your school(s)? Please circle a response for each meal alternative or not applicable.
Meal alternatives |
1. Elementary school |
Middle or |
High |
Other |
Yes No NA |
Yes No NA |
Yes No NA |
Yes No NA |
a. A la carte items during breakfast |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
b. A la carte items during lunch |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
c. Vending machines |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
d. Snack bars |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
e. School store |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
f. Alternate food source |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
4.4 In which of the following locations are students allowed to eat their breakfasts and lunches?
1. Breakfast 2. Lunch
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A
a. Cafeteria 1 2 3 1 2 3
b. Outside tables 1 2 3 1 2 3
c. Classroom 1 2 3 1 2 3
d. Other 1 2 3 1 2 3
4.5 During the current school year, do high schools allow any of their students to go off-campus during lunch in all, some, or none of the schools?
All schools 1
Some schools 2
None of the schools 3
Not applicable 4
Don’t know 8
4.6 How much time on average is a student given to eat school breakfast? Please circle the closest time period for each type of school.
Time allowed |
N/A |
than |
20 |
30 |
minutes |
a. Elementary School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Middle or Junior High School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. High School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Other School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4.7 How much time on average is a student given to eat lunch? Please circle the closest time period for each type of school.
Time allowed |
N/A |
than |
30 |
45 |
60 |
a. Elementary School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. Middle or Junior High School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. High School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Other School |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4.8 In most elementary schools, is lunch provided before or after recess?
Before recess 1
After recess 2
Some before and some after recess 3
Don’t know 8
4.9 Are students allowed to leave the cafeteria after eating, before the lunch period is over, or do they remain in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period?
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Students allowed to leave the cafeteria after eating |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
b. Students remain in the cafeteria for the entire lunch period |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
c. Don’t know |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4.10 Which of the following methods does your SFA use in planning lunch menus?
Yes No
a. Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning 1 2
b. Enhanced Food-Based Menu Planning 1 2
c. Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (NuMenus) 1 2
d. Assisted Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (Assisted NuMenus) 1 2
e. New or innovative approaches to menu planning 1 2
4.10a Describe new or innovative approaches to menu planning:
4.11 Does your school district have policies for school meals, a la carte items, or vending machines that are stricter than the federal rules?
Yes No know
a. School meals 1 2 3
b. A la carte items 1 2 3
c. Vending machines 1 2 3
4.12 Have any individual schools implemented stricter food policies than Federal, state, or district-level rules?
Yes No DK
a. Federal Rules 1 2 3
b. State Rules 1 2 3
c. District Level Rules 1 2 3
4.13 Does your SFA conduct a formal nutritional analysis of your menus? That is, does your SFA determine the nutritional content of the meals served independent of the menu planning system you use?
NO 2 (GO TO Q4.16)
DON’T KNOW 8 (GO TO Q4.16)
4.14 Is nutrition information posted for students, staff, and/or parents to see?
NO 2 (GO TO Q4.16)
DON’T KNOW 8 (GO TO Q4.16)
4.15 Where is the nutrition information posted? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
On the school website 1
In the cafeteria 2
On menu or flyer sent to students’ homes 3
Other 4
4.16 Is free drinking water available to students where school meals are served?
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
NO |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
4.17 How is free drinking water made available to students during breakfast? Do they have access to... (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
Water fountains 1
Water in pitchers, jugs, or cups 2
Free bottled water 3
Other 4
4.18 How is free drinking water made available to students during lunch? Do they have access to... (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
Water fountains 1
Water in pitchers, jugs, or cups 2
Free bottled water 3
Other 4
4.19 How many of each of the following types of kitchens does your school district currently operate? (Please enter number of kitchens. If none, enter “0”. If you have kitchen types not described here, please record under “Other” and provide a brief description).
Type of kitchen Number of kitchens
a. Central kitchens where meals are prepared only for serving at receiving or satellite schools 1 _______
b. Base kitchens where meals are prepared for serving on-site and for shipment to receiving kitchens 2 _______
c. On-site kitchens where meals are prepared for serving only at the facility in which the kitchen is located 3 _______
d. Receiving or satellite kitchens which obtain partially or fully prepared meals from a base or central kitchen or an outside vendor 4 _______
e. Combination kitchens where some food is prepared for on-site consumption and some food is received fully or partially prepared from a central or base kitchen 5 _______
f. Other type of kitchen 6 _______
4.20 Are food service facilities in your district used to prepare foods for purposes other than SBP and NSLP?
4.21 Are these facilities used to prepare reimbursable meals for any of the following programs?
Yes No DK
a. Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) 1 2 3
b. Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) 1 2 3
c. Elderly Nutrition Program 1 2 3
d. Head Start Program 1 2 3
e. Other schools or school systems 1 2 3
f. Disaster feeding 1 2 3
g. Any other program 1 2 3
4.22 Are any of the following facilities used to prepare food for non-reimbursable purposes?
Yes No DK
a. Athletic events 1 2 3
b. PTA meetings 1 2 3
c. School staff meals 1 2 3
d. Day care 1 2 3
e. Catering 1 2 3
f. Any other event 1 2 3
section 5. MEAL PRICES
The next few questions are about the meal prices for the current School Year (2010-2011) and how the prices have changed during the past three years. For this section, please record your responses separately for Elementary (i.e., schools composed of any span of grades from Kindergarten through 6th grade); Middle or Junior High (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 6 and no grade higher than 9); or High School (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 9 and continue through grade 12). If any school does not meet the Elementary, Middle or Junior High, or High School definition, please include them in the “Other school” column.
5.1 What prices did you charge for reimbursable full price, reduced price, and adult breakfasts in your school district by school level at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year?
Do not have a breakfast program (GO TO Q.5.4)
Breakfast Prices |
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.2 What prices did you charge for reimbursable full price, reduced price, and adult breakfasts at the beginning of the past two school years.
5.2a 2009-2010
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.2b 2008-2009
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult breakfast |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.3 Over the past 3 years, in general, which of the following factors influenced the school breakfast prices?
Yes No DK
a. Food costs 1 2 8
b. Labor costs 1 2 8
c. Student participation rates 1 2 8
d. State revenues (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
e. Federal subsidies (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
f. Local subsidies (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
g. Profits from a la carte items 1 2 8
h. Unpaid school meals 1 2 8
i. SFA budget deficit 1 2 8
j. Administrative indirect costs 1 2 8
k. Other reason 1 2 8
5.4 What prices did you charge for reimbursable full price, reduced price, and adult lunches in your school district by school level at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year?
Lunch Prices |
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.5 What prices did you charge for reimbursable full price, reduced price, and adult lunches at the beginning of each of the past two school years?
5.5a 2009-2010
Lunch Prices |
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.5b 2008-2009
Lunch Prices |
1. Elementary school |
2. Middle or Junior High |
High |
Other |
a. Full price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
b. Reduced price lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
c. Adult lunch |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
$________ |
5.6 Over the past 3 years, in general, which of the following factors influenced the National School Lunch Prices?
Yes No DK
a. Food costs 1 2 8
b. Labor costs 1 2 8
c. Student participation rates 1 2 8
d. State revenues (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
e. Federal subsidies (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
f. Local subsidies (increases or decreases) 1 2 8
g. Profits from a la carte items 1 2 8
h. Unpaid school meals 1 2 8
i. SFA budget deficit 1 2 8
j. Administrative indirect costs 1 2 8
k. Other reason 1 2 8
5.7 Over the past 3 years, has your SFA taken any steps to minimize or avoid an increase in the prices charged for school breakfasts or lunches?
NO 2 (GO TO Q5.9)
5.8 Over the past 3 years, what steps were taken to minimize or avoid an increase in the prices charged for school breakfasts or lunches? Did you ...
Yes No
a. Switch to lower priced foods 1 2
b. Reduce food service administrative staff hours 1 2
c. Reduce the number of kitchen staff hours 1 2
d. Substitute part-time staff for full-time staff 1 2
e. Use USDA donated foods 1 2
f. Increase the quantity of a la carte sales 1 2
g. Increase the price of a la carte items 1 2
h. Increase the price of adult meals 1 2
i. Improve food staff efficiency 1 2
j. Postpone equipment repair/ replacement 1 2
k. Use school district general funds 1 2
l. Reduce the number of on-site kitchens 1 2
m. Ask for volunteer help 1 2
n. Take other steps 1 2
5.9 When meal prices are increased, do you take any special steps to maintain participation?
5.10 What steps do you take to maintain participation? Do you...
Yes No
a. Increase student or parent awareness of the program 1 2
b. Improve meal quality 1 2
c. Offer more popular foods 1 2
d. Take other steps 1 2
section 6. REVENUES
6.1 For the last school year, that is, the 2009-10 school year, please record all income that was received by your school district’s food service program. If no income, please enter zero. If Not Applicable (N/A) please check box. If a category includes revenues from another category, list the other categories included by item code in the last column. For example, if income from full price and reduced price meals served to students cannot be separated, record the total student meal payments in row a, and write “b” in the last column.
6.1.1 Total income $ __________
Income from local sources |
Income |
N/A |
List Other Categories Included |
a. Full price meals served to students |
$__________ |
b. Reduced price meals served to students |
$__________ |
c. Adult meals |
$__________ |
d. A la carte sales |
$__________ |
e. Subsidy from the school district |
$__________ |
f. Community donations |
$__________ |
g. Catering |
$__________ |
h. Other local income |
$__________ |
Income from state sources |
Income |
N/A |
List Other Categories Included |
i. State meal reimbursements for free meals |
$__________ |
j. State meal reimbursements for reduced-price meal |
$__________ |
k. Other income from the state |
$__________ |
Income from Federal sources |
Income |
N/A |
List Other Categories Included |
l. Federal meal reimbursements for free meals |
$__________ |
m. Federal meal reimbursements for reduced-price meals |
$__________ |
n. Federal meal reimbursements for full price meals |
$__________ |
o. Federal income from other child nutrition programs (e.g., FFVP, SMP) |
$__________ |
p. Adjustment for an underclaim from a federal or state audit |
$__________ |
q. Other federal income |
$__________ |
Amounts of
Other sources of income other income
$ __________
$ __________
$ __________
6.2 The next set of questions ask about whether your district or state provided a subsidy for breakfasts or lunches and how that subsidy was provided during the last school year, that is, the 2009-2010 school year.
Did you receive a subsidy? |
IF YES, how was the subsidy provided? |
School District |
a. Breakfast |
Yes 1 No 2 NA 3 |
Per-meal 1 Annual lump sum 2 Supplement to cover specific costs 3 Based on a percentage of low-income students 4 Other 5 (SPECIFY) |
b. Lunch |
Yes 1 No 2 NA 3 |
Per-meal 1 Annual lump sum 2 Supplement to cover specific costs 3 Based on a percentage of low-income students 4 Other 5 (SPECIFY) |
State |
c. Breakfast |
Yes 1 No 2 NA 3 |
Per-meal 1 Annual lump sum 2 Supplement to cover specific costs 3 Based on a percentage of low-income students 4 Other 5 (SPECIFY) |
d. Lunch |
Yes 1 No 2 NA 3 |
Per-meal 1 Annual lump sum 2 Supplement to cover specific costs 3 Based on a percentage of low-income students 4 Other 5 (SPECIFY) |
This section asks about expenditures.
7.1 For the last school year that is, the 2009-10 school, year, please record all expenditures made by your school district’s food service program. If you did not have an expense for any category, please record a 0 for that category. If Not Applicable (N/A) please check box. If a category includes expenses from another category, list the other categories included by item code in the last column.
7.1.1. Total expenditures $ __________
Income from local sources |
Expenditures |
N/A |
List Other Categories Included |
a. Salaries |
$__________ |
b. Fringe benefits |
$__________ |
c. Purchased foods |
$__________ |
d. Capital expenditures |
$__________ |
e. Supplies |
$__________ |
f. Storage and transportation |
$__________ |
g. Contracted services |
$__________ |
h. Payment for an overclaim as a result of a state or Federal audit |
$__________ |
i. Overhead/Indirect costs |
$__________ |
Amounts of
j. Other sources of income other income
$ __________
$ __________
$ __________
The following questions are about alternative meals provided and recouping credits.
8.1 What is normally done if a child who is not receiving a free meal cannot pay for a meal?
Serve the child the reimbursable meal 1
Serve the child an alternate meal 2
Do not serve the child a meal 3
Other 4
8.1.1 Does your school district keep track of the amount of money owed as a result of unpaid school meals?
NO 2
8.2 For the 2009-10 school year, what was the total amount of money owed to your school district as a result of unpaid school meals?
8.3 How much of this money has been recovered?
8.4 What steps does your district take to recover money for unpaid student meals?
Yes No
a. Bill the parents 1 2
b. Provide the student with alternate meals until
the debt is
paid 1 2
c. Use a debt collection agency 1 2
d. Try to retroactively approve the student for free or reduced price meals 1 2
e. Administrative actions (e.g., withhold grades) 1 2
f. No effort made 1 2
g. Other 1 2
The following questions ask about meal counting and claiming.
9.1 How does your SFA keep track of the number the number of free, reduced price, and paid meals served to students?
Yes No
a. Tickets or tokens 1 2
b. Swipe cards 1 2
c. Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) 1 2
d. Biometric technology (e.g., fingerprint scanners) 1 2
e. Other 1 2
9.2 Which of the following types of payments are accepted?
Yes No
a. Cash at POS 1 2
b. Credit or debit card 1 2
c. Personal check or money order 1 2
d. Prepayment via the internet 1 2
e. Prepayment via mail, phone, or fax 1 2
f. Other 1 2
9.3 Which of the following types of training is provided to cashiers?
Type of training |
Training provided? |
IF YES, how often provided? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) |
a. Method of counting meals |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
b. Monitoring student meal selections for reimbursable meals |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
c. Managing cash for a la carte and adult meals |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
d. Acceptable types of payments |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
e. Meal and food pricing |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
f. Offer versus serve |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
g. Applications for free or reduced price meals |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
h. Operating a Point of Service (POS) system |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
i. Other SPECIFY |
Yes 1 No 2 |
When cashier is hired 1 Once each school year 2 More than once each school year 3 |
9.4 Does your SFA conduct on-site monitoring of cashiers?
Yes 1
9.5 How often is on-site monitoring conducted?
Less than once a year 1
Once a year 2
Twice a year 3
Three or more times a year 4
Once every 5 years 5
The next questions are about procurement issues.
10.1 During the 2010-2011 school year, has your school district given preference to purchasing unprocessed foods for school meal programs that have been locally grown, raised, or produced? Would you say...
NEVER 3 (GO TO Q10.5)
10.2 If locally grown fruits, vegetables, and other products cost more than similar products obtained from outside the local area, to what extent do you purchase them anyway? Do you ….
Always purchase or try to purchase local foods 1
Sometimes purchase or try to purchase local foods 2
Only purchase local foods when they are priced competitively 3
10.3 Which of the following types of local foods have you given preference to in your purchases? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
a. Fresh fruits and vegetables 1
b. Pasteurized milk 2
c. Meat, fish, or poultry 3
d. Other 4
10.4 When giving preferences to the purchase of local foods, do you consider “local” to be (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
a. 50 miles of your school(s) 1
b. 51-100 miles of your school(s) 2
c. 101-200 miles of your school(s) 3
d. More than 200 miles of your school(s) 4
e. Some other definition 5
10.5 How do you obtain the nutrition information for foods that you receive:
Nutrition labels packaged with or directly on the product 1
Contacting the vendor/manufacturer directly . 2
Other 3
10.6 Do you find the availability of nutrition information for foods you receive:
Excellent 1
Satisfactory . 2
Unsatisfactory 3
10.7 When your SFA orders foods for the school meal programs, how often do you specify the nutrient requirements for a single serving of a specific type of food or meal?
Always 1
Sometimes 2
Never 3
10.8 For which of the following food types do you specify per serving nutrient requirements?
Yes No
a. Milk 1 2
b. Main dish/entree 1 2
c. Bread or bread alternate 1 2
d. Salad/ raw vegetables 1 2
e. Cooked vegetables 1 2
f. Fruit 1 2
g. Beverages other than milk 1 2
h. Snack foods 1 2
i. Desserts 1 2
10.9 Which of the following types of nutritional information per serving do you require from vendors for the foods they supply?
Yes No
a. Total calories 1 2
b. Protein 1 2
c. Fiber 1 2
d. Carbohydrates 1 2
e. Calcium 1 2
f. Iron 1 2
g. Vitamin A 1 2
h. Vitamin B 1 2
i. Vitamin C 1 2
j. Vitamin D 1 2
k. Sodium 1 2
l. Sugar 1 2
m. Percent of calories from total fat 1 2
n. Percent of calories from saturated fat 1 2
o. Percent of calories from trans fat 1 2
p. Other 1 2
10.10 In the last year, have vendors always, sometimes or never supplied the nutritional information you requested?
Always 1
Sometimes . 2
Never 3
10.11 How are food products purchased for your school district?
Yes No
a. Directly purchased by SFA 1 2
b. Directly purchased by the schools 1 2
c. Directly purchased by your state 1 2
d. Directly purchased by a consortium of states 1 2
e. Through a food co-op 1 2
f. By Food Service Management companies (FSMC) 1 2
g. Through the Department of Defense Fresh Fruit and
Program . 1 2
h. Other 1 2
10.12 Does your SFA use school food service management companies (FSMCs)?
10.13 Which of the following methods does your school district use to track rebates, discounts, or fees for service from Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs)?
Yes No
a. Contracts specify the value of USDA donated foods must be credited to the school district 1 2
b. We obtain documentation supporting the calculation
of the bid
rate per meal 1 2
c. We check that invoices specify credits and reductions 1 2
d. We review documentation supplied by FSMC’s on variable costs (i.e. the out-of-pocket cash expenses paid for inputs unique to the commodity being produced 1 2
e. We require the return of discounts, rebates, and applicable credits and appropriate documentation 1 2
f. Other review and oversight procedures 1 2
The next set of questions ask about your school district’s involvement in other programs.
11.1 Does your SFA participate in the following?
a. USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 1 2
b. The NSLP After School Snack Program 1 2
c. The CACFP At-Risk After School Snack or Supper Program 1 2
d. Summer Food Service Program 1 2
11.2 Does your SFA participate in the Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh program?
NO 2 (GO TO Q11.5)
11.3 How satisfied are you with the way the DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is working in your state in each of the following areas?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
N/A |
a. Price for fruits and vegetables |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
b. On-line ordering |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
c. Overall customer service |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
d. Other (SPECIFY) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
11.4 Why are you dissatisfied with the DoD Fresh Program?
11.5 Does your SFA participate in the Farm to School Initiative?
NO 2 (GO TO Q11.7)
11.6 As part of your district’s Farm to School Initiative, in which of the following activities do you participate?
Yes No
a. Nutrition education at school 1 2
b. Agriculture-related lessons and curriculum 1 2
c. School or community gardens 1 2
d. Farm tours 1 2
e. Taste testing 1 2
f. Parent educational lessons 1 2
g. Community educational lessons 1 2
11.7 How many schools in your district have been recognized as HealthierUS schools at the following levels?
For this question, please record your responses separately for Elementary (i.e., schools composed of any span of grades from Kindergarten through 6th grade); Middle or Junior High (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 6 and no grade higher than 9); or High School (i.e., schools that have no grade lower than 9 and continue through grade 12). If any school does not meet the Elementary, Middle or Junior High, or High School definition, please include them in the “Other school” column.
1. Elementary school |
Middle or |
High |
Other |
5. Not Applicable |
Gold Award of Distinction |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Gold |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Silver |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Bronze |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
11.8 Have any other schools applied, but have not yet been recognized as HealthierUS schools?
NO 2
Not Applicable 3
11.9 What challenges do schools face in trying to attain the HealthierUS schools recognition?
The following questions are about food safety.
12.1 Do schools in your SFA have a written Food Safety Plan based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles?
All schools 1 (GO TO Q12.3)
Most schools 2
Some schools 3
None of the schools 4
12.2 What is the main reason that all schools do not have a written Food Safety Plan and/or a HACCP Plan for the preparation and service of school meals served to children?
12.3 Which of the following food safety program components have been implemented in the school(s) under your supervision?
Yes No
a. Written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 1 2
b. Annual review and updating of food safety plan 1 2
c. Menu items grouped by process (e.g., no cook, same day service, complex) 1 2
Temperatures taken and recorded for
d. Foods at receiving 1 2
e. Foods in storage 1 2
f. End-point cooking temperatures 1 2
g. Holding temperatures 1 2
h. Serving temperatures 1 2
i. Cooling temperatures 1 2
12.4 Do you have policies and procedures to accommodate students with special diets?
NO 2
12.5 How many children with non-allergy related special diets are served in your district?
12.6 What types of food service procedures do you use to protect students with special diets?
Yes No
a. Signed prescription from child’s physician 1 2
b. Cashier has child names to check trays 1 2
c. Consultation with registered dietitian to plan menus 1 2
d. Other 1 2
12.7 For each of the following school years, how many schools in your SFA had two or more safety inspections?
All Most Some None
a. School Year 2009-2010 1 2 3 4
b. School Year 2008-2009 1 2 3 4
c. School Year 2007-2008 1 2 3 4
IF SY 2009-2010 = ALL, MOST OR SOME GO TO QUESTION 12.8 IF SY 2009-2010 = NONE, GO TO QUESTION 12.9 |
12.8 Which of the following types of agencies conducted the school food safety inspections during the 2009-2010 SY?
Yes No
a. State governmental agency (e.g. public health agency) 1 2
b. Local governmental agency 1 2
c. Some other type of agency 1 2
12.9 Which of the following reasons best describe why at least two inspections were not made at all schools covered under your food safety plan during school year 2009-2010:
Yes No
a. Insufficient funding at State and local public health agencies 1 2
b. Lack of local public health inspectors 1 2
c. Schools are a low priority 1 2
d. The public health agencies prioritize inspections according to risk 1 2
e. Insufficient funding in the school district to pay for two or more inspections 1 2
f. Some other reason 1 2
12.10 Were any schools cited for food safety inspection violations during school year 2009-2010?
NO 2 (GO TO Q12.13)
12.11 How many schools were cited for food safety violations during school year 2009-2010?
Number of
a. Elementary School _______
b. Middle or Junior High School _______
c. High School _______
d. Other school _______
12.12 During the 2009-10 school year, of the schools cited for food safety violations, how many schools were cited for the following violations?
All Most Some None
a. Food storage problems 1 2 3 4
b. Improper temperature of food during storage, cooking, holding, and/or cooling 1 2 3 4
c. Inconsistent or not using gloves and/or hair restraints 1 2 3 4
d. Presence of pests 1 2 3 4
e. Raw meat or fish not properly separated from ready-to-eat food 1 2 3 4
f. Surfaces and/or utensils not properly cleaned/sanitized 1 2 3 4
g. Lack of proper, adequate hand washing 1 2 3 4
h. Chemicals and other poisonous or toxic materials not properly marked, stored, or used 1 2 3 4
i. Other 1 2 3 4
12.13 How is your SFA alerted about holds or food recalls?
Yes No
a. Email notification 1 2
b. Telephone calls 1 2
c. Fax 1 2
d. Notice sent by mail 1 2
e. Other 1 2
12.14 How does your SFA alert schools about holds or food recalls? Does your SFA...
Yes No
a. Send email notification 1 2
b. Make telephone calls 1 2
c. Send faxes 1 2
d. Send notice by mail 1 2
e. Other 1 2
12.15 What percentage of schools in your SFA have at least one food service supervisor or manager who has a food safety certification?
12.16 Which of the following safety topics have food service employees been trained on during the 2009-10 school year?
Yes No
a Personal hygiene, proper hand washing 1 2
b. Pathogens and characteristics of food borne illness 1 2
c. Illnesses and symptoms that should be reported to a foodservice supervisor 1 2
d. Kitchen sanitation 1 2
e. Storing and labeling chemicals and sanitizers 1 2
f. Equipment and maintenance 1 2
g. Proper thermometer use and maintenance 1 2
Safe food handling at each of the following steps in the food flow:
h. Receiving 1 2
i. Storage 1 2
j. Thawing 1 2
k. Preparation 1 2
l. Cooking 1 2
m. Cooling 1 2
n. Reheating 1 2
12.17 Which of the following USDA materials has your SFA used to assist in food safety?
Yes No
a. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Handbook 1 2
b. Produce/Salad Area: Produce/Salad Area - Educational Poster 1 2
c. Choice Plus: Food Safety Supplement 1 2
d. Best Practices: Handling Fresh Produce in Schools 1 2
e. Fruits and Vegetables Galore: Helping Kids Eat More 1 2
12.18a Does your SFA currently have a food defense plan or food defense practices?
NO 2 (GO TO Q12.19)
12.18b Which of the following food defense practices are currently being used in your SFA?
Yes No
a. The food service operations have a plan to prevent the intentional contamination of food 1 2
b. The school food service operators are involved in the school district emergency plan 1 2
c. A Biosecurity Checklist for School Food Service Programs is being used 1 2
d. Other 1 2
section 13. Communication Issues
13.1 How do the State agencies communicate with your SFA? Do they use...
Yes No
a. Mail 1 2
b. A web site 1 2
c. Email correspondence 1 2
d. Blanket emails 1 2
e. Email blasts 1 2
f. All of the above 1 2
g. Other methods 1 2
13.2 Does the type of communication vary depending on the type of information communicated?
NO 2
13.3 How does your SFA communicate with individual households in the school district? Do you...
Yes No
a. Use a website to provide information 1 2
b. Send letters/memos through the students 1 2
c. Send a periodic newsletter 1 2
d. Send e-mails or text messages 1 2
e. Other methods 1 2
13.4 What information do you provide to households?
Yes No
a. Breakfast menus 1 2
b. Lunch menus 1 2
c. Nutritional information 1 2
d. nspections of the cafeteria reports 1 2
e. Insecticide spraying alerts 1 2
f. Other information 1 2
13.5 How does your SFA communicate with school staff in the school district? Do you...
Yes No
a. Use a web site to provide information 1 2
b. Send letters, memos 1 2
c. Send a periodic newsletter 1 2
d. Send emails or text messages 1 2
e. Do not communicate 1 2
f. Other methods 1 2
section 14. SFA Director Background
These questions are about the SFA Director.
14.1 How long have you been the SFA Director?
_____ _____
14.2 Prior to your position as the SFA Director, how much experience did you have in food service?
_____ _____
14.3 What is the highest grade or year of schooling you completed?
Less than high school 1
High school 2
Some college, no degree 3
Associate degree 4
Bachelor’s degree 5
Graduate degree 6
14.4 What are your other district- or school-level responsibilities? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.)
Full-time SFA Director, no other responsibilities 1
Part-time SFA Director 2
Business manager (district) 3
Transportation coordinator (district) 4
Other 5
14.5 What is the minimum level of education required for an SFA Director in your district?
Less than high school 1
High school 2
Some college, no degree 3
Associates degree 4
Bachelor’s degree 5
Graduate degree 6
14.6 In your district, is an SFA Director required to be a:
Yes No
a. Licensed dietician 1 2
b. School Nutrition Specialist 1 2
c. Certified Professional Food Manager 1 2
d. Certified Professional in Food Safety 1 2
e. Certified Professional Food Handler 1 2
f. Certified ServSafe Food Safety Professional 1 2
14.7 Is your current SFA director a...
Yes No
a. Licensed dietician 1 2
b. School Nutrition Specialist 1 2
c. Certified Professional Food Manager 1 2
d. Certified Professional in Food Safety 1 2
e. Certified Professional Food Handler 1 2
f. Certified ServSafe Food Safety Professional 1 2
Thank you for your participation in this important study.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | tomasino-Rosales_l |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-02-01 |