Form 0 Organizational Assessment Survey

Generic Customer Satisfaction


Organizational Assessment Survey

OMB: 3206-0236

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OMB Approved:

No. 3206-0236

Organizational Assessment Survey

Generic 2009

Public Burden Statement:

We estimate this form takes an average of 15 minutes to complete including the time for getting the needed data and reviewing both the instructions and completed form. Send comments regarding our estimate or any other aspect of this form, including suggestions for reducing completion time, to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Assessment Services, Alexis Adams-Shorter (3206-0236),

1900 E. Street N.W., Washington, DC 20415-7900. The OMB Number, 3206-0236, is currently valid. OPM may not collect this information, and you are not required to respond, unless this number is displayed.

Generic 2009 Organizational Assessment Survey


This survey consists of five parts: Part I – Organizational Experiences, Part II – Personal Experiences,

Part III – Agency Specific Items, Part IV – Background and Employment Information, and Part V – Comment Section.

Part I – Organizational Experiences

Describe the conditions in the organization where you work. The items ask for your overall impression of how things are in your organization. You should consider the experiences of others, as well as your own experiences. Respond to these items based on the level in your organization that is appropriate for the content of the item. Depending on how your organization is structured, this could either be your own work unit, or one or two levels above your own.

Part II – Personal Experiences

Describe only your own work experiences or your personal opinions/attitudes about various aspects of your job.

Part III – Agency Specific Items

Describe your experiences with respect to specific organizational issues/concerns.

Part IV – Background and Employment Information

Describe your background and employment status. Your answers to these items will help us look at survey results by subgroups.

Part VComment Section

Provide your comments on issues you think are relevant.


Several items refer to managers, supervisors, team leaders, or customers. Use the following definitions when answering items referring to these terms.


All levels of management above first-line supervisor.


First-line supervisors; typically those who are responsible for employees' performance appraisals and approval of their leave.

Team Leaders:

Not official supervisors; those who provide employees with day-to-day guidance in conducting work projects, but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.


Anyone who uses or receives the products or services that your organization provides; may include individuals within your organization and individuals outside your organization.

When answering the items in the survey, please darken the circle corresponding to the response you choose. Please read each item carefully and answer in a frank and honest manner. It takes approximately 20 – 30 minutes to complete the entire survey. Your responses to this survey are anonymous. Your responses will be combined with others in your organization to create summary reports.

Privacy Act:

In accordance with Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974) the providing of personal information is completely voluntary. Collection of this information is authorized by Sections 1304 (e)(1) of Title 5, US Code.

Do not reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit in any form or by any means (including, without limitation, electronic, mechanical, or through the use of photocopying or recording equipment), any part of this survey instrument without written permission from the Division for Human Resources Products and Services, U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Any such action taken without such permission is unauthorized


The following items ask you to describe your organizational experiences in [Agency Name]. Using the scale below, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

Please use the “Do Not Know” response only if you feel you do not have enough information to answer the item accurately.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know

Leadership and Quality

  1. Managers communicate the organization's mission, vision, and values

  1. Managers let employees know how their work contributes to the organization’s mission and goals

  1. Managers provide sufficient resources (for example, time, training, dollars) to promote improvement throughout the organization

  1. Managers follow up on employee suggestions for improvements in products, services, and work processes

  1. Managers set challenging and attainable performance goals

  1. Employees have an understanding of the organization’s mission, vision, and values

  1. Quality assurance systems focus on the prevention of problems rather than on the correction of problems

Training/Career Development

  1. Employees receive the training they need to perform their jobs (for example, on-the-job training, conferences, workshops)

  1. Employees receive the everyday guidance and assistance they need to perform their jobs (for example, help from supervisors, team leaders, or co-workers)

  1. Employees are provided with training that enhances their career advancement opportunities (for example, through cross-training, detail assignments)

  1. Education and training programs are developed based on an assessment of employees' training needs

  1. Supervisors/team leaders support employee efforts to learn outside the job.

  1. Employees are provided with training when new technologies and tools are introduced

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know


  1. Risk-taking is encouraged without fear of punishment for mistakes

  1. Creativity and innovation are rewarded

  1. Managers are receptive to change

  1. Employees are receptive to change

  1. New practices and ways of doing business are encouraged

Customer Orientation

  1. There are service goals aimed at meeting customer expectations

  1. Employees have a good understanding of who their customers are

  1. Employees use suggestions from their customers to improve the quality of products and services

  1. Products, services, and work processes are designed to meet customer needs and expectations

  1. Employees receive training and guidance in providing high quality customer service

  1. Employees are rewarded for providing high quality products and services to customers

  1. There are well-defined systems for linking customer feedback and complaints to employees who can act on this information

Fairness and Treatment of Others

  1. People treat each other with respect

  1. Disciplinary actions are applied fairly to employees

  1. The distribution of work among employees is fair

  1. Training and career development opportunities for employees are allocated fairly (for example, job assignments)

  1. Disputes or conflicts (for example, between co-workers, management and employees) are resolved fairly

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know


  1. Employees are kept informed on issues affecting their jobs

  1. Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization

  1. Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources)

  1. There is communication among various levels of the organization

Employee Involvement

  1. Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment and ownership of work processes

  1. Supervisors/team leaders provide employees with the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills

  1. Managers provide an environment that supports employee involvement, contributions, and teamwork

Use of Resources

  1. The amount of work is reasonable, allowing employees to provide high quality products and services

  1. The workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals

  1. Red tape” and unnecessary rules/regulations do not interfere with the completion of work in a timely manner

  1. Employees have the appropriate supplies, materials, and equipment to perform their jobs well

  1. An effort is made to minimize the number of management levels (i.e., organizational hierarchy)

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know

Rewards and Recognition

  1. High performing employees receive monetary rewards (for example, cash awards, bonuses, quality step increases)

  1. High performing employees receive non-monetary rewards (for example, plaques, letters of appreciation, public recognition)

  1. High performing employees are promoted

  1. Supervisors are fair in recognizing individual accomplishments

  1. Employees are rewarded for working together in teams (for example, performance ratings, cash awards, certificates, public recognition)

  1. Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs

  1. Cash awards depend on how well employees perform their jobs

Work Environment

  1. Physical conditions (for example, noise, temperature, lighting, cleanliness) allow employees to perform their jobs well

  1. Programs that encourage good health practices are supported (for example, fitness centers, health education programs)

  1. Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job

Work and Family/Personal Life

  1. Family-related benefits are available to employees (for example, parental leave policies, child care, elder care)

  1. Employees are given the opportunity to work at home or on flexible work schedules, when the job permits (for example, Flexitime, Alternate Work Schedule, telecommuting, part-time)

  1. Employees who take advantage of family/personal life policies and benefits do not hurt their career opportunities

  1. Supervisors/team leaders understand and support employees' family/personal life responsibilities

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know


  1. A spirit of cooperation and teamwork exists in my immediate work unit

  1. Different work units cooperate to get the job done

  1. Employees in different work units participate in cross-functional teams to accomplish work objectives

Readiness to Reshape Workforce

  1. There are strategies to protect job security (for example, early retirements and buyouts, workforce planning)

  1. There is adequate advance notice of changes that affect employment (for example, downsizing, transfers, reorganizations)

  1. Employees receive training and guidance to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform other jobs or to pursue new careers

Strategic Planning

  1. There is an established, formal process for developing goals and updating plans periodically

  1. Employees participate in the development of strategic/operational plans

  1. Performance improvement goals are established and integrated into the organization’s overall strategic planning and budgeting processes

  1. Managers review and evaluate the organization's progress toward meeting its goals and objectives

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know

Performance Measures

  1. Outcome/result measures are used to assess the overall performance of the organization (for example, rates, trends, and current quality levels; meeting program objectives)

  1. Employees are held accountable for achieving positive results

  1. Assessments of the quality of systems, work processes, and products/services are performed at regular intervals across the organization

  1. Information collected from customers is integrated with other key data and used to improve the quality of products and services


  1. Differences among individuals (for example, gender, race, national origin, religion, age, cultural background, disability) are respected and valued

  1. Advancement opportunities are available for qualified individuals, regardless of gender, race, national origin, religion, age, cultural background, or disability

  1. Policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace (for example, recruiting minorities and women, training in awareness of diversity issues, mentoring)

  1. Reasonable accommodations are made for persons with disabilities (for example, availability of sign language interpreters, ramps, Braille)

  1. Managers/supervisors deal effectively with reports of sexual harassment

  1. Managers/supervisors deal effectively with reports of prejudice and discrimination

  1. Managers/supervisors/team leaders work well with employees of different backgrounds

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

Do Not Know


  1. Supervisors provide fair and accurate ratings of employee performance

  1. Supervisors/team leaders provide employees with constructive suggestions to improve their job performance

  1. Supervisors/team leaders communicate clearly what is expected of employees in terms of job performance (for example, task responsibilities, performance standards)

  1. There is trust between employees and their supervisors/team leaders

  1. Supervisors/team leaders take steps to minimize work-related stress


The following items ask you to describe your personal experiences in [Agency Name].

Personal Experiences

Strongly Disagree


Neither Disagree nor Agree


Strongly Agree

  1. The people I work with cooperate to get the job done

  1. I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization

  1. I have enough information to do my job well

  1. I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things

  1. Conditions in my job allow me to be about as productive as I could be

  1. My job makes good use of my skills and abilities

  1. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment

  1. I like the kind of work I do

  1. Sufficient effort is made to get the opinions and thinking of people who work here

  1. This organization is making the changes necessary to compete effectively

Very Poor




Very Good

  1. How do you rate your total benefits program?

  1. Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor/team leader?

  1. How do you rate your organization in providing job security for people like yourself?

  1. How would you rate the overall quality of work done in your work group?

Much Lower

Slightly Lower

About the Same

Slightly Higher

Much Higher

  1. In comparison with people in similar jobs in other organizations, I feel my pay is:

Far Too Little

Too Little

About Right

Too Much

Far Too Much

  1. The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is:

One of the Worst

Below Average

About Average

Above Average

One of the Best

  1. How would you rate your agency (or Department, or Bureau) as a place to work compared to other organizations?



  1. Are you considering leaving your organization?

Job Satisfaction

For items 101-107 please indicate how satisfied you are with:

Very Dissatisfied


Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied


Very Satisfied

  1. Your involvement in decisions that affect your work

  1. The information you receive from management on what's going on in your organization

  1. The recognition you receive for doing a good job

  1. Your pay

  1. Your opportunity to get a better job in your organization

  1. The training you received for your present job

  1. Your physical working conditions

Very Dissatisfied


Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied


Very Satisfied

  1. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?

  1. Considering everything, how would you rate your overall satisfaction in your organization at the present time?

  1. How satisfied do you think your organization's customers are with the products and services it provides?


The following items ask you to describe your experiences with respect to specific organizational issues/concerns.

Agency Specific Items


The following items ask about your background and employment status. Your answers to these items will help us look at survey results by subgroups – for example, supervisors and non-supervisors, males and females. Responses will NOT be used to identify individual respondents.

  1. How long have you been a Federal government employee (excluding military service)?

    • Less than six months

    • Six months to less than one year

    • One to three years

    • Four to five years

    • Six to 10 years

    • 11 to 15 years

    • 16 to 20 years

    • 21 to 25 years

    • 26 to 30 years

    • 31 years or more

  1. How long have you been with [Agency Name]?

    • Less than six months

    • Six months to less than one year

    • One to three years

    • Four to five years

    • Six to 10 years

    • 11 to 15 years

    • 16 to 20 years

    • 21 to 25 years

    • 26 to 30 years

    • 31 years or more

  1. Where do you work at [Agency Name]?

    • Organization A

    • Organization B

    • Organization C

    • Organization D

    • Organization E

    • Organization F

    • Organization G

    • Organization H

    • Organization I

    • Organization J

    • Organization K

  1. What is your job category?

    • Professional (for example, scientist, engineer, psychologist, attorney, etc.)

    • Administrative (for example, personnel mgmt, budget, contracting, procurement specialist, etc.)

    • Technician

    • Clerical (for example, support staff, executive secretary, etc.)

    • Blue Collar

    • Other

  1. What is your pay category?

    • General Schedule and similar (GS, GG, GW, GN,GM, GH)

    • Demonstration/Alternative Pay Systems

    • Senior Executive Service (SES)

    • Federal Wage System (WG, WL, WS)

    • Senior Level (SL, ST)

    • Administrative Law Judge (SES)

    • Title 38 (VA, Veterans Health Administration)

  1. What is your pay grade? (if under pay band, proceed to the next item.)

    • 1-4

    • 5-8

    • 9-12

    • 13-15

    • SES

  1. What is your pay band level?

    • N/A

    • I

    • II

    • III

    • IV

    • V

    • VI

  1. What is your level of supervisory responsibility?

    • None

    • Team leader

    • First-line supervisor

    • Manager

    • Executive

  1. What is your age?

    • Less than 20

    • 20-29

    • 30-39

    • 40-49

    • 50-59

    • 60 or over

  1. Are you male or female?

    • Male

    • Female

  1. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

    • Yes

    • No

  1. What is your race?

    • White

    • Black/African American

    • American Indian/Alaska Native

    • Asian

    • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

    • Other


  1. Please use the following space to describe what your organization is doing well. Responses to this item will be aggregated and reported to your agency leadership.  Please do not include any information that could identify a particular individual, including yourself.

  1. Please use the following space to describe what you would like to see your organization change. Responses to this item will be aggregated and reported to your agency leadership.  Please do not include any information that could identify a particular individual, including yourself.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOrganizational Assessment Survey
AuthorKimya S. Lee
Last Modified ByMEWindsor
File Modified2009-05-20
File Created2009-05-08

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