EIA-7A Coal Production Report - Other Facilities

Coal Program Package

Form EIA7A (Other Facilities)

Coal Program Package

OMB: 1905-0167

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Coal Production and Preparation Report
(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities)
Page 1

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(April 2011)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: xx/xx/xxxx
Burden: 1.8 Hours

Reporting For Calendar Year

Please read the instructions provided before completing this form.
NOTICE: This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275). Failure to comply may result
in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections
see the provision on sanctions and the provision concerning the disclosure of information in the instructions. Title 18 USC 1001 makes it a
criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false,
fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
GENERAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Form EIA-7A must be submitted by all coal mines that produced 25,000 or more short tons of
coal and other coal facilities that worked 5,000 hours or more during the reporting year. All anthracite coal mines that produced 10,000 short
tons or more during the year must also report. A separate Form EIA-7A must be submitted for each Mine Safety and Health Administration
I. Identification. The shaded areas in this section are reserved for preprinted information. Please make any corrections to the information
shown in these areas by drawing a line through the incorrect information and entering the changes in the space provided at the right.
A. Status Change: Did the ownership change during the year?





If Yes, give date of change and, as applicable, the name and address of the new owner.
Name of New Owner

Name of New Mining Operation

Address of New Owner (Street)


New Owner E-mail

New Owner Phone Number





(Zip Code)

New Owner Fax Number

Please make any corrections to the mailing label in the area provided at the right and return the completed form in the business reply
envelope provided.
B. Preparer Information
Preparer Name:
Preparer Company Name:
Preparer Street Address:
Preparer City, State, Zip:
Preparer Phone #:
Preparer Fax #:
Preparer E-mail:
C. Company Contact Information. The information in this block refers to the Company that owns the MSHA ID. The Company contact
person is a person who has oversight responsibility for responding to this data request and ordinarily is not the person preparing the
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Company Name:
Contact Street Address:
Contact City, State, Zip:
Contact Phone #:
Contact Fax #:
Contact E-mail:
D. Name and Location of Mining Operation
Mine Name:
Mine Location (County):
Mine Location (State):

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(April 2011)

Coal Production and Preparation Report
(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 04/30/2011
Burden: 1.8 Hours

Page 2
Reporting For Calendar Year

E. Name and Address of Operating Company
Company Name:
Company Address:
Company City, State, Zip:

F. Operating Company Contact Information

Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Street Address:
Contact City, State, Zip:
Contact Phone #:
Contact Fax #:
Contact E-mail:

G. Type of Company Operating this Mining Operation Check one. (See instructions for definitions of company types).
1. Independent Producer Operator
2. Operating Subsidiary
3. Contractor




If you checked Box 1 in Section G above, please skip to Section J. If you checked Box 2, please complete Sections H and I with
information about your Parent Company. If you checked Box 3, please complete Sections H and I with information about the Contractee for
which you are providing services at this mining operation. If there is more than one Parent Company or Contractee, please provide the
additional information for Sections H and I on a separate sheet of paper.
H. Parent Company or Contractee

Company/Contractee Name:
Company/Contractee Address:
Company/Contractee City, State, Zip:

I. Parent Company or Contractee Contact Information

Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Street Address:
Contact City, State, Zip:
Contact Phone #:
Contact Fax #:
Contact E-mail:

Coal Production and Preparation Report
(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities)

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(April 2011)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 04/30/2011
Burden: 1.8 Hours

Page 3
Reporting For Calendar Year

J. Kind of Operation (check the appropriate box or boxes)


Preparation Plant
Loading Dock
Train Loadout

K. Union Identification. Check the box that applies for this mining operation and identify the union, if applicable.


Is this operation unionized?




If yes, enter union name here:
L. Facilities Location
1. Longitude and Latitude. Please enter the longitude and latitude that best defines the predominant facilities location in the reporting
year. The geographical points reported should represent the center of activity.







2. Datum. Please identify the method and datum that was used in determining the longitude and latitude locations (Please check all boxes
that apply).


Maps on Us (www.maponus.com)
U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Map Service
Global Positioning System (GPS)
U.S. Geological Survey MapFinder (www.usgs.gov)
Other ________________________________________

If you selected GPS, USGS or Other, please indicate datum below:


NAD27 (North American Datum 1927)
WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984)
NAD83 (North American Datum 1983)
Other ________________________________________

II. Coal Consumption. Report the amount of coal consumed to operate this facility. Please exclude
coal consumed to generate electricity that is sold to the grid.
III. Coal Stocks. Report the amount of coal in stockpile at the end of the report year at this facility.



U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(April 2011)

Coal Production and Preparation Report
(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 04/30/2011
Burden: 1.8 Hours

Page 4
Reporting For Calendar Year

IV. Coal Preparation. Complete this section only if this operation includes a preparation plant or tipple which crushes, screens, or
mechanically cleans coal.
A. Proportion of coal prepared by type of mining.

1. Percentage of coal prepared which originated at underground mines


2. Percentage of coal prepared which originated at surface mines


3. Total coal prepared

100 %

B. Processing Statistics
1. Tons of raw coal processed at the plant during the report year. (input)


2. Tons of coal after processing. (output)


3. Tons of refuse material after processing.


C. Hourly Raw Feed Capacity
1. Report the maximum amount of raw coal that your operation could process
during one hour in short tons (under normal operating conditions).


V. Additional Remarks. Attach another sheet of paper if necessary.

VII. Point of Contact. Enter the name, title, telephone number and e-mail address of your company representative who can answer
questions regarding information provided on this form.


Telephone Number

E-mail Address

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-03-03
File Created2011-03-03

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