DOE/NRC Form 740M, Concise Note, and NUREG/BR-0006, Revision 9, Instructions for Completing Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE/NRC Forms 741 and 740M)

OMB 3150-0057

OMB 3150-0057

Licensees affected by Part 75 and related sections of Parts 40, 50, 70, and 150 are required to submit DOE/NRC Form 740M to inform the U.S. or the IAEA of any qualifying statement or exception to any of the data contained in any of the other reporting forms required under the U.S. - IAEA Safeguards Agreement. The use of Form 740M enables the NRC to collect, retrieve, analyze, and submit the data to IAEA to fulfill its reporting responsibilities. The collection is being revised to include the approximate 25 additional licensees required to report pursuant to the U.S.-IAEA Caribbean Territories Safeguards Agreement, INFCIRC/366.

The latest form for DOE/NRC Form 740M, Concise Note, and NUREG/BR-0006, Revision 9, Instructions for Completing Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (DOE/NRC Forms 741 and 740M) expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.

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