Household Goods Consumer Program Survey

Household Goods Consumer Information Program Assessment Study

PRA-2126NEW HHGCIP Telephone Interview.071108.PL.Final.Use

Household Goods Consumer Program Survey

OMB: 2126-0045

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A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126-XXXX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-RRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590.

Appendix B

Household Goods Consumer Information



"Hello, my name is [interviewer’s name] from [company name], and I am calling on behalf of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Department is conducting a study to better understand the public’s awareness of the information and resources that are available to them on identifying a moving company to assist with a household move. We are conducting a brief survey of randomly selected households who have recently moved and would like to ask for your participation. The survey questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are voluntary and will be kept private to the extent allowable by law. Your individual answers will be combined with others for statistical summaries of the data collected. Only these statistical summaries will be reported.

Your response will enable the DOT to continue to provide consumers with the right information to make more informed choices in selecting and negotiating with a moving company.

May we speak to you or someone in your household who has recently moved?

  • IF the respondent is that person and agrees to take the survey: May we begin now?

      • If Yes, Great, Let’s get started. Skip to Section I.

      • If No, What is a better time to reach you? Record their information and arrange call back.

  • IF another respondent comes to the phone, repeat first paragraph of Introduction [“Hello, my name…”], then skip to Section I.

  • IF another respondent is not available, record information and arrange a call back.

  • IF respondent does not want to participate, thank him/her and hang up [End Survey].

After I read each question, please respond with “yes” or ”no,” or select from the options that will be provided under each question to the best of your knowledge

SECTION I: Additional Screening Questions

  1. From which State did you move? ______________________________________

  1. Did you hire a moving company for your move?

  • Yes (Skip to Section II)

  • No (Proceed to question 2a)

2a) If no, how did you move your possessions?

  • Leased truck

  • Used own/friend’s vehicle

  • Arranged by military/government

2b) Did you ever consider hiring a moving company?

  • Yes (Skip to Section II)

  • No (End Survey)

SECTION II: Perception about Household Goods Moving Companies/Services

  1. What were your concerns about moving services or companies? (Select all the apply)

  • Hiring a dishonest moving company

  • Getting scammed by moving company/broker

  • Hidden charges being applied by a moving company

  • Lack of liability insurance by a moving company

  • Inaccurate estimates/quotes by a moving company

  • Goods being lost or damaged

  • Other, please state: ___________________________________________

3a) Where did you learn about these issues? (Select all that apply)

  • Television

  • Personal knowledge

  • Prior experience with one or more of the issues

  • Pamphlet/Brochure

  • Radio

  • Newspaper

  • Internet

  • Signs

  • Realtor

  • Friend/Word of mouth

  • Other, please state: ___________________________________________

  1. What do you think consumers should look for before hiring a mover? (Select all that apply)

  • Provides on-site written estimates listing charges for all services company will perform

  • Provides summary of dispute settlement program

  • Retains registration status with Department of Transportation

  • Will provide inventory list with condition of goods before they are moved

  • Will provide draft copy of bill of lading before move occurs

  • Has customer complaint and inquiry handling procedures in place

  • Other, please state: ________________________________________________________

4a) Where did you learn about this information? (Select all that apply)

  • Moving company (or broker)

  • Television

  • Prior experience with one or more of the items

  • Pamphlet/Brochure

  • Radio

  • Newspaper

  • Internet

  • Signs

  • Realtor

  • Billboard

  • Postal Service (e.g., Mover’s Guide/Change of Address Kit)

  • Personal knowledge

  • Other, please state: __________________________________________

4b) When you learned about this information, did it impact your decision on selecting a moving company?

  • Yes (Ask: How? Record, then Skip to question 5)

  • No (Proceed to question 4c)

4c) If you had known about this information, would it have impacted your decision-making?

  • Yes (Ask: How? Record, then Proceed to question 5)

  • No (Proceed to question 5)

  1. What resources did you use to find a moving company? (Select all that apply)

  • Internet

  • Friend/Word of mouth

  • Relocation service

  • Telephone book (e.g., Yellow Book)

  • Real estate agent

  • Company relocation service

  • Other, please state: _________________________________

  1. How many weeks prior to shipping your household goods did you select your moving company? (Select one)

  • 1 – 3

  • 4 – 6

  • 7 or more

  1. What is the main reason you selected the moving company? (Select one)

  • Price

  • Reputation

  • Referral

  • Advertisement

  • Company/Employer preferred

  • Relocation service

  • Other, please state: ________________________________________

  • Decided not to use a mover after all (Ask: Why? Record, then Skip to Section III)

  1. To what extent were you satisfied with your move, from a scale of 1 to 5, where:

  • 5 = Very Satisfied (Skip to question 9)

  • 4 = Satisfied (Skip to question 9)

  • 3 = Neither Satisfied nor Unsatisfied (Skip to question 9)

  • 2 = Dissatisfied (Proceed to 8a)

  • 1 = Very Dissatisfied (Proceed to 8a)

8a) Why were you not satisfied? (Select one)

  • Paid more than original estimate

  • Damaged goods during move

  • Goods were held hostage for more money than originally quoted

  • Goods disappeared (did not receive shipment)

  • Did not honor agreed pick-up and/or delivery dates without giving proper notice

  • Customer service (e.g., unfriendly, responsiveness)

  • Other, please state: ___________________________________________________

8b) What did you do to address your problem or try to resolve the situation? (Select one)

  • Filed a claim or complaint

  • Met moving company’s terms (paid extra charges, etc.)

  • Nothing

  • Other, please state: ___________________________________________________

8c) Where did you file a complaint against the moving company? (Select all that apply)

  • With moving company

  • With U.S. Department of Transportation or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

  • With Better Business Bureau

  • With State Attorney General's Office

  • With Federal Trade Commission

  • With State or local consumer protection agency

  • With local police

  • Other, please state: _________________________________________________________

SECTION III: Recognition of Household Goods Materials/Messages

  1. Do you remember hearing about or seeing the phrase: “Protect Your Memories, Money and Move”?

  • Yes (Proceed to question 9a)

  • No (Skip to question 10)

9a) What does the phrase mean to you?

9b) Where did you see or hear about it? (Select all that apply)

  • Brochure/Pamphlet

  • Internet

  • Television

  • Radio

  • Newspaper

  • Magazine

  • Moving company

  • Relocation company

  • Realtor

  • Yellow Book

  • Postal Service (e.g., New Mover’s Guide/Change of Address Kit)

  • Other, please state: _______________________________________________

  • Don’t know/don’t remember

  1. Do you remember seeing or hearing the phrase: “Protect Yourself from Moving Fraud”?

  • Yes (Proceed to question 10a)

  • No (Skip to question 11)

10a) What does the phrase mean to you?

10b) Where did you see or hear about it? (Select all that apply)

  • Brochure/Pamphlet

  • Internet

  • Television

  • Radio

  • Newspaper

  • Magazine

  • Moving company

  • Relocation company

  • Real estate agent

  • Yellow Book

  • Postal Service (e.g., New Mover’s Guide/Change of Address Kit)

  • Other, please state: _______________________________

  • Don’t know/don’t remember

  1. Do you remember receiving a booklet on "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move” from the moving company?

  • Yes (Proceed to question 12a)

  • No (Skip to question 13)

11a) Did you find the information in the booklet useful? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where:

  • 5 = Very Useful

  • 4 = Somewhat Useful

  • 3 = Indifferent/Not Sure

  • 2 = Not Very Useful

  • 1 = Useless

11b) Did the material impact your decision-making process?

  • Yes (Skip to question 13)

  • No (Proceed to 12c)

11c) If you received the booklet after you had already decided on the company, would it have impacted your decision-making process?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Are you familiar with the Protect Your Move Web site (

  • Yes (Proceed to question 13a)

  • No (Skip to Section IV)

12a) Did you find the web site easy to navigate?

  • Yes (Proceed to question 13b)

  • No, Please provide comments (Record, and Proceed to question 13b)

12b) Did you find the materials or content on the web site useful? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where:

  • 5 = Very Useful

  • 4 = Somewhat Useful

  • 3 = Indifferent/Not Sure

  • 2 = Not Very Useful

  • 1 = Useless

12c) Did the materials influence your decision on selecting a moving company?

  • Yes (Ask: How? Record, then Proceed to Section IV)

  • No (Proceed to Section IV)

SECTION IV: Demographics

This section contains a few questions on demographics for research purposes only. Please answer each of the following items as accurately as possible. We assure you that your responses are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone. Your answers will be combined with the answers from other survey respondents. We will only report summary statistics, not individual responses.

  1. Do you currently own or rent?

  • Own

  • Rent

  1. Roughly how many miles did you move?

  • < 25 miles

  • 25 – 49 miles

  • 50 – 99 miles

  • 100 – 249 miles

  • 200 – 499 miles

  • 500 – 999 miles

  • 1000 – 1,499 miles

  • 1,500 miles or more

  1. What is your age

  • Under 25

  • 25 – 34

  • 35 – 44

  • 45 – 54

  • 55 – 64

  • 65 – 74

  • 75 – 84

  • 85 +

  1. What is the highest level of education completed?

  • Less than high school diploma

  • High school graduate

  • Some college

  • College graduate

  • Post graduate or professional degree

  1. What is your total household income?

  • Less than $20,000

  • $20,000 – $39,999

  • $40,000 – $59,999

  • $60,000 – $99,999

  • $100,000 – $149,999

  • $150,000 – $199,999

  • $200,000 or more

  1. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?

  • Yes

  • No

19) What is your race?  Please select one or more of the following.   (Read entire list and record each selected category

         White

         Black or African American

         Asian

         American Indian or Alaska Native

         Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


20) From observation, record gender of respondent. If unable to determine, ask: What is your gender?

  • Male

  • Female

This concludes our survey.

Thank you for your participation.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOMB NO: 2126-XXXX
Last Modified Byherman.dogan
File Modified2008-07-14
File Created2008-07-14

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