The FERC-65, FERC-65A and FERC-65B collections tell the Commission which entities (within holding company systems) are within Commission jurisdiction. Those entities meeting the definition of a holding company found in 18 CFR 366.1 submit the FERC-65. The Commission collects the following information in the FERC-65: the identity of the holding company and of the public utilities/natural gas companies in the holding company system, the identity of service companies, including special-purpose subsidiaries providing non-power goods and services, and the identity of all affiliates and subsidiaries as well as their corporate relationship to each other. The Commission needs the information in the FERC-65 to have assurance that the actions of all jurisdictional entities within holding company systems would receive the required regulatory oversight. The Commission uses the information from the FERC-65 to track changes in the corporate identities of public utility and natural gas companies as well as the organizational structure of business unit constituents in current and new holding company systems. The Commission needs this information to discern whether the reported businesses fall within its jurisdiction. Moreover, the information can provide context and background information to the Commission in its electric market-based rates work and as it analyzes and addresses other corporate activity issues. Information from the FERC-65A and FERC-65B sets forth the reasons companies may be exempt from PUHCA 2005 or eligible for a waiver of the related FERC regulations. The information filed in the FERC-65A would be needed to support the company's position that they qualify for PUHCA 2005. The exemption applies to those who belong to one or more of the types of entities, persons or classes of transactions which 18 CFR 366.3 specifies as exempt. The exemptions benefit many small entities. The burden on small entities would be significant without the exemption option. The FERC-65B is submitted by those entities requesting a waiver from the PUHCA 2005 Section 1264 requirements. The Commission has allowed waivers of these requirements for any holding company if they fit into one or more of the following groups: (1) single-state holding company systems; (2) holding companies that own generating facilities that total 100 MW or less in size and are used fundamentally for their own load or for sales to affiliated end-users; and (3) investors in independent, transmission-only companies. [The last clearance cycle, FERC merged FERC-65A (formerly OMB 1902-0216) and FERC-65B (currently OMB 1902-0217) requirements into the FERC-65 (OMB control number 1902-0218). OMB approved that move.]
The latest form for FERC-65 (Notice of Holding Company Status), FERC-65A (Exemption Notification of Holding Company Status), and FERC-65B (Waiver Notification of Holding Company Status) expires 2021-07-31 and can be found here.
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