18 CFR 284.126(c)


FERC-549D, Quarterly Transportation and Storage Report For Intrastate Natural Gas and Hinshaw Pipelines

18 CFR 284.126(c)

OMB: 1902-0253

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(d) Presumptions. If the intrastate
pipeline is charging a rate computed
pursuant to § 284.123(b)(1), the rate
charged is presumed to be:
(1) Fair and equitable; and
(2) Not in excess of the rates and
charges which interstate pipelines
would be permitted to charge for providing similar transportation service.
(e) Filing requirements. Within 30 days
of commencement of new service, any
intrastate pipeline that engages in
transportation arrangements under
this subpart must file with the Commission a statement that includes the
pipeline’s interstate rates, the rate
election made pursuant to paragraph
(b) of this section, and a description of
how the pipeline will engage in these
transportation arrangements, including operating conditions, such as quality standards and financial viability of
the shipper. If the pipeline changes its
operations, rates, or rate election
under this subpart, it must amend the
statement and file such amendments
not later than 30 days after commencement of the change in operations or the
change in rate election.
(f) Electronic filing of statements, and
related materials—(1) General rule. All
filings made in proceedings initiated
under this part must be made electronically, including rates and charges,
or parts thereof, and material related
(2) Requirements for signature. All filings must be signed in compliance with
the following:
(i) The signature on a filing constitutes a certification that the contents are true to the best knowledge
and belief of the signer, and that the
signer possesses full power and authority to sign the filing.
(ii) A filing must be signed by one of
the following:
(A) The person on behalf of whom the
filing is made;
(B) An officer, agent, or employee of
the company, governmental authority,
agency, or instrumentality on behalf of
which the filing is made; or,
(C) A representative qualified to
practice before the Commission under
§ 385.2101 of this chapter who possesses
authority to sign.

§ 284.126
(iii) All signatures on the filing or
any document included in the filing
must comply, where applicable, with
the requirements in § 385.2005 of this
chapter with respect to sworn declarations or statements and electronic signatures.
(3) Format requirements for electronic
filing. The requirements and formats
for electronic filing are listed in instructions for electronic filing and for
each form. These formats are available
on the Internet at http://www.ferc.gov
and can be obtained at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Public
Reference Room, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
[44 FR 52184, Sept. 7, 1979, as amended at 44
FR 66791, Nov. 21, 1979; Order 394, 49 FR 35364,
Sept. 7, 1984; Order 436, 50 FR 42496, Oct. 18,
1985; 50 FR 52276, Dec. 23, 1985; Order 581, 60
FR 53073, Oct. 11, 1995; Order 714, 73 FR 57535,
Oct. 3, 2008]

§ 284.124

Terms and conditions.

Contracts for the transportation of
natural gas authorized under this subpart shall provide that the transportation arrangement is subject to the
provisions of this subpart.
§ 284.125


§ 284.126

Reporting requirements.

(a) Notice of bypass. An intrastate
pipeline that provides transportation
(except storage) under § 284.122 to a customer that is located in the service
area of a local distribution company
and will not be delivering the customer’s gas to that local distribution
company, must file with the Commission within thirty days after commencing such transportation, a statement that the interstate pipeline has
notified the local distribution and the
local distribution company’s appropriate state regulatory agency in writing of the proposed transportation
prior to commencement.
(b) Annual report. Not later than
March 31 of each year, each intrastate
pipeline must file an annual report
with the Commission and the appropriate state regulatory agency that
contains, for each transportation service (except storage) provided during
the preceding calendar year under
§ 284.122, the following information:


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§ 284.141

18 CFR Ch. I (4–1–09 Edition)

(1) The name of the shipper receiving
the transportation service;
(2) The type of service performed (i.e.,
firm or interruptible);
(3) Total volumes transported for the
shipper. If it is firm service, the report
should separately state reservation and
usage quantities; and
(4) Total revenues received for the
shipper. If it is firm service, the report
should separately state reservation and
usage revenues.
(c) Semi-annual storage report. Within
30 days of the end of each complete
storage injection and withdrawal season, the intrastate pipeline shall file
with the Commission a report of storage activity provided under the authority of § 284.122. The report must be
signed under oath by a senior official,
consist of an original and five conformed copies, and contain a summary
of storage injection and withdrawal activities to include the following:
(1) The identity of each customer injecting gas into storage and/or withdrawing gas from storage;
(2) The docket where the storage injection or withdrawal rates were approved;
(3) The maximum storage quantity
and maximum daily withdrawal quantity applicable to each storage customer;
(4) For each storage customer, the
volume of gas (in dekatherms) injected
into and/or withdrawn from storage
during the period;
(5) The unit charge and total revenues received during the injection/
withdrawal period from each storage
customer; and
(6) The related docket numbers in
which the intrastate pipeline reported
storage related injection/withdrawal
transportation services.
[Order 436, 50 FR 42496, Oct. 18, 1985, as
amended at 50 FR 52276, Dec. 23, 1985; Order
636, 57 FR 13317, Apr. 16, 1992; Order 581, 60 FR
53073, Oct. 11, 1995; 71 FR 38066, July 5, 2006]

cprice-sewell on PROD1PC72 with CFR

Subpart D—Certain Sales by
Intrastate Pipelines
SOURCE: 44 FR 12409, Mar. 7, 1979, unless
otherwise noted. Redesignated at 44 FR 52184,
Sept. 7, 1979.

§ 284.141 Applicability.
This subpart implements section
311(b) of the NGPA and applies to certain sales of natural gas by intrastate
pipelines to:
(a) Interstate pipelines; and
(b) Local distribution companies
served by interstate pipelines.
§ 284.142 Sales by intrastate pipelines.
Any intrastate pipeline may, without
prior Commission approval, sell natural gas to any interstate pipeline or
any local distribution company served
by an interstate pipeline. The rates
charged by an intrastate pipeline pursuant to this subpart may not exceed
the price for gas as negotiated in the
contract, plus a fair and equitable
transportation rate as determined in
accordance with § 284.123.
[Order 581, 60 FR 53073, Oct. 11, 1995]

§§ 284.143–284.148


Subparts E–F [Reserved]
Subpart G—Blanket Certificates
Authorizing Certain Transportation by Interstate Pipelines
on Behalf of Others and Services by Local Distribution
§ 284.221 General rule; transportation
by interstate pipelines on behalf of
(a) Blanket certificate. Any interstate
pipeline may apply under this section
for a single blanket certificate authorizing the transportation of natural gas
on behalf of others in accordance with
this subpart. A certificate of public
convenience and necessity under this
section is granted pursuant to section 7
of the Natural Gas Act.
(b) Application procedure. (1) An application for a blanket certificate under
this section must be filed electronically. The format for the electronic application filing can be obtained at the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Division of Information Services,
Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch, Washington, DC 20426,
and must include:
(i) The name of the interstate pipeline; and


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-05-27
File Created2010-05-27

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