Surveys of Recipients and Providers of Technical Assistance (TA) and Training

OMB 2528-0325

OMB 2528-0325

Congress has provided the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with funding to provide technical assistance (TA) and training to HUD customers, including Public Housing Authorities and Continuums of Care. The surveys in this collection of information are necessary to systematically gather user feedback and outcomes data to evaluate and improve HUD’s deployment and management of its technical assistance resources. This information has been requested by both the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congressional Appropriations Committee staff. Technical assistance and training outcomes measurement and evaluation are authorized under Sec. 501 of Title V of the HUD Act of 1970. The surveys are voluntary on the part of respondents.

The latest form for Surveys of Recipients and Providers of Technical Assistance (TA) and Training expires 2023-10-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Survey of Community Development Marketplace Project Inventory and Recipients and Providers of HUD Technical Assistance and Training

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Business and Industry Development

Form OMB XXXXTA Provider VersionFillable PrintableForm
Form OMB xxxxTA Recipient VersionFillable PrintableForm
Form OMB XXXXHUD Staff-Led TA Survey Form Fillable Fileable SignableForm and instruction
Form OMB XXXXOnline Training Version HUD Training SurveyFillable PrintableForm and instruction
Form OMB XXXXSurvey for Community Development Marketplace Project InventoryFillable PrintableForm and instruction
Form OMB XXXXIn-person Training Version HUD Training SurveyFillable PrintableForm and instruction
Form OMB XXXXHUD Direct TA Survey_ TA Provider VersionFillable PrintableForm and instruction
Form OMB xxxxHUD Direct TA Survey TA Recipient VersionFillable PrintableForm and instruction

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