The Responsible Appliance Disposal program (RAD) is a voluntary partnership program sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that encourages partners to reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and their alternatives that can be attributed to improper disposal of appliances. Appliances may contain ozone-depleting refrigerants and foams as well as universal wastes such as mercury, used oil, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Federal law requires refrigerant recovery and proper management of universal waste but does not require the recovery of appliance foam. The RAD program works with utilities, retailers, manufacturers, state affiliates, and others to dispose of appliances using best environmental practices. To encourage reductions in emissions associated with appliance disposal in the United States, the EPA launched the RAD program. The RAD program supports Section 608 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and is an important component of the EPAs mission to protect the ozone layer by reducing emissions of ODS. RAD program partners reduce emissions of ODS and realize other benefits through recovery and destruction/reclamation of refrigerants and foam blowing agentsthe latter of which is not covered under existing Federal regulationsand by ensuring that all other hazardous and recyclable materials are handled using best environmental practices. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are avoided through recovery of both ODS and many non-ODS foam blowing agents not covered under existing regulations. Additionally, through the RAD program, the EPA is partnering with utilities, retailers, manufacturers, state agencies, and others to promote the retirement of old appliances and permanently remove energy inefficient units from the electricity grid, providing energy savings to consumers. Participation in the program begins with completion of a mutually agreed upon Partnership Agreement that outlines mutual responsibilities for participation in RAD program. By voluntarily joining the program, a partner agrees to complete an annual reporting form identifying the number and types of appliances handled and the fates of their individual components. The electronic reporting form automatically generates feedback for the user on the results of their participation in terms of emissions avoided, quantity of used oil/PCBs/mercury destroyed or recycled, energy savings achieved, and consumer savings realized. An annual report provides partners with information on their progress towards achieving emissions reductions and information about developments in the latest recycling technologies and practices. Through recognition of partner efforts, and the programs promotion of recycling best practices through webinars, web updates, fact sheets, and presentations, non-partners become aware of recycling best practices and can evaluate what best practices could work for them. The RAD program largely serves to disseminate information on recycling best practices and creates a platform for information sharing on recycling and waste management practices. The data collected are used as an indicator of whether industry is reducing emissions from end-of-life appliances.
The latest form for Responsible Appliance Disposal Program expires 2024-01-31 and can be found here.
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