Consumer Response Government and Congressional Portal Boarding Forms

OMB 3170-0057

OMB 3170-0057

Section 1013(b)(3)(A) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act or Act) requires the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (“the Bureau”) to facilitate the coordinated collection, monitoring, and response to consumer complaints regarding certain financial products and services. The Consumer Financial Protection Act further provides for consumer complaint information sharing between the Bureau and State and Federal agencies (“Agencies”) and for consumer complaint sharing and reporting to Congress. To fulfill these mandates, the Bureau has developed separate portals for Agencies and Congressional users as part of its secure web portal offerings (the “Government Portal” and the “Congressional Portal,” respectively). Through the Government Portal, Agencies can view consumer-submitted complaint data in a user-friendly format that allows easy identification of complaints currently active in the Bureau process, complaints referred to a prudential federal regulator, and other closed/archived complaints. This portal includes features for Agencies to export selected complaint data and search by company, consumer name, consumer financial product and more. This portal also allows Agencies to identify whether a named company has responded to a complaint and view the company closure response category. The Congressional Portal has some of the same capabilities as the Government Portal and provides members of Congress and authorized congressional office staff with the ability to view consumer complaints they submit on behalf of their constituents with the consumer’s express written authorization for the release of their personal information. The Congressional Portal only displays information about complaints submitted by the individual congressional office.

The latest form for Consumer Response Government and Congressional Portal Boarding Forms expires 2022-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Government Boarding Form

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Financial Sector Oversight

Form NABOARDING FORM: CFPB Government PortalFillable FileableForm and instruction

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