TIMSS Student Questionnaire - Grade 8

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS:11) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS:11)


TIMSS Student Questionnaire - Grade 8

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TIMSS 2011
Field Test Version


National Center for Education Statistics

1990 K St., NW Washington, DC 20006 xyz NCES is authorized to collect information from this questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-279, Section 153). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help the U.S. Departstudent achievement in the United States. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. Your answers may be used only for statistical able form for any other purpose (Public Law 107-279, Section 183 and Title V, subtitle A of the E-Government Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-347)). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports. This survey is estimated to take an average of 30 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Stephen Provasnik, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street NW, Room 9034, Washington, DC 20006-5650. Do not return the completed form to this address. D irections while other questions ask for your opinion. Each question is followed by a number of answers. Shade in the circle next to or under the answer of your choice as shown in Examples 1, 2, and 3. Example 1 Do you go to school? Fill one circle only. Yes -- O No -- O Example 2 How often do you do these things? Fill one circle for each line. 1 Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Never or almost never a) I listen to music -------------------------- O O O O b) I talk with my friends ------------------ O O O O c) I play sports ------------------------------- O O O O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT Example 3 What do you think? Tell how much you agree with these statements. Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) Watching movies is fun ---------------- O O O O b) I like eating ice cream ----------------- O O O O c) I do not like waking up early -------- O O O O d) I enjoy doing chores -------------------- O O O O • Read each question carefully, and pick the answer you think is best. • Fill in the circle next to or under your answer. • like this: O. • Ask for help if you do not understand something or are not sure how to answer. DRAFT Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 2 A bout you 1 Are you a girl or a boy? Fill one circle only. Girl -- O Boy -- O 2 When were you born? Fill the circles next to the month and year you were born. a) Month O February -- O March -- O April -- O May -- O June -- O July -- O August -- O September -- O October -- O November -- O December -- O January -- 3 Grade 8 Student Questionnaire b) Year 1992 -1993 -1994 -1995 -1996 -1997 -1998 -1999 -2000 -Other -- O O O O O O O O O O DRAFT 3 How often do you speak English at home? Fill one circle only. Always -- O Almost Always -- O Sometimes -- O Never -- O 4 About how many books are there in your home? (Do not count magazines, newspapers, or your school books.) Fill one circle only. DRAFT None or very few (0-10 books) -- O (11-25 books) -- O (26-100 books) -- O (101-200 books) -- O (more than 200) -- O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 4 5 Do you have any of these things at your home? Fill one circle for each line. Yes No a) Computer ---------------------------------- O O b) Study desk/table for your use ------- O O c) Books of your very own (do not count your school books) -------------- O O d) Your own room --------------------------- O O e) Internet connection --------------------- O O Encyclopedia (as a book or CD) ----- O O g) Play station, game cube, Xbox or other TV/Video game systems --- O O h) VCR/DVD Player ------------------------ O O O O f) i) 5 Three or more cars, small trucks, or sport utility vehicles ---------------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 6 A. What is the highest level of education completed by your mother (or stepmother or female guardian)? Fill one circle only. Some elementary or junior high/middle school or did not go to school -- O Completed junior high/middle school -- O Some high school -- O Completed high school -- O Completed a vocational/technical certificate after high school -- O Completed an Associate’s degree (AA) in vocational/technical program -- O Completed a 2-year or 4-year college or university degree (i.e., Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree) -- O Completed a Master’s degree, teaching certificate program, or professional degree (e.g., law, medicine, dentistry) or higher -- O I don’t know -- O B. What is the highest level of education completed by your father (or stepfather or male guardian)? Fill one circle only. Some elementary or junior high/middle school or did not go to school -- O Completed junior high/middle school -- O Some high school -- O Completed high school -- O Completed a vocational/technical certificate after high school -- O Completed an Associate’s degree (AA) in vocational/technical program -- O Completed a 2-year or 4-year college or university degree (i.e., Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree) -- O Completed a Master’s degree, teaching certificate program, or professional degree (e.g., law, medicine, dentistry) or higher -- O I don’t know -- O DRAFT Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 6 7 How far in school do you expect to go? Fill one circle only. Finish high school -- O Finish a vocational/technical certificate after high school -- O Finish community or junior college -- O Completed high school -- O Completed a vocational/technical certificate after high school -- O Complete a bachelor’s degree at a college or university -- O Beyond a bachelor’s degree -- O I don’t know -- O 8 A. Was your mother (or stepmother or female guardian) born in the United States? Fill one circle only. Yes -- O No -- O B. Was your father (or stepfather or male guardian) born in the United States? Fill one circle only. 7 Grade 8 Student Questionnaire Yes -- O No -- O DRAFT 9 A. Were you born in the United States? Fill one circle only. Yes -- O (If Yes, go to question 10) No -- O B. If you were not born in the United States, how old were you when you came to the United States? Fill one circle only. DRAFT Older than 10 years old -- O 5 to 10 years old -- O Younger than 5 years old -- O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 8 10 A. Do you ever use a computer? Fill one circle only. Yes -- O No -- O (If No, go to question 11) B. How often do you use a computer in each of these places? Fill one circle for each line. Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Never or almost never a) At home ------------------------------------ O O O O b) At school ----------------------------------- O O O O c) Some other place ------------------------ O O O O C. How often do you use a computer to do these things? Fill one circle for each line. Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Never or almost never a) Look up information for school ----- O O O O b) Look up information on a topic you like (e.g., your favorite athlete, animals you like, or places you have traveled to) ------------------- O O O O O O O c) Exchange information about schoolwork online (e.g., homework, discussion boards, asking for help) --------------- O 9 Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 11 How often do the following things happen at home? Fill one circle for each line. Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Never or almost never a) I talk about my schoolwork with my parents -------------------------------- O O O O b) My parents help me with my schoolwork -------------------------------- O O O O c) My parents make sure that I set aside time for my homework -------- O O O O d) My parents ask me what I learned in school ------------------------------------ O O O O e) My parents check if I do my homework ---------------------------- O O O O My parents help me practice to improve my math skills ------------ O O O O g) My parents help me practice to improve my science skills --------- O O O O h) I talk with my parents about what I am reading ---------------------- O O O O O O O O f) i) DRAFT My parents like to know where I am after school ------------------------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 10 Y our School 12 What do you think about your school? Tell how much you agree with these statements. Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I like being in school ------------------- O O O O b) I feel safe when I am at school ------ O O O O c) I feel like I belong at this school ---- O O O O 13 How often have any of the following things happened to you at school? Fill one circle for each line. At least once a week Once or twice a month A few times a year Never a) I was made fun of or called names - O O O O b) I was left out of games or activities by other students ------------------------ O O O O c) Someone spread lies about me ------ O O O O d) Something was stolen from me ----- O O O O e) I was hit or hurt by other student(s) (e.g., shoving, hitting, kicking) ------ O O O O O O O f) 11 I was made to do things I didn’t want to do by other students -------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire O DRAFT 14 What do you think about the teachers and students in your school? Tell how much you agree with these statements. Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I think that students in my school try to do their best ---------------------- O O O O b) I think that teachers in my school want students to do their best ------ O O O O c) I think that students in my school are not interested in learning ------- O O O O d) I think that teachers in my school listen to what students have to say ---------------------------------------- O O O O e) I think that students in my school work hard on their schoolwork ----- O O O O I think that teachers in my school understand that some students ------------ O O O O g) I think that students in my school pay attention in class ------------------ O O O O students ----------------------------------- - O O O O I think that students in my school feel that they can ask teachers for extra help ---------------------------------- O O O O I think that teachers in my school care about all students ---------------- O O O O f) h) I think that teachers in my school i) j) DRAFT Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 12 M athematics in School 15 How much do you agree with these statements about learning mathematics? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I enjoy learning mathematics ------- O O O O b) I wish I did not have to study mathematics --------------------- O O O O c) Mathematics is boring ----------------- O O O O d) I learn many interesting things in mathematics ----------------- O O O O e) I like mathematics ---------------------- O O O O Learning mathematics takes hard work ---------------------------------- O O O O g) It is important to do well in mathematics -------------------------- O O O O f) 13 Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 16 How much do you agree with these statements about your mathematics lessons? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I know what my teacher expects me to do ------------------------- O O O O b) -- O O O O c) I think of things not related to the lesson ---------------------------------- O O O O d) My teacher is easy to understand -- O O O O e) I am interested in what my teacher says ------------------------------- O O O O O O O O f) DRAFT My teacher gives me interesting things to do -------------------------------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 14 17 How much do you agree with these statements about mathematics? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot O O O O for me than for many of my classmates ---------------------------- O O O O c) Mathematics is not one of my strengths ------------------------------ O O O O d) I learn things quickly in mathematics -------------------------- O O O O e) Mathematics makes me confused and nervous ------------------------------- O O O O ----- O O O O g) My teacher thinks I can do well in mathematics classes with ------------------------ O O O O h) My teacher tells me I am good at mathematics ------------------------------ O O O O a) I usually do well in mathematics --b) f) 15 I am good at working out i) Mathematics is harder for me than any other subject ----------------- O O O O j) I keep working on mathematics -------- O O O O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 17 (continued) How much do you agree with these statements about mathematics? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot O O O O I need mathematics to learn other school subjects --------------------------- O O O O m) I need to do well in mathematics to get into the university or college of my choice --------------------- O O O O n) I need to do well in mathematics to get the job I want -------------------- O O O O o) I would like a job that involved using mathematics --------------------- O O O O k) I think learning mathematics will help me in my daily life --------------l) DRAFT Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 16 S cience in School 18 How much do you agree with these statements about learning science? Fill one circle for each line. 17 Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I enjoy learning science --------------- O O O O b) I wish I did not have to study science -------------------------------------- O O O O c) I read about science in my spare time --------------------------------- O O O O d) Science is boring ------------------------- O O O O e) I learn many interesting things in science ------------------------- O O O O f) I like science ------------------------------ O O O O g) Learning science takes hard work ---------------------------------- O O O O h) It is important to do well in science -------------------------------------- O O O O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 19 How much do you agree with these statements about your science lessons? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot a) I know what my teacher expects me to do ------------------------- O O O O b) -- O O O O c) I think of things not related to the lesson ---------------------------------- O O O O d) My teacher is easy to understand -- O O O O e) I am interested in what my teacher says ------------------------------- O O O O O O O O f) DRAFT My teacher gives me interesting things to do -------------------------------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 18 20 How much do you agree with these statements about science? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot O O O O than for many of my classmates ---- O O O O c) Science is not one of my strengths ------------------------------ O O O O d) I learn things quickly in science ---------------------------------- O O O O e) Science makes me confused and nervous ------------------------------- O O O O I am good at working out difficult science problems ------------ O O O O g) My teacher thinks I can do well in science classes with difficult materials ---------------------------------- O O O O h) My teacher tells me I am good at science ---------------------------------- O O O O O O O O O O O O a) I usually do well in science ----------b) f) 19 i) Science is harder for me than any other subject ------------------------ j) I keep working on science Grade 8 Student Questionnaire -------- DRAFT 20 (continued) How much do you agree with these statements about science? Fill one circle for each line. Agree a lot Agree a little Disagree a little Disagree a lot O O O O O O O O m) I need to do well in science to get into the university or college of my choice -------------------------------- O O O O n) I need to do well in science to get the job I want ----------------------------- O O O O o) I would like a job that involved using science ------------------------------ O O O O k) I think learning science will help me in my daily life ---------------------l) DRAFT I need science to learn other school subjects --------------------------- Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 20 H omework 21 A. How often does your teacher give you homework in mathematics? Fill one circle only. Every day -- O 3 or 4 times a week -- O 1 or 2 times a week -- O Less than once a week -- O Never -- O B. When your teacher gives you mathematics homework, about how many minutes do you usually spend on your homework? Fill one circle only. 21 My teacher never gives me homework in mathematics -- O 1 - 15 minutes - O 16–30 minutes -- O 31–60 minutes -- O 61–90 minutes -- O More than 90 minutes -- O Grade 8 Student Questionnaire DRAFT 22 A. How often does your teacher give you homework in science? Fill one circle only. Every day -- O 3 or 4 times a week -- O 1 or 2 times a week -- O Less than once a week -- O Never -- O B. When your teacher gives you science homework, about how many minutes do you usually spend on your homework? Fill one circle only. My teacher never gives me homework in science -- O 1 - 15 minutes - O 16–30 minutes -- O 31–60 minutes -- O 61–90 minutes -- O More than 90 minutes -- O DRAFT Grade 8 Student Questionnaire 22 [The following questions are national options that will be added to the questionnaire. They will be formatted and appropriately placed among the existing items.] 4. Absenteeism How many days were you absent from school in the last month? Fill in one oval. 1. Student race and ethnicity None --------------------------------------------------------------- O Are you Hispanic or Latino? Fill in one or more ovals. 1 or 2 days -------------------------------------------------------- O No, I am not Hispanic or Latino ----------------------------- O 3 or 4 days -------------------------------------------------------- O Yes, I am Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano ---- O 5 to 10 days ------------------------------------------------------ O Yes, I am Puerto Rican or Puerto Rican American ------ O More than 10 days --------------------------------------------- O Yes, I am Cuban or Cuban American ---------------------- O More than 10 days --------------------------------------------- O Yes, I am from some other Hispanic or Latino background ------------------------------------------------------ O Which of the following best describes you? Fill in one or more ovals. White -------------------------------------------------------------- O Black or African American------------------------------------ O 5. Academic advancement Have you ever repeated a grade? Fill in only one oval for each line No Yes In elementary school-----------------------------O O In middle or junior high school----------------O O Asian --------------------------------------------------------------- O 6. Activities outside of school American Indian or Alaska Native ------------------------- O The following questions ask about activities you do outside of school. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ---------------- O 2. Language spoken at home What language do you speak at home (other than English)? Fill in one oval only Spanish ----------------------------------------------------------- O Other -------------------------------------------------------------- O Please specify __________ 3. Family composition Does your mother live at home with you? Y/N Does your stepmother or foster mother live at home with you? Y/N Does your father live at home with you? Y/N Does your stepfather or foster father live at home with you? Y/N ______ How many brothers or sisters live with you? Does your grandmother or grandfather live at home with you? Y/N How many OTHER family members live at ______ home with you? How many people live at home with you who ______ are not part of your family? Do you play on a sports team outside of school? Do you often play a musical instrument outside of school? Are you studying something in a class outside of school? Do you belong to a club outside of school (like Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, or 4-H)? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Thank You! Thank you for filling out the questionnaire! TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center Lynch School of Education, Boston College timssandpirls.bc.edu DRAFT TIMSS 2011 Field Test Version Student Questionnaire Grade 8 ©2010 International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
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File Modified2009-09-29
File Created2009-09-25

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