Clean Fuels Grant Program

OMB 2132-0573

OMB 2132-0573

The information collection request is for an extension of a currently approved information collection (IC) under OMB control number 2132-0573 “Clean Fuels Grant Program”. The Clean Fuels Grant Program provided federal funding to transit agencies for the purchase or lease of clean fuel, biodiesel, hybrid electric and zero emissions buses. Under this program, funding could also be used for the construction of clean fuel bus facilities or electrical charging and recharging facilities and equipment. The Clean Fuels Grant program was repealed by Congress under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act. This is a mandatory collection of information as FTA must continue to collect information under the program management stage until the period of availability expires; the funds are fully expended; the funds are rescinded by Congress; or the funds are otherwise reallocated. Since being repealed, the number of respondents affected by this IC will continue to decrease until all funds are expired. Once there are no more open grants, this IC will be discontinued. There are currently 17 transit agencies across the country that still have open grants that require reporting requirements under the program management stage. The reports required under this program are submitted on a quarterly and semi-annual basis. The reports are submitted to the program manager and contain financial and project updates regarding the purchase of lease of clean fuel vehicles and facilities.

The latest form for Clean Fuels Grant Program expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.

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