Air Stationary Source Compliance and Enforcement Information Reporting (Renewal)

OMB 2060-0096

OMB 2060-0096

Air Stationary Source Compliance and Enforcement Information Reporting is an activity whereby State, Local, Native American, Territorial and Commonwealth governments (hereafter referred to as "delegated agencies") report air stationary source compliance and enforcement information to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA or the Agency) on a regular basis. The information is provided to the EPA via input to the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). ICIS contains compliance and enforcement information on thousands of facilities regulated under numerous federal statutes including the Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) program. The modules within ICIS that are used to report air related data are collectively referred to as ICIS-Air. Agencies receive delegation of the Clean Air Act (CAA) through regulated grant authorities, and report compliance/enforcement activities undertaken at stationary sources pursuant to the minimum data requirements as outlined in this ICR. The majority of delegated agencies maintain their own data system and extract data from it and report it to ICIS-Air using either electronic data transfer (EDT) or manually (direct entry). A small number of delegated agencies use ICIS-Air exclusively, since they have no internal air compliance and enforcement database. The information provided to the EPA includes source information, compliance monitoring activities, violation determinations, and enforcement activities. The EPA uses this information to assess the health of the compliance and enforcement program established under the CAA. The EPA also uses ICIS-Air to record comparable federal activities.

The latest form for Air Stationary Source Compliance and Enforcement Information Reporting (Renewal) expires 2023-02-28 and can be found here.

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