EIA-7A Coal Production Report

Coal Program Package


Coal Program Package

OMB: 1905-0167

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U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report
(Mine Only) - Page 1

This report is mandatory under Public Law 93-275. Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other
sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the sanction provision and
the provisions concerning the confidentiality of information in the Instructions.
Please read the instructions provided before completing this form.

(Please make any corrections to the mailing label in the area provided at the right and return the completed form in the business reply envelope provided)

GENERAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Form EIA-7A must be submitted by all coal mining operations that produced and/or processed 10,000 or more short tons
of coal and/or worked 5,000 hours or more during the reporting year. A separate Form EIA-7A must be submitted for each Mine Safety and Health Administration
I. Identification The shaded areas in this section are reserved for preprinted information. Please make any corrections to the information shown in these areas by
drawing a line through the incorrect information and entering the changes in the space provided at the right.

A. Name and Location of Mining Operation
Mining Operation Name:
Location (County):
Location (State):

B. Name and Address of Operating Company
Company Name:
City, State, Zip:
C. Operating Company Point of Contact The operating company representative who can answer questions regarding the information provided on this form.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):
D. Type of Company Operating this Mining Operation Check one. (See instructions for definitions of company types).
1. Independent Producer Operator

2. Operating Subsidiary

3. Contractor

If you checked Box 1 in Section D above, please skip to Section G. If you checked Box 2, please complete Sections E and F with information about your
Parent Company. If you checked Box 3, please complete Sections E and F with information about the Contractee for which you are providing services at
this mining operation. If there is more than one Parent Company or Contractee, please provide the additional information for Sections E and F on a separate
sheet of paper.
E. Parent Company or Contractee Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee.
Name of Parent/Contractee:
City, State, Zip:
F. Parent Company/Contractee Point of Contact Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee contact person.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(March 2005)

Coal Production Report

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

(Mine Only) - Page 2

G. Kind of Mining Operation (check the boxes that apply.)
(1) Underground Mine
(a) Type
(b) Percent of Production by Method

(2) Surface Mine



% Continuous

a. Contour (Strip), Area, Open Pit, or Mountaintop Removal



% Conventional

b. Auger, Highwall Miner, or Punch



% Longwall

c. Silt, Culm, Refuse Bank, Slurry Dam,

% Shortwall

or Dredge

% Other
H. Status Change Did the mining operation name and/or mine owner/operator change during the year?




If Yes, give date of change and, as applicable, new name of mine and/or name and address of new owner/operator.
New Name of Mining Operation

Name of New Owner/Operator

Address of New Owner/Operator (Street)




(Zip Code)

I. Union Identification Check the box that applies for this mining operation and identify the union if applicable.
Is this mining operation unionized?
If Yes, enter union name:


J. Mining Location
(1) Latitude and Longitude Please enter the latitude and longitude that best defines the predominant area of mining in the reporting year. Points reported
should represent either the center of mining activity or a central point within the predominant mined area. Latitudes and longitudes may change from year to
year to reflect the progress of mining.

Degrees Minutes Seconds


Minutes Seconds

(2) Datum Please identify the method and datum that was used in determining the latitude and longitude locations. (Please check the boxes that apply.)
(a). Method used to determine latitude and longitude

9 (i) Maps on Us (Website: www.mapsonus.com)
9 (vi) Unknown
9 (ii) U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Map Service (Website: www.census.gov)
9 (iii) Global Positioning System (GPS)
9 (iv) U.S. Geological Survey MapFinder (Website: www.usgs.gov)
9 (v) Other _______________________________________________
(b). If method is (iii), (iv), or (v) then indicate datum:

9 (i) NAD27 (North American Datum 1927)
9 (iii) WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984)

9 (ii) NAD83 (North American Datum 1983)
9 (iv) Other __________________________

9 (v) Unknown

II. Productive Capacity
Annual Productive Capacity Report the maximum amount of coal that your mining operation could have produced
during the year with the existing mining equipment in place, assuming that the labor and materials sufficient to utilize
the equipment were available, and that the market existed for the maximum coal production.
III. Coal Beds Mined
A. Coal Bed(s) Mined Report the coal bed name, average thickness, percentage of mined coal, and coal rank for each bed mined in the reporting year.
Please exclude partings of 1 inch or thicker from reported average coal bed thicknesses.
Note: Coal mined from the same bed should usually be reported on one line. An exception is made if the same bed was mined in different pits or sections and if
average thicknesses in those locations differ by 20% or more. If so, please report separately the average thickness, percentage, and rank of the coal bed in the
different mining locations. See instructions section G. for Classification Codes. If more space is needed, please use page 4.
Note: Coal production percentage by coal bed (Column 3) should add up to 100.
For EIA Use

(1) Name of Coal Bed

(2) Average Thickness

(3) Percentage of
Production (%)

(4) Coal Classification Code

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(March 2005)

(Mine Only) - Page 3

IV. Recoverable Reserves

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report

Recoverable Reserves - Enter the tonnage representing remaining coal reserves at this mine at the end of the
reporting year that you estimate can be recovered (mined) in the future. Exclude coal left in place after mining.
Report to the level of accuracy known, assuming today’s prices and equipment currently owned and operable.
Note: If your recoverable reserves quantity increased or decreased more than 40% from last year’s
response, please explain in the remarks section.


Recovery Percentage - Enter the recovery rate used to estimate reserves at this mine. Report mining
recovery rate to the nearest whole percent. Note: Minable coal tonnage times mining recovery rate should
equal recoverable coal reserves.

V. Dispositions of Coal During the Reporting Calendar Year
This section requests information on sales and transfers of the coal produced at this mine, and on the amount of coal consumed to operate this mine or preparation plant. For
purposes of this section, a sale of coal to a party unrelated to the seller in an arm’s-length transaction is considered Open Market. All other sales or transfers of coal are
considered Captive Market. The information reported in this section should reflect the condition of the coal as of its disposition. For Open Market sales, please calculate Total
Revenue using the actual FOB Rail/Barge sales prices on a first-sale basis. For Captive Market sales or transfers, please calculate Total Value using the actual accounting
values recorded by your company for this coal.

Total Revenue/Value

A. Open Market sales of coal to all buyers (e.g., other coal mining companies, wholesale or retail coal
dealers or brokers, employees, and all consumers).
B. Captive Market sales of coal to, or transfers of coal for the use of, the parent company or another
subsidiary of the parent company.
C. Coal Consumed To Operate This Mine. (Please exclude coal consumed to generate electricity that is
sold to the grid.)
D. Beginning Coal Stocks. Please report the amount of coal stocks held at this mine at the beginning of
the reporting year. Include adjustments. Do not include pit inventory in coal stocks. Coal stocks are

defined to be coal that has been mined and stored awaiting shipment or transfer to a user. Pit
inventory is coal in place which has been surveyed or prepared for mining.
E. Ending Coal Stocks. Please report the amount of coal stocks held at this mine at the end of the
reporting year. Do not include pit inventory in coal stocks. Follow definitions in D above.
F. Total Disposition of Coal During the Reporting Calendar Year.
Total disposition = A + B + C + (E – D), quantities as above.

Remarks (Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.)

Point of Contact:


Telephone Number


Fax Number


E-Mail Address

Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person who knowingly and willingly makes to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or
fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A
(March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report
(Mine Only) - Page 4

For EIA Use

(1) Name of Coal Bed

(2) Average

(3) Percentage of

(4) Coal Classification Code

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report
(Co-located Mine and Preparation Plant/Tipple) - Page 1

This report is mandatory under Public Law 93-275. Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other
sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the sanction provision
and the provisions concerning the confidentiality of information in the Instructions.
Please read the instructions provided before completing this form.

(Please make any corrections to the mailing label in the area provided at the right and return the completed form in the business reply envelope provided)

GENERAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Form EIA-7A must be submitted by all coal mining operations that produced and/or processed 10,000 or more short tons
of coal and/or worked 5,000 hours or more during the reporting year. A separate Form EIA-7A must be submitted for each Mine Safety and Health Administration

I. Identification The shaded areas in this section are reserved for preprinted information. Please make any corrections to the information shown in these areas by
drawing a line through the incorrect information and entering the changes in the space provided at the right.

A. Name and Location of Mining Operation
Mining Operation Name:
Location (County):
Location (State):

B. Name and Address of Operating Company
Company Name:
City, State, Zip:
C. Operating Company Point of Contact The operating company representative who can answer questions regarding the information provided on this form.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):
E. Type of Company Operating this Mining Operation Check one. (See instructions for definitions of company types).
1. Independent Producer Operator
2. Operating Subsidiary
3. Contractor
If you checked Box 1 in Section D above, please skip to Section G. If you checked Box 2, please complete Sections E and F with information about your
Parent Company. If you checked Box 3, please complete Sections E and F with information about the Contractee for which you are providing services at
this mining operation. If there is more than one Parent Company or Contractee, please provide the additional information for Sections E and F on a
separate sheet of paper.
E. Parent Company or Contractee Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee.
Name of Parent/Contractee:
City, State, Zip:
F. Parent Company/Contractee Point of Contact Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee contact person.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):

Coal Production Report

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

(Co-located Mine and Preparation Plant/Tipple) - Page 2

G. Kind of Mining Operation (check the boxes that apply.)
(1) Underground Mine
(a) Type
(b) Percent of Production by Method

(2) Surface Mine

(3) Other Facilities



% Continuous



% Conventional

a. Contour (Strip), Area, Open Pit,

a. Preparation Plant



% Longwall

b. Auger, Highwall Miner, or Punch

c. Loading Dock

% Shortwall

c. Silt, Culm, Refuse Bank, Slurry Dam,


or Mountaintop Removal

% Other

b. Tipple

Train Loadout

or Dredge

H. Status Change Did the mining operation name and/or mine owner/operator change during the year?




If Yes, give date of change and, as applicable, new name of mine and/or name and address of new owner/operator.
New Name of Mining Operation

Name of New Owner/Operator

Address of New Owner/Operator (Street)




(Zip Code)

I. Union Identification Check the box that applies for this mining operation and identify the union if applicable.
Is this mining operation unionized?
If Yes, enter union name: ________________________________________________________________________________
J. Mining Location
(1) Latitude and Longitude Please enter the latitude and longitude that best defines the predominant area of mining in the reporting year. Points reported
should represent either the center of mining activity or a central point within the predominant mined area. Latitudes and longitudes may change from year to
year to reflect the progress of mining.

Degrees Minutes Seconds


Minutes Seconds

(2) Datum Please identify the method and datum that was used in determining the latitude and longitude locations. (Please check the boxes that apply.)
(a). Method used to determine latitude and longitude

9 (i) Maps on Us (Website: www.mapsonus.com)
9 (vi) Unknown
9 (ii) U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Map Service (Website: www.census.gov)
9 (iii) Global Positioning System (GPS)
9 (iv) U.S. Geological Survey MapFinder (Website: www.usgs.gov)
9 (v) Other _______________________________________________
(b). If method is (iii), (iv), or (v) then indicate datum:

9 (i) NAD27 (North American Datum 1927)
9 (iii) WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984)

9 (ii) NAD83 (North American Datum 1983)
9 (iv) Other __________________________


(v) Unknown

II. Productive Capacity
Annual Productive Capacity Report the maximum amount of coal that your mining operation could have produced
during the year with the existing mining equipment in place, assuming that the labor and materials sufficient to utilize
the equipment were available, and that the market existed for the maximum coal production.
III. Coal Beds Mined
A. Coal Bed(s) Mined Report the coal bed name, average thickness, percentage of mined coal, and coal rank for each bed mined in the reporting year.
Please exclude partings of 1 inch or thicker from reported average coal bed thicknesses.
Note: Coal mined from the same bed should usually be reported on one line. An exception is made if the same bed was mined in different pits or sections and if
average thicknesses in those locations differ by 20% or more. If so, please report separately the average thickness, percentage, and rank of the coal bed in the
different mining locations. See instructions section G. for Classification Codes. If more space is needed, please use page 4.
Note: Coal production percentage by coal bed (Column 3) should add up to 100.
For EIA Use

(1) Name of Coal Bed

(2) Average Thickness

(3) Percentage of
Production (%)

(4) Coal Classification Code

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Coal Production Report
(Co-located Mine and Preparation Plant/Tipple) - Page 3

IV. Recoverable Reserves

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour


Recoverable Reserves - Enter the tonnage representing remaining coal reserves at this mine at the end of the
reporting year that you estimate can be recovered (mined) in the future. Exclude coal left in place after mining.
Report to the level of accuracy known, assuming today’s prices and equipment currently owned and operable.
Note: If your recoverable reserves quantity increased or decreased more than 40% from last year s
response, please explain in the remarks section.


Recovery Percentage - Enter the recovery rate used to estimate reserves at this mine. Report mining
recovery rate to the nearest whole percent. Note: Minable coal tonnage times mining recovery rate should
equal recoverable coal reserves.

V. Dispositions of Coal During the Reporting Calendar Year
This section requests information on sales and transfers of the coal produced at this mine, and on the amount of coal consumed to operate this mine or preparation plant. For
purposes of this section, a sale of coal to a party unrelated to the seller in an arm’s-length transaction is considered Open Market. All other sales or transfers of coal are
considered Captive Market. The information reported in this section should reflect the condition of the coal as of its disposition. For Open Market sales, please calculate Total
Revenue using the actual FOB Rail/Barge sales prices on a first-sale basis. For Captive Market sales or transfers, please calculate Total Value using the actual accounting
values recorded by your company for this coal.
Quantity (Short Tons)

Total Revenue/Value (Dollars)

A. Open Market sales of coal to all buyers (e.g., other coal mining companies, wholesale or retail coal
dealers or brokers, employees, and all consumers).
B. Captive Market sales of coal to, or transfers of coal for the use of, the parent company or another
subsidiary of the parent company.
C. Coal Consumed To Operate This Mine. (Please exclude coal consumed to generate electricity that is
sold to the grid.)
D. Beginning Coal Stocks. Please report the amount of coal stocks held at this site (mine and prep plant
or tipple) at the beginning of the reporting year. Include adjustments. Do not include pit inventory in coal
stocks. Coal stocks are defined to be coal that has been mined and stored awaiting shipment or transfer to
a user. Pit inventory is coal in place which has been surveyed or prepared for mining.
E. Ending Coal Stocks. Please report the amount of coal stocks held at this site (mine and prep plant or
tipple) at the end of the reporting year. Do not include pit inventory in coal stocks. Follow definitions in
D above.
F. Total Disposition of Coal During the Reporting Calendar Year.
Total disposition = A + B + C + (E – D), quantities as above.

VI. Coal Preparation
Please complete blocks 1 and 2 only if this mining operation includes a preparation plant or tipple which crushes, screens, or mechanically cleans coal.

1. Percentage of coal prepared which originated from underground mines
2. Percentage of coal prepared which originated from surface mines.



Remarks (Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.)

Point of Contact


Telephone Number


Fax Number


E-Mail Address

Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person who knowingly and willingly makes to any Agency or Department of the United States any
false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report
(Co-located Mine and Preparation Plant/Tipple) - Page 4

For EIA Use

(1) Name of Coal Bed

(2) Average

(3) Percentage of

(4) Coal Classification Code

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 Hour

Coal Production Report
(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities) - Page 1

This report is mandatory under Public Law 93-275. Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other
sanctions as provided by law. For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the sanction provision
and the provisions concerning the confidentiality of information in the Instructions.
Please read the instructions provided before completing this form.

(Please make any corrections to the mailing label in the area provided at the right and return the completed form in the business reply envelope provided)

GENERAL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Form EIA-7A must be submitted by all preparation plants or other facilities that worked 5,000 or more labor hours during
the reporting year. A separate Form EIA-7A must be submitted for each Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) ID.

I. Identification The shaded areas in this section are reserved for preprinted information. Please make any corrections to the information shown in these areas by
drawing a line through the incorrect information and entering the changes in the space provided at the right.
A. Name and Location of Mining Operation
Mining Operation Name:
Location (County):
Location (State):

B. Name and Address of Operating Company
Company Name:
City, State, Zip:
C. Operating Company Point of Contact The operating company representative who can answer questions regarding the information provided on this form.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):
F. Type of Company Operating this Mining Operation Check one. (See instructions for definitions of company types).
1. Independent Producer Operator
2. Operating Subsidiary
3. Contractor
If you checked Box 1 in Section D above, please skip to Section G. If you checked Box 2, please complete Sections E and F with information about your
Parent Company. If you checked Box 3, please complete Sections E and F with information about the Contractee for which you are providing services at
this mining operation. If there is more than one Parent Company or Contractee, please provide the additional information for Sections E and F on a
separate sheet of paper.
E. Parent Company or Contractee Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee.
Name of Parent/Contractee:
City, State, Zip:
F. Parent Company/Contractee Point of Contact Provide the following information about your Parent Company or Contractee contact person.
Name, Title:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No. (Area Code):
Fax No. (Area Code):

U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-7A (March 2005)

Coal Production Report

Form Approved
OMB No. 1905-0167
Expires: 03/31/2008
Burden: 1 hour

(Preparation Plant or Other Facilities) - Page 2


Kind of Mining Operation
(1) Other Facilities
Preparation Plant
Loading Dock
Train Loadout

H. Status Change Did the mining operation name and/or mine owner/operator change during the year?



If Yes, give date of change and, as applicable, new name of mine and/or name and address of new owner/operator.
New Name of Mining Operation

Name of New Owner/Operator

Address of New Owner/Operator (Street)




(Zip Code)

I. Union Identification Check the box that applies for this mining operation and identify the union if applicable.
Is this mining operation unionized?
If Yes, enter union name: ________________________________________________________________________________
J. Facility Location
(1). Latitude and Longitude Please enter the latitude and longitude that best defines the predominant area of this facility.


Minutes Seconds


Minutes Seconds

(2) Datum Please identify the method and datum that was used in determining the latitude and longitude locations. (Please check the boxes that apply.)
(a). Method used to determine latitude and longitude
(vi) Unknown
(i) Maps on Us (Website: www.mapsonus.com)
(ii) U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Map Service (Website: www.census.gov)
(iii) Global Positioning System (GPS)
(iv) U.S. Geological Survey MapFinder (Website: www.usgs.gov)
(v) Other _______________________________________________
(b). If method is (iii), (iv), or (v) then indicate datum:
(i) NAD27 (North American Datum 1927)
(ii) NAD83 (North American Datum 1983)
(iii) WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984)
(iv) Other _______________________________________________

(v) Unknown

II. Annual Productive Capacity
Annual Productive Capacity B Report the maximum amount of coal that your facility operation could have processed,
loaded or bagged during the year with the existing mining equipment in place, assuming that the labor and materials
sufficient to utilize the equipment were available.
III. Dispositions of Coal During the Reporting Calendar Year
This section requests information on the amount of coal consumed to operate this preparation plant.
IV. Coal Consumed To Operate This Facility. (Please exclude coal consumed to generate electricity that
is sold to the grid.)
V. Coal Preparation Complete blocks 1 and 2 only if this mining operation includes a preparation plant or tipple which crushes, screens, or mechanically cleans coal.
1. Percentage of coal prepared which originated from underground mines
2. Percentage of coal prepared which originated from surface mines.


Remarks (Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.)

Point of Contact:


Telephone Number


Fax Number


E-Mail Address

Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person who knowingly and willingly makes to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or
fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-01-31
File Created2007-01-31

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