Reimbursement of Qualifying Adoption Expenses for Certain Veterans, VA Form 10-10152

OMB 2900-0860

OMB 2900-0860

Section 260 of the Continuing Appropriations and Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017, and Zika Response and Preparedness Act (Public Law 114-223) states that VA may use appropriated funds available to VA for the Medical Services account to provide, among other things, reimbursement of adoption expenses to a covered Veteran. “Covered Veteran” means a Veteran who has a service-connected disability that results in the inability of the Veteran to procreate without the use of fertility treatment. The term “adoption reimbursement” is defined at P. Law 114-223 section 260(a)(4) to mean reimbursement for the adoption-related expenses for an adoption that is finalized after the date of the enactment of the Act under the same terms as apply under the adoption reimbursement program of the Department of Defense, as authorized in Department of Defense Instruction 1341.09, including the reimbursement limits and requirements set forth in such instruction. This law was enacted on September 29, 2016, and funding for the program is authorized through September 30, 2018. VA’s authority to provide reimbursement of qualifying adoption expenses to the same cohort described in P. Law 114-223 section 260 was subsequently renewed and extended in nearly identical form in section 236 of Division J, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141 (March 23, 2018) (the “2018 Act”). Under this most recent authority, VA’s adoption expense reimbursement program remains subject to the funding period covered by the 2018 Act and the availability of appropriations. To implement this benefit, VA has developed VA Form 10-10152, paralleling DD 2675, which requires any Veteran requesting reimbursement of qualifying adoption expenses to submit the same types of evidence as required under the DoD policy, as mandated by P. Law 114-223 section 260. VA Form 10-10152 was previously approved by OMB through the PRA clearance process, and VA now seeks an extension of that approval of this information collection.

The latest form for Reimbursement of Qualifying Adoption Expenses for Certain Veterans, VA Form 10-10152 expires 2023-03-31 and can be found here.

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