Section 213 of Public Law 115-254 FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 establishes an Expert Review Panel representing ODA Holders, aviation manufacturers, safety experts, and FAA labor organizations, including FAA aviation safety inspectors and aviation safety engineers. The law tasks the panel with designing, conducting, and analyzing results of the requested survey to, “submit to the [FAA] Administrator, the [Safety and Oversight] Advisory Committee [defined in Section 202 of the Reauthorization Act], and the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the findings and recommendations of the Panel.” The report provided to Congress will be practically utilized as it will undoubtedly inform future ODA policy, and influence how ODA oversight is administered by the FAA. The survey collection will be voluntary, advertised to the entire ODA Holder and applicant community (ODA being defined in section 44736 of title 49, United States Code), and will not require records to be retained by ODA entities. The collection is anticipated to be a one-time collection. The survey results will be summarized in a report to the Advisory Committee providing recommendations regarding FAA ODA certification and oversight activities, including use of the ODA program and timeliness and efficiency of the certification process. The report will be submitted as an Advisory Committee record and retained as a permanent record available to the public. Raw survey data will not be disseminated to the public, but will be retained along with historical records of the Expert Panel. Since the ODA entities represent organizations, and not individuals, we will not be asking questions about race or ethnicity.
The latest form for FAA Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Survey expires 2023-12-31 and can be found here.
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Form and Instruction |
Supporting Statement A |
Supporting Statement B |