The reporting requirements for the FERC-549D are required to carry out the Commission's policies in accordance with the general authority in Section 1(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Section 311 of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA) . This collection promotes transparency by collecting and making available intrastate and Hinshaw pipeline transactional information. The Commission collects the data upon a standardized form with all requirements outlined in 18 CFR 284.126. The FERC Form 549D collects the following information: -Full legal name and identification number of the shipper receiving service; -Type of service performed for each transaction; -The rate charged under each transaction; -The primary receipt and delivery points for the transaction, specifying the rate schedule/name of service and docket were approved; -The quantity of natural gas the shipper is entitled to transport, store, and deliver for each transaction; -The term of the transaction, specifying the beginning and ending month and year of current agreement; -Total volumes transported, stored, injected or withdrawn for the shipper; and -Annual revenues received for each shipper, excluding revenues from storage services. NOTE: A 15-day public notice was issued on 2/28/2014 describing a change to the burden estimate. Specifically, the average burden hours per response for XML filings (implementation burden only) increased from 104 hours to 196 hours. Commission staff will provide the published version of the 15-day notice to the OMB desk officer when it publishes in the Federal Register.
The latest form for FERC-549D (Quarterly Transportation and Storage Report For Intrastate Natural Gas and Hinshaw Pipelines) expires 2023-10-31 and can be found here.
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