Electronic Benefit Verification Information (BEVE)

Electronic Benefit Verification (BEVE) Internet Service

Beve Screens

Electronic Benefit Verification Informaiton (BEVE)

OMB: 0960-0595

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Benefit Verification (BEVE) Application Screens


SodaI~lllit) Online
YNNJ sOl.1alse-cunty,QO'Y

Request a Proof of ln~me Letter


How tD Conbct



:~ Information about the Proof of Income Letter
.......... j(' 

If you need proof that you are receiVIng income and/or services from Social
Securrty, you can request a ' Proof of Income' Ie"er at this web srte. This is
sometimes called a 'budget Ie"er," a "benefrts Ie"er: or a 'proof of award
leMr. "

What is a Proof of Income

• 	 The Ie"er can be used as proof of your
o 	 Income when you apply for a loan or mortgage;
o 	 income for assisted housing or other state or local benefrts,
o 	 current Medicare health insurance coverage;
o 	 retirement status,
o disabilrty, andior 



• 	 You can select the information you would like on rt.

What You Should Know

• 	 Your Proof of Income le"er will arrive in the mail in about 10 days.
• 	 ~ will be mailed to the address on file for you at Social Security.

• 	 If you need proof sooner, contact your local Social Security Office .
• 	 You c an request a leller only for yourself Family members must
request their own le"ers.
• 	 For securrty reasons. there IS a 30 minute time limit to complete
each page. You will be given notice when you are about to lime out
and c an get more time to finish.
• 	 You can read more aboul Social Security's Internet policy here

If You Have Moved

• 	 If you have moved and have not reported thiS to us, you will need to
report this change to us before we can process your request.

• 	 If you have moved and have reported this to us recently, you will
need to conlacl us before we can process your request.

Block access to your
personal information

If you want to prevent online and automated telephone access to
your personallnformalJon. you can block access to your personal

Privacy PoliCY ! Accessihllity Policy 1Unking PoliCY I Site Map



Request a Proof of Income

wwv/ 'iocll!lse(un1y.grPI
Form ~. pp


Social Security Online

Request a Proof of In,some Letter

WVNJ SOC Mt'leCUnty go\'

~~. Information To Be Included In The Letter


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To complele your request please indicate what information you would like to include
in your letter.

Select any additional
information that you would
like to include


All Benefit Infonnation Available


You may select ONE OR MORE of these options . 

r 	The amount of your most recent monthly

Social Security benefit and when you

began to receive that amount

r 	The amount of your prior monthly Soc;al Security benefit and the dilt"" you
received it


The amount of your currenl monthly Supplemental Security Income payment and
when you began to receive that amounl

r 	The type of Social

Security benefils you receive (dh;abltity, retirement, survivor)

r 	The type of SSI payments you receive (aged, blind, disability)
r 	The dates you were entitled to .eceive Medicare benefrt.
r 	Your date of birth
-- - - -- _._-- - ­
Quit and Sign Off 	

Continue >

Social SecwityOnline

Request a Proof of lnsonle Letter


,~ Confirmation

•. f

Thank you!
We received your request for a Proof of Income letter on March 19, 2009. The
following information will appear In your letter'

-----_.._- - - -- - _._._---What You Should Know

_... _

_.._-- -_.__._-_-----._...

- -­

You should receive your letter by March 29, 2009.


• 	 It
be mailed to the address SOCial Security has on
file for you.
• 	 ff you do not receive It by March 29. 2009. please cali
us Monday-Friday 700 a.m -7:00 p.m at 1-800-772­
1213 or, rt you are deaf or hard of hearing, on our TTY
number at 1-800-325-0778.

Does someone else in your rYe. 

hoosehoid want to request 

a Proof of Income letter 


We suggest you pnntthis page for your rec ords. Use your browser's "pnnt" fun ction to
print this transaction.


Message Pages: 14 screens


Request a Proof of Income Letter

m rw ~OCl.1IWCUJlf.J.lOV

~~ Internet Security Policy
".....1' . (-'"

Is It safe to transmit
Information to the Social
Securtty Administration over
the Internet?

SSA Is taking all reasonable and proper measures "1<:luolng encryption to ensure that yo ur personal Information IS disclosea only
to you. However. 1he Internet is an open system and !here IS no absolute guarantee Ihat others will not Intercep1 the personal
Information you have entered or requestea and aecrypled AltMugh mis possibility Is rem<>te. II does eXist

What is encryption?

Encryption means !hat all Information relating to you and your accounl is scrambled and lOCked With a mathematkal key during the
eleclromc transfer. Most browsers have an icon such as a key or a kXk to represent an encrypteu mOde or se ssIOn. A broken key,
open lock or no kXk indICates that fhe s.esslon or mode Is not encrypted

Why is special software
neceesary to access the
Internet application?

So mat your online request can remaln confidential, SSA uses a security pr01C1Coi (method) called Sec ure Sockets Layer (SSL) for
Ihis application You must use a Web brOW'3er that supports SSL Netscape IJavrga!or and MICrosoft Intemet Explorer are!Wo
browsers that suppen SSL Using th IS securily protocol all Information sent Detween your computer and our server Is encrypte I


Request a Proof ofIncome Letter

W-:IW ·...v""l.Jb(:·~UIIl'S' Q-lt\'

~. How to Request a Proof of Income Letter If You Cannot Request It Online



We're sorry you cannot request a proor of Income Letter onlrne You must call

are ..

or "ISft us to request a proof

0' lOcome letter

Ir you

• 	 In lhe United Slates . you can ­
call us al 1-800-772-1213 Monday through Fnaay ~~.""en 7 a m ana 7 pm
call our toll-free TTY number 1-800-325-0778 if you are deaf or hard or healing . r.Jlonday lhrough Friday ~~Neen 7
a m and 7 p m or
~ 	 visil your local SOCIal security olfice. You can gel directions and a map 10 your local Social SecurTty OfrlCe by visiting
lhe Field OlrKe Localor .
• oulslde the United Siales . you can contaci -­
your neareSI Social Secunty OnlCe .
the Closest J.LS.J;J.~sv \11 CQ n S ulat ~ . or
o lhe VeleranS Alfalfs Regional Ortlc e NARO} in

IO ~


Warning: II you selecl any or Ihe IIn~s above, you ",illlea.e lhis secure Sile and go 10 the copy of these pages on a new browser.
You IVl11 automatically return to IhlS page When you close lhe new browser.




Request a Proof ofln~me Letter

'1.\'I'.·: .bOC·hlJ~.III. I,I.)."i

:;Ii~ How to Request a Proof of Income Letter If You Recently Changed Your Address



You tOld us you have moved and rec.entIY reported this 10 us To e nsu r ~ you r privacy. you cannot request a PrOOf 01 Inc ome Let1er
onl ine at this lime You must call or VISit us 10 reque st a Proof 01 Inc ome Letter

To Contact Social Security.
tn the Unlled Slates.

Call our loll-Iree number 1-800-n2-1213 II you are deal or Mrd of hearing. ,all our tOil-free " TTY" number, H!OO­
32$.OnS Representatives are available f..{on
• StI-Alt:wW UH..'O?tIt O(oo..W'-.t.- 'O"[1Udf.
• Ck: ~ OK'"
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-03-10
File Created2011-03-08

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